

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,807 Member
    Morning friends~
    well slept well last night and a long day at work yesterday sorry I didnt check in..
    Glo~ he gets up at 2 am daily to get ready for work.one of our dogs goes nuts for baby carrots hence the veggie drawer ,so thats what started it all.. I let him yap and went back to bed, he got over quick enough..
    working 1-6 today and ..and have to call and get my appointment for colonoscopy..have a physical on the 28th of july.....
    Becca and Joyce~ I keep you both daily in my prayers as caregivers remember to take time for you too..
    My dad will be going with my brother and sil up to new hampshire for the weekend, I will be going over to take care of Faith for the weekend starting tomorrow, but will still be able to come down here in the mornings to get stuff done at least friday and monday... no caregiver on sat and sunday and have to wake Faith early to give her insulin and meds and breakfast and make ehr lunch ,as I wont be able to get back there until after noon
  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,836 Member
    Good morning all! It is a rainy Wednesday morning here in West Michigan. It has been raining off and on for more than a week. Not complaining, we needed the rain. Sure puts a damper on my exercise time, though. I wish I had the determination and drive to exercise to a dvd or program, but I know I am not going to be able to motivate myself to stick to it. I need the outdoors to keep me motivated. Maybe it is because I work all day in my home/yard...
    Three more days until I am on vacation. Not really going anywhere, just a break from the daily grind. My dh turns 50 in a couple of days and he doesn't like birthdays (he feels old), so no party planned for him. BUT...I am kidnapping him and driving him down to South Bend/Notre Dame campus. His favorite place and he hasn't been there in a year due to the fact that our daughter has graduated and is no longer there. He says it would be too painful to be there, because he misses her so much. I have told him that we need to make new memories on campus. But I have arranged for my dd and her husband to meet us on campus. Our two sons are driving down together and will meet us on campus, also. We are bringing a picnic and birthday cake and balloons. It's not much, but I think it is how he would like his birthday to be. I have already told him that I want a party for my 50th! I love life and I for the most part, I love me and where I am in life. I will celebrate every day that is given to me! But, that one day, my birthday, I want music, friends, dancing, laughing etc.
    I have a walk planned with the kiddos this morning, so I hope the rain lets up. Perhaps it will be a "worm walk". We like finding the earthworms!
    Have a great day ladies. Love and hugs to you all <3
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    Laoighse and Kelly Very pretty name! Mom and I went to England and Wales about 15 years ago and would lurk in the entryways to stores listening to the lovely Welsh language which would quickly change to English as soon as the locals spotted us. I miss my mom. Today is her birthday. She would have been 92. She died not long after our trip to England and Wales. She loved England and adored Dylan Thomas, so we crossed that one more thing off her bucket list before she died. <3
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,982 Member
    exermom wrote: »

    barbie - about calling everyone, can you make a "phone tree"? Then you'd only have to call a few people and they can relay the info to others.

    :) There are fewer than ten people on the list so I'm going to send a group text....I hate making phone calls only a little bit less than I hate driving in Seattle.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,982 Member
    Gloworm46 wrote: »
    Barbie I don't mind driving with or without others, in traffic or not. I would love to do your driving for you in Seattle and I'm only about an hour from there. I have friends I could visit while there or hangout at Pike's Place Market. I picked up family from Seatac once and drove them up to Anacortes - they couldn't believe I would do that but I love driving. When my dad was still alive I used to drive back and forth to CA by myself a lot. I kinda miss those days. I'd still make the drive today but at a slower pace. Bet there are roses I never stopped to smell! <3

    Gloria in Spring rainy WA

    :)Gloria, you are so sweet to offer to drive. According to MapQuest, it's less than two miles from the hospital to I-5, then 12 miles on I-5 to the exit to the ferry. After that, it's country driving. I can do it, I just don't want to. I have to consider that I'm stressing myself out about the drive so I don't have to think about the surgery.

    <3 Barbie

  • ljdw99
    ljdw99 Posts: 360 Member
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    SSC1958 wrote: »
    Good morning friends,

    Today I'm celebrating 2 years smoke-free. I never thought I'd be able to say that. :blush:

    Hope everyone has a wonderful, successful day.

    Carey-N Alberta

    Great success, good for you. Big (((hugs)))

    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Personal Opinion - I think we see a lot of 'roving gangs' of mostly young teens and young men because they have no sense of family or purpose. Maybe a mandatory year or two in the service or some other type of community involvement would help them fit in and have a purpose. But, then, what do you do with those who don't have the mental capacity to allow themselves to be 'taken back to a point' where they can start over, where they can be 'built up' to think differently. You really need to get them when they are very young, before they are 'jumped into a gang'. What then? Mandatory ROTC in school? Good mentors or teachers? Boy Scouts or Girl Scouts? I don't think I have seen a 'scout' program since my boys were younger ... The worse thing we have going on is 'drugs' ... and the $$$ that can be made by the distribution of them ... and the havoc they wreak all along the way. Parents (and even grandparents), uncles, aunts, brothers, sisters, nieces, nephews all that 'worship' the 'high' they get when 'on drugs'. Then caring for their children becomes a burden. I've know women who lose their children to DFACS and are supposed to do certain thing while on probation to get them back; but, don't do it - they just don't care. Sad thing is, there are men and women (couples) out there who cannot get pregnant and would make good parents; while others seem to just 'pop them out' almost yearly and someone else is caring for them.

    In this regard; I ask that you keep my son and daughter-in-law when the try their only 'other' option which is in vitro fertilization, in an attempt to have a baby of their own. Have any of you gone through this procedure or had someone close who has?

  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
    barbiecat wrote: »
    :) There are fewer than ten people on the list so I'm going to send a group text....I hate making phone calls only a little bit less than I hate driving in Seattle.

    Barbie you are not alone! I was tested to my driving limits and beyond on our recent trip from Akron, Ohio to Chicago, IL and then from Chicago, IL to Akron, Ohio AND then from Akron, Ohio to Midlothian, VA over our recent trip. However, now that I have done the deed I am so proud of myself! And what did we do before texting and email. Both my preferred means of communication these days. You can do this! :)

    sunny NE oHIo
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,223 Member
    Holy cats! 98 responses! NO way to answer them all! Not much going on here today;, still hot with no end in sight. My tree seems to still be living; we got the borers treated then a fungicide applied because it also has a fungus going on. Good news; there is new growth on it! So let’s hope it makes it.

    I had labs drawn for menopause Monday. Dear God, there’s no end to that in sight either. However, the nurse thought the lab might have been drawn too close to my last depo shot (Feb) so we are re-doing the lab in August. TMI….but no period yet either. So maybe she’s right.

    NYKaren: I would abandon Philly well before all that chaos!

    Heather: sounds like you are having a wonderful trip. It’s always so nice to meet fellow mfp-ers! I have met several and it’s always fun.

    Lenora: sounds like you have a great attitude about your bipolar disorder and seizure disorder. Speaking of dogs, you know how many of them come running to the sound of the can opener? Mine comes running to the sound of pill bottles rattling!

    KAtla: love the proverb!

    Martha: welcome to the group!

    Vicki: what happened to your arm? Someone fill me in!

    KJLamore; I totally agree with you.

    Becca: sounds like hubby needs hugs? Sending them asap

    Joyce: glad to hear Charlie is doing better! He must have had his operation? I love the quickie remark!

    Tanya: welcome…are you new? I love KC! In fact next week we are going to Weston for a couple of days.

    Carol: we have a thundershirt and it does not work at all, but know several people who swear by them, so good luck! Sounds like the pooch needs some training with Ceasar Milan! I love that show! 

    Jchappe6: welcome to you too!

    Barbie: sorry to hear Jake needs surgery. You can set up a Caring Bridge site and direct everyone there for updates. OR put daily updates as your message on your phone and just don’t answer. That way everyone gets the information without exhausting you.

    Carey: congrats on that milestone!!!

    OK gals time to get to work! Take care, meg from omaha
  • Marcelynh
    Marcelynh Posts: 974 Member
    Bummer day. We were signed up for an all day dive trip to the West end of the island but my husband got a severe case of .... The runs. Can't be longer than 30 minutes away from a toilet, if that long. No bathrooms on the dive boats so this all day trip is a no go. I mean peeing in the ocean is one thing but the other? No way. Sorry, TMI. We stayed behind and will get in some shore diving. Go check out a wreck nearby etc if he gets any better. If not I'm hitting the hammock and reading and sleeping the day away. Just can't eat like I'm diving! I burn about 1800 calories a day diving so it allows me to eat like a horse. If I don't eat those calories I freeze on the next day's dives. It takes a lot to maintain body temperature even in warmer water. The water is about 85*. Warm but not after four hours of it!

    Marcelyn diving in The Caribbean.
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,358 Member
    Dawn - super family pics. Awwwww for the sleeping baby!

    Carey - many congrats!

    Marcelyn- your diving holiday sounds amazing. I have only done it once, in Egypt. Loved it.

    Got to go. Chocolate Tea awaits.


  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    edited June 2016
    Have a good day today. I wrote a post yesterday and didn't get it posted, and now it doesn't make sense any more. Good wishes to all. :flowerforyou:

    Katla in overcast NW Oregon
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,715 Member
    Morning peeps-