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Diet Pills and all that that implies

KristenG80 Posts: 19 Member
One topic I find wildly varying, and passionate, answers on is Diet Pills. I mostly mean the 9 million OTC kinds. From WalMart shelves full of Raspberry Ketones to Kardashian's telling us to "Flush the fat FAST" by "turning up the heat".

What do you all think of Diet Pills, as a whole? Has anyone actually had good experiences, or bad?

Years and years ago, I got on the very first Hydroxycut and Stacker bandwagons. Damn near killed me. Nowadays we see medical professionals like the physicians from The Doctors and Dr. Oz plugging some new groundbreaking (so they call them ALL) miracle fat cure..........I wonder, have we gone from just flashy promises by shady companies hiring pseudo-celebrities to actual medical professionals plugging false hope with a pretty label, for ratings and sensationalism?

Share your thoughts on all the Diet Pill trends here, I'd love to hear them. :)


  • Chef_Barbell
    Chef_Barbell Posts: 6,644 Member
    No.... Just no.
  • MelaniaTrump
    MelaniaTrump Posts: 2,694 Member
    I don't consider myself lazy, but I fell for those green tea pills.
    I was on the side on the interstate almost dialing 911 once with a racing heartbeat.
    I was so stupid.
  • KristenG80
    KristenG80 Posts: 19 Member
    My honest opinion, diet pills are for lazy people who want a magic pill or potion which will melt off their fat with no effort from themselves.

    I've used phentermine, garcinia etc etc in the past and this was my mindset.

    I really have to agree with you. It seems like that's become the order to fill, though. The diet pill industry has become an out-of-control monster because people want to swallow a pill and look like _______ (fill in celebrity here).

  • NorthCascades
    NorthCascades Posts: 10,968 Member
    I've heard a doctor complain that everybody who comes through her office expects to be prescribed some kind of pill, and thinks they haven't been treated unless they get one. Maybe with some tests to go with it. She said it's a shame she can't doll out placebos because a lot of what people complain about should not be treated with pills, but good luck getting them to agree. (Apparently sugar pills are a huge ethical no no.)

    I wonder if that mindset - better living through chemistry, a pill for every complaint - spills over into dieting?
  • KristenG80
    KristenG80 Posts: 19 Member
    I've heard a doctor complain that everybody who comes through her office expects to be prescribed some kind of pill, and thinks they haven't been treated unless they get one. Maybe with some tests to go with it. She said it's a shame she can't doll out placebos because a lot of what people complain about should not be treated with pills, but good luck getting them to agree. (Apparently sugar pills are a huge ethical no no.)

    I wonder if that mindset - better living through chemistry, a pill for every complaint - spills over into dieting?

    Personally, I think it absolutely does. I think people now see a pill for everything else in their life, or on TV, or in friends lives, and think it can be done for weight loss too. "Science is doing amazing things for Timmy over there, why can't it make me lose 100lbs in a week?!" ;)
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    Jruzer wrote: »
    I've heard a doctor complain that everybody who comes through her office expects to be prescribed some kind of pill, and thinks they haven't been treated unless they get one. Maybe with some tests to go with it. She said it's a shame she can't doll out placebos because a lot of what people complain about should not be treated with pills, but good luck getting them to agree. (Apparently sugar pills are a huge ethical no no.)

    I wonder if that mindset - better living through chemistry, a pill for every complaint - spills over into dieting?

    My mother - God rest her soul - was a living example of this:

    Me: I've got a bit of a cold.
    Mom: What are you taking for it?
    Me: I'm not taking anything. It's just a cold.
    Mom: Well have you been to the doctor?

    It was worse when the children were sick, so I actually stopped telling her when that happened.

    The only time i go to the doctor is if i'm at deaths door, and never been for a simple cold that the doctor cant fix anyway.
  • Shobhituva
    Shobhituva Posts: 20 Member
    KristenG80 wrote: »
    One topic I find wildly varying, and passionate, answers on is Diet Pills. I mostly mean the 9 million OTC kinds. From WalMart shelves full of Raspberry Ketones to Kardashian's telling us to "Flush the fat FAST" by "turning up the heat".

    What do you all think of Diet Pills, as a whole? Has anyone actually had good experiences, or bad?

    Years and years ago, I got on the very first Hydroxycut and Stacker bandwagons. Damn near killed me. Nowadays we see medical professionals like the physicians from The Doctors and Dr. Oz plugging some new groundbreaking (so they call them ALL) miracle fat cure..........I wonder, have we gone from just flashy promises by shady companies hiring pseudo-celebrities to actual medical professionals plugging false hope with a pretty label, for ratings and sensationalism?

    Share your thoughts on all the Diet Pill trends here, I'd love to hear them. :)

    I would never ever recommend any one to use diet pills or any kind of allopathic medicine to loose weight. People have to understand the fact that diet pills may reduce their weight, as they claim, but they also comes with many kind of other health issues. I have heard so many times on public forums or consumer health forums about the side effects of consuming these diet pills.. What a yoga or exercise will do, diet pills can never. Adopt a healthy living life style, follow healthy living blogs like mynahcare to gather information on how to live healthy every day, include yoga or exercise in your routine and there you go - fit and fine body, without extra kilos and healthy mind.

    That's what I think...
  • Shobhituva
    Shobhituva Posts: 20 Member
    I hope people who are using diet pills would understand my point...
  • LokiGrrl
    LokiGrrl Posts: 156 Member
    If they're not amphetamines, they're likely worthless. Unfortunately, those require prescriptions, or risking prison time.

    Trufax. I took them in high school back in the day, when you could still get the amphetamine ones over the counter, not to lose weight, just for the energy and focus (snorted nasty *kitten* bathtub crank for the same reason, ugh). Doc says I was self-medicating. Now I take prescribed amphetamines for ADD, but they didn't even help me lose weight until I learned about macros and started eating low carb at a deficit.

    My mom at one point took the unfortunately named AYDS diet candies in the 70s/80s, which I believe also had amphetamines.
  • markrgeary1
    markrgeary1 Posts: 853 Member
    How many billions of dollars do folks waste on these?
  • CipherZero
    CipherZero Posts: 1,418 Member
    A small number of 'medications' make any measurable difference in losing weight: EC stacks and DNP. And both, done wrong, will kill you.

    Now that I think about it, corpses keep losing weight...
  • xmichaelyx
    xmichaelyx Posts: 883 Member
    Diet pills that actually work are illegal in the US. Everything available here is a placebo. Save your money.
    CipherZero wrote: »
    A small number of 'medications' make any measurable difference in losing weight: EC stacks and DNP. And both, done wrong, will kill you.

    EC stack doesn't kill you if it's done wrong; it kills you if you have a pre-existing heart condition (which people may have and not realize it). 99% of people will have no problem with it, which is why it's still available just about everywhere outside of the US.