July (2016) Running Challenge



  • DayLi77
    DayLi77 Posts: 655 Member
    Elise4270 wrote: »

    He'll be back! :smile: We could start a pool on what his new username will be.

    LoneMaster, WolfPoppet? I feel like I'm forgetting one... ZenWolfMaster! :smiley:

    I take it this is a thing with him? Dropping out & coming back?
  • greenolivetree
    greenolivetree Posts: 1,282 Member
    Elise4270 wrote: »
    @greenolivetree I talked my husband into seeing a specialist for his asthma. He came back with a plan and several new meds. I'm not advocating for the pharmaceutical industry, but it has helped him greatly. No more hacking and wheezing.

    He smoked for ages, probably 25+ years, and he has decreased lung capacity, ~80% of what it should be. The asthma can cause lung scaring so it's important to get under control. You probably know all that though.

    Good luck with it!

    I was with a pulmonologist for about 2 years and then decided to drop it. It just wasn't helping. He tried me on like 6 different long-acting inhalers, all of which gave me horrible side effects, and I still had the same asthma attacks. Basically I can go months feeling fine then have a bad week or two. Taking the twice daily inhalers wasn't stopping that, so it was like flushing money down the toilet. So it's been about 16 months now since I decided to quit seeing him. Last summer I just hit up my regular doctor for some more albuterol and I'm still using that same inhaler as needed. I don't know what my lung capacity is but I don't think it's ever been great. I try not to dwell on how much better of a runner I could be with better lungs :-p
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    Elise4270 wrote: »
    @greenolivetree I talked my husband into seeing a specialist for his asthma. He came back with a plan and several new meds. I'm not advocating for the pharmaceutical industry, but it has helped him greatly. No more hacking and wheezing.

    He smoked for ages, probably 25+ years, and he has decreased lung capacity, ~80% of what it should be. The asthma can cause lung scaring so it's important to get under control. You probably know all that though.

    Good luck with it!

    I was with a pulmonologist for about 2 years and then decided to drop it. It just wasn't helping. He tried me on like 6 different long-acting inhalers, all of which gave me horrible side effects, and I still had the same asthma attacks. Basically I can go months feeling fine then have a bad week or two. Taking the twice daily inhalers wasn't stopping that, so it was like flushing money down the toilet. So it's been about 16 months now since I decided to quit seeing him. Last summer I just hit up my regular doctor for some more albuterol and I'm still using that same inhaler as needed. I don't know what my lung capacity is but I don't think it's ever been great. I try not to dwell on how much better of a runner I could be with better lungs :-p

    Aw, I wish something simple made it better. I find it funny that you and my husband have seemingly simultaneous attacks.
  • lporter229
    lporter229 Posts: 4,907 Member
    @ROBOTFOOD I read your story the other day and didn't have time to comment. Holy smokes man. That is a serious scare. Glad to hear that you are at least on the mend and cleared for some physical activity. Take it slow. It doesn't sound like something you want to mess with.
    ROBOTFOOD Posts: 5,527 Member
    @skippygirlsmom Lol. I've been seeing this kitten being posted everywhere. I was wondering about it.

    @lporter229 Ya. It was kinda crazy. But thankfully I'm feeling normal now. I just have to to keep everything very easy for a while. I'm actually not going to do anything until that 5k. Just pool lounging and Netflix :smile:
  • greenolivetree
    greenolivetree Posts: 1,282 Member
    @AdrianChr92 and @Somebody_Loved Great pics!

    @5512bf Nice workout :)

    @Elise4270 It's probably this doggone hot humid weather that has both your husband and I having trouble breathing! Feels like 100 here right now. Boo.
  • Mathsrunner
    Mathsrunner Posts: 93 Member
    1/7: 4.5 Miles
    3/7: 8.1 Miles
    5/7: 6.5 Miles

  • Amandajs232
    Amandajs232 Posts: 194 Member
    2Jul - 8k
    3Jul - 6k
    5Jul - 6k


    Back on track :smile:

  • greenolivetree
    greenolivetree Posts: 1,282 Member
    July 1 - 5 mile run with 3 miles of hills....10 min pilates
    July 2 - 2 mi "trail running fail".....4 miles real running :-p
    July 3 - 2.5 mi hard run
    July 4 - Rest day
    July 5 - 3 mi easy run....1.5 mi walk with sprinting intervals....strength/pilates later

    15.5 miles of 60 (all bonus miles go to our invalids)

    @Somebody_Loved Forgot to mention earlier, in answer to your question, I'm currently doing pilates along with a little weight training, and I do a few yoga poses as I stretch post-run and also I use a foam roller and massage stick. I basically have added in things each time I needed to address an issue and just try to keep doing them so the problem doesn't reoccur. I don't know anything about barre....

  • Somebody_Loved
    Somebody_Loved Posts: 498 Member
    @greenolivetree - Thanks for the response. I've been foam rolling and stretching way more after having struggles with plantar fasciitis and posterior tibialis tendonitis. They've been better and now I'm in the same boat as you - trying to prevent them from reoccurring. I've also recently developed knee pain which I'm trying to manage. Barre is sort of a combination of ballet, pilates and yoga - I'm assuming at this point any cross training is better than nothing.
  • Mari33a
    Mari33a Posts: 1,225 Member
    01/07 4 miles
    05/07 4 miles


  • MobyCarp
    MobyCarp Posts: 2,927 Member
    Can I ask for opinions on which half marathon to sign up for? I think I mentioned this before but I really need to decide and I keep changing my mind. Maybe if I talk it out some more with you all I'll make a decision. Choices are:

    1. Empire State Half Marathon (Oct 9) - local race, no logistical challenges, I run on the course frequently and know it well, flat, will know people running it including many of my running group, will have people to cheer me on and one person has offered to run me in the last mile or so.

    2. Niagara Falls International Half marathon (Oct 30) - beautiful course ending at the falls, flat to net downhill, closed course so not a lot of spectators, don't know anyone else running the half but do know a couple of people running the full, will need a hotel (already reserved just in case) but the logistics are not bad (bus right from hotel to start). Chance of being very chilly.

    This is my first half marathon and I'm looking to FINISH and show myself I can do it. I'm in a HM training group with a coach so should be ready for either one although I am no where near ready now. I feel like the Niagara Falls one will be more special and I don't mind the hotel cost, would be a mini vacation. But I'd be on my own. The local race I would feel very supported but worry that it won't feel very special, maybe even boring?

    What say you all?

    Local with no logistical challenge has a lot to recommend it. OTOH, Niagara Falls is a beautiful course.

    When I opined that I might want to run the Niagara Falls Marathon and noted that it's net downhill, my coach and other experienced marathon runners told me you typically are running into a headwind coming off Lake Erie. Coach told me one year there were 6 guys forming a peloton (if you can call it that for running instead of cycling), taking turns leading into the wind for the first 20 miles. After that, they agreed they were all on their own. (N.B. - I do not have personal experience with Niagara Falls, just stories from guys who have been there.)

    Other possibilities: Rochester on September 18 is a nice course, but fair warning: You go down from the level of Niagara escarpment and back up, then there is a short but very steep hill at mile 11. Not for people who don't train on hills. Ditto for Oak Tree (Geneseo, NY) on September 4; there are hills. I expect Wineglass (October 2, Corning, NY) will be sold out by now; everyone I know who has run either the half or full marathon at Wineglass tells me it's a really nice event and that it always sells out.
  • MNLittleFinn
    MNLittleFinn Posts: 4,271 Member
    edited July 2016
    Got bored with the little man sleeping and mapped the course for my next HM.
    This one is only 45 miles from home to the finish line, so there's a decent possibility of running one it a time or 2 before the race itself, to get a better feel for it. I have a feeling that one of my hoped for Long Runs will actually be on the course itself. Hoping to run the last 4-5 miles some time this month, but will have to see how that plays out.
  • katharmonic
    katharmonic Posts: 5,720 Member
    MobyCarp wrote: »

    Local with no logistical challenge has a lot to recommend it. OTOH, Niagara Falls is a beautiful course.

    When I opined that I might want to run the Niagara Falls Marathon and noted that it's net downhill, my coach and other experienced marathon runners told me you typically are running into a headwind coming off Lake Erie. Coach told me one year there were 6 guys forming a peloton (if you can call it that for running instead of cycling), taking turns leading into the wind for the first 20 miles. After that, they agreed they were all on their own. (N.B. - I do not have personal experience with Niagara Falls, just stories from guys who have been there.)

    Other possibilities: Rochester on September 18 is a nice course, but fair warning: You go down from the level of Niagara escarpment and back up, then there is a short but very steep hill at mile 11. Not for people who don't train on hills. Ditto for Oak Tree (Geneseo, NY) on September 4; there are hills. I expect Wineglass (October 2, Corning, NY) will be sold out by now; everyone I know who has run either the half or full marathon at Wineglass tells me it's a really nice event and that it always sells out.

    Thanks @MobyCarp and all of you who chimed in (too many to name but I appreciate every response). Sounds like the consensus is to do the local race and maybe do both. You all are a lot of enablers :)

    Thanks for the info on the Niagara Falls one Moby. Wind does sound like a serious issue there and that gives me some major pause. I did try to sign up for the Wineglass half and I'm way down on the waiting list so that doesn't sound likely, but I'd love to do that one. Thanks for the other suggestions, I hadn't heard of the Oak Tree. I also just checked out the CNY Bread Run which is on 9/18 and is very close to me too. It sounds like a fun race and I've heard some good things about it. It says "This is a 13.1 mi Run in Fabius, NY with a total ascent of 265 ft and has a maximum elevation of 1,443.57 ft." Looks like the elevation is a climb over the first 5 miles so doesn't sound too bad overall.

    OK! Lots to think about but for right now I'm leaning toward the Empire or the Bread Run with a possible plan of also doing the Niagara Falls one if spaces remain and I ever want to run again. :)
  • kristinegift
    kristinegift Posts: 2,406 Member
    ROBOTFOOD wrote: »
    I got cleared to attend the 5k on the 9th!! Doc said super relaxed rest pace running only. So 9:00/mi. Great that I don't have to Miss out on a medal though! Yeeeeeeew!!

    Hooray!!! Medals = A+!

    I am racing a 5 miler that day, but looking at the forecast, I may be running at a 9 min pace too. We've got heat advisory warnings for the rest of the week... and the race is on the shore at 8:30 am. Can you say, HOT-HOT-HOT?