Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • pinkstarberry
    pinkstarberry Posts: 79 Member
    edited July 2016
    Saturday success: Well, I haven't seen much weight loss this week but I think that's probably because my period is coming up soon. I do feel my clothes are getting looser, especially the pants I wear while exercising, since I have to tie the drawstring at the waist much tighter now. Since the scale hasn't moved much, I decided to finally buy a tape measure and start taking measurements for another way to track my progress. Really hoping I can see a steady decrease in my hips because they are pretty ridiculous lol. I am proud for getting back in the habit of walking in the morning, so I want to keep doing that! :)

    Hope everyone has a great weekend!
  • sherrymaxine
    sherrymaxine Posts: 9 Member
    Hello. I saw this thread here and wanted to be a part of it. I am not going to waste your time talking about my friends, my family, work, or other junk of the day. I am going to be honest and talk about my new path to a thinner me. My highest weight was 337. I lost some, gained some, until I was feeling so unhealthy as my body started to feel like it was deteriorating. I have arthritis, fibromyalgia, diabetes, and other ailments. I had a knee replacement, and they want to take my other knee. So, enough is enough. Its time to feel healthier and live longer. On my current pathway, I would assuredly die sooner than later. So, I made up my mind. I had weight loss surgery. Its not for everyone. It was for me. I have relearned how to eat. I learned that food is medicine. I also eat very consciously. That means, small meals, protein, and some snacks. If you have 100 pounds or more to lose, maybe I can make suggestions (based on my experiences) so you can rethink your food intake. We can go down the scale together.

    For instance, I learned to appreciate weight loss shakes. I drink them often, but not all the time. I especially like the muscle milk 100 calories. This has 20 grams of protein. Thats great! It can replace breakfast. I learned to appreciate yogurt. I like Greek style under 100 calories. I also like Activia. This brand has small size (60 Cals) yogurts with good bacteria. That helps digestion. It also is a good snack. I learned to eat, and like, 15 calorie Popsicles! These ices are tasty, come in grape, orange, and cherry flavors. These low calorie ices have been a lifesaver for me! I can eat 3-4 a day at different times. Popsicle's are a good tool. But, you can not abuse them. Its just like anything else. Help yourself, but don't hurt yourself.

    The most important thing I do now is exercise. I do this at least 4 times a week. I use a stationary bike that I parked right in front of the tv! I started at 15 minutes. I increased to 20, then to 30 minutes! I go slow, and use no added pressure or tension. I can go fast or slow on the lowest speed. If my knee hurts, I stop. I have, on some occasions done a half hour in the morning, and again later in the evening! I enjoy exercising now! I especially like the old 60s and 70s tv shows and sitcoms. While watching tv, it makes the exercise time seem to pass faster!

    I also appreciate the roll of my physician. I check in once a month. The doctor takes my blood, and gives me a vitamin B-12 shot! I also get weighed. Her job is to watch and protect, and offer advice. I am grateful for my doctor.

    I hope I can be an example, or offer hope to some of you. If you can do some of these things to avoid surgery, then perhaps you can get on a new pathway. Please use your doctor. Your doctor can be your best friend during your weight loss journey!

    I would like to add you, if you are serious about weight loss.
  • LissBlisspgg
    LissBlisspgg Posts: 22 Member
    Saturday - Success (what have you accomplished; focus on the positive of the week, NSV=non scale victories)

    I hit a rutt this week, feeling unmotivated to do anything. I am a newly single mother and the pressure of providing is new as well, and I just about cracked under pressure. MY Success was in reaching out for help, I have the greatest friends in the world, they are my life guards, keeping me from sinking. They didn't FIX anything but they were exactly what I needed in order to focus on what I can control.
    another success is in the way I did NOT try to eat my feelings away...I've learned it's OK to feel, no need to try to hide from something. :)
  • suznhenz
    suznhenz Posts: 33 Member
    Hi all- I'm new to the group and started regular exercise back in May when I bought a TerraTrike Rover (a tadpole recumbent trike- two wheels in the front, one in back). Then about two weeks ago I started really counting calories (with an eye towards low carbs, basically) and have so far lost about 11 pounds, but have well over 100 to go. I have been trying to ride for at least an hour a day - two days ago I did over 2 hours and over 17 miles. Today I only went 9 miles in about 1 hrs, 11 minutes because I got started late (1130) and this is summer here in Florida and pretty hot. I know that most of the 11 pounds I've lost so far is water weight from cutting out the carbs, so I will be interested to see what kind of fat loss I can obtain. I had my thyroid removed about 9 years ago, and have steadily gained weight since then and really don't think my medication dosages are right at all, which has messed up my metabolism, but think I may have finally found a doctor who doesn't rely entirely on one lab test reading. At least, that's what I am hoping. If nothing else, when I see him again in September, I will have months of food and exercise records to show him. Eating low carb has been great- I am really never hungry and actually have to make sure that I eat enough, especially since I don't eat before I ride my bike in the morning- don't want to feel sick with a full stomach. I just make sure I drink water every 15 minutes or so. I really LOVE my trike!!! I don't get sore wrists or shoulders and definitely not an aching bottom like I did with my two wheeled bike.
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    @suznhenz ... OH, tell me more about that bike/trike ...
    I looked it up online and in those photos it looks like you lay back quite far and if you do, then it must be hard on the back of the neck to keep your head up so you aren't looking down your nose to see the road. That's what I pictured ... tell me it ain't so!
  • suznhenz
    suznhenz Posts: 33 Member
    With the Rover, you can sit straight up, or lean back as much or as little as you want! I have a back that really bothers me when I walk or stand up for any length of time, and I don't have ANY trouble with my trike! What is great about the Rover model, in addition, is that the seat is higher off the ground than some of the "sportier" models- easier for my 69 year old knees and back to get on and off of, and is rated to carry up to 400 pounds too! Look at the TerraTrike website. They aren't cheap, but are very well made and sure have made a difference for my exercise practices! You can see me in my profile picture riding it- it's a very comfortable position- not looking down my nose at all. As a matter of fact, I recently adjusted it to lean back a little more.
  • slow2move
    slow2move Posts: 8 Member
    I'm new hear. Need to lose over 100 so my journey begins. Success for Saturday...I found this place, got registered, tracking my calories, and now just looking around this site.
  • runto107
    runto107 Posts: 45 Member
    May I join this community?
  • cjbrummet
    cjbrummet Posts: 66 Member
    edited July 2016
    Sunday - Share

    Yesterday I not only cheated but I cheated with a whole meal. My husband and I went out to eat at a Mexican restaurant and I didn't really see anything that was carb friendly on the menu so I said screw it and I ordered what I wanted. It was delicious, but afterwards I felt miserable like my stomach wanted to explode. So I decided the enchilada dinner wasn't worth it, next time I will eat the fajitas without the tortillas.

    @LissBlisspgg sometimes your friends can come through for you better than family can, especially when you live away from the rest of the family. As ex-military I found that your friends quickly became your family. Trust me good friends want to help whether it is to occasionally babysit or just lend an ear to help you vent so you don't become overwhelmed. Hang in there, it gets easier some days and harder the next, but it is worth it.

    @sherrymaxine It seems half my family underwent gastric bypass surgery and they have all lost well over 100lbs each. I considered it, but when I see how much skin they have sagging from loosing all that weight so fast I thought I would try seriously exercising first. As a nurse I see so many patients that don't take care of themselves end up in the ICU. So my advice to you is Always remember to take your vitamins and supplements, Eat frequent small meals, and Exercise. The weight will come off even if you don't exercise but the exercise will tone you up so you won't sag as much. Neither my mother, brother or sister-in-law exercised and now my brother even says that he looks great with his clothes on but he hates the way he looks naked.

    @suznhenz I too had to google what the recumbent trike was. It looks cool I even found video of two guys who are touring Europe on their trikes and camping out. It looked really cool until I say the price tag of the Terra Trike Rover. I am still not over the sticker shock. It does look like an excellent source of exercise for someone who is overweight or has a bad back though.

    @slow2move Every journey begins with that first step, so congratulations for making the first step and welcome to this forum thread. I find it very therapeutic writing all my thoughts here instead of keeping them inside my head. It helps hearing others going through the same struggle I am.

    @kah68 Thanks for the support. I am trying to stay optimistic. I have tried to tell myself I don't care what the scale says I care how I feel health wise, how many inches I am and how my clothes fit. I even tell myself that muscle weighs more than fat. But I can't help but want that number to go down. Sorry to hear about needing surgery but here is to a speedy recovery.

    @GOINSTD12 good for you getting out there. You have to make time for yourself and you need to get plenty of rest. Hang in there. I have been thinking of you and wishing you all the best.

    @vikinglander Congratulations on the successful weight loss! Keep up the great work. Curious though is your name because you are a Vikings fan or is it because of your heritage? I just wondered because my husband is a huge Vikings fan and has corrupted all of my children. Not one is a Cowboy fan, in fact they hate the Cowboys just like their father

    @pinkstarberry It seems like you and I are at the same stall in our weight loss. I think I will write down my measurements too each week. I just wish I had my initial measurements to compare them to the final numbers WHEN I lose all my weight. Notice how I emphasized that because it will

    @runto107 Welcome! I am new here too. Feel free to friend me.

    That goes for anyone out there feel free to friend me. I don't tend to post much on the News feed but I find it helps seeing others activities and I am friends with someone called "livingdeadnurse" who has not missed a day in her diary for over 1300 days, that is years of writing your meals down. I may start posting there too but might be a repeat or a copy of what I write here.

    So many Texans here, that is neat, heck we could be neighbors
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    runto107 wrote: »
    May I join this community?
    Sure - if you are losing 100 pounds.
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    edited July 2016
    Sunday - Sharing (tell us a little about yourself....update your personal life)

    We have a lot of new posters so I thought I'd use the Sunday Share this week. I'm a 'senior citizen', retired over 6 years now, from western NY ... Niagara Falls is about 30 minutes drive from my home. I found this thread back in 2014 and have been a regular poster on here since then. I'm a very independent person, having stayed single after being divorced back in 1980 after 16 years of wedded bliss.

    I gained about half of my excess weight after that life-changing event but I was fit and strong and the extra 40 pounds were not a health problem. But then in 1990 I had a back injury that greatly curtailed my ability to be active and menapause hit at the same time, plus I finally succeeded in giving up cigarettes. Before I knew it, I was another 60 pounds heavier, and my health began to suffer from the extra weight and inactive lifestyle.

    I started to work on getting control over it, but had limited success. Mainly because I was looking for quick fixes and tried every new fad diet that came along. My ob-gyn suggested I consider gastric bypass when I hit 100 pounds over my ideal weight, but I didn't want to go that route. I wanted to learn about nutrition and eat a balanced diet from a large variety of foods, and I didn't want to depend on micro-nutrient supplements. I knew by then that quick fixes didn't work for me, that there was something else going on between me and food. (edited to add) ... That if I didn't figure that out and get it under control that stomach reduction surgery would ultimately also fail for my weight issues.

    At one time, I was actually 132 pounds overweight, and when I joined this thread I still had 104 pounds to lose to get back to that good weight, at present I'm about 78 pounds away from it. So, I am still considered morbidly obese, but except for my skeletal issues and being a diabetic, I am remarkably healthy.

    Recently I changed my ticker goals so that instead of looking at the big picture I only looked at 25 pounds at a time. It's my ambition to be within 25 pounds of my ideal weight by my 72nd birthday next year. Since I made that ticker change, I have gone just past the half way mark for that first mini-goal.

    That's me, Niki ... and welcome aboard to all of you.
  • mzfrizz15
    mzfrizz15 Posts: 135 Member
    @runto107 Welcome, welcome! Feel free to join in!

    @slow2move The first step is the most important one to take! Welcome!

    @suznhenz Oh my goodness, that trike looks like fun! Way to go on finding something you like and sticking to it! :)

    @pinkstarberry A tape measure is a great idea! I also cut myself some slack where the scale is concerned when that time of month rolls around.

    @GOINSTD12 Awesome job getting out for exercise! It can be challenging here in Texas this time of year. I either go out just before sunrise or just after sunset if I'm exercising outdoors. I'm waiting patiently for Fall, too.

    @cjbrummet Oof, that sucks that a cheat meal was more trouble than it was worth. :(

    @vikinglander That is wonderful! :)

    @LissBlisspgg Hang in there! You'll make it and be so much happier in time.

    Sunday - Sharing (tell us a little about yourself....update your personal life)

    I've always been "the fat one" in my circles. Even when I was a toddler. Some relatives called me "Pudge" or even ruder names instead of my given name from the time I could speak, right up to the time I cut the more toxic ones out of my life. Learning to like myself, let alone love, has been a challenge. A couple years ago, I knew I finally hit my breaking point and decided I didn't want to be so unhealthy anymore. I signed up for MFP and have been trying to do my best since then. Life has been getting better, bit by bit.

    All that being said, I'm still rather stressed out from my job hunting. But I'll keep on keeping on. I know I'll find something eventually.
  • runto107
    runto107 Posts: 45 Member
    edited July 2016
    My Sunday share.

    I am 27, recently divorced. 2 amazing kids ages 7 and 3. My highest weight was 288, am down to 229 on my own. Still have over 100 to lose for my height (very short)

    Recently (3 months ago) was hurt at work resulting in a broken femur, hip, and back and knee injuries. Been in a wheel chair for three months. Gained 22 pounds in two months and lost half of that so far. Aside from being in a wheel chair I don't typically yoyo with my weight thankfully not more than a few pounds anyways.

    It's very hard losing weight when you can't move your lower body but I am doing it so I haven't been too hard on myself for the initial gain. My goal is to return to my normal abilities pretty injury. I was down to 219 and running three miles a day also had a very active job. I know it may take years to get there but that is my goal.

    Thank you all for having me here!
  • nanknits
    nanknits Posts: 16 Member
    Nice to find this message board! I'm Nannette. I've lost 86 pounds so far (374 to 288) but still have a long way to go. Thanks for being here! <3
  • suznhenz
    suznhenz Posts: 33 Member
    edited July 2016
    @cjbrummet - the cost did put me off for quite a while, but it has been worth every penny so far!! I can't wait to go out every day, and keep extending the length of my ride. I wouldn't have done that with a regular bike. I am trying to ride for at least an hour every day, with at least one or two 2 hour trips a week. I also try to continually improve my time for my "go-to" approximately 9 mile route. My TomTom MultiSport GPS watch has also helped motivate me - it records every ride, gives me instant feed-back and even uploads the information about my rides onto the MFP website!
  • LissBlisspgg
    LissBlisspgg Posts: 22 Member
    Monday - Check In (how are you doing? Had any successes or struggles this week-end?)

    this week has been an emotional and stressful week butbut I made it through, made healthy choices, and came out on top....rid myself of 4lbs of unwanted fat!!
  • wadwrich
    wadwrich Posts: 42 Member
    It's been a while since I have checked in. Nothing new here. Life is the same as ever. Still tracking. Still losing. 45 day streak now. I cheated this weekend. I had pizza and beer. I still lost though. My wife is happy for me but feels it's unfair because if she cheats she gains. I've lost a total of 45 lbs now. Made it to the 260's (269). I'm starting to wear old shirts that I haven't been able to wear in quite a while. So yeah, I guess things are going good for me. Congrats on other folks' successes. Welcome new folks. I don't write often, but I'm here and doin' the thing with y'all. Have a good week.
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    Monday check-in ... I had a 3 pound loss this past week. Hit the calorie target range on 2 days. Was way low yesterday.
  • pinkstarberry
    pinkstarberry Posts: 79 Member
    Monday check-in: Well, I only lost about 1 lb last week, despite staying on track every day with my food/calories and even trying to exercise everyday. No choice but to just keep at it though, so I won't let myself get discouraged! I'll try reducing the salt and getting a little more sleep and hopefully that will help see some movement on the scale.
  • cresswellmb
    cresswellmb Posts: 1 Member
    Good morning. Something clicked this morning and I have decided to reach out to the MFP community for support. For the past two years I have been struggling to lose the weight. I have lost about 30 pounds but still have 100+ to go. I have some friends on MFP but they are already near their goal weight (and didn't have as much to lose) or are not serious about using this tool to reach their goals. I would love to connect with individuals who are on a similar path to my own so we can provide each other support during this long process.