Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • a0knyc
    a0knyc Posts: 1 Member
    Hi all,

    I hope I can join in. I am over 250 lbs overweight but really just looking to drop 100 so I can TTC and have a safe pregnancy. I have PCOS and thyroid issues I'm working on addressing as well. I had lapband surgery 12 years ago that didn't really do much for me. It only made me bulimic so it's challenging to eat things that I can digest easily. I hope this thread can add support and motivation to my journey.

  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    Hi all,

    I hope I can join in. I am over 250 lbs overweight but really just looking to drop 100 so I can TTC and have a safe pregnancy. I have PCOS and thyroid issues I'm working on addressing as well. I had lapband surgery 12 years ago that didn't really do much for me. It only made me bulimic so it's challenging to eat things that I can digest easily. I hope this thread can add support and motivation to my journey.


    Hello @mermaidtiamat ... you have already joined. Come back as often as you'd like.
    I 'hear' you on the PCOS item ... I had it and it kept me from being able to become pregnant, and I was extremely hairy (thank goodness my hair was blonde so it didn't show as much as dark hair would). Eventually I was treated with hormone therapy and that helped a lot, but by then I was already insulin resistant, now I'm Diabetic. However, that was no excuse for eating too much of the wrong kind of food ... that was all 'on me'.
    I am 100 pounds over weight. I have been fighting post partum depression and anxiety since my oldest was born in 2011. Then my youngest was born in 2012. I've not lost an ounce of pregnancy weight. I'm scared, tired, frustrated and embarrassed that I am this way. I need to change and the change I need is so overwhelming

    Hello @strawberrymom61910 ... Welcome and good luck on your weight loss journey. There is no better time to start than right now! While it is overwhelming when you think of the big picture, it becomes manageable when you break it down into small steps ... like on a ladder. First step is to get a good record of what and how much you are currently eating. Second step is starting to make changes to the food that you can live with for a long time. ... Step 2 can take a long, long time to accomplish, so don't rush it; just make changes as you go along. Step 3 goes hand in hand with Step 1 ... set small goals as you modify your lifestyle and eating habits to be healthier ones than what you did in the past. By the way, I love you MFP name cause I also have a Strawberry living with me, she's a red-head.

  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Hi everyone!!

    @strawberry & mermaid-- niki and wadwrich already gave some good advice, so I will just say welcome!!

    @jaded-- I would kill for a pool, but not for the work that comes along with maintaining it. My Dh and I are planning to retire to the Carribean, then we will have a pool, or better yet, live near the beach. :smile:

    @moodybear-- congrats on staying on course during your week in the field!

    @badnoodle-- Ah yes, no run or vodka for the kiddies. LOL

    Sunday Share:
    I will give the short bio since we have a lot of newlings lately. I'm karen, a HS English Lit teacher from Chicago. I live in the suburbs with my DH of almost 20 years and my 10 yo Boxer/Shepherd mix named gunner. I'm off for the summer, so trying to take off a 10 lb gain from this past school year. Then I'll be about 20 lbs to my goal of 165. I'm 5'7" and when I was at 185 (for 2 years prior to this recent gain), I was comfortably in a size 12, so I'm thinking 165 will get me to a size 8 which is my ultimate goal. I've never worn single digits!

    Plugging away at my summer chores. Weather permitting, I will spray the law for weeds tomorrow, and I also plan to get my car needs completed this week (#9 and then #3).

    Despite a slow start, it looks like I should make my fitness goals this month as well. Yay!

    General Goals:
    1. Change water filter on fridge
    2. Do something about weeds BOUGHT WEED BE GONE and ROUND UP
    3. Get car detailed
    4. Make doctor/dentist appointments
    5. Clean files of 2015 paperwork DONE
    6. File 2016 paperwork DONE
    7. Take winter coat to cleaners
    8. Find someone to repair shed
    9. Get oil changed on car

    Fitness Goals for the month of June:
    Visit gym of run outside minimum of 10 times 8/10
    Run at least 20/25 miles

    You vs Year Challenge:
    193 k done/ 807 k to go

    Exercise Goals:
    Sun-- walk gunner DONE + run outside DONE
    Mon-- walk gunner + yard work
    Tues-- walk gunner + gym
    Wed-- walk gunner + run outside
    Thurs-- walk gunner + mow lawn
    Fri-- walk gunner
    Sat-- walk gunner + gym
  • helenaroze
    helenaroze Posts: 2 Member
    I'm gonna do yesterday and today.

    Saturday success: I'm very proud of myself for consistently logging calories and doing some physical activity every day. DH and I have been doing aerobics every day together only about 15-20 minutes but i can really feel the difference. My sister and i took baby boy to the park for a walk today and we walked 2 miles and there was only one hill that made me slightly out of breath! If you had asked me to do that 2 weeks ago i couldn't have especially not pushing a stroller as well. Also there was no pain in my right ankle which usually occurs. I can also feel my energy rising!

    Sunday share: I'm Helena, I live in Houston. I've been married almost 2 years in October. I have an amazing little boy who is almost 6 months old. He's just the happiest little guy around. I should say big guy cuz he's in 18mo clothes. I have an awesome puppy dog named Deputy (he's almost 4). Because I am already way overweight I actually lost weight during my pregnancy and then lost more after ds was born then I gained some back because I am breastfeeding and that makes me so hungry all the time! Lol. I'm determined to lose weight though!
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    Monday - Check In (how are you doing? Had any successes or struggles this week-end?)

    I ended the week with a 1 pound loss. That upset me because I gained over a pound from yesterday's weight so I think the edema is returning. It was so satisfying to look at my feet and legs yesterday morning and not see any swelling, but it started to accumulate during the afternoon and evening. Don't know why, but suspect it could have been influenced by the sardines I had at dinner.

    Today is the first weigh-in on a new challenge I entered ... Overhaul for Fall. Even though my weight fluctuates widely I decided to enter it on the hopes that being in a group challenge will help me stay the course when I become frustrated and depressed over my perceived inability to drop more weight. I know sometimes I overeat or undereat 1000 calories from a standard American diet but that if I can be consitent in keeping it even at about 1600 calories that I am well fed and still lose weight (when I am not retaining fluids). So, that is my challenge .. be consistent from day to day.

    @Skinny... I hope you make that single digit clothing size this summer.
  • pinkstarberry
    pinkstarberry Posts: 79 Member
    Monday - Check In (how are you doing? Had any successes or struggles this week-end?)

    Happy Monday everyone! Week before last I saw no losses at all because I was on my period, but last week I saw quite a bit of loss so I'm very happy. I guess I get more bloated during my period than I thought! I'm trying to just take things one day at a time, making good choices one at a time, and hoping it'll all add up after a while. My next goal is 255 lbs, meaning I will no longer be considered morbidly obese. I'm trying to do at least a little bit of cardio (exercise bike or walking) everyday but it's been so hot here the past couple weeks that I get tired out pretty quickly. Even with the heat, I can tell I'm getting a little stronger and having more energy already.

    @skinny - You're doing so amazing! I'm also 5'7" but I'm pear-shaped with very big hips, thighs, and bum (and nothing up top! LOL) so at 160 I was still firmly in a size 12 pant. I'm very jealous of you so close to making single digits!! I really hope to be there someday as well, a size 8 would be a dream come true!
  • badnoodle
    badnoodle Posts: 216 Member
    Checking in for Monday.

    Behaved myself fairly well at the block party. Only had one s'more, but I could not stop nibbling on someone's fiesta corn salad and tortilla chips. And you know a potluck, you have to at least taste things for politeness' sake.

    Whitewater rafting was super, super fun. I was so worried about being too out of shape, but it was a breeze. My yoga-instructor coworker was stiff and sore afterwards, but I could have gone for hours. It was wet and cool and exciting to ride the turbulence. If you're ever near Pittsburgh in the spring or summer, I highly recommend it!

    That all being said, this week depressingly showed no change on the scale. I really, really want to hit onederland before I go back home in mid July, but things are not cooperating. I'm calling it sodium, since I've been forced to eat out, or to eat unfamiliar foods the past few days. Patience. Always patience.
  • LissBlisspgg
    LissBlisspgg Posts: 22 Member
    Hi all, I'm new, to mfp, this thread, and the need to lose 100lbs. I left an abusive marriage of 18 yrs last year and in search of comfort I ran to my longest standing best friend FOOD. And here I am, now 238lbs....ugh. I feel horrible, not because of how much I way, but because of how the extra weight makes me feel. I just went on a bike ride and barely made it 2 miles...2 yrs ago I was going 25-30 miles!! I've always packed a few extra pounds throughout my adult life being between 160-190 but I've never been this overweight. My goal weight is 138, so exactly 100lbs, I'm 5ft4 so I may want to lose a few extra pounds more than that, but I think when I reach that goal I can assess that better then. For now, I'm just focusing on losing the 45 pounds I gained this past year, and then getting down to a healthy weight. Thank you for allowing me to introduce myself and participate!!
  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
    I hate being fat in summer. That is all. :s
  • LissBlisspgg
    LissBlisspgg Posts: 22 Member
    I am 100 pounds over weight. I have been fighting post partum depression and anxiety since my oldest was born in 2011. Then my youngest was born in 2012. I've not lost an ounce of pregnancy weight. I'm scared, tired, frustrated and embarrassed that I am this way. I need to change and the change I need is so overwhelming

    I have a friend I go to when I'm feeling overwhelmed, and thus is often as I struggle with an anxiety disorder. And he simply helps me break it down into smaller tasks by asking me, what's the first thing you have to do in order to start? How long will that take? Would it be OK if that's all you got done right now? If yes, then he would say, ok do that and we'll see how you feel after you finish. If no, what the next thing you'd have to do? Followed by the other questions. It's a great exercise!
  • mickey2942
    mickey2942 Posts: 71 Member
    Back on the roller coaster. Long time people will understand. I work at, lose 50 pounds, and give up. It seems like working so hard, still fat. Losing 50 pounds, I don't even change sizes in clothes. Shrug.

    Well, for what it is worth, I am back here, again. Working on the same stuff. Nothing changes much.

    I am committing to 20 weeks right now. Full commitment, fitbit, food diary, exercise, lifestyle change. One day at a time.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @mickey-- welcome! Totally get what you are saying-- it's hard to work for so long and lose so much but still not be at goal. That's why I joined this thread. When I started MFP 5 years ago, I had a minimum of about 80 lbs to get to a "reasonable" weight, but I kept stumbling upon threads with people trying to lose 5 or 10 lbs. to reach "perfection." It was frustrating to say the least. Then I found this thread and I knew there would be people who understand what it's like to lose 20, 30, 50 lbs and still have a ways to go. One day at a time is right!

    @toots-- I hear ya! At least in the winter it serves the purpose of extra insulation!

    @lissbliss-- welcome! Congrats on getting out of that relationship-- if you have the strength to do that, you can conquer the weight as well.

    @badnoodle-- Glad to hear you enjoyed the whitewater rafting! Can't wait to try it!! I'm also frustrated with the scale. I lowered my calorie allowance and have been pretty consistently been meeting my goal for 3 weeks now, plus have increased my activity, but zero change on the scale. I was hoping to at least notice a change in how my clothes are fitting, but I put on a pair of jeans I haven't worn in a month (it's our first chilly day here in weeks), and they still feel snug. I'm chalking it up to sodium as well; although I've lowered my calorie intake, I've been eating out more the past few weeks.

    @pinkstarberry-- I'm a bit more hourglass, though slightly bottom-heavy. When I was younger, I had a teeny tiny waist regardless of how heavy I got on top and bottom. Once I hit 35-ish, I gained weight around my middle. However, when I started losing weight, it was the hips and bum that were most stubborn. I found running was what really helped me take inches off my hips. Now it's my waist that is most stubborn. Why is it never the twins that refuse to get smaller? LOL

    @niki-- Thanks! I highly doubt I will make it to a size 8 this summer, but I will work hard to get as close to it as possible. I have a few size 10s in my closet that my sister handed down to me. They are my goal by end of summer. :smile:

    @helena-- great job increasing the activity. Isn't it amazing how quickly our bodies build strength and endurance?!?! Keep going!! :smile:

    Tuesday Goals:
    Well, my to-do list is quite a bit shorter, so that's something. I'm at the dealership right now getting my oil changed. Oh, they are done. Will check back later.

    General Goals:
    1. Change water filter on fridge
    2. Get car detailed
    3. Make doctor/dentist appointments
    4. Take winter coat to cleaners
    5. Find someone to repair shed

    Fitness Goals for the month of June:
    Visit gym of run outside minimum of 10 times 8/10
    Run at least 20/25 miles

    You vs Year Challenge:
    193 k done/ 807 k to go

    Exercise Goals:
    Sun-- walk gunner DONE + run outside DONE
    Mon-- walk gunner DONE + yard work DONE
    Tues-- walk gunner DONE + gym
    Wed-- walk gunner + run outside
    Thurs-- walk gunner + mow lawn
    Fri-- walk gunner
    Sat-- walk gunner + gym
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    It has been several weeks since I check in on this thread. I can say that life became very busy with the end of the school year, people moving away and trying to get a few projects organized while I have the time. It is great to see many familiar faces and active new people. The past few weeks I have been busy with running, walking, biking, rock climbing along with going to the gym and wanting to kayak more often. I will be going on vacation in 1 week so my goal is not to eat my way through Texas and Colorado.

    My background- I started my weight loss journey 6 years ago, when I weighed about 268 pounds. Over the first two years, I lost about 70 lbs. so now I am in the 190’s on any given day. Lately my scale is not being nice and showing numbers closer to 200 however, I know that is not correct since I am exercising more than before and not eating back all the calories. When I started exercise was hard and walking was my preferred activity. As my fitness level increased my activities have become more varied so that I am running (never thought I would like it), biking more than 1 mile at a time now I do 15-20+ each trip, rock climb weekly (strength training workout), swimming is a nice relaxing activity but I will swim 1600-2000 depending on how much time I have. My biggest challenge is the eating of sugar; it has become more obvious that I am addicted to sugar. So this summer I am working on decreasing my sugar intake. This means trying to limit my sugar intake to 1 or 2 per day. It is not always perfect but my goal is to cut down on the sugar not eliminate it. So far, limiting the sugar is working when I am busy but when I have downtime, it is very difficult. Today was challenging since I was home and slightly bored. Then I went to the gym and managed to do a mix of run, elliptical, row and walk. For those starting out, remember that you can do this and it is about making the new lifestyle work for you If you don’t’ then you can not sustain it for the long hall. For those of us who have been around for awhile, we need to shake things up and push ourselves harder. It will be a challenge but one that we will face with a renewed determination.

    1. Reduce the amount of refined sugar that I eat on a daily basis.
    2. Try to burn 500 calories each day by being active.
    3. Continue to drink plenty of water over 8 cups a day.
    4. To check in more regularly to this thread.

    Wadwrich- Welcome and good luck on this journey. My personal challenge is reducing the amount of sugar I am eating. I have a major sweet tooth that needs a break.

    Kelley- I hope the ankle surgery went well. I will be in Texas the Houston area from July 6 to 6t to the 12.

    Karen- I am attempting to plan a trip back to Chicago the weekend of July 29-August 1. Would you be around on Friday/ Saturday morning?

    Celtikgirl-Where do you live in Maryland? I am in Annapolis.

    ThatLadyFro- I am also in the same position about being 20 lbs. away from reaching the 100lbs mark. It is taking forever to get the scale to move downward again.

    Badnoodle- Enjoying an active life can be expensive but it is worthy expenditure for your health in the future. Enjoy the kayaking and running shoes.

    Helenaroze- Welcome back and congratulations on the birth of your son.

    Hope everyone has a great week.
  • wadwrich
    wadwrich Posts: 42 Member
    I'm feeling discouraged. I know I shouldn't weigh every day, but I do. I don't mind seeing a +/-1 pound fluctuation, but over the past 3 days I have gained 3 pounds. I was 277 three days ago and am 280 now. I have been walking every days for a burn of close to 500 calories (2.7 miles, half of that uphill). I am eating very clean. I add nothing but some salt, pepper, and garlic. Chicken breast, salmon, lentils, tomato, olives, evoo, cucumber, spring mix, walnuts, oats, apples, bananas, grapes, oranges, and a 6 oz glass of red wine. None of that out of a can or jar except the olives. Mfp gives me 1750 calories for a two lb loss per week. I eat 1200-1300 a day and sometimes I have to make myself eat more to hit that. I stay satisfied. I can't understand why the 3 lb in 3 days gain. I know I am doing awesome. I guess I will just keep going even if I keep gaining because I know I am doing everything "right". It's just so disheartening. Talk about a bad start to your day...
  • Lavender2222
    Lavender2222 Posts: 105 Member
    If you know you doing it right, you will get there. Don't give up!
  • pinkstarberry
    pinkstarberry Posts: 79 Member
    edited June 2016
    @wadwrich I know exactly how you feel - today I was up 1 lb for no reason. Have you been using the washroom regularly? I know sometimes constipation can add artificial weight on the scale. You are doing awesome!!

    I was having such consistent losses for a while there that I was hoping I might be able to make it to 255 by the last day of June but now I'm not sure if that will happen :( I'm just going to keep trying my best!
  • wadwrich
    wadwrich Posts: 42 Member
    @wadwrich I know exactly how you feel - today I was up 1 lb for no reason. Have you been using the washroom regularly? I know sometimes constipation can add artificial weight on the scale. You are doing awesome!!

    I was having such consistent losses for a while there that I was hoping I might be able to make it to 255 by the last day of June but now I'm not sure if that will happen :( I'm just going to keep trying my best!

    Excuse my being crass, but that is what my sister-in-law said, "muscle and poop." She showed a 0.8 lb loss today, so my reply was, "you must have pooped." Again, my apologies for the crude subject matter. I thought it was a little funny. I guess that's a man for you.
  • MeLanceUppercut
    MeLanceUppercut Posts: 116 Member
    @wadwrich Yeah I'm in the same boat. I get discouraged when I've done good for a week, and check the scales and boom! 3 pounds up. I have learned the human body is weird with water retention and everything. So don't sweat it. If you're doing like you should, no worries. Keep hustlin'!

    You can do it @pinkstarberry !!!!

  • LissBlisspgg
    LissBlisspgg Posts: 22 Member
    Ladies I was once told fluctuations are not limited to a pound or two, some people fluctuate up to 5 pounds!! Please don't let this discourage you. Another trick I've learn is, write a note to a "friend" who is going through the same thing as you, then read it to yourself out loud. And one last piece of advice, the numbers on the scale are not the be all end all, measure yourself, your legs, waist, hips, may have lost fat and gained muscle!!
  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member

    @toots-- I hear ya! At least in the winter it serves the purpose of extra insulation!

    Yes, if only I were in Alaska, instead of New Mexico!