June (2016) Running Challenge



  • 9voice9
    9voice9 Posts: 693 Member
    01-Jun: 3.28 miles
    02-Jun: 6.88 miles
    03-Jun: 6.89 miles
    04-Jun: 7.75 miles
    05-Jun: <Life Day>
    06-Jun: 9.44 miles
    07-Jun: 5.31 miles
    08-Jun: 3.52 miles
    09-Jun: 5.60 miles plus 1.01 miles (walk)
    11-Jun: 6.56 miles
    12-Jun: <Life Day>
    13-Jun: 6.00 miles
    14-Jun: 7.37 miles
    15-Jun: 3.10 miles
    16-Jun: 6.78 miles
    17-Jun: 7.51 miles
    18-Jun: 10.20 miles
    19-Jun: <Life Day>
    20-Jun: 7.12 miles
    21-Jun: 7.29 miles
    22-Jun: 4.27 miles
    23-Jun: 6.81 miles
    24-Jun: 4.42 miles
    25-Jun: 4.63 miles
    26-Jun: <Life Day>
    27-Jun: 5.22 miles
    28-Jun: 5.21 miles
    29-Jun: 3.40 miles
    30-Jun: 5.30 miles


    Upcoming Races:
    04-Jul: Peachtree Road Race 10K, Atlanta, GA
    13-Aug: Apple-a-Day 5K, Macon
    05-Sep: Labor Day Road Race 10K
    17-Sep: Joshua's Wish 5K
    24-Sep: Georgia Golden Olympics 5K
    22-Oct: S.C.A.R.E. 5K, Macon

    Doesn't look like it's likely that I'll be able to finish the year with 2016 miles. OTOH - looks like I should cross 2016 km in mid-July. So, I'll take that. But next year, I'm likely to try to make it a 2017 mile year.
  • greenolivetree
    greenolivetree Posts: 1,282 Member
    June 1 - 2 mile run because NATIONAL RUNNING DAY
    June 2 - Rest day
    June 3 - 54 min pilates........10k run
    June 4 - 3 mile run
    June 5 - 7 miles running with an 8:56 virtual 5k in the middle - Not my all time 5k PR but a PR for this year :)
    June 6 - 38 min lower body pilates, stretching and foam rolling
    June 7 - 20 min upper body weights, 20 min low impact cardio
    June 8 - Rest day
    June 9 - Rest day (I should be working out in the morning before work, but summer has me wanting to sleep in!)
    June 10 - 5k run
    June 11 - 6 miles trail running, 45 min strength/pilates/stretching
    June 12 - 3 mile run
    June 13 - 45 min combo workout of moderate cardio and light strength training
    June 14 - 20 min light cardio x2 (AM/PM)
    June 15 - 3 mi run......15 min lower body pilates, 10 min stretching/rolling, 5 min arms
    June 16 - 30 min indoor cardio
    June 17 - 5 mile run
    June 18 - 3.5 mile run, 45 min pilates/strength/stretching
    June 19 - 4 mile run
    June 20 - 30 min indoor cardio A.M.......30 mins pilates/strength/stretching.....20 more mins light cardio P.M.
    June 21 - 3 mile run A.M......20 min light cardio P.M.
    June 22 - 5 miles running including 3 miles hill repeats, 30 min pilates/stretching
    June 23 - Rest day
    June 24 - 5 mile run, 40 min pilates/strength/stretching/foam rolling
    June 25 - 45 min indoor cardio
    June 26 - 7 mile run with hills
    June 27 - 30 min indoor cardio.....40 min pilates/strength
    June 28 - 3 mi run
    June 29 - 2 mi bad run
    June 30 - Rest day, unless my plans tonight are cancelled and I'm bored

    June run goal: 70.85 of 50 miles - My highest month was 71.7 in March so I feel good about pretty much matching that, seeing that March weather was much more suitable for running. Last June I only ran 18 miles all month which is weekly mileage for me now.

    @mbaker566 Gorgeous pics!
    @WhatMeRunning Great job on making that goal ;)
    @FrankieandSpots Nice! You should be proud but we'll gladly take some of the credit! I think this thread has helped me with consistency.
    @Orphia and @pthyay Love both of your positive attitudes!

    Congrats to EVERYONE hitting their goals this month or at least doing the best they could with challenges/injuries faced :):):)
  • karllundy
    karllundy Posts: 1,490 Member
    6/1 - 5.11 miles on National / Global Running Day! Woot!
    6/2 - 4.55 miles. Gorgeous morning!
    6/3 - Pre-HM rest day. Too bad, it is a beautiful morning! So, I am drinking extra water and I ate donuts!
    6/4 - 13.3 miles at Dam to Dam Half. It was sunny and hot. Sun was brutal. Running was pretty good, but my splits went up gradually over the final 4 miles. Atmosphere was good pre and post-race. Had fun!
    6/5 - Rest day + lots of kids' sports.
    6/6 - 4.01 mile "recovery" run. I am not good at intentionally keeping my pace slow. I intended 9-9.5 minute miles.
    6/7 - 5.35 miles. Longer than intended, because I didn't plan my route and had to get back home. Oh well, bonus 0.85 mile.
    6/8 - 3.3 miles on treadmill, then upper body weights and abs.
    6/9 - 4.5 miles on treadmill (Trek class). Cut it a bit short as a pain in my "hip" was causing me to alter my stride. Not sure where it came from, hoping it was just sore.
    6/10 - 3.78 miles in the hot, humid weather. It was 73° at 5 a.m.! Again, shortened due to hip pain. Dr. Google says it might be greater trochanteric bursitis. Anti-inflammatories, extra ITB and hammy stretches and a reduction in mileage are in order.
    6/11 - Rest day, plus stretches and anti-inflammatory med. Lots of housework though.
    6/12 - Ditto.
    6/13 - 3.5 miles, still hot and humid. Again, hip pain started. This time, I stopped immediately.
    6/14 - Decided I am going to take a break for a week or two, try to start July fresh. So, today I went to a Bodypump class and then rode a stationary bike. Gonna be sore.
    6/15 - Sore! Went light with the weights in Bodypump, still shuffling like an old man. I used to do it 2-3 days a week, but kinda dropped off about 18 months ago.
    6/16 - Still sore, but went back to Bodypump and the stationary bike. I miss running :-(
    6/17 - Spin Class. It was pretty fun, got to see some of my running buddies at the Y.
    6/19 - Bodypump class...harder at 3:30 on a Sunday afternoon than at 5:00 a.m.
    6/21 - Bodypump class and a short, ginger 1.5 miles on an indoor track. Didn't hurt, but felt weird. May try a 3-miler later this week.
    6/22 - Rest.
    6/23 - Airport, convention center, hotel...didn't manage to squeeze in a workout.
    6/24 - 3.3 miles on hotel treadmill, then upper body weights.
    6/25 - 3.2 miles on hotel treadmill
    6/26 - Bodypump class
    6/27 - 3.5 miles outside. Tried to keep things flat. Hip didn't hurt, but definitely tight. Saw my PCP today for something else. Discussed hip (he's a runner), he indicated that bursitis or ITB were likely candidate. As I thought, reduce mileage, extra rest, stretching. Plus, strengthening exercises. If not improving / better, see specialist.
    6/28 - Rest Day.
    6/29 - 9.3 miles on stationary bike, then a cautious 2.5 miles on treadmill. No pain :smile:
    6/30 - Bodypump class and a short 1.5 on indoor track. Felt good. Planning to try 3-4 runs of ~5 to 8k next week and see how it goes. Need to decide by end of July or so if I want to try to gear up for another HM this fall.


    @RespectTheKitty - Sorry to hear you are having a rough patch with depression. I have been there. For me, at least, exercise does help. Sometimes, it just isn't enough though. Keep hanging in there, take time for yourself, take your meds (if you have them) and things will get better at some point, they always do!
    @MNLittleFinn - In case I don't make it on here over the holiday weekend, good luck with the race. Make sure not to overthink / over-analyze and remember to enjoy! And congrats on hitting your goal!
    @ddmom0811 - that picture is GORGEOUS!
    @skippygirlsmom, @sweetdianachka, @adrianchr92, @kimlight2, @MobyCarp, @dheliason, @FrankieandSpots, @Stoshew71, @9voice9, @greenolivetree and anyone else I missed - Congrats on hitting your goal!
    @mbaker566 - No fair posting photos of delicious pastries when I do not have access to any! OMG...I could eat them all!
  • lporter229
    lporter229 Posts: 4,907 Member
    @mbaker566 - Awesome pictures. Sounds like a great trip!!
    @MNLittleFinn - Good luck this weekend. I am going to go out on a limb here and predict a sub 2:15 for you. I know you got this. Race day adrenaline is huge! Just sayin...
    @WhatMeRunning - I do not use the lactate threshold feature on my Garmin. Not even sure if I have it (Forerunner 220). How does it actually work?
  • instantmartian
    instantmartian Posts: 335 Member
    kimlight2 wrote: »
    Races :
    6/11 Run and Ride 5K Cedar Point - Done
    7/10 Debbie Hudacko 5 mile ?
    10/8 Outdoor Trail Series 5 mile #1
    11/5 Outdoor Trail Series 5 mile #2
    12/3 Outdoor Trail Series 5 mile #3
    12/11 Santa Hustle Half Marathon Cedar Point

    Kind of random, but definitely running related: How was the Run and Ride 5K at Cedar Point? I'd like to run that next year if I can make it work. I am overdue for a Cedar Point visit!
  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member
    @MNlittlefinn you just ran today to beat me by a mile LOL!!!
    @mbaker566 awesome pictures sounds like a great time
    @kristinegift glad you are feeling better
    @adrianchr92 I have the same belt, well okay mine is pink with polka dots :smile: I love it. when running I forget it's even on. I wore it in 3 HMs and I'll wear it when we trail run to carry my phone in case I get lost. So comfy.

    To everyone who made goal woohoo!!! to those who did not, you get it next month, don't give up!!!


  • MNLittleFinn
    MNLittleFinn Posts: 4,271 Member
    @skippygirlsmom I didn't know your mileage until you posted!! LOL, I was sure you were going to have way more than me, when you met your goal before I got to it.
  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    lporter229 wrote: »
    @WhatMeRunning - I do not use the lactate threshold feature on my Garmin. Not even sure if I have it (Forerunner 220). How does it actually work?

    This got me curious and found this out of a google search....


    Performing a Guided Test to Determine Your Lactate Threshold

    Before you can perform the guided test, you must put on a heart rate monitor and pair it with your device (Pairing ANT‍+® Sensors). You must also have a VO2 max. estimate from a previous run (About VO2 Max. Estimates).

    TIP:The device requires a few runs with a heart rate monitor to get an accurate maximum heart rate value and VO2 max. estimate.
    1.Select an outdoor running profile.
    GPS is required to complete the test.

    2.Select > My Stats > Lactate Threshold > Do Guided Test.
    3.Follow the on-screen instructions.

    @WhatMeRunning Am I to assume this is what you did?
  • kimlight2
    kimlight2 Posts: 483 Member
    kimlight2 wrote: »
    Races :
    6/11 Run and Ride 5K Cedar Point - Done
    7/10 Debbie Hudacko 5 mile ?
    10/8 Outdoor Trail Series 5 mile #1
    11/5 Outdoor Trail Series 5 mile #2
    12/3 Outdoor Trail Series 5 mile #3
    12/11 Santa Hustle Half Marathon Cedar Point

    Kind of random, but definitely running related: How was the Run and Ride 5K at Cedar Point? I'd like to run that next year if I can make it work. I am overdue for a Cedar Point visit!

    It was insanely hot this year, it was my second time doing it. The 5k sold out so it was packed but overall well run with a tiered start and 1 water stop that you hit in both directions. Last year they had 450 starters, this year there was about 1800 racers just in the 5K. I will do it again next year but either do the 5k and 10k or the half. I wish they would do something like Disney does with a challenge if you do more then 1 race but still it is a good time with a great atmosphere.
  • _nikkiwolf_
    _nikkiwolf_ Posts: 1,380 Member
    Back in front of a computer again and nearly caught up! (I'm still missing the last four pages, but the soccer game on TV is about to start, so the rest will have to wait)

    @DrLaura DVM16 Yay for new running shoes! If they feel great, that's already the most impartant thing.

    @loubelle16 I hope you feel better soon!

    @MNLittleFinn A hotel in walking distance to the race start sounds awesome! With that much preparation, and your family there to cheer you on, you'll have a great race for sure, no need to worry about anything.

    @WhatMeRunning Great to hear your foot is completely healed. But shame on you for mentioning strength training! I just realised I haven't done any for the last two weeks, might have to put that on the agenda for tonight *sigh*

    @AdrianChr92 A real ice bath? I might like a cold shower on a hot day, but I'm not sure I belive you when you write an actual FREEZING ice bath feels "pretty good" ;-p

    @JessicaMcB By all means, just track in km if that's you "native" distance uit system! Thanks to a long time following this thread, I can now deal with *distances* in miles, but paces in miles still don't mean anything to me until I grab a calculator and convert them to min/km.

    @ceciliaslater great that your new brace is such an improvement!

    @Stoshew71 Lol, the proton-neutron joke is great, have to share that with my colleages next week!
  • Amandajs232
    Amandajs232 Posts: 194 Member
    Did not get out my bed on time for a run today but sneaked in 5k at lunchtime as I was travelling between offices and went my gym song could go out for a run and get a shower without my colleagues seeing me in my running trousers/pants (not vain but it ain't pretty). Really pleased I said on here I would try for 50k or I wouldn't have bothered. Done my 50k - not too bad for a month I really slacked off. Bring on Juiy!
  • WhatMeRunning
    WhatMeRunning Posts: 3,538 Member
    edited June 2016
    lporter229 wrote: »
    I do not use the lactate threshold feature on my Garmin. Not even sure if I have it (Forerunner 220). How does it actually work?
    I'm pretty sure the 220 has it as well. On my 630 I can get there from the main watch face by pressing the hamburger on the watch face (the 3 lines) and going to My Stats->Lactate Threshold.

    I am not sure if the "Auto-Detect" feature is enabled by default, in which case it won't automatically figure it out whenever it has all of the right data on a run to calculate this. You can also do a guided test by going to the Run menu and pressing the hamburger then going to My Stats->Lactate Threshold->Do Guided Test.

    I do not know the details of the algorithm, I think there is a white paper where you can read more details about it.

    It has only auto-detected for me on a 5k PR attempt, then a recent 4x5 minute LT effort run (based on the LT reported from the 5k) and then again today doing 20 minutes at LT effort.
  • WhatMeRunning
    WhatMeRunning Posts: 3,538 Member
    Stoshew71 wrote: »
    lporter229 wrote: »
    @WhatMeRunning - I do not use the lactate threshold feature on my Garmin. Not even sure if I have it (Forerunner 220). How does it actually work?

    This got me curious and found this out of a google search....


    Performing a Guided Test to Determine Your Lactate Threshold

    Before you can perform the guided test, you must put on a heart rate monitor and pair it with your device (Pairing ANT‍+® Sensors). You must also have a VO2 max. estimate from a previous run (About VO2 Max. Estimates).

    TIP:The device requires a few runs with a heart rate monitor to get an accurate maximum heart rate value and VO2 max. estimate.
    1.Select an outdoor running profile.
    GPS is required to complete the test.

    2.Select > My Stats > Lactate Threshold > Do Guided Test.
    3.Follow the on-screen instructions.

    @WhatMeRunning Am I to assume this is what you did?
    I never did the guided test. I was too focused on base building and didn't want to do a short, hard effort run like that so I enabled the "auto-detect" feature. A 5k that I ran earlier this month picked up on it for the first time, so even steady state runs and McMillan defined tempo runs didn't give enough data apparently. This is after the Garmin had estimated my max HR and VO2 Max.
  • Ohhim
    Ohhim Posts: 1,142 Member
    edited June 2016
    Done with my mileage for the month with 8 hours to spare!

    For the sake of insanity, decided to do my (marathon plan-prescribed) tempo run today outside in the middle of the day in the hot Florida 88 degree summer sun. On the plus side, humidity was down to 62%. Survived the run, went by heart rate, and although I started the tempo (threshold) portion at a 7:20 pace, maintaining the same heart rate got me up to a 9 minute pace by the end of the run. As I won't need to do math again on my monthly distance, I decided not to take my cooldown to a full/half mile multiple, and just ended the run at 6.7 miles so I could return to the air conditioned interior.

    6/1 - 4 miles
    6/2 - 8 miles
    6/3 - 13.5 miles
    6/5 - 13.5 miles
    6/6 - 9 miles
    6/7 - 10 miles
    6/9 - 12 miles
    6/10 - 9 miles
    6/11 - 8 miles
    6/12 - 12 miles
    6/13 - 4 miles
    6/14 - 1 mile
    6/15 - 4 miles
    6/17 - 5.5 miles
    6/19 - 6 miles
    6/20 - 5 miles
    6/21 - 13 miles
    6/22 - 9 miles
    6/23 - 9 miles
    6/24 - 7 miles
    6/25 - 10.5 miles
    6/26 - 12 miles
    6/27 - 4 miles
    6/28 - 3.5 miles
    6/29 - 4 miles
    6/30 - 6.7 miles

    Total: 203.2 miles
    Goal: 200 miles

    2016 Race Schedule:
    Disney Marathon - Jan 6 - 3:29:09
    Gasparilla 15K - Feb 20 - 1:01:59
    Ironman 70.3 Florida - Apr 10 - 5:07:51
    Pittsburgh Marathon - May 1 - 3:08:25
    Ironman 70.3 Augusta - Sep 25
    Chicago Marathon - Oct 9
    Ironman Florida - Nov 5

    @WhatMeRunning - Given LT is supposed to be how fast you can run for an hour, I just go by my 15K pace and heart rate, as the race took me roughly an hour. Still, pretty sure they don't have it on my watch (Forerunner 225) as they just added it to the 230/235/630 series. They might be able to do it via a firmware update though.
  • Josh_lol
    Josh_lol Posts: 317 Member
    Last day of the month ^^
    Here's how I did for the last week or so.

    21/6 - 0.75 I bought some new shoes and didn't have long to try them out
    22/6 - 0
    23/6 - 6.2
    24/6 - 0
    25/6 - 3.1
    26/6 - 0
    27/6 - 4
    28/6 - 4
    29/6 - 0
    30/6 - 4

    Total miles this month: 57.8 :)

    I only put myself down for 30 miles this month because I wasn't sure how many miles I'd be able to do. Looks like I'll be trying for 60 in July :smiley:

    Have a nice month ya'll

  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    lporter229 wrote: »
    I do not use the lactate threshold feature on my Garmin. Not even sure if I have it (Forerunner 220). How does it actually work?
    I'm pretty sure the 220 has it as well. On my 630 I can get there from the main watch face by pressing the hamburger on the watch face (the 3 lines) and going to My Stats->Lactate Threshold.

    I am not sure if the "Auto-Detect" feature is enabled by default, in which case it won't automatically figure it out whenever it has all of the right data on a run to calculate this. You can also do a guided test by going to the Run menu and pressing the hamburger then going to My Stats->Lactate Threshold->Do Guided Test.

    I do not know the details of the algorithm, I think there is a white paper where you can read more details about it.

    It has only auto-detected for me on a 5k PR attempt, then a recent 4x5 minute LT effort run (based on the LT reported from the 5k) and then again today doing 20 minutes at LT effort.

    LT is not a feature on the 220, unfortunetely. :-(

    This is a new feature with the 630:
