Dark chocolate do people know why?



  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member

    I've never heard of people eating in the gym. Never seen it, either. Although I did once see a candy wrapper in the cup holder of a treadmill the day after Halloween. Seems like kind of a gross place to be eating. Not cool to make a mess on the equipment if you're doing it out in the gym, and kinda nasty to do it back in the changing area, too. My gym's locker room includes the toilet and shower areas and a bunch of benches, countertops and lockers where sweaty strangers sit and drop their dirty drawers. The changing rooms are basically just another version of a public restroom. I wouldn't want to eat in there!

    To each his/her own, I guess. :/
  • amusedmonkey
    amusedmonkey Posts: 10,330 Member
    edited August 2016
    Dark chocolate has an intense taste, which makes a couple of squares of it enough to scratch the chocolate itch without needing to eat the whole bar.

    I don't buy into the magical properties of any food. If your diet includes a variety of fruits and vegetables, chances are you are getting enough flavonoids, antioxidants and any other substances you are seeking. Even the Examine page you mentioned admits it's still incomplete and that it's based on preliminary research (can't draw conclusions from those).

    Just looked into (-)-epicatechin, and it appears apple cider has more of it per calorie than dark chocolate and has the added benefit of hydration, which is nice after a workout. So if that's what you're after, consider it. I have also found out I'm getting more than enough of it simply by the fact that I like broad beans.

    No one food has the monopoly on good substances. A balanced varied diet likely has all you need without needing to supplement most things or single any food out as a "superfood". Foods work synergistically together and if you don't eat a particular thing, chances are other foods will fill the gap.

    Edit: a couple of screenshots for comparison - keep in mind you are eating 1 oz (about 28 grams and 180 calories) of chocolate but 1 cup (about 240 grams and 120 calories) of apple cider, so divide by 3.6 for chocolate and multiply by 2.4 for apple cider while comparing the numbers.


  • chrisleyland314
    chrisleyland314 Posts: 39 Member
    @bower47 yes I am in it for the flavonoids and also the added bonus of the antioxidants. I eat blueberries and other fruits and vegetables. So you could say I'm getting enough but, in my humble opinion there is nothing wrong with eating more antioxidants and more flavonoids for the increased bloodflow and health benefits. It's also a change from eating another banana and more blueberries for that day. I like to have variety. I appreciate your opinion and value your input on this debate and I do understand some of the claims have been exaggerated by the BS health and fitness websites with the million pop ups. But it does have health benefits that is undeniable so that is why I choose to eat it.
  • brower47
    brower47 Posts: 16,356 Member
    @bower47 yes I am in it for the flavonoids and also the added bonus of the antioxidants. I eat blueberries and other fruits and vegetables. So you could say I'm getting enough but, in my humble opinion there is nothing wrong with eating more antioxidants and more flavonoids for the increased bloodflow and health benefits. It's also a change from eating another banana and more blueberries for that day. I like to have variety. I appreciate your opinion and value your input on this debate and I do understand some of the claims have been exaggerated by the BS health and fitness websites with the million pop ups. But it does have health benefits that is undeniable so that is why I choose to eat it.


    I just wanted to point out that it isn't a superior food and should not be touted as such. You like it, you make it fit. Good for you.
  • Qskim
    Qskim Posts: 1,145 Member
    jenilla1 wrote: »

    I've never heard of people eating in the gym. Never seen it, either. Although I did once see a candy wrapper in the cup holder of a treadmill the day after Halloween. Seems like kind of a gross place to be eating. Not cool to make a mess on the equipment if you're doing it out in the gym, and kinda nasty to do it back in the changing area, too. My gym's locker room includes the toilet and shower areas and a bunch of benches, countertops and lockers where sweaty strangers sit and drop their dirty drawers. The changing rooms are basically just another version of a public restroom. I wouldn't want to eat in there!

    To each his/her own, I guess. :/

    My old gym had cafe style tables and chairs overlooking the workout area so you could have their supplied breakfast and coffee. Couple of couches and a daily newspaper. All female gym.
  • feisty_bucket
    feisty_bucket Posts: 1,047 Member
    There are tons (8000+) of different polyphenols in foods. Chocolate has some, blueberries have others, coffee has different ones, etc. They're useful because of the hormesis effect, IMO (ie: they poke at your body in different ways, causing strengthening responses). The more variety you can get, the better.

    The difference between "milk" and "dark" candy bars is just the ratio of ingredients. It's a sliding scale.

    But if you're going for polyphenol content, you're better off using baking cocoa powder. Goes well dissolved into a hot drink like coffee.
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,134 Member
    mkakids wrote: »
    I do not know why people voluntarily eat dark chocolate. That *kitten* is vile.

    Put enough peanut butter on it and it's fine.
  • witchy_wife
    witchy_wife Posts: 792 Member
    capaul42 wrote: »
    I eat it because if I eat milk chocolate I won't stop at 1 square. I love the taste, though it took a while to get used to it.

    This is me. I prefer the taste of milk but can't seem to control myself with it very well. I know that dark chocolate contains things that are good for you so I started switching to dark and I like it a lot now.

  • Gamliela
    Gamliela Posts: 2,468 Member
    brower47 wrote: »
    What has been touted as the superfood quality of dark chocolate is actually destroyed in the cooking process. It is not superior to milk chocolate. It has fewer calories due to less sugar and that's about it. Eat it if you like it but it's not better for you nor does it have any superfood benefit.


    I eat a lot of raw cacao powder, organic, everyday. I may be addicted. So far so good. I'm happy with it and I did read about bioflavins, amd other benefits. Mainly I like chocolate and the feeling it gives me, that's why I keep eating it, a lot.
  • rainbowbow
    rainbowbow Posts: 7,490 Member
    I personally am not a fan of dark chocolate so i don't eat it.

    As far as supplements, i'm a vegetarian so i DO take BCAAs, Creatine, and Protein Powder. If i didn't i think my training would suffer and my recovery would suck. If i ate whatever i wanted i think i'd get less than 40g of protein per day.

    I agree though, if you eat meat there's no real need for any supplements unless you are deficient in something (like certain vitamins, minerals, omegas, etc.)
  • MelissaPhippsFeagins
    MelissaPhippsFeagins Posts: 8,063 Member
    edited August 2016
    jenilla1 wrote: »

    I've never heard of people eating in the gym. Never seen it, either. Although I did once see a candy wrapper in the cup holder of a treadmill the day after Halloween. Seems like kind of a gross place to be eating. Not cool to make a mess on the equipment if you're doing it out in the gym, and kinda nasty to do it back in the changing area, too. My gym's locker room includes the toilet and shower areas and a bunch of benches, countertops and lockers where sweaty strangers sit and drop their dirty drawers. The changing rooms are basically just another version of a public restroom. I wouldn't want to eat in there!

    To each his/her own, I guess. :/

    My gym has two lounges with microwaves. I make my protein shakes in them after my workout, sometimes I even eat a snack while I wait for my teens to finish basketball or swimming. To each his own, but I am grateful that my gym has these spaces.

    ETA: I take BCAAs and protein supplements because I have medical issues that make it necessary for me. I don't eat dark chocolate because it's a migraine trigger. I do me and don't worry about what other people think.
  • AmandaHugginkiss
    AmandaHugginkiss Posts: 486 Member
    I eat it only because it tastes good, and I don't like chocolate that is too sweet or has a lower melting temp. In other words, I don't like milk chocolate.

    As for flavonoids, the research is inconclusive, and i don't rely on inconclusive evidence to justify my decision to eat it.
  • littlechiaseed
    littlechiaseed Posts: 489 Member
    I heard it was good for high blood pressure so I had a small square a day and I started getting bad migraines so I don't eat it anymore.
  • chrisleyland314
    chrisleyland314 Posts: 39 Member
    Something something antioxidants something something. I have no idea what the quality of the research is that underpins the idea that chocolate is good for you. I do know a lot of nutritional "facts" are based on bad research (or none) so I don't credit them unless I have read up on them from a reliable source, which I haven't in this case.

    Really, I don't think it's necessary to do a literature review every time you're going to have a snack. Eat a varied diet with lots of fruit and veg and your body will pick out what it needs.

    Not trying to undermine your point of view but, do you not think it's beneficial to know how certain food can benefit you in different ways. Maximising the content of your diet with food that has extra health benefits is a bit of a no brainer in my opinion.
  • rainbowbow
    rainbowbow Posts: 7,490 Member
    Something something antioxidants something something. I have no idea what the quality of the research is that underpins the idea that chocolate is good for you. I do know a lot of nutritional "facts" are based on bad research (or none) so I don't credit them unless I have read up on them from a reliable source, which I haven't in this case.

    Really, I don't think it's necessary to do a literature review every time you're going to have a snack. Eat a varied diet with lots of fruit and veg and your body will pick out what it needs.

    Not trying to undermine your point of view but, do you not think it's beneficial to know how certain food can benefit you in different ways. Maximising the content of your diet with food that has extra health benefits is a bit of a no brainer in my opinion.

    On the other hand....

    Assuming you're eating a diet that's already adequate in essential fats, amino acids, and all essential micronutrients.... is there really a point? I don't know, for most people they aren't even eating a sustainable calorie balance let alone hitting their micronutrition.

    Focusing on all these little things that may or may not contain antioxidants and may or may not help x,y,z seems like it only adds to confusion and time-wasting.
  • chrisleyland314
    chrisleyland314 Posts: 39 Member
    @rainbowbow I completely agree get the basics down first but I'm consistently hitting my macros and micronutrients so I'm now looking into more ways to add extra nutrients to my diet. But that's me, and like you say most people aren't getting the right calorie balance but to be ignorant to them (for want of a better word) closes off potentially more health benefits.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,982 Member
    mkakids wrote: »
    I do not know why people voluntarily eat dark chocolate. That *kitten* is vile.

    That's how I feel about milk chocolate ;)
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,982 Member
    jenilla1 wrote: »

    I've never heard of people eating in the gym. Never seen it, either. Although I did once see a candy wrapper in the cup holder of a treadmill the day after Halloween. Seems like kind of a gross place to be eating. Not cool to make a mess on the equipment if you're doing it out in the gym, and kinda nasty to do it back in the changing area, too. My gym's locker room includes the toilet and shower areas and a bunch of benches, countertops and lockers where sweaty strangers sit and drop their dirty drawers. The changing rooms are basically just another version of a public restroom. I wouldn't want to eat in there!

    To each his/her own, I guess. :/

    Lots of gyms try to maximize revenue by offering a smoothie bar, so there is a natural place to eat there.