


  • Justn83
    Justn83 Posts: 5,226 Member
    I have it really bad. Since 08 I have been on 20 mg Prozac. I have even had other disorders related to anxiety. Doing very well though :)
  • nezza_93
    nezza_93 Posts: 7 Member
    I cut out soda and it has helped tremendously. I also cut back caffeine, couldn't give it up completely yet.... I now have a cup of coffee a few times a week. I can't say it did much for my anxiety but it has helped me not crash so hard. I too flip between over and under eating when I'm having a hard time with anxiety. Keep up the caffeine, the second week was the hardest for me but it does get better!
  • mjblair39
    mjblair39 Posts: 18 Member
    I think it's very awesome that so many people are willing to open up about their anxieties and depression. It's very alien to me that this is so freely talked about but it makes me really really happy that you're all helping each other and offering support and understanding. I go through really rapid changes of emotions and a constant rotation of being really scarily happy and just depressed. And I'm anxious about everything and every situation I can come up with in my head. It makes this whole health and wellness thing incredibly difficult. I'm so proud of all of you for working through this and getting better!!!
  • donnyg08
    donnyg08 Posts: 20 Member
    The best way to address depression is going to the gym and working out hard. Getting yourself in the right frame of mind.
  • catculus
    catculus Posts: 2 Member
    I take meds because I have found they prevent me from going into a deep depressive episode or getting very anxious every time some minor thing goes wrong and from completely shutting down when life gets really hard. I also find that it is very important to do things like exercise regularly, go outside, do things I enjoy, and interact with people (even for introverts like me). Some people can manage their anxiety and depression without meds by doing those things, but for me, the meds help give me the boost I need to actually do those things. It can be very difficult to find the right meds and dosages though, since there are so many different ones out there that affect different people in different ways.
  • cinnabondelights
    cinnabondelights Posts: 121 Member
    I was diagnosed with depression and anxiety 12 years ago and was put on medication until two years ago I stopped cold turkey. There are times when I just don't feel like doing anything and just sleep all day or I worry about gaining weight whenever I step on the scale- I used to get panic attacks a lot when I was younger but I've learned to just chill. When I finally push myself to do that Zumba class or work with my weights, I feel much better and that pushes me to keep going.
  • kate141987
    kate141987 Posts: 513 Member
    I found that actually reaching out for help helped me the most, reconnected me to reality and the fact that I'm not alone most people are experiencing what I'm experiencing so that calmed me down a lot.

    Hiding away and trying to solve your problems on your own doesn't help especially if you don't know what your dealing with. I was prescribed medication and it helped me a whole lot, kind of centred me but I think it's an ongoing battle, but you gotta stay positive as much as you can so easy to fall away.
    One thing I learned is that it's much harder to get back up so always try to stay at a level where you know you are happy and keep building on it.
    There will be black days but you owe it to yourself to fight through it
  • shortygirl1987
    shortygirl1987 Posts: 229 Member
    I have anxiety, depression, and OCD, working out helps me relieve stress and I love to listen to music, write poems, paint, draw, I'm a crafty person, I also take medication to help, wish I could be ok without meds but I just cAnt push myself to deal with things
  • AmyLavertuRoy88
    AmyLavertuRoy88 Posts: 5 Member
    I have PTSD, depression,general anxiety and social phobia and I hate every single one of those words! Everyday is a battle, but sometimes i see the sun shine :)
  • gfjazz
    gfjazz Posts: 285 Member
    Good morning I am doing better saw thearpist wed we go through the month good and bad
    Next roofers almost done
    Hot and gained weight
    Lost 1 of 4 pounds despite heat 30-60 min cardio
  • lauhil
    lauhil Posts: 101 Member
    I also suffer from anxiety and depression. I am on medication for mine. I don't talk very much because I get nervous and don't really know what to say,so I have social anxiety,too. I am currently trying to get more exercise because I used to not be very active.I would try to go online and go on YouTube to find ways for me to manage or get rid of my anxiety and depression. I have been on medication for years because of it. So far I have been going to the gym everyday for the past few days, it seems to be helping me now.