Back on the Wagon!



  • jm216
    jm216 Posts: 3,812 Member

    Not sure if this link will work. You might have to copy and paste it... But this is may be a contender for our theme song.... "All in this "Together.... Feel free to post your favorite motivational song!

  • Jeyradan
    Jeyradan Posts: 164 Member

    This is maybe half of the tempting spread I had to deal with on Saturday. Not pictured: deli meat selection, cheese board, pitta and hummus, homemade guacamole, mini savoury eggs, mini beef and vegetable pasties, a slow-cooker filled with pulled pork, bread rolls, baguette slices, home-baked chocolate chip ginger cookies, sriracha popcorn, dill pickle chips, maple cookies, Krispy Kreme doughnuts, refills of almost every platter in the picture, or an entire table of drinks.

    I did have a game plan in place for resisting all of this, but... I ran out of time and it didn't work.

    The good news is, I made up half of my horrific overage just today - so hopefully, by midweek, I'll have accounted for it completely. Just in time to head off on the business trip of doom!
  • jm216
    jm216 Posts: 3,812 Member
    Jeyradan wrote: »

    This is maybe half of the tempting spread I had to deal with on Saturday. Not pictured: deli meat selection, cheese board, pitta and hummus, homemade guacamole, mini savoury eggs, mini beef and vegetable pasties, a slow-cooker filled with pulled pork, bread rolls, baguette slices, home-baked chocolate chip ginger cookies, sriracha popcorn, dill pickle chips, maple cookies, Krispy Kreme doughnuts, refills of almost every platter in the picture, or an entire table of drinks.

    I did have a game plan in place for resisting all of this, but... I ran out of time and it didn't work.

    The good news is, I made up half of my horrific overage just today - so hopefully, by midweek, I'll have accounted for it completely. Just in time to head off on the business trip of doom!

    Wow! :o
    So much food! I can see why you had a hard time.
  • Jeyradan
    Jeyradan Posts: 164 Member
    jm216 wrote: »
    Wow! :o
    So much food! I can see why you had a hard time.

    Luckily, people took away a lot of the leftover food, and my partner and I are taking the rest to work today. We've kept the raw vegetables, mind you! (We'll call that a small victory...)

    How did your weekend go?
  • ChaleGirl
    ChaleGirl Posts: 270 Member
    This topic is the story of my life, losing and regaining the same 2 stone but never getting to goal weight which is about 3 stone away!!
  • coughlin382
    coughlin382 Posts: 2 Member
    I don't know. I think I disagree with the "lifestyle change" thing for me. At any rate, I know I'm just not ready for it yet. Maybe the yo yo thing is ok for now. I lost 18 lbs, now I've gained nearly 7 back. I think I will be able to get back on track next week. But I need to look forward to a time when I can eat care-free for awhile. I do hope that at some point I will be ready for that lifestyle change.
  • jm216
    jm216 Posts: 3,812 Member
    ChaleGirl wrote: »
    This topic is the story of my life, losing and regaining the same 2 stone but never getting to goal weight which is about 3 stone away!!

    You can get there, Chalegirl... We're here to support you!
  • jm216
    jm216 Posts: 3,812 Member
    Jeyradan wrote: »
    jm216 wrote: »
    Wow! :o
    So much food! I can see why you had a hard time.

    Luckily, people took away a lot of the leftover food, and my partner and I are taking the rest to work today. We've kept the raw vegetables, mind you! (We'll call that a small victory...)

    How did your weekend go?

    My kids were at a lake party with their theatre friends yesterday and there was a nice spread of I had a plate. Considering I had a burger, pasta salad, chips and a cupcake, I maintained my weight this morning... Woo Hoo!
  • iofred
    iofred Posts: 488 Member
    This just proves that weight loss should be treated as a change of lifestyle, rather than a short-term solution. Welcome back, and you know you can do it, as you have proven that already
  • jm216
    jm216 Posts: 3,812 Member
    I don't know. I think I disagree with the "lifestyle change" thing for me. At any rate, I know I'm just not ready for it yet. Maybe the yo yo thing is ok for now. I lost 18 lbs, now I've gained nearly 7 back. I think I will be able to get back on track next week. But I need to look forward to a time when I can eat care-free for awhile. I do hope that at some point I will be ready for that lifestyle change.

    Welcome Coughlin382,

    Don't call it a lifestyle change... Call it keeping the unchecked binging in check. My issue is that I want to eat an entire family bag of potato chips.... and then feel horrible about myself. If I track what I eat I can eat what I want... In reasonable portions.... Most of the time anyway.
  • Jeyradan
    Jeyradan Posts: 164 Member
    jm216 wrote: »
    My kids were at a lake party with their theatre friends yesterday and there was a nice spread of I had a plate. Considering I had a burger, pasta salad, chips and a cupcake, I maintained my weight this morning... Woo Hoo!

    Congratulations! And that sounds lovely - I wish we had the weather over here for a lake party.
  • jm216
    jm216 Posts: 3,812 Member
    iofred wrote: »
    This just proves that weight loss should be treated as a change of lifestyle, rather than a short-term solution. Welcome back, and you know you can do it, as you have proven that already

    Thanks Iofred!

    Love your turtle on the bike logo. Slow and steady....except your turtle looks FAST!
  • Rigibann
    Rigibann Posts: 3,663 Member
    I have decided to re-join after putting back on 21 of the 37lbs I lost two years ago and need some motivation friends to help me along the way. I am no spring chicken but do like to take part in some exercise classes (not disciplined enough to just go to the gym). Please feel free to befriend me - username rrigibann
  • jm216
    jm216 Posts: 3,812 Member
    Rigibann wrote: »
    I have decided to re-join after putting back on 21 of the 37lbs I lost two years ago and need some motivation friends to help me along the way. I am no spring chicken but do like to take part in some exercise classes (not disciplined enough to just go to the gym). Please feel free to befriend me - username rrigibann

    Welcome Rigibann!

    Jump on in! I'm not a gym person either, but I'm a routine dog walker. My dog- Roxie-never says no to a walk.

  • domgibson88
    domgibson88 Posts: 78 Member
    jm216 wrote: »
    Day 9- Still on the wagon...still have to keep an eye on my chip portions. What snack/food do you have a hard time with?

    Have a great evening. I wish you all a good night's sleep.

    Bread, it's always about bread. Haha. I have not had chips, or chocolate in 2 months, but bread? Nope. Can't stop eating my bread. I also really LOVE hard boiled eggs. I could happily eat a box of 6 given half a chance lol.
    I've gotten pretty good with only snacking with fruit and/or nuts, and definitely don't snack as much as I used to! :)

    Ive been starting to snack on nuts but I eat too much and I eat the equivalent of calories as a big mac!!!1 cup of almonds is 870 cal...yikes
  • jm216
    jm216 Posts: 3,812 Member
    I love nuts, too... Pistachio and cashews are my favorites...
  • Jeyradan
    Jeyradan Posts: 164 Member
    Nuts would be my undoing - that's why we never have any in the house. I just can't afford the calories!

    That said, there were a few treats at this weekend's party that involved perfectly ordinary peanut butter and I had no idea how much I liked peanut butter until I tried one and couldn't stop. I ended up eating six (thank goodness they were small)... guess I've found my first "trigger food."
  • jm216
    jm216 Posts: 3,812 Member
    Weekends and vacations are wonderful....we need them to unwind and relax and spend time with friends and family....but it gets hard to stay on track with all of the goodies and treats around.

    Today we're headed to a water park with the kids and 2 of their friends. I plan on swimming off some calories from the weekend, and keeping lunch healthy and satisfying. Wish me luck!

  • Savyna
    Savyna Posts: 789 Member
    Good luck Jill!