WOMEN ages 50+ FOR JULY 2016



  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    Happppppy Birrrrthday Katlaaaaaa.....(ok I sang that). Do whatcha wanna do, eat whatcha wanna eat, and order people about...its Katla day for gosh sakes! (((hugs)))
  • trulydivyn
    trulydivyn Posts: 13 Member
    Hi Ladies - new to this thread - and a retread to myfitnesspal in general - I'll be 53 on the 25th, so I thought I'd drop by and say hello! Happy birthday Katla!!
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    cheri isn't that great news that your son wants to live near you guys?

    Meg I think it is awesome that a former student reached out to you like that and I think it is a sign that you're on the right path towards better health

    Katla happy birthday!!

    I had a lazy, but happy day catching up with phone calls and dealing with remodel from afar. I love being home but preparing myself to go back to Philadelphia. Going back includes more painting, putting in flooring order (logistics with building) and having the O.T. return to the apartment to help OS learn how to maneuver in her new shower.

    I am excited that my new cookbook arrived. The kitchen matrix by Mark Bittman. Will be fun to look through.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,748 Member
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,102 Member
    Sitting by a fan and AC on too. Heat index over 100 today. We are not used to this type of heat. I am doing the things I used to do when we didn't have AC. Watering lawn well, closing all the drapes and blinds. Taking it easy. Having a glass of ice tea while I type.

    :heart: Margaret
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Becca - great insight!
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    becca your insight and understanding about the difference between you and your sister is powerful. NYKAREN
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    I was laying in bed last night waiting for. Y body to finally give in and go to sleep but somehow was nagging me. I had enjoyed the fact that I was not setting the alarm but I knew something wasn't right. I knew Charlies appointment with our family doc had been set for Thursday and mine was the day before. I also knew that it was Tuesday. It wa then that it hit me. My appointment was 8:30 Wednesday am and I hadn't set the alarm! So that ruined my good nights sleep. And I was in a dead sleep when my alarm woke up this morning. Was real proud of my parking space, first space first row! Found out the selling more than likely due to one of m B/P medicines, Nifedipine. It is the first side effect listed. The doctors office is in the hospital so I is walked up to Charlies room. So I called my PCP office, cancelled his appointment for tomorrow and gave them the info on my medicine.

    It is so boring here. Fox News all day long. And they go over the same subject over and over and over. Th convention hasn't even started for the day yet. As usual what I do t help Charlie doesn't make him happ so I am about ready to leave. I asked for the ostomy nurse to come and answer a question for us therefore. Couldn't go down for lunch and I ordered a guest tray. It was the same price as if I had gone downstairs and was convenient.

    Joyce, indiana
  • baLancedLif3
    baLancedLif3 Posts: 11 Member
    @Katla49 I hope you had, a wonderful day, happy birthday. :)

    @csofled I like the encouaging talk of decluttering our spaces, something that I am striving to do.. for my sense of peace and well being in my life. You sound so organized with you move! Awesome news from your son!

    @KetoneKaren I vote for that pup tent!
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,748 Member
  • ilikegardens
    ilikegardens Posts: 134 Member
    edited July 2016
    Joyce, thanks so much for the tip on editing posts. I'll put it to good use! (In fact, this sentence is one of my edits).

    Katla, Happy Birthday!

    Barbie, we spent a couple of days in Vancouver and then went to Vancouver Island, which has vast tracts of parkland, some old growth forests, lovely shorelines (especially on the west coast), fishing villages, lots of trails, and lots of B &Bs. Victoria is a great city to visit.

    Becca, loved the story about using your dumbbells because Jake doesn't think they're dangerous, but kettle bells are..

    Mary, is that your dog enjoying a drink from the hose/sprinkler?

    I managed not to gain weight on vacation!!! And, while I didn't get up in time to do my morning walk (jet lag), I did get in two short walks today. Now I just need to figure out how to get more steps in...

  • trulydivyn
    trulydivyn Posts: 13 Member
    fanncy0626 wrote: »
    Mary - How do you calculate calorie burn with the kettlebell? I don't have a heart monitor or fit bit. Is there a ballpark figure for beginner workout?


    Because of it being both cardio and muscle workout it has a higher rate of calorie burn and an after burn. It is supposed to burn between 20 and 25 cal per minute. I estimate by the 20 to be on the safe side. So for a 20 minute workout times 20 equals 400 cal. With any strength training or muscle type work out do not be upset if you gain a little water weight at first. When ever you do strength training there is muscle repair and that uses water. You can also do this every day. It takes very little time and it will tone your entire body especially if you continue to either increase the amount of weight or the amount of reps but going beyond 7 to 10 swings/set is not recommended because it does not improve muscle tone. Adding weight if you can do 10 reps easy will be more beneficial. I always recommend starting slow and light. At our age it is best to not have any pain or issues. I have only felt muscle pain one time and immediately backed off and took it easy. And I have not experienced any since.

    Also, very important take your measurements! You will notice tightening of all important areas immediately!


    Mary from Minnesota

    Thank you for sharing this info Mary <3

    Dorrie aka Trulydivyn from Vegas
  • melaniemetoyer
    melaniemetoyer Posts: 50 Member
    Once again, I had to step away....it's VERY sad here. They KEEP REHASING IT, OVER & OVER AGAIN. They will lay the 3 officers to rest over the course of the weekend, and the 4th in still in VERY critical condition. When will the madness end...and we can all just love each other...LOVE IS ALL WE NEED!!!
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,748 Member
  • Crowderd1
    Crowderd1 Posts: 1 Member
    Just joined...and just turned 50 last month. Looking to lose about 50 pounds.. I think I can get closer.
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,833 Member
    evening ladies~
    well I am in bed with jammies on, and checking in with y'all~
    Thank you for all the comments on my granddaughter.. I have to agree she is pretty special...
    went down home this morning finished laundry and then went to feed DFIL , well he was asleep in his chair and would have no part of breakfast, so I left, came back up and checked on Faith and made her dinner.. I knew she would be rummaging before I got here, and they left wedding cake in the fridge.. mmmmhmmmm well you know who got into that.. her sugar was 325 this morning tsk tsk tsk...
    Sean and Jean are having a great time Jean has slept alot today as she did all the planning of the wedding herself and she is just physically exsausted... between working ,taking care of momma and the wedding I can understand...they have to be back I think Sunday night as Faith has to go to court Monday a.m.for the restraining order and Jean will have to take her.. they have to bring back the camper on tuesday anyway...
    anyway~ went over to see Tracy ,Taliah and my dad, the girls were not up yet, so i visited with dad and showed him some of the pictures, then came home and mowed the lawn.. it was cooler today without the humidity ,and that way Tracy,Taliah and I can do something tommorow.
    Went down before lunch to check on DFIL and they were out back for a picnic, they do it once a week in the summer... so there he was at the table snoozing in his wheelchair, so they had ground up a hot dog put it in a roll,pasta salad and beans.. wouldnt touch it.. went down to the cook and asked them to chop a hamburger up and give him some extra beans, well im glad I went because he chowed down on that, I fed it to him but he finished it right up.. now in all the years I have known him ,never have seen him drink soda ,but there he was drinking root beer, and then they brought watermelon around and he had 2 slices of that.. never had that either... well there is a first for everything lol.....
    then I went to work.. talked to Tom when I got up here and now settling down..
    Katla~ Have a wonderful day, sorry I am a little late
    Heather~have a wonderful time
    Joyce~ Glad Charlie is on the mend, and hopefully get back to some type of normalcy
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Karen: Thanks for your birthday wishes. So far it has been a lovely day! :flowerforyou:
  • IremiaRe
    IremiaRe Posts: 801 Member
    Hello Magnificent Mamas;

    Just another day in paradise. It’s hot and humid and I am a little puffed up. I did my gym time this morning – and tried the plank thing again. Got a few more seconds – mostly from sheer determination – and got my 30 minutes in on the elliptical.

    Really have nothing exciting to talk about – but, I suppose no news is good news. Making some chicken stew for dinner – have some of that lovely rotisserie chicken to throw in with a nice batch of veggies and some Poblano pepper.

    I did notice something weird, the other day… not sure if it’s just me. I had been on the elliptical for a while – maybe 40 minutes – so I was the normal Sweat-ball that I become, these days… I bent over to tie my shoe – and noticed wet spots on my knees. My stinking KNEES were sweating – sweating enough to create visible damp spots on my leggings. How weird is that? I mean, sure, my face, my back, all that – but my knees? Sheesh.


    Joyce/IN – Glad Charlie is all done with the surgery. That ‘curmudgeon of a surgeon’ story is funny. At least you did remember and set the alarm…too bad about the sleep, though. Sorry you are stuck there with only Fox News and a cranky Charlie for company – but, hopefully, he will be out of there soon. ((Hugs!))

    Pip – Superhuman… I have to agree with that one. Go Pip, Go!

    Mycoffeetherapy – welcome!

    Vickie – For stress relief, I recommend a hammer and a nice piece of wood… when you get stressed out, just take that hammer and beat the living daylights out of the board. It’s amazingly therapeutic… and it burns a calorie or two, also.

    Janet – now I am really envious… lol. I imagine I won’t get to retire until I am about 80.

    NYKaren – enjoy the painting. A “new” bathroom will be fabulous when you finish. I like LOOKING at cookbooks… but, I really have never learned to love cooking. My DH was the household cook for years – until he had his stroke. I had to learn how to cook at 48… not my forte!

    Becca – Still in awe that you cook more than one meal… lol. My family would just have to eat what I cooked. You just keep hugging those neighbors and such. I imagine they appreciate it.

    Barbie – sorry the kids postponed and messed up your schedule… but, at least the house is clean. :]

    Debbie – hope you enjoyed that dessert!

    Miriam – Whoot! Nice NSV. I got a whole 20 seconds on my Plank attempt, this morning… Glad you weren’t here to correct my form – I am sure it was horrid. LOL

    KarenE – I always just open a new tab in explorer and re-open the chat… that way, I can “stay on one page” while I am typing in the one tab – but still roam all over refreshing my memory in the other one. Alas, I know that “glued to the desk” feeling… it was easily 6 hours before I even stood up, yesterday. *sigh* Gratz on maintaining during vacation and on getting in a couple of walks, today.

    Rori – Not only CAN we do this… we ARE doing it. :]

    Anne – You will have to tell us about your Kettle Bell experience.

    Michele – those little gifts that you don’t expect are often the best. Glad to hear Vince is talking sense about the yard.

    Lenora – in Dallas, we have a whole bunch of “free standing” emergency rooms… clinic sized buildings that are just set up as an ER. It costs the same as visiting a hospital ER – but there is no waiting, and if you do need to be admitted to a hospital, they take care of all the paperwork so when you get there, you just go right to your room. We used one when DH broke his ankle. It was awesome. Hoola hoop is another one of those great core exercises that I have a hard time with. I will have to try it again. It might make that plank look easier… lol.

    Carey – Welcome Back!

    Heather – Enjoy the visit with your DS and the grandbabies. Another Kettle Bell convert… I really am going to have to try it.

    Penny – LOL – you are right of course – I would be nervous having a chatty jokester operating on me…

    Lisa – Time for a minute of breath, then? Enjoy the few moments between madness.

    KJ – Measurements are a great idea, too. Just keep doing the right things and it will happen.

    EttaMae – Welcome.

    Karen/VA – exercise is our friend… lol.

    Lily – “I swear, Officer, she was here, with us, all evening.”

    Mary – I am laughing a little bit at your 90 degree weather… 90 is a pretty lovely day in these parts. I know when I lived in Oregon, I probably would have said the same. Amazing what a difference 15 yrs in this heat can make. *bows before the Kettle Bell goddess* You have followers from far and wide, oh beauteous, toned goddess.

    Cheri – busy, busy, busy. Try to take a breath between moving yourself and moving your boy.

    BL – Welcome.

    Katla – HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! DH had lobster feet for a week… the sun is different down here, more intense and not filtered by the constant cloud layer of the glorious NW. It’s still a little weird to see miles and miles of cloudless blue, without even a mountain to break the view.

    Betty – Lack of sleep can really contribute to that “famished” feeling. A nap might help, and I am sure that the bike will. Stay strong, Sister! You will get more accustomed to that decreased tension as time passes. :]

    Meg – listen to those voices from the universe…

    Mia – I am a reader, too… now I read on the elliptical. :]

    Marcelyn – You were snorting about inconsiderate visitors, were you not?

    Mousemom – Welcome.

    Dorrie – Welcome.

    Margaret – enjoy the tea and take it easy.

    Melanie – ((hugs!))

    Crowderd1 – Welcome.


    Allie – Glad you got some sleep… Sounds like you needed it with your busy day. Glad you were able to get DFIL to eat something.

    GLo – Yay, exercise!

    Carol - :smiley:

    Have to finish a few things before I head home to make dinner.

    Hugs for everybody!

    Re in TX