Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @cj-- great job limiting yourself to just a taste of the french fries. I had a serving with my grilled chicken sandwich while out to lunch with some friends, but I only ate half the sandwich. Once I finish my exercise for today, I will be under calorie goal, but it wasn't my most nutritious food choice. :neutral: Oh, and I'm glad it "seems" I am organized-- in truth, I'm one of those people who lives in organized chaos. My lists are my way of trying to infuse a bit of order-- they definitely help. However, if you notice, I haven't accomplished those four goals, and it's b/c I keep doing other tasks that never even got onto the list. LOL

    @niki-- you are so right about the need to be honest with yourself in this process. I remember way back when I started MFP and had a great streak of days meeting my goal. Then, the first time I was over, I was tempted to fudge the numbers in my food diary, but then I thought, "Why? What would be the point? It won't change the amount of calories that actually went in my mouth." I realized right then and there that lying in my food diary makes the entire process pointless. I'm so glad I figured that out early b/c it made it much easier to look at my reports and make adjustments. I even learned that those occasional calorie splurges could be helpful in pushing me past a plateau.

    @EllyTheDreamer -- welcome to the thread! We've all been there, but you are back at it and that's what matters.

    Thursday Truth:
    I bought gelato while at the grocery store tonight. I haven't eaten any yet, but it's there in the freezer calling to me.

    General Goals:
    1. Edge flowerbeds
    2. Make doctor/dentist appointments
    3. Take winter coat to cleaners
    4. Find someone to repair shed

    Fitness Goals for the month of July:
    Visit gym or run outside minimum of 12 times 2/12
    Run at least 2/30 miles

    You vs Year Challenge:
    205 k done/ 795 k to go

    Exercise Goals:
    Sun-- walk gunner DONE
    Mon-- gym DONE
    Tues-- walk gunner DONE + yard work DONE
    Wed-- walk gunner DONE + worked out as home DONE
    Thurs-- walk gunner DONE
    Fri-- walk gunner + gym or run outside
    Sat-- walk gunner
  • MrsFlint2013
    MrsFlint2013 Posts: 49 Member
    Thursday Truth:
    I ate a total of 3 donuts at work...not consecutively. I know... I should probably feel guilty. I don''s so rare that I even buy myself a donut.
    And it was yummy. They all were so yummy.
    It's back to watermelon tomorrow!
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Good Morning.

    It’s a sad day in Dallas, it’s kind of surreal to wake-up learning of the death of 4 police officers and one of the light rail officers. I watched all of that unfold last night as I was going to bed; I found it really hard to turn off the news. :cry: I can’t imagine being down there at the time at what had started out as a very peaceful protest march. So scary. Dallas Police still have a good 4-5 block radius shut down, so people are still stuck downtown as they have also shut down our public transportation/light rail system. They haven't updated on much this morning, I'm sure a lot will unfold throughout the day today.

    @cjbrummet ~I’m not really a French fries person, but love the waffle fries at Chick-fil-a—I allowed myself a splurge on that this week as well. :wink: Good job avoiding sweets!

    @Karen ~gelato? Uh oh, that would be calling me too—I :heart: gelato! Recently I discovered this organic low-calorie ice cream, Halo Top—it isn’t super creamy like regular ice cream but they have a mint chip that is absolutely delicious and only 60 calories for a ½ cup. I always have some in the freezer for days where I’m craving ice cream, so far I’ve been really good about eating it just once or twice a week.

    AFM~Followed up with doc yesterday—he removed sutures and I’m in a new cast. He released me back to work “as comfort allows” and wrote a script for a temp handicap placard so I can park closer to my office (my “assigned” parking lot is on the other side of campus) and because he still doesn’t want me walking a ton. I’m still using crutches for longer distances and especially at work—not so much at home. Making progress. Work was crazy yesterday, so much paperwork to catch up on.
  • badnoodle
    badnoodle Posts: 216 Member
    @kah68 I love Halo Top, although beware eating more than a serving or two at once. I'm not usually affected by sugar alcohols, but I indulged in a whole pint once, and my innards gurgled like a moonshine still for two days.
  • moodybear2003
    moodybear2003 Posts: 225 Member
    Yesterday i craved cheetos SO badly. I did buy a bag (2, they were on sale) and ate some in the car before picking up my husband. Not my proudest moment, but i plan on measuring them out for the rest of the bag. Stashing the rest to forget them
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    badnoodle wrote: »
    @kah68 I love Halo Top, although beware eating more than a serving or two at once. I'm not usually affected by sugar alcohols, but I indulged in a whole pint once, and my innards gurgled like a moonshine still for two days.

    LOL I know a few people that have eaten a whole pint without any effects, but I'm wary so haven't overindulged. :wink:

    @moodybear2003 ~I just can't keep Cheetos around, definitely a trigger food for me. In the organic section at my grocery store, they have white cheddar Cheetos--oh my! I've bought them and have managed to ration them before but one never knows.
  • MeLanceUppercut
    MeLanceUppercut Posts: 116 Member
    Friday Fitness - To be honest, I really haven't been exercising so far. I've lost some weight, but I wanna ease into this lifestyle. I'm so out of shape, I really don't even know where to get started
  • moodybear2003
    moodybear2003 Posts: 225 Member
    @kah68 i am pretty good about things,pouring into a bowl so I'm not mindlessly digging into a bag. I hide a lot, like a squirrel, haha. This was so weird for me, i never used to open a bag and eat in the car.

    The craving was brought on at work because i saw a display on one of the surveillance cameras i was watching. I have to pull videos for customer accidents and i was staring at that display for too long before finding my slip and fall person.
  • moodybear2003
    moodybear2003 Posts: 225 Member
    Friday fitness - i think I'm going to do one of those 30 challenges i see on pinterest. I need to exercise at home between jazzercise classes, but i don't know where to start. even if i don't finish the challenge, I'll have a list of a few body weight exercises to do
  • pinkstarberry
    pinkstarberry Posts: 79 Member
    edited July 2016
    @moodybear2003: Any cheese-related snack food is my total downfall... Cheetos, Goldfish crackers, Cheez-Its, nacho cheese Doritos, etc. I pretty much inhale an entire bag without realizing... it's dangerous for me lol.

    Friday fitness:

    I've been trying to slowly add more exercise to my lifestyle but I have to admit that it's been difficult lately with how hot the weather has been here. My apartment doesn't have a/c so I usually have to break up the workouts or else I'll feel very overheated.

    I am pretty proud of myself for getting up early and going for walks lately before it gets too hot and humid outside. I've increased my walks from 60 minutes to 70 minutes and I'm really hoping I can start building up to walking every single day, rather than just 4-5 times per week. I think just those small changes will make a big difference.

    As for weekend eating, I'm gonna make a big pot of lentil soup today so I won't have to worry about cooking a lot over the weekend or feeling tempted to eat junk because I won't want to cook anything from scratch.
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    @moodybear2003: Any cheese-related snack food is my total downfall... Cheetos, Goldfish crackers, Cheez-Its, nacho cheese Doritos, etc. I pretty much inhale an entire bag without realizing... it's dangerous for me lol.

    Cheez-Its and Doritos can be a downfall for me too, especially Cheez-Its Grooves. What's worse is that my cat loves them! :flushed:

  • cjbrummet
    cjbrummet Posts: 66 Member
    @kah68 I too live in Dallas and was shocked about what happened. My husband and I stayed up to see the latest news. So sad!!!!

    Friday -fitness

    I have stuck to my goal of working out at least every other day and my run/walks have more run time in them. It is slow still but I am improving each time. I have also started weight training after my run.
  • MrsFlint2013
    MrsFlint2013 Posts: 49 Member
    Friday Fitness: These may not seem like a traditional fitness goal, but I'm working on catching up on sleep. It's been hectic getting ready for this move. It was lovely to take a three hour nap and just chill this evening with the hubby.

    Saturday Success: We will officially get our keys tomorrow!!! We will be moving and climbing lots of stairs (2nd floor now). (& posting this today since we won't have Internet tomorrow). Also, noticed my shadow while walking. My waist is becoming a bit more defined! Slowly getting that hour glass figure!
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Hi everyone, I am having fun in Texas. I am in the Houston and Friendswood area. Life was very busy before I left and hopefully it will calm down when I get home.

    I am enjoying seeing the sights. Like Kelley, I am saddened by what happened in Dallas and the senseless violence. That has been happening.
  • trinati2001
    trinati2001 Posts: 262 Member
    Hi everyone. It's been awhile since I posted...there are so many posts I tend to spend my time reading them instead of typing out my own on the phone :smiley:

    Yesterday started out as a good day, sadly it didn't stay that way. I had plans to go out to lunch with a friend. We decided in 5 guys. I prelooked up the calories for a burger, decided to skip the fries and kept to that when I ordered. I was so proud of myself. I got a basket of peanuts to share but my coworker didn't realize it was to share. He got his own. Before I knew it I had eaten my whole basket :disappointed:

    We have been working with a contractor to do an addition to our house. We have been working with this guy since March. The design phase is almost over and he came over last night to show us the numbers. Our budget is 150K and this whole time he was saying "yes we are still within budget" "this is no problem we can do this within 150" and then all of the sudden the numbers are at 250K. :dizzy: are you Fing kidding me!!! I'm still so pissed off. He is at least 100K over budget. And it might even be more because there are more items that we have to purchase than initially talked about that aren't included in his number. Going into a crazy weekend so pissed and deflated won't be good for my weight!!

    Then we went to my in laws to pick up our two girls and and my father in law was talking about how much weight he has lost. He really truly has been doing great and is sticking to a diet that there is no way that I could. So he is loosing a lot quickly. But in my in laws family I am the heaviest woman. It is hard to look at the family pictures and see these gorgeous photogenic sister in laws and myself being so much heavier than them. But I always told myself that I was no were near as heavy as my father in law. Well I just found out that he was at 315 when he started his diet. He has now lost 95lbs and now weighs the same as me. I know he had been at it longer but that is a blow!! :anguished: I've been doing amazing with eating healthier and counting calories. I've lost almost 20lbs in 2 months but now he and I weigh the same and any day he will weigh less than me. I WILL NOW BE THE FAT ONE

    I guess today has no where to go but up. It's not like it could get more disappointing (without something really tragic happening). I do realize that this things are not big life chaining downers; no one died, got hurt or is sick. But F what a day of *kitten* thing after *kitten* thing.
  • mzfrizz15
    mzfrizz15 Posts: 135 Member
    Long time, no see!
    Saturday - Success (what have you accomplished; focus on the positive of the week, NSV=non scale victories)

    Much has happened since I've been around. Mostly, I've been dealing with an injured hip that is about 85% healed now. Instead of the walks that I always enjoyed, I had to do cycling for my work outs. My NSV is that I've found I actually like it and can easily do 10+ miles before I get bored! Once I'm fully healed and have paid off a couple bills, I'm going to invest in a road bike and take that up for my go-to work out. :)
  • miumiumoo
    miumiumoo Posts: 4 Member
    @Nikion901 @skinnyjeanzbound Thank you both for the input and help! The quotes are really helpful, as are this workout tips! I just hit the gym for the first time in ages and am feeling really excited about this. Thanks!!!
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    edited July 2016
    Nikion901 wrote: »
    AFM (as for me) - Tuesday Goals ...
    all along the lines of being more active in the rest of the week.

    1. NO computer in the morning, shut it down and leave it off until lunch time
    2. Cut the grass front and back
    3. Weed Wack/trim all the edges in the front and back
    4. Park far instead of near the store entrance
    5. Walk all the aisles of the grocery store instead of just the perimeter
    6. Take a short walk after supper

    Hmmm .... so far not one of these goals has been fullfilled. Guess my Saturday Success is that I got up every morning, slept in bed every night, and cooked all my own meals. It's also a milestone of logging my food for the past 260 days.

    PS ... logging without missing a day, I mean.
  • MrsFlint2013
    MrsFlint2013 Posts: 49 Member
    Sunday Sharing husband and I are doing this weight loss journey together. That's a huge thing for us! We are also currently moving into an apartment complex with an excellent fitness center! We've been steady on this journey since about March, when I started my job.
    Overall, life is good, minus the head cold I seem to have gotten mid move.