Good-bye MyFitnessPal



  • AshDHart
    AshDHart Posts: 818 Member
    I know that you are upset over the weight gain, I see it in your face when you step off the scale (I'm his wife BTW).

    You may not be losing the pounds but you are loosing inches. I notice a difference when you take your shirt off and when you asked me for a belt this weekend! Plus I think you have a sensitive metabolism, we don't eat out normally and we did 2 days this three day weekend.

    Don't listen to the people putting your down, maybe they are the ones seeking the motivation. I can't make you do anything, but I notice changes in you and so do our families. I will still be cooking light so you can still eat healthy and I hope you still go for runs with F and I. I love you!

    You have a very supportive wife and a beautiful little girl! It's hard but those 2 ladies are pulling for you! My first month in I hit a 9 day plateau. Second month a 10 day one. I b*tched and moaned about how I was busting my butt doing everything right and nothing was happening. Yet, at the end of 2 months I was down 25.5 lbs even with almost 3 weeks of plateauing in the mix. Thank goodness my husband and daughter keep rooting for me.

    Stick it out. Figure out what works and what doesn't. B*tch when the plateau's happen b*tch a lot but don't stop trying! In a year you will look back and if you stick with this you will see major and positive changes! You can do this!!!
  • april522
    april522 Posts: 388 Member
    So you quit after a week? You're just looking for an excuse to stay fat. Period. We've all had ups and downs here, but stuck with it. In all likelihood, you are dehydrated and your body is storing water to make up for it. Working like that CAN cause weight gain, and to run away so quickly is just cowardly....
    I have to agree with this. Your profile says you just joined last month. You should at least stick it out for 3 months to see what kind of results you get after trying for more than a week. It's difficult, but so many people here have done it!
  • Toots2012
    Toots2012 Posts: 25

    MAKE HER YOUR PURPOSE!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • StevLL
    StevLL Posts: 921 Member
    He just boosted his self esteem, he's trying one and fitting in clothes that he hasn't worn in a very long time! I'm getting a modeling show in my living room :)

    Also thanks to everyone who made supportive comments for RB, he really does appreciate it. OK, back to the "Look at What I can Fit into Now" modelling show.

    Thats what I'm talking about! With NSV's like that who needs a scale. You're Rockin it Rebal and doing together with your wife makes it so much better. My wife (hootsmamma) is my biggest supporter and keeps me focused.
    You guys enjoy your day and don't feel bad about modeling, I put Vikki through that constantly, she is such a sport about it too. :-)
  • rubixcyoob
    rubixcyoob Posts: 395
    People are just using this as an excuse to be generally nasty. It's funny, this is supposed to be a 'support' site but people here and just being completely rude. Maybe if you made him feel accepted, showed him how supportive and nice it can be, how much help he could get then he would reconsider leaving.

    Would YOU stay somewhere people spoke to you the way some here have? Regardless of whether he said he was leaving or not, it may have been a cry for help.
  • karamille
    karamille Posts: 79 Member
    You know what.... it won't work until you are ready. You haven't hit rock bottom yet. When you are REALLY ready, we'll be here. :)
  • glittermouse
    glittermouse Posts: 582 Member
    Just one more person urging you not to give up. One thing I noticed in a lot of the sucess stories is that those people began a YEAR ago, sometimes longer. Loss this big and this serious will take time.

    Last summer, I tried (read: half-assed it.) Where am I this year? Same weight.
    This time, nothing will stop me. Where will I be next year? in the sucess stories.

    You can do it, too. You've got to be ready to do it. And when you are, don't give up.
  • Thriceshy
    Thriceshy Posts: 708 Member
    People are just using this as an excuse to be generally nasty. It's funny, this is supposed to be a 'support' site but people here and just being completely rude. Maybe if you made him feel accepted, showed him how supportive and nice it can be, how much help he could get then he would reconsider leaving.

    Would YOU stay somewhere people spoke to you the way some here have? Regardless of whether he said he was leaving or not, it may have been a cry for help.

    Or maybe you're wrong. Maybe people aren't looking for an excuse to be nasty at all. Maybe they're hoping to inspire this man to work for his own betterment and health. Maybe they're hoping to push him to see the progress he's made and the mistake it would be for him to give up now.

    Maybe people aren't any nastier or more rude than you've been in your own post. Maybe you're not giving people the benefit of the doubt.

    There are myriad different approaches to negative, self-defeating posts, and I think every one of them serves a purpose. Tough love is at least as important as touchy-feely approaches. And not a one of us is in a position to know which approach works best with whom.

    Nobody's response to this sort of thing is going to make everyone happy.

    Some folks were offended by the original post, and that's understandable. When you have literally worked your behind off for a year or more, it's pretty danged irritating to have someone shout that they give up after three weeks. Like that three weeks even begins to compare to what others here have put into this battle. Three weeks is a great start, but it's hardly a substantial, life-changing ordeal. It's a START, and to hear someone yell that those three weeks somehow constitute a sincere and dedicated effort? Some folks struggle with that.

    Some folks were horrified and demolished by the idea of this poor person throwing in the towel on his own life and health. It's inconceivable to some folks that someone would give up that early on something this important.

    Some folks hoped that they might in some way shock the OP into seeing how self destructive his choice was.

    Some folks rushed to cosset and coax, and sometimes that is exactly the right response. Some folks need the pat, the hand hold, the gentle nudge.

    Still others felt manipulated. Felt like he was just looking for an excuse to stop trying, like all he really wanted was to inspire a huge sympathetic response and throw his hands up, saying, "See? I tried!" They likely feel he could have found a better, less negative, more honest way to drum up support.

    There's no condemnation here because I think all of the responses TO HIM (though not necessarily to each other) were appropriate, given the posts he gave us.

    When all is said and done, it's all about personal perception and individual style. I think it's unfortunate that you view those whose style differs from yours in such an unflattering and unfair light. If calling someone to the carpet for proclaiming that he's giving up on his health and his quest after three weeks is a bad thing, I'm not sure just how much good we can do here. Sometimes frank honesty is the only way to get people to see through their own fables and delusions. And sometimes that stings.

    Good thing we have both blunt truth-tellers and huggers here, isn't it? It truly does take all kinds to make things work.

  • Thriceshy
    Thriceshy Posts: 708 Member
    Every time in the past I quit I wish I hadn't.

    That is exactly the story for me, and I think probably for so many of us. Even now, I look back and I ask, "What if I had stuck with it back in 2007 or 2004? Where would I be now?"

    Next year, when I look back? I'll know. And I'll be so glad.

  • newmeat30
    newmeat30 Posts: 766 Member
    You don't want to quit. You want people to give you reasons to stay. If you really wanted to quit, you would just stop coming to this site without making an announcement.

    You have lots of reason not to give up.

  • mjersh
    mjersh Posts: 46
    Easier to give up.. harder to make it work. If you don't have the will to do it for yourself then do it for that precious baby you are holding in the picture. One meal at a time, one day at a time. It took a long time for the weight to come on and it will take time for the weight to come off. Good luck!
  • so you built a block wall.......? how did you do it? one block at a time you say? hmm, interesting.
  • It was most likely water weight. When your muscles get a work out you tend to retain water for a few days. Doubly true if you don't drink enough water to replenish all that was lost. Quitting won't get you anywhere unless you're trying to be progressively more miserable.

    Weight loss takes a long time. You put your body through hell, it needs some time to adjust and re-balance once you start eating healthier, BEFORE it can really start dropping the weight. Spending a few weeks then giving up is RIDICULOUS. Think about how long it took you to gain that weight. Losing is more difficult because it requires action and commitment.

    If you try again, don't weigh yourself more than once a week, first thing in the morning after using the bathroom. Maybe that will help shield you if you give up that easily.
  • suzanne63
    suzanne63 Posts: 616 Member
    Hi :smile: Please don't give up.It really does take time.But you really can do it.Like Jillian Michaels says you have to fight for it and on the beginning of the Reebok video they are running up stairs(not taking the elevator)It says you just have to know.Hard work will be rewarded.And I promise you.It will be.Hang in there.You can do it.You never fail untill you quit trying.:flowerforyou:
  • layla_luvyah
    layla_luvyah Posts: 107 Member you decided to quit!! If you wanted to quit why didnt you just do it quietly?

    Do you realise how many friends you have here, not wanting you to give up!

    Please tell me, that if you have children you're not teaching them to quit, when things get tough...

    On my best day I was probably 250pds...I had an excuse for everything, I got tired of listening to myself. So I took it one day at at time, and when it got crazy it was 60-90 minutes at a time.My goal was very simple lose weight....that's it, if it happen to take 1-3yrs, so what! I did.

    I want to know how you feel? I can tell how I feel...I dont know you from Adam, just like the rest of the MFPS but I am here to support everyone!! WE ARE A're not suppose to leave a man down or behind...

    You need to get up, dust yourself off and start again....
    ONE DAY AT A TIME!!!:heart:
  • reneelee
    reneelee Posts: 877 Member
    You muscles are protecting themselves with fluid so you will be heavier for a couple days
  • bosanka
    bosanka Posts: 336 Member
    Okay guys, whats up with all these negitive comments, your P***sing me OFF!! :explode:

    YOU are the real losers, not Rebel. Very immature!! I know its not my place, but can not stand when hes being put down like this!!

    I couldnt agree more!

    I'm not the opinon that other members are trying to " put him down " or hurt his feelings- i think theire point is to " shake him up" wake him up.. some " tough love " is needed bc. he is feeling sorry for himself- it won't do him any good if we do the same.

    My opinion is that YOU don't want to quit. You need support and attention and this was a " venting " post- we all do that from time to time in different ways. Why am i so sure of that ?
    You know - when a person wants to commit suicide they do it without to much " notification " they don't stand at the edge of the bridge waiting for some body to come and tell them " please don't do it.. "
    if you really wanted to leave- you would have done so without this " announcment " - this post is more like a " cry for help and support "

    If you make up your mind- we are here- we ALL are here in the same boat.

    ps.. i came to USA in 2001 highest weight 180 lbs- less than 15 months later i was 285 .. it didn't take me that long to gain it.. but you see it's 2011 .. and i'm now at 250.. yes it's frustrating , slow.. hard.. but i can stop trying.. and in less than 3 months i will be back at 280 .. heck i can get to 300 without any problems.. so .. i don't really have an option .. do i ?
  • milaxx
    milaxx Posts: 1,122 Member
    Listen, I know this is frustrating, but I looked back at your diary all the way to June24th. I saw several skipped meals, loads of processed food and extremely high sodium levels. All those are things that will sabotage a "diet". MFP is just a tool to help you structure and monitor yourself. YOU have to do the work and all the exercise in the world won't help if you don't get the diet under control. The skipped meals and high sodium alone are enough to confuse your body and make it hold onto every calorie that comes it way. You need to relearn your way of eating, not diet. Dieting is only temporary.
  • Coco187
    Coco187 Posts: 33 Member
    I hope after all the encouragment and support as well as the MFP friend invitations, you are going to reconsider leaving us. I share with you the whole weight loss thing. I agree, it is a life style change. I had to look at what I was eating. I was eating alot of acidic foods and not enough alkaline. If you have not already, google an alkaline body verses an acidic boby. I hope this helps. Also, I am new to MFP and could use friends as well.
  • Articeluvsmemphis
    Articeluvsmemphis Posts: 1,987 Member
    ummm, then you weren't ready for myfitnesspal or anything else for that matter. you took the time to fill out your profile, and I love your goals/inspirations, you do know the weight I've lost started in Feb., it's been almost 6 months and I'm down only 35pounds {which some would say is good} but naturally I could be further alone. during these 6months I've had to deal w/ weeks a weight-gain, stress, binge-eating, sickness, family deaths, etc. . . It not only takes time, but a mindset that no matter the crap that happens {it's called life} you have to re-group, and re-focus. motivation has to come from inside you, every now and again, you'll get it from someone else, or something else, or and event, but it's up to you. even though you said it, you don't really want to be fat, no one who is truly overweight wants to be fat. i'd like to say that you can do this, but it seems like you need time and a better outlook on life before you can take this journey by the horns.
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