Fit For Future Families - July 2011



  • ElizabethRN59
    ElizabethRN59 Posts: 168 Member
    Welcome Christian, Aly, and ButterFLee !!

    @ alymarphi- i am in the same boat as you with only seeing my husband a few hours a day except for vacations. I work full time as an emergency dept RN and it is really hard to see one another since i work all three shifts and he works days. I totally know here you are coming from with loneliness and trying to make it all work :angry: One tip i can give you, we make it a point- NO MATTER WHAT - to have a date night :flowerforyou: at least once a month (if not twice a month)- some people even do it weekly (but that doesnt always work for my schedule). We make the time!! It's hard, but it works for us. The other thing we do is text- ALL DAY some days so we can keep communication completely open! Good luck with everything! :happy:

    AFM- weighed in this morning after hubby and i were able to have a mini vaca with my family and two of your best friends this weekend= 182.5 (18.4 pounds lost total)... I had to come home last night- b/c of work :angry: But it was great to be able to get away for a little bit this past weekend on our "mini vaca", not constantly focused on the TTC part of our lives for the weekend. And since having had the HSG done last wed, (having gotten good news- as the dr put it, "PERFECT") it was good to be able to sit back and feel a little relief for a change too... And now that we are rested and relaxed a little...:blushing: Other than that, we are scheduled to meet with the fertility MD in 3 days to "discuss treatments and the next step in this process". So hoping to update with some more info on our TTC journey later this week...

    Thinking of you all! :happy:
  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,221 Member
    bump for stalking :heart:
  • sdavisneill
    sdavisneill Posts: 115 Member
    Finally, a Monday I'm excited about, since it is a holiday!! Didn't get to sleep in though, part of my team has to work today to support our Europe operations and one guy called really early for help because he couldn't figure out something about his computer (He just had to reboot it!). Ah, the joys of management! Sorry I haven't posted in a few days, been keeping pretty busy, just checking in long enough to log my food.

    More new faces, welcome!! And hello stalkers :wink: ! Hope you are all healthy and doing great!

    ELIZABETH, congrats on a the good result of your HSG. Also sounds like you had a great weekend, love when those work out!
    ALY, when I first got married, I had a consulting job that put me on the road from Mon - Fri every week. We weren't TTC back then, but from an emotional stand point, we really made extra effort to do something fun together (even a little something) every weekend that I was home. In fact, I think we probably were better at that kind of thing back then as opposed to now when we see each other all the time. The only other advice I'd share is keep busy with projects, whether it's stuff around the house or hobbies, or even working out, the busier you are, the more quickly the time away from him will pass. Good luck! Oh, and how did the whole wheat pot pie turn out?
    JALARA, thanks for setting up the new board! And girl, embrace the cranky! I had one of those a couple of days ago (which makes sense, because today is CD1 :grumble: ), and I just let it rip for like half a day. I warned everyone first, and it ended up being kind of fun not to put it in check. I suppose I can only get away with that once in a blue moon - ha!
    AMANDA, still thinking good thoughts for you on this crazy roller coaster ride you're on. Hang in there!
    KAREN, you are so right about tomorrow and the food complaints! I'll probably be one of them. :tongue:

    AFM, weigh in day. It was a good week! For my weekly mini-goal, I would really like to post a weight <180 next week. FC!

    SW: 211 (March 2011)
    Calendar week 19: 193.6
    Calendar week 20: 189.8 (-3.8)
    Calendar week 21: 189.2 (-0.6)
    Calendar week 22: 187.4 (-1.8)
    Calendar week 23: 186.2 (-1.2)
    Calendar week 24: 184.0 (-2.2)
    Calendar week 25: 184.8 (+0.8)
    Calendar week 26: 183.4 (-1.4)
    Calendar week 27: 181.4 (-2.0)

    We're having a big cookout at our place later (20+ people coming) and then will watch the city fireworks from our front driveway (we live up on a hill and have a great view!). Needless to say, there is a still a lot of prep work to do today. So... better get back to it. Happy Independence Day to all the other US peeps!

    :flowerforyou: Stephanie
  • alymarphi
    alymarphi Posts: 90 Member
    Posted twice oooops***
  • alymarphi
    alymarphi Posts: 90 Member
    Thanks for your help :)
    A date night would be great! But we never have a sitter:(
    we used to txt all day but now im sleeping when he works and he sleeps when im up :(
    Im really trying on the project thing I try to be busyall the time and it helps
    Thanks again for the support I do really need it.

    Oh, and my pot pie turned out great! 100% all whole wheat loaded with veggies s! Idk if its for everyones taste buds cause the crust is wheaty it tastes healthy. Lol but I like the tase of healthy so I love it :)
  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,622 Member
    Good morning everyone - I'm up 0.4 this week. :grumble: Next week will be better!
  • abeare
    abeare Posts: 510 Member
    Wow, welcome to all the newbies! Sorry that I’m not responding back to everyone today, but I’ll do better tomorrow I swear!

    Jalara, DH is 6f and I’m 5’2, so I understand the frustration about running with them! This weekend DH would run a bit then walk till I caught up then repeat. Meanwhile I’m running the entire way!

    Alymarphi, you get 4 hours a day with your husband? Wow I’m lucky if I get 2! I always said that it was what kept our marriage strong though (jokes)

    AFM, I had an ok weekend diet wise, well not Thursday night though I went to a 5a7 (happy hour is what I believe it to be called to the rest of you) and had a few too many. I figured that this was my off month anyway and so I would indulge (9dpo at this point). Then I did well all Friday including an 8k walk/run I was so proud of myself for running at least 6 of the 8k! Then we climbed another mountain on Saturday (I have pics this time because it was nice enough outside this time).


    I did upset myself on Sunday by going bikini shopping (we were planning to go kayaking next weekend and I desperately needed a suit). I was in a horrible mood! Poor DH didn’t know what to do, he wanted to make me feel better so badly but couldn’t! So instead of binging I used the experience to reiterate how much I need to buckle down with this weight loss thing.
    On the TTC front, I broke out a bit on Sunday (right on schedule) so I’ll be back to temping & OPK’s and all that fun stuff, I should have AF by this weekend.
  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    godblessourhome - Do you use ovulation tests?

    yes, but i went thru menopause when i was 27 and we have spent the last 3 years trying to (chemically) reverse it so ovulation is sketchy at best.
  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    About me: I'm 31, married to a wonderful guy and we have a dog named LaKota. We have been TTC since last August and are having no luck. We have currently done 3 rounds of 50mg clomid and 1 HCG injection. I am able to test next week - I hope it goes well. I love being active, but the fertility drugs make me feel icky 90% of the time. Otherwise, I enjoy running, walking Lakota, cleaning, cross stitching and hanging with the hubby.

    i can so relate to the hormones making you feel icky. i'm crazy on a normal day, but the last two weeks, i have felt like bionic-nutso. my poor family. i don't want to live with me and yet they have too. i hope we have the results that make it worth it.
  • snflwr04
    snflwr04 Posts: 46
    Newbie question - What does AFM stand for? It's not listed on last months acrynyms list.

    My goal for this next week is to workout on three to four days and start getting back on track. We leave for vacation in 2 weeks, so the crap really stop then. I also going to start reading Kim Lyon's Your Body Your Life. Though I've already lost 80 lbs, I still feel like I need to educate myself more on being healthy and active.

    Have a great 4th all!!
  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,622 Member
    Newbie question - What does AFM stand for? It's not listed on last months acrynyms list.

    It stands for: As For Me.... it took me awhile to get that one myself.
  • AlisaToth
    AlisaToth Posts: 415 Member
    Bumping for reading and posting later....going to try to get dime things done today but fight w BFF over the weekend has put me in a bad mood and makes me just want to sit on my porch and do nothing...
  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,622 Member
    Does anyone know of a good website to buy fake rings from? We're sending ours away for the annual inspection and re-dipping, and we want something nice to wear in it's place. Also, we're not taking our own rings to Las Vegas with us (mine is over 100 years old and irreplaceable). Any suggestions?
  • kah78
    kah78 Posts: 391 Member
    Hi all! Internet is busted at the house, so there goes my stretch of days logging in, and i"m only on here now because I'm at work. (Ooops!) Haha. Just trying to catch up on everyone--probably won't be on here much for the next few days until my connection to the world is restored (I hope I hope I hope). Hope everyone is doing well. Later gals!
  • BronzeLady
    BronzeLady Posts: 13
    I wound up in the old thread by accident, lol! Here I go again:

    May I join your group? I joined MFP a few months back.

    (Hope my story isn't too long!)
    About 9 years ago DH and I had been unofficially TTC and nothing was happening. Went to my GYN and told her nothing was happening and she told me about charting and temping. I also bought a book called Taking Charge of Your Fertility and learned so much! So we started officially trying and still nothing was happening. Wound up getting a fertility workup on myself and they went in, looked around (and I got blood tests for my hormones), and after all of that they were like 'you're fine. We're going to have to test your husband's sperm'. During this time, this one, that one, and EVERYONE at my job was announcing pregnancies. First one, then another of my SILs got pregnant, one with her first child, the other with her second child. I was crying my eyes out 4 days a week for about a year.

    I was told by a friend of mine that my weight could be getting in the way of TTC. I'm a little lady (under 5 feet) and at that time I was like 172 pounds. So I went to the family herbalist and she told me what to eat and what not to eat, and put me on a crapload of herbs to clean me out. I did what she told me to and started exercising and I started taking Robitussin just in case it was my FM. We also bought a CBEFM and started using it.

    After almost a total of a year and a half of trying even though I was still a little upset about not being able to conceive, I was feeling a lot more positive and happy because I had lost about 12 pounds.

    Went back to the GYN on a Wednesday, cried in her office and she gave me a prescription for Clomid and ordered up labs for my husband's sperm to get tested. That Friday, got the High Fertility status on the CBEFM. We were supposed to have company that night and were trying to hold out on BD because of the sperm analysis. No one showed at our house that night so we figured what the heck? We BD. We did the sperm analysis the following week. Found out his sperm was fine.

    Two weeks later that Friday put in the prescription for clomid but AF was late. So I took a test and it was freaking POSITIVE. We have a 7 year old son now. He has autism. It has been a challenge in a lot of ways, but he is so loving and CUTE!

    Started TTC again 5 years ago and NOTHING. Weight was up to 180s this time. Yikes! Made some little changes and slowly went down to like 176 over a year's time. Got a faint positive on a test last year, but then had a very early MC. Was so mad at myself because I figured if I had not have taken the test, I'd never have known.

    Lost a couple more pounds before joining MFP. Then joined and lost 9 more. So I'm back at the weight I was when I conceived my son. I'm trying to lose at least 13 more before I officially 'try' again, but I've been stuck at a plateau for the past 6 weeks. I'm in much better shape, physically and endurance wise than I've ever been this past 10 years, so I plan on instituting jogging or P90X soon. This week, though, my big focus is going into watching "when" I eat. Late night snacking is standing in my way.

    I wanted to 'officially' start trying late this year/early next year. We'll see, right?

    Baby Dust to all!!!

    @Jalara - has great rings for reasonable prices. I guess you could get a cubic z. or a crystal or something. I think they have good metals, too, so it won't turn your finger green or anything.
  • kt4au
    kt4au Posts: 64 Member
    Bumping to keep up! Hope you all had a great 4th even though some of you don't celebrate!

  • ElizabethRN59
    ElizabethRN59 Posts: 168 Member
    Thanks for your help :)
    A date night would be great! But we never have a sitter:(
    we used to txt all day but now im sleeping when he works and he sleeps when im up :(
    Im really trying on the project thing I try to be busyall the time and it helps
    Thanks again for the support I do really need it.

    Oh, and my pot pie turned out great! 100% all whole wheat loaded with veggies s! Idk if its for everyones taste buds cause the crust is wheaty it tastes healthy. Lol but I like the tase of healthy so I love it :)

    OK... i have another idea- if you can't do date night b/c of sitting, make plans for after the little ones are in bed?!? plan a romantic meal for the two of you, or desert?! other idea would be to place little notes for him all over (lunch box, on the bathroom mirror, etc)... just another thing we do to help "keep it alive"...

    Welcome BronzeLady! baby dust your way!
  • alymarphi
    alymarphi Posts: 90 Member
    Thank you for the ideas I'm gonna have to try the note thing maybe it will surprse him ;)
  • redheadmommy
    redheadmommy Posts: 908 Member
    Hi Ladies,
    I have kind of joined end of last month, but didn't post much after that.
    I just had my period and went for an ultrasound on CD3 to check out my cyst. My cyst was the reason they cancelled my last IVF.
    The Dr said I still have a small cyst, but it is small enough not to interfere with IVF. So from next month we can start the expensive baby making again. Also they will put me on a short protocol so I won't be on supressant , which I am really happy about.
    I am very exited and started to think what if I get pregnant.
    What will I do with the whole MFP and weight loss thing. I do not want to risk the baby with not enough nutrition, but at the same time I do not want to make the same mistake as last time: I gained 70lb with my last pregnancy, yikes!

    Any thought on this issue?
  • pixieofdoom
    pixieofdoom Posts: 356 Member
    Welcome Bronzelady and anyone else who is new.

    Redhead - there is another thread for pregnant ladies on here to offer support with weight while pregnant. Sadly I've never had cause to look at it myself but I know lots of people from here head there when they get pregnant. I'm certain they will have loads of really good advice for you when the time comes. Excellent news about the IVF too!