Bunch-A-Losers (CLOSED GROUP)



  • KierstyPants
    KierstyPants Posts: 468 Member

    Withoutthe missing weigh-ins, week 1's winners were... drum roll......

    Snack, Crackle, Pop! with a 1.71% team loss.

    and in second place was

    Singing Ourselves Skinny! With a 1.60% loss!

    The first place winners, here's a trophy if you'd like it for your signature to brag to everyone >:D

    Great job guys!
    You'll see, that each week, the first place winners will have a percentage in red, and the second place in purple.
    Awesome job guys!
    Hopefully I can let you know who won the second week winners are soon! :D
    so get your teammates to weigh in!

    This weeks Challenges will be posted on the spreadsheet! (:

    OMG! I am loving this! You are too much!!!!!
    what can i say?

    I have a lot of time on my hands hahah.
  • rosemiller11
    rosemiller11 Posts: 224 Member
  • razzmahtazz
    razzmahtazz Posts: 78 Member
    Team: Just the 3 of Us

    CW: 177
  • cklbrown
    cklbrown Posts: 4,696 Member
    Tuesday complete! I stayed under calorie and drank 80+ oz of water
    Wednesday complete! I jogged 3 miles
    Thursday complete! I did 20 minutes strength and drank 90 oz of water
    Friday complete! I drank 82 oz of water and shouted out to my team
    Saturday complete! I drank 92 oz of water and jogged 45 minutes
    Sunday complete! I drank 96 oz of water. Can I count running to the bathroom as exercise?
    Monday complete! I stayed under calorie, did 55 minutes of cardio and drank 116 oz of water (because I thought today was a water goal!)
    Thanks for the challenge!
  • FabOma08
    FabOma08 Posts: 500
    Week 2 weigh in. 246.6
    Oops that's an increase of .2 due to TOM and practically living at the hospital! This week will be better!
  • hedwardsb
    hedwardsb Posts: 201 Member
    Week 2 weigh in for Just the 3 of Us 124
  • jennmoore3
    jennmoore3 Posts: 1,015 Member
    Is it me, or are the challenges for this week the same as last week?

    I'm ok with it and all, I just don't want to miss out if I was not looking at the right spot.
  • MakinMoves
    MakinMoves Posts: 364
    Hi All...

    Second Time I Posted This....Computer Issues I Guess...

    Week 2 Weigh In: 266.1

    Gooooooooooo Team Singing Ouselves Skinny
  • Sheri869
    Sheri869 Posts: 1,195 Member
    Week 2 weigh in for Losers of Doom

    Fochizzy - 197.5 (Still in that "one"derland - Awesome girl!)

    sheri869 - 138.4 (great week - hopefully the 4th didn't screw me up!)
  • Andie122
    Andie122 Posts: 36 Member
    Sorry for the late weigh-in! I have been on vacation.

    Team 11: Hungry Hungry Hippos
    Andie122: 166.4
    MDLNH Posts: 587 Member
    Sunday and Monday's challenges were completed . . .

    *Weigh-in will be around 2pm (NH time) today - results posted soon after.

    (Team: Better Late Than Never)
  • Yurippe
    Yurippe Posts: 850 Member
    Team AAA
    SW: 244.5
    Week 1: 240.5 (-4 lbs)
    Week 2: 239 (-1.5 lbs)
  • coultesr
    coultesr Posts: 51 Member
    Team: Better Late Than NEVER!!!

    Sorry, forgot to post over the holiday weekend.

    SW: 152.2
    W1: 149.8
    W2: 148.5 (-1.3 lbs)....Yeah....

    Here is hoping to still see a loss through this holiday time. Now, off to drink water and work on challenges!!!

    Go Team!
  • MayLan
    MayLan Posts: 1,523 Member
    30 minutes of cardio
    under calories

    I've completed monday's challenges, wohoo!!

    by the way, all, this week's challenges are posted on the weigh in spreadsheet on a separate tab:

  • KierstyPants
    KierstyPants Posts: 468 Member
    Is it me, or are the challenges for this week the same as last week?

    I'm ok with it and all, I just don't want to miss out if I was not looking at the right spot.

    I forgot to change them. -_-
    sorry. I'm going to do that now but keep Monday and Tuesday the same since it's Tuesday.
  • AdorablePanda
    AdorablePanda Posts: 125 Member
    Sorry for the late weigh-in...yesterday got crazy. I weigh a little bit more today...so I'm glad we are using our Sunday weigh ins. LOL :-)
    I didn't gain or lose any...still stuck at 215.8 lbs...blah....>.<

    p.s. team 5 btw. :-D
  • Fochizzy
    Fochizzy Posts: 505 Member
    Week 2 weigh in for Losers of Doom

    Fochizzy - 197.5 (Still in that "one"derland - Awesome girl!)

    sheri869 - 138.4 (great week - hopefully the 4th didn't screw me up!)

    Thanks Sheri, your week ROCKED! Gotta love fluxuations though 197.5 yesterday 199.8 today, SO AGGRAVATING, at least I got the low weight on weigh in day
  • MayLan
    MayLan Posts: 1,523 Member
    Team Fit & Victorious

    I completed tuesday's challenge and drank 16 cups of water, and stayed under calorie. Have an awesome day all!
    MDLNH Posts: 587 Member
    Today's weigh-in: 252

    Total loss for the week: 1 lb. (not too bad considering all the holiday events I went to).

    *Tuesday's challenges are complete !!!

    Mark (Team: Better Late Than Never)
  • Sheri869
    Sheri869 Posts: 1,195 Member
    Week 2 weigh in for Losers of Doom

    Fochizzy - 197.5 (Still in that "one"derland - Awesome girl!)

    sheri869 - 138.4 (great week - hopefully the 4th didn't screw me up!)

    Thanks Sheri, your week ROCKED! Gotta love fluxuations though 197.5 yesterday 199.8 today, SO AGGRAVATING, at least I got the low weight on weigh in day

    We both had a good week! And I got lucky with the weigh in day too - since I had a Great week and weigh in was Before my 4th of July BBQ butttt I had the same aggravating thing happen to me this morning! I'm up almost 3 lbs in 1 DAY??? I knew the 4th was gonna screw me up but at least I'm not back where I started and 1 screw up day usually won't stay on tooooo long if I get RIGHT back to being good. AND staying up 1/2 the night last night - todays not a great day either - I had a low calorie intake but I can barely move, No Energy - I'm getting my rest tonight and "killing it" at the gym tomorrow!

    Yeh! Losers of Doom!