Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • pinkstarberry
    pinkstarberry Posts: 79 Member
    Tuesday - Goals (do you have any Goals you want to update us?)

    My next goal is 220, taking me down another less severe category of obesity, so I'm going to just continue working hard toward that goal! I'm 254 currently so it will be a while til I see 220, but I won't take my eyes off that goal :)
  • miumiumoo
    miumiumoo Posts: 4 Member
    Hi guys!

    I've been on MFP for a long time and lost over 35lbs the first go around (took about a year of strict CICO tracking)...but fell off the wagon for almost 2 years and allllll that weight crept back on. :( I'm hoping this time I'll be able to stick to it and I figured participating in the forums would help!

    I work a desk job all day and have a second job that means that I'm on my computer all day, almost every day. I'm terrible at getting motivated to work out, AND, I tend to overeat (when I'm bored, watching TV,'s all bad). I'm in desperate need of a change, because I'm starting to hate the way I look and feel on a daily basis. I know this is really bad, but it's just how I feel right now!

    HEIGHT: 5'7"
    SW: 235
    CW: 234
    CGW: 200 (current goal weight)
    FGW: 135 (final goal weight)

    If anyone else has experience with falling off the tracking wagon and getting back on, I'd love to hear your thoughts! It's so frustrating starting from zero again! Thanks! :smile:
  • moodybear2003
    moodybear2003 Posts: 225 Member
    I really didn't log anything all weekend, I know I over did it with sugar and drinking my calories, and I know I'm feeling it. Lots of heartburn...

    Fresh day tomorrow, going to Jazzercise today.

    Tuesday weightloss Goals:
    -Be more active. I struggle to get over 6k steps these days. I stopped taking walks after work.
    -Lose 2 to 4 pounds a month. Slow and steady works best for me.
    -Cut back on pop
    -Fit into dress I bought last year that was the wrong size and i was too embarrassed to send back

    Non-scale goals:
    -Buy a home with my husband (Submitted financials today for pre-approval)
    -Get back into art a little more, potentially start selling on etsy.
    -Open a savings account for myself. I am bad at saving money.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @moodybear2003 -- Have fun at Jazzercize! Great goals-- I agree that slow and steady is the best for long-term success.

    @miumiumoo -- welcome to the thread! I have fallen off the tracking wagon now and then. Usually it's only for a few days here and there, but it's never good. I need the accountability of tracking CICO. I know it's frustrating to have gained back the weight, but I wouldn't view it as starting from zero. You have a year's worth of experience and the certainty that your effort will pay off b/c you've done it before.

    @niki-- thanks!

    @dserickson1 -- welcome!

    @angeleyes- nice to see you pop in to say hello. :)

    @VictoriaK1993 -- welcome to you as well!

    @kelley-- glad to hear your ankle surgery went well. Don't overdo it!!

    @wadwrich -- I would say Forth of July only wins if it completely derails your daily efforts. Doesn't sound like that's the case, so I declare you the victor!

    @MeLanceUppercut -- Great job to you as well for getting right back to it! I commend your goal -- standing for 4 hours is not easy. I can run 5 miles, but standing at a concert Saturday night almost did me in-- it kills my lower back.

    Tuesday Goals:
    My goal for this week is just to get in more exercise than last week. I've found once I get on a roll, it's easier to keep at it. If I don't work out for a few days in a row, then it's hard to get back at it.

    I saw a few people comment about how they wish they could find motivation to work out. It can be so hard-- especially if you are new to it. I don't have any magic answer, but as someone who loves to work out, I thought I would share some suggestions:
    • If you're new to working out, start by just increasing your daily activity: take the stairs, park in the farthest parking spot, walk the entire grocery store, even if you only need one or two items.
    • Try a lot of different activities to figure out what you enjoy. I love running, so even if I do nothing else, I can usually force myself out for a quick run. On the flip side, I hate doing exercise videos and classes. However, I only know this b/c I've tried a lot of different things along the way. Be open to trying before you dismiss an activity.
    • Mix it up. Even though I love to run, I incorporate other cardio as well as strength training into my routine. If you do the same thing over and over, you're bound to get bored of it.
    • Figure out if you will do better working out at home or at a gym. I've owned all sorts of workout equipment over the years, but never consistently used any of it. I thought that meant I didn't like working out, but then I joined a gym and found I love it. I still have a treadmill at home, but I rarely use it b/c I'd much rather go run at the gym so I can also do my lifting or cycling or whatever else I feel like doing.
    • When you don't feel like exercising, try to think about how good you feel about yourself after you finish, and then commit to just 15 minutes of exercise. Usually once you start, it's easier to keep going beyond that 15 minutes. And even if you don't, at least you got in a quick workout. :)

    General Goals:
    1. Edge flowerbeds
    2. Make doctor/dentist appointments
    3. Take winter coat to cleaners
    4. Find someone to repair shed

    Fitness Goals for the month of July:
    Visit gym or run outside minimum of 12 times 1/12
    Run at least 2/30 miles

    You vs Year Challenge:
    205 k done/ 795 k to go

    Exercise Goals:
    Sun-- walk gunner DONE
    Mon-- gym DONE
    Tues-- walk gunner DONE + yard work DONE
    Wed-- walk gunner + gym or run outside
    Thurs-- walk gunner
    Fri-- walk gunner + gym or run outside
    Sat-- walk gunner
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    Tuesday - Goals (do you have any Goals you want to update us?)

    My next goal is 220, taking me down another less severe category of obesity, so I'm going to just continue working hard toward that goal! I'm 254 currently so it will be a while til I see 220, but I won't take my eyes off that goal :)

    You and I are in a similar state ... My goal, currently, is just focusing on 10% weight loss ... but I am working to do that in a 3-month period. Good luck! Pop in here and let me know how you are doing ... maybe we can share tips?
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    miumiumoo wrote: »
    Hi guys!

    If anyone else has experience with falling off the tracking wagon and getting back on, I'd love to hear your thoughts! It's so frustrating starting from zero again! Thanks! :smile:

    The only way to not start from zero each time is to learn how to maintain your weight when you are not 'dieting' ... Once you can do that, then when you take a break from focusing on weight loss you can coast and pick up again after your metabolism, mind, emotions, can deal with it once again.

    BUT ... if you are starting from scratch all over again remember this ... Winners never quit. You haven't quit until you give up. You haven't given up if you started again. and ...

    “There are two primary choices in life: to accept conditions as they exist, or accept the responsibility for changing them.” ~Dr. Denis Waitley

    “First we form habits; then they form us. Conquer your bad habits or they will conquer you.” ~Robert Gilbert

    “Opportunity may knock only once, but temptation leans on the doorbell.” ~Unknown

    “It’s not that some people have willpower and some don’t. It’s that some people are ready to change and others are not.” ~James Gordon

    “A goal without a plan is just a wish.” ~Larry Elder

    “Little by little does the trick.” ~Aesop

    “You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think.” ~Christopher Robin

    “In order to change we must be sick and tired of being sick and tired.” ~Unknown

    “You can’t have a better tomorrow if you are thinking about yesterday all the time.” ~Charles Kettering

    “You may have to fight a battle more than once to win it.” ~Margaret Thatcher

    These are just some of the inspirational quotes I have collected that I review frequently ... you might find one of these or another one from some other source that speaks to you ... when you find it, write it down and carry it around with you in your wallet, pull it out often and read it, study it, contemplate what it means to you in your current struggle.
    Good luck
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    edited July 2016
    @skinnyjeanzbound - Karen, thanks for those exercise tips ... I really needed to read something like that today!

    @kah68 - Kelly, glad you are now in recuperation mode. Hope the healing goes smoothly for you.

    AFM (as for me) - Tuesday Goals ...
    all along the lines of being more active in the rest of the week.

    1. NO computer in the morning, shut it down and leave it off until lunch time
    2. Cut the grass front and back
    3. Weed Wack/trim all the edges in the front and back
    4. Park far instead of near the store entrance
    5. Walk all the aisles of the grocery store instead of just the perimeter
    6. Take a short walk after supper

  • mountmary84
    mountmary84 Posts: 259 Member
    Great list of inspirational quotes Niki.
  • badnoodle
    badnoodle Posts: 216 Member
    Belated checkin/weekly goals:
    The Glorious Fourth was pretty rough all weekend - Thai food and not much walking on Saturday, too much smoked chicken on Sunday, and worshiping at the First Church of Pork on Monday. And then about 2am this morning, I woke up in the wrong bedroom next to an open amd partially consumed bag of peanut butter M&Ms. I've never known myself to sleepwalk, much less sleepEAT. It was actually really disturbing. I hadn't been drinking, I hadn't taken any meds, nothing I could identify as a trigger beyond that I've been super hungry at bedtime the past several days.

    Looking forward, since I actually met all my goals last week, so going to go again with small ones.

    1. Hit 50% body mass on deadlift.
    2. Run a treadmill 5k without walking. Did my pavement 8K tonight, and was so sodden sweaty afterwards I could literally wring out my shirt.
    3. Walk one of the trails at the arboretum, now that the cicadas are gone.
  • MrsFlint2013
    MrsFlint2013 Posts: 49 Member
    Tuesday (goals):
    Biggest one is to keep logging, and keep my Fitbit on and charged! I do more steps when I wear it. :)

    Wednesday (wishes):
    I wish we were already moved and in our new place. We're looking forward to having a fitness center again!

    I also wish I had a bit more friends on here. It's rough when you're doing it on your own!
  • atitagain1958
    atitagain1958 Posts: 160 Member
    Sorry AGAIN...I missed yesterday! I read the posts and intended to come back and write and just never got back! Oops! I guess I'm playing hop scotch! Lol So let's see, Tuesday...weight loss goals...well to be honest, for my height, I should only weigh about 160. I shudder when I think of that because it's SO much weight to lose! I put my goal at 200. That's still overweight technically but still A LOT of weight for me to lose. Since I know weight loss will be slow for me due to my medicines and medical problems, I'll just keep plugging along and see if I can make it to 200. If I ca, I'll drop my goal to 160. I know I'll be on MFP for the rest of my life or as long as it's a website. I know I'll need to track and monitor my macros. I also know I need support from people like the people on this thread and my friends. Wednesday...wishes...I wish I didn't have the medical problems I have. I wish I had paid more attention to healthy eating when I was younger as opposed to the scale because I often wonder if that could be one of the attributing factors to my medical problems now. I wish I could "get through" to my daughter and other young people so they don't fall into the same pit I have.

    @skinnyjeanzbound Ah yes, Boblo Island! I was only there once when I was a kid. I basically only remember the boat ride! It's closed now. It closed in '93. I understand how injuries can sabotage your exercise/weight loss goals. I weighed A LOT less 10 years ago. Working out at gym, going to WW. Then the medical problems started. And a shoulder injury. After 2 years of physical therapy and 2 surgeries (one for frozen shoulder, one for torn bicep) I now have permanent limited range of motion in my right arm. After that, a ton of other things just followed. It's hard to maintain a positive attitude when you can't do even little things. Mine was my dominant arm. PT had to teach me how to use my other hand to do simple tasks like brushing my teeth, brushing my hair, even wiping my butt! I'm glad you didn't let it get too out of hand like I did! I admire your strength for that!

    @pinkstarberry Thank you for sharing your story. I wish you felt beautiful now! You don't need to be thin to feel beautiful! But I also understand how exciting it is to be able to fit in smaller clothes and how being thinner can boost your self confidence. You definitely have a GREAT attitude! And just'll be back in those smaller clothes soon! But until keep telling yourself you ARE beautiful...NOW!

    @cjbrummet YES!!! KUDOS...for losing the 22 lbs. AND not eating the chips & dip and cake!!! What willpower!!!

    @Fiqahana I'm so sorry you're ill. I hope you're feeling better soon! Praying for you!

    @MeLanceUppercut and @wadwrich Glad you enjoyed your holiday (beer and hot dogs)! Going over your calories once in a while isn't going to hurt as long as it doesn't throw you off! You're back here tracking so you're doing fine!! We have to do things like this once in a while so we don't feel deprived and restricted. Those feelings will soon be resented and make us want to throw in the towel!

    @badnoodle First Church of Pork? LMAO If you've been so hungry at night, why don't you save some calories and have a snack a couple hours before you go to bed? Lord knows, we don't want you waking up in the wrong bedroom with an opened and partially consumed bag of peanut butter M&M's again! THAT's some serious hunger!!

    @MrsFlint2013 You can add me as a friend!

    If I missed you, I'm sorry..I tried! I hope EVERYONE has a good day!!!
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    Today...share... About 2 years ago, I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia. ... I'm already on Cymbalta for depression and Amytriptyline for migraines .... I kept feeling worse. I was extremely tired all the time. I fell asleep while driving and ran off the road. .... So I went through more sleep studies. I already have sleep apnea and wear a CPAP machine but they wanted to know if I had narcolepsy. Well, I don't but I was diagnosed with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. I now take medicine to help me stay awake, however, it doesn't really give me energy. I was pushing myself to just walk for some exercise but I was getting very short of breath. I thought it was just because I'm fat. I'm the heaviest I've ever been!! But then I noticed I was getting short of breath even taking a shower so I mentioned to my doctor. So after some pulmonary studies and seeing a pulmonologist, I was diagnosed with COPD. So, exercise is very difficult for me. I'm hoping by losing weight, I will feel better and have more energy to do more than I can do now. Whew! Sorry that was SO long!!

    @Nikion901 ... How do you monitor all that so you know you've lost muscle instead of fat? BMI? I'm just getting into tracking BMI. ... LOL I can't exercise much right now so that's what I'm worried about too. ...

    Hi ... I missed you in one of my posts where I did personals but wanted to get back to you because I wanted to answer you and comment on your share ...

    First the comment: Like yourself, I use a CPAP machine and at one time suffered from migraines and depression, and at another time had been diagnosed with COPD with periods of the extreme shortness of breath your describe. I've never had a diagnosis for Fibromyalgia or CFS ... but do have Fibromyalgia-type pain points throughout my body that flare from one to another (knees, hips, spine, elbows, shoulders,etc.); and have suffered from unusual tiredness. Ha ... once I fell asleep at work while typing and the coworkers around me thought I had died in my seat. :)

    What I have discovered through careful attention to the foods I eat, liquids I intake, and my weight is that I feel better when I have tighter control and my weight is below a certain set point. I only found these things out by logging my food and water everyday as accurately as I possible and printing out the reports that are available on MFP and going over them with my doctor at my quarterly office visit. (I study them and prepare a printed summary for the doc, he spends about 20 minutes with me and that includes his evaluation and recommendations) And guess what ... I no longer use steroid inhalers (but do have my rescue inhaler with me as I've been a life-long asthmatic). I also no longer need to take any anti-depressant/anxiety meds or have counseling sessions with a mental-health professional. The CPAP machine is a godsend and I sleep very soundly and well when I use it every night, which gives me better energy, mental health, and weight control than before. I also have found that I need to keep to a 'window of opportunity' to sleep ... if I miss my bedtime hour I will have insomnia that night and for me, that's getting into bed no later than around 11 PM. So, believe me when I say I think many of my health issues are food related. The Fibromyalgia-type pain I suffer from is still a mystery to me and I do go through periods where I am in a lot of pain and have to take an Aleve (Naproxen Sodium), but those occasions where I cannot do without pain meds are few and far between, as I prefer to work through the pain rather than take the drugs.

    One medical condition I have you don't have is Insulin Resistance Type 2 Diabeties ... and it was that diagnosis that innitially started me on my close monitoring and the conclusions I've reached about my own physicality. That's the one I am focusing on the most in my struggle with weight loss and the one that led me to change my foods.

    Now to answer your question ... I use my measuring tape. I measure myself monthly and saw that while my weight went down my inches went up. Fat takes up more volume than muscle does.

    Good luck to you.
  • MeLanceUppercut
    MeLanceUppercut Posts: 116 Member
    Wednesday - Wishes

    Feel like a tool for forgetting yesterday! Oh well. My wishes this week are easy I guess. I wish that someday I'll loose enough weight to kick my cpap into the ocean. I wish that I can wear cool clothes again. When I was thinner, I dressed like a hipster gypsy lol. But mainly I wish that I was healthy. I wish there was no asthma. No apnea. No lethargy.
  • wadwrich
    wadwrich Posts: 42 Member
    I wish I could grow a garden. There is so much information out there and I have no idea where to start. I'm a step by step instructions guy and I haven't found that sort of instruction for growing a garden yet.
  • badnoodle
    badnoodle Posts: 216 Member
    edited July 2016
    @wadwrich Look up Square Foot Gardening. I have 3 raised SF beds, and I grow more beans, tomatoes, zucchini, lettuce, carrots, chard, and peppers than I can hardly eat in the summer. And it is bog-easy. If you buy the book, there literally are step-by-step instructions.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @atitagain1958 -- I honestly waited longer than I should have with my shoulder. I thought it was just a pulled muscle and delayed visiting a doctor which allowed some scaring to build up inside my joint. I also have limited range of motion that has improved slightly over time, but I suspect it will never be back to 100%.

    @MrsFlint2013 -- you are welcome to send me a friend request, but I rarely post anywhere but in this thread and any group challenges I'm involved in.

    @badnoodle -- that is disturbing. I agree with atitagain, maybe you should save some calories for an evening snack. Great job running the 8k outside. I actually rarely run more than a 5k outside b/c I get really bored running circles around my neighborhood. I also get so sweaty I can wring out my shirt, but that just means I pushed myself. Remember, "sweat is your fat crying"!

    @niki-- great quotes!

    AFM-- Gunner had another rough night due to severe thunderstorms, so I didn't end up getting much sleep until they ended around 6 am. Then we both slept until about 11 am which made for an unproductive start to the day. After his walk, I ended up doing some strength videos that are part of my Amazing Race challenge. One was a workout with hand weights and the other was a 5-minute ab workout. The challenge required that we do each video 5 times this week, so I did each video 5 times today to get them over with. Now my shoulders and abs are feeling it!

    Tomorrow I have lunch plans with friends near my running store, so I think I will go there after lunch and get fitted for new running shoes. It's been years and 50 lbs since I've been fitted, so it's probably about time.

    Wed Wish:
    That my weekend plans with friends go smoothly. A group of us are going to see Dead & Co. on Saturday, so I hope the weather, traffic, etc. all cooperate.

    General Goals:
    1. Edge flowerbeds
    2. Make doctor/dentist appointments
    3. Take winter coat to cleaners
    4. Find someone to repair shed

    Fitness Goals for the month of July:
    Visit gym or run outside minimum of 12 times 2/12
    Run at least 2/30 miles

    You vs Year Challenge:
    205 k done/ 795 k to go

    Exercise Goals:
    Sun-- walk gunner DONE
    Mon-- gym DONE
    Tues-- walk gunner DONE + yard work DONE
    Wed-- walk gunner DONE + worked out as home DONE
    Thurs-- walk gunner
    Fri-- walk gunner + gym or run outside
    Sat-- walk gunner
  • cjbrummet
    cjbrummet Posts: 66 Member
    edited July 2016
    I had a very busy night the last two nights at work so I didn't have time to check in here, so here are my Tuesday and wednesday posts.

    Tuesday - goals

    Number one goal is not weigh myself more than once every 24 hours. I know that sounds stupid but since I started losing some weight I jump on that scale every time I walk by it. Yes I know that we should weigh ourselves at the same time and circumstances each time (for ex. every morning when you first get up), because your weight will fluctuate throughout the day, but I haven't been able to stop myself.

    Number two is to make myself work out at least every other day. This is hard because I only like (tolerate) working out when I first wake up before I eat breakfast. I work nights and sometimes when it is especially busy at work, I have to stay late, or for when those days are all in a row, sometimes I am just barely doing anything but sleeping and working. So I am going to try to stop by the gym on my way home or waking up early to go to the gym then work.

    Wednesday - wishes

    I wish I could snap my fingers like in Mary Poppins and have a clean house. I absolutely hate doing housework and unfortunately I can't seem to clean up as I go. When I do clean house it takes forever because I get distracted when I find something and stop do something else. It is like I start 7 or 8 cleaning projects and stop them halfway thru and leaving a bigger mess than I started with. Think I can talk a Dr into giving me Adderrall for housework?

    @wadwrich hopefully you weren't born with a black thumb like me everything I try to grow just dies. Don't think to hard just jump right in consider this your learning season. Each year will get better. Good luck!

    @MrsFlint2013 I hate moving even more than I told my husband we are living in this house until I die, then he can move. When we moved here we donated, trashed or left most of our old stuff behind and started fresh. Although I don't think I could afford to do that again.

    @skinnyjeanzbound i always love your post and goals. You seems so organized and I am absolutely not. Sorry to here about the shoulder, hopefully it is not as bad as you think it is and it will recover. I love the "sweat is your fat crying" That may become my new

    @ everyone else who wished they didn't have the health issues they had, I understand where you come from, the more you weight and the more you hurt, the less activity you do. The less activity you do, the even bigger we become. At my biggest weight I found that I have developed sleep apnea and should go on CPAP at night but I haven't. It is one of my drives to lose weight.(I have several) Yes I know that even thin people have sleep apnea I am hoping that I will no longer have it if I lose the weight. So I wish to all of us here a healthy future.
  • EllyTheDreamer
    EllyTheDreamer Posts: 10 Member
    Hello everyone. New to the board.

    "Thursday - Truth (got anything you need to fess up to or get off your chest?)"
    I slacked off for the entire month of June.
    It's been difficult in it's every segment. Issues with work, breakup, family, just a storm of unfortunate situations piled up. And like a silly human I am, I let it get to me and my motivation to keep my health in check has gone.
    *takes deep breath*
    Enough. No more. Time to get back on track. Consistency is key to success.
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    "Some things to ask yourself... If you didn't weigh in, why? If you gained weight, why? If you didn't lose, why? If you did lose, why? Don't answer here but be honest with yourself. If you need to make adjustments, make them. This is for you. Your journey is for YOU. No one else can do it. You will be glad you did." :wink:

    Saw a funny post on FB posted by a priest friend of a sign posted by an unnamed church ... It read ..
    "Confession today (Saturday) will be until exactly 5:30 PM There is only one priest available for confession today. Make your confession direct to the point and confess only your sins and offenses. No need to explain why you did it. Thank you very much."

    I especially liked that 'No need to explain why you did it" statement and think it applies to many of our self-talk when it comes to weight loss and exercise. ... and tha'ts my Thursday Truth.
  • cjbrummet
    cjbrummet Posts: 66 Member
    Thursday - Truth

    I ate french fries today. Only three but I seriously had to stop myself from getting a huge plateful. I have been so good on my diet and I have avoided the sweets that always tempt me.