Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    Hello all. I'm Sophia and I need to lose over 100 pounds. I can't believe that I let myself go this much. Last year this time I was a beast in the gym. My life changed tremendously (divorce) and I guess that caused it. I'm not upset about the divorce because it was looooooong overdue. I just don't know why I'm in such a slump. I eat whatever and don't really care. Now my body is telling me that I need to care. Knees hurt. Feet stay swollen. Developed HBP and have no energy to do anything. SOMEONE PLEASE HELP ME. I think I'm slowly killing myself.

    What kind of help are you looking for? We, the members and posters, here on MFP can give you all the advice, cheers, steers, and hooray's we can ... however, in the end, it is you and yourself who can get you out of the slump you are in.

    First off ... you've been through a sh... time of it, what with the divorce and all. I was divorced in 1980 ... and it took me a good decade to finally not feel like a limb was missing. Even if you wanted it, it's a big stresser for your brain and body. And ... Second off ... that's about the time that we let ourselves go because of that slump and the don't give a d.... feeling that comes over us for a while.

    OK, now you have had cold water thrown on your face ... you are too heavy, your body aches and you have weight-related health issues; and da.... it, you don't know what to do about it. But you know you have to do something.
    Good ... you are starting to take an interest.

    Since you are just starting out, like many a new start it might prove valuable to see where you have been before you can decide where you are going ... use MFP for that!

    For the next month ... all of August ... log everything you eat and drink. It will take time to build you food list, it takes time to find the right hits, verify the nutritional data to what comes with the food ... but you catch on to this kind of stuff pretty quickly and once you have foods in your food lists it goes more quickly. .... While you are about that, start to pay attention to your food and food prompts .... so you will be paying attention to what you eat, how much of it you ate, when you ate it, how you felt before and after you ate it.

    That's enough to do for a start. Just track. Then, because you ARE paying attention to it, you will gradually find yourself making better choices. You might find you decide to stop eating/drinking something because it doesn't give you the pleasure you expected from it. You may even lose a few pounds. This is when you start to take a close look at what MFP reports can tell you. Spend a couple hours or a whole day looking at the different reports MFP can give you, and the charts it can provide. You can even print out all the pages from your food diary if you want to.

    After you digest all that information, you might even find you want to change your MFP goals, that you also want to change what/how you eat. You'll get ideas by reading the blogs that MFP has under the BLOG link at the top of the page. It's from 'Hello Healthy' and has a world of interesting and informative articles written by many different people, including nutritionists and sports phsyiologists. ... Take a look. Get acquainted with it. Be kind to yourself. Don't be in too much of a hurry, like the rabbit ... but don't be a snail either! Be more like the turtle ... moving forward at a steady pace.

    Good luck.
  • mrssophiemoreno2016
    mrssophiemoreno2016 Posts: 7 Member
    Nikion901 - thank you ever so much for your kind words. They really helped me and I will put them into practice.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @sophia-- welcome to the thread! You got some great advice on how to get started from niki, so I won't add anything to it. But as she said, if you have specific questions, feel free to ask.

    @niki-- Yes, my mom is also now about an inch shorter than she was her whole life. I guess it will happen to all of us. :(

    @mickey-- Great idea to listen to audible books while you walk!

    @JoenDeb1958 -- welcome to the thread!

    @toots-- great job losing weight while on your trip!! That's a wonderful achievement!

    @moodybear2003 -- good luck finding a house. That's an exciting and stressful endeavor. My DH just started talking about moving. He saw a house nearby on zillow that looks perfect, but we had not planned to sell this year. We briefly considered diving in, but determined that would be way too stressful for both of us right now. Instead, we are going to work on getting the house ready and paying down some debt over the next several months, and revisit the idea next spring. As far as getting back on track with your workouts, I've found that the only way to make that happen, is to make a schedule and force myself to stick to it. Usually, once I hit the gym a couple of times, I'm enjoying it again.

    @luckylaw-- congrats on your 4 lb loss! I don't really like fast food, but I always tell people trying to avoid it to envision a bunch of gross, unhygienic teenagers cooking your food. It's quite the turn off. LOL

    Thursday Truth:
    This past week is proof that I had previously been really lazy about sticking to plan. I've managed to do so this week despite going out for dinner yesterday. It's really not as hard as I sometimes try to make it when I'm in "excuse mode." Now I need to remember this at some upcoming social activities.

    Fitness Goals for the month of July:
    Visit gym or run outside minimum of 12 times 7/12
    Run at least 17/30 miles

    You vs Year Challenge:
    228 k done/ 772 k to go

    Exercise Goals:
    Sun-- walk gunner DONE + work out DONE
    Mon-- walk gunner DONE + yard work DONE
    Tues-- walk gunner DONE + work out DONE
    Wed-- walk gunner DONE
    Thurs-- walk gunner DONE + work out DONE
    Fri-- walk gunner + work out
    Sat-- walk gunner + work out

  • tabbycattt123
    tabbycattt123 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi all! Starting again after losing and gaining back! My fitness truth is I gotta stop making up every excuse not to work out. I find it very hard to request friends on this app so waste much time trying to make that work . A 1/2 hour easily goes by then something else comes up then "aww, no time to work out". Ok so it's probably user error in Trying to seek out motivational friends on MFP so any advice I'll take it. For now, getting off the phone and getting on The workout gear and stopping the excuses for this morning. Onward & upward! Ill check in in an hour and let ya know what I got accomplished.
  • taburbey
    taburbey Posts: 21 Member
    Thursday Truth ( a day late ) I am not drinking enough water. Any suggestions?
  • moodybear2003
    moodybear2003 Posts: 225 Member
    taburbey wrote: »
    Thursday Truth ( a day late ) I am not drinking enough water. Any suggestions?

    I use Plant Nanny app on my phone. I had to adjust my wight to be lower than it is because it wanted me to drink like 20 cups a day. I have it set to 8. It has it's flaws though.
  • pinkstarberry
    pinkstarberry Posts: 79 Member
    edited July 2016
    Friday fitness - Still trying to go for walks at least 6 days a week, but I haven't been pushing myself to go further or walk faster lately because it's been so darn hot! I have a huge water bottle that holds 3-4 cups of water and I go through the whole thing pretty quick when it's hot, then I have to head home.

    I'm gonna try to sign up for the gym on Wednesday, Aug 3. I love walking outside but it'll be nice to have the option of walking indoors at the gym with A/C on really hot days, plus I'm very eager to begin some weight training. I have some major "bat wing" arms going on so I hope building strength will help that a bit, but I will work on my entire body as well :)

    I hope everyone has a great weekend!
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    taburbey wrote: »
    Thursday Truth ( a day late ) I am not drinking enough water. Any suggestions?

    It's easy to get into and also to get out of the habit of drinking enough water. One way that works for me is to drink 2 glasses (16 oz) when I first wake up (if you have any meds to take in the morning, that helps), then I drink 1 glass (8oz) before lunch and again before dinner ... so far, that's 4. Then, I have water in between meals and in the mid-evening. That makes 7. The rest comes from the liquid in my meals ... coffee, milk, broth, etc. Sometimes I actually do drink 10 glasses in a day if I am thirsty, but mostly it's 7-8 doing it this way.

    I use the skin pinch method to see if I am hydrated enough ... even with my old age wrinkly skin on the back of my hands it works ... pinch the loose skin on the top of your hand and hold for a few seconds, then release and see how quickly the wrinkle from the pinch goes away. When you are dehydrated, the wrinkle is visible even after the skin smooths back out
  • JoenDeb1958
    JoenDeb1958 Posts: 229 Member
    Nikion901 wrote: »
    taburbey wrote: »
    Thursday Truth ( a day late ) I am not drinking enough water. Any suggestions?

    It's easy to get into and also to get out of the habit of drinking enough water. One way that works for me is to drink 2 glasses (16 oz) when I first wake up (if you have any meds to take in the morning, that helps), then I drink 1 glass (8oz) before lunch and again before dinner ... so far, that's 4. Then, I have water in between meals and in the mid-evening. That makes 7. The rest comes from the liquid in my meals ... coffee, milk, broth, etc. Sometimes I actually do drink 10 glasses in a day if I am thirsty, but mostly it's 7-8 doing it this way.

    I use the skin pinch method to see if I am hydrated enough ... even with my old age wrinkly skin on the back of my hands it works ... pinch the loose skin on the top of your hand and hold for a few seconds, then release and see how quickly the wrinkle from the pinch goes away. When you are dehydrated, the wrinkle is visible even after the skin smooths back out

    Of course u know I had to try the pinch method....I'm hydrated.
    I am drink almost a gallon of water a day. I use the color of your pee method.
    My husband's a truck driver so they have posters all over the terminal telling what color your pee should be if you're drinking enough water. The darker it is you need to drink water the lighter it is you're drinking enough.
  • JoenDeb1958
    JoenDeb1958 Posts: 229 Member
    Hi all! Starting again after losing and gaining back! My fitness truth is I gotta stop making up every excuse not to work out. I find it very hard to request friends on this app so waste much time trying to make that work . A 1/2 hour easily goes by then something else comes up then "aww, no time to work out". Ok so it's probably user error in Trying to seek out motivational friends on MFP so any advice I'll take it. For now, getting off the phone and getting on The workout gear and stopping the excuses for this morning. Onward & upward! Ill check in in an hour and let ya know what I got accomplished.

    You can do it. My kid is always saying she'll go work out with me but doesn't. I don't let anyone not even myself stand in the way of exercising. But then I go all hours of day or night too.
    I usually put in a good hour n a half at gym n it makes my day.....
    Now if I can curb my hunger afterwards that's what I have to work on....any suggestions?
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    @JoenDeb1958 ... I know you were asking tabbycatt, but I just wanted to pipe in with someething that used to work for me in the days of working out in a gym ... the private gym I had a membership to used to sell really tasty after-intense workout smoothies, they also stocked hi protein energy bars to have before a workout if you wanted it.

    The smooties were made with 1 T old fashioned oats, 1 scoop protein powder, handful of fruit, almond milk and ice cubes. They charged $10.00 a smoothie but if you could afford them, they were worth it.
  • mickey2942
    mickey2942 Posts: 71 Member
    I bought a Vita-mix to make my own smoothies, it pretty much pays for itself, I also make gazpacho, and lots of other things, more veggies.

    I have been so ambivalent about really being serious about my diet and exercise program. That needs to end.
  • tabbycattt123
    tabbycattt123 Posts: 3 Member

    You can do it. My kid is always saying she'll go work out with me but doesn't. I don't let anyone not even myself stand in the way of exercising. But then I go all hours of day or night too.
    I usually put in a good hour n a half at gym n it makes my day.....
    Now if I can curb my hunger afterwards that's what I have to work on....any suggestions? [/quote]

    Well I did get my work out in of some cardio ( walking & elliptical ) and wt training, 3 sets. Felt good to get it done. I know I need to make it a priority. As far as being hungry b/c of working out I love my vitamix and just link others posted make yourself a protein smoothie with some ice and a little fruit. It froths up so much and is really filling for not a lot of calories. Give it a try. A blender works great!
  • JoenDeb1958
    JoenDeb1958 Posts: 229 Member
    Thks for all the fantastic input....I think my problem is not enough protein at my meals are causing me to be starving after a work out. So gonna to revert back to real breakfast in morning before workout, n protein after workout.
    Thank you all again
  • luckylaw
    luckylaw Posts: 18 Member
    @skinnyjeanzbound lol, I do think about that, so gross! I don't think it tastes good, I just get lazy and don't want to make something. I've found the Jimmy Dean Delight Turkey Sausage Bowl as an easy healthy breakfast. I wish I could find something similar for lunch or dinner when I don't feel like cooking.
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    Saturday Success ... another old lesson relearned, again.

    One of my goals for 2016 is to break the fast-food habit. Like @luckylaw revealed, I would get lazy and not want to make something and it had gotten to be a regular pattern instead of a once-in-a-while thing. Well, I had posted that there had been no such food since June 5 ... until yesterday. Yesterday I was unwell in the morning so I only had a cup of milk for breakfast and nothing the rest of the day until I found myself at the grocer in mid-afternoon to pick up cat food. I though to myself, "Self, you were very low on cals yesterday, and you are practically fasting today, you can probably have a sub sandwich." So I stepped up to the order station and asked for a Turkey sub, and when the server didn't ask to clarify if I wanted the half or the whole, I kept my mouth shut as well, and walked out of the supermarket not only with the cat food, but also a 14" turkey sub with pepperjack cheese on sesame roll.

    Was the wonderful taste of that sub sandwich worth the 1100 calories? I thought so at the time. But this morning I know it was a mistake because I am bloated from all that bread. I'd have been better off to come home and make one of my veggie hashes topped with a couple of eggs. ...

    ...Still, it's a lesson learned once again and now is fresh in my mind.
  • JoenDeb1958
    JoenDeb1958 Posts: 229 Member
    Nikion901 wrote: »
    Saturday Success ... another old lesson relearned, again.

    One of my goals for 2016 is to break the fast-food habit. Like @luckylaw revealed, I would get lazy and not want to make something and it had gotten to be a regular pattern instead of a once-in-a-while thing. Well, I had posted that there had been no such food since June 5 ... until yesterday. Yesterday I was unwell in the morning so I only had a cup of milk for breakfast and nothing the rest of the day until I found myself at the grocer in mid-afternoon to pick up cat food. I though to myself, "Self, you were very low on cals yesterday, and you are practically fasting today, you can probably have a sub sandwich." So I stepped up to the order station and asked for a Turkey sub, and when the server didn't ask to clarify if I wanted the half or the whole, I kept my mouth shut as well, and walked out of the supermarket not only with the cat food, but also a 14" turkey sub with pepperjack cheese on sesame roll.

    Was the wonderful taste of that sub sandwich worth the 1100 calories? I thought so at the time. But this morning I know it was a mistake because I am bloated from all that bread. I'd have been better off to come home and make one of my veggie hashes topped with a couple of eggs. ...

    ...Still, it's a lesson learned once again and now is fresh in my mind.

    Baby steps...if u go off track get yourself back up and continue .... Full steam ahead
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    Thanks for the comment @JoenDeb1958 ... I'm not off track. My calories were within my target range. It is just a lesson relearned, that's all.
  • JoenDeb1958
    JoenDeb1958 Posts: 229 Member
    Nikion901 wrote: »
    Thanks for the comment @JoenDeb1958 ... I'm not off track. My calories were within my target range. It is just a lesson relearned, that's all.

    Good, glad to hear it was just a learning experience.
  • luckylaw
    luckylaw Posts: 18 Member
    @Nikion901 I find myself having to relearn lessons too. I can do really well, then all the sudden I just stop and do something I know I shouldn't. I know the faster I get back on the horse the less it matters in the long run, I just wish I could stay the course. I think that's why I like these forums, I can talk about or read the posts of people who are going through the same thing. I broke down yesterday too and had mcDonalds breakfast. I didn't go over on calories because I ended up skipping snacks and lunch. I can do better and I will.