Good-bye MyFitnessPal



  • proverbs31chick
    proverbs31chick Posts: 485 Member
    PLEASE DON'T GIVE UP, you can do it. I speak for a lot of people when I say we have all had set backs such as plateau's or just not loosing the weight in the time we want. Remember we didn't get this size overnight, just keep going.
  • 27strange
    27strange Posts: 837 Member
    one week ain't enough. Give it 3 months and then have a pity party, but if you really try and exercise and eat better and drink plenty of water in those 3 months there won't be a need for a pity party because the transformations will be evident and you will see results. Don't excuse things away that's how we all got in the weight gain predicament in the first place.
  • BigBoneSista
    BigBoneSista Posts: 2,389 Member
    Weightloss is 80% mental and 20% physically. Until this person deals with their though process they are bound for failure. Thats just what it is. I assume they are strong mentally and they don't have a strong support system at home. Unfortunate for them.
  • TooFine4MFP
    TooFine4MFP Posts: 134 Member
    Weight loss is a lifestyle change, not a means to an end. I don't lose weight quickly either, but as long as I stay consistent I know that I will lose weight. Instead of just quitting because things got hard, you should seek some advice from other MFP's who have been successful, to get some dieting advice, workout advice and other help. If I quit everytime something in my life was hard, I would never be able to do anything. Losing weight can be very frustrating at times, but there is no reason to give up. Don't compare yourself to other ppl, as we are at different points in our journey and have different goals and different reasons for losing weight. Praying for you............
  • jagh09
    jagh09 Posts: 555 Member
    YIKES. Way to take ownership.
  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    everyone feels like quitting when their efforts seem futile. i'm glad to see you are still here!!!
  • MsKeelah919
    MsKeelah919 Posts: 332 Member
    Why oh why do people need to say that they are quitting?

    LOL! Because they dont really wanna quit! :)
  • MsKeelah919
    MsKeelah919 Posts: 332 Member
    So dramatic!! Cut it out! Youve lost TEN LBS. in one month! That is EXCELLENT!! The reasons for gain are throughtout this... Believe them. It appears to be coming from people who KNOW. Good luck!
  • Peekadoo
    Peekadoo Posts: 29 Member
    OK, RebelBrew. First of all, DON'T QUIT! It will not help you and could put you in an early grave.

    Second of all, don't make the mistake of believing that you are the first to fall on your face with this weight loss deal.

    And lastly, no one here wants you to fail. I know the comments seem harsh (and some of them have been) but it's because everyone here is fighting the same battle that you are and the idea that someone would quit when we should all be trying so hard is abhorrent.

    Here are some suggestions: 1) When things don't go your way, don't whine about it. Fix it. Make it work for you. You can do this by a) going to see a doctor to see if some thing is going on with your system b) making sure that you stay below your MFP cholesterol, sodium and sugar numbers. 2) Remember the reasons why you came here in the first place. Your little girl needs her dad. If you won't do your best for you, then do it for her. 3) You didn't gain it in a week and you won't lose it in a week. Just keep working on it. 4) I've never seen someone trip and fall then decide to stay on the ground. You get up, dust yourself off, get over your embarrassment and keep on moving. YOU NEED TO DO THIS!
  • kamoira23
    kamoira23 Posts: 193

    The reason that people join this site is for SUPPORT, not to be torn down by malicious comments. Yes, it is HARD losing weight. Yes, even when you have the BEST motivation (an adorable child), you still want to give up. The reason that I (and I'm sure plenty others) joined this site is to have more support from people who know what I'm going through. This community is not meant to tear you down and make you feel worthless when you feel like giving up, it's to do the opposite. The posters of these negative comments should be ashamed.

    That being said, I cannot tell you the amount of times I've thought to myself "what's the point... it will take me forever to lose this weight" or "whatever, I may as well just accept me how I am." I'm betting that, even with the 40+lbs (30 before joining MFP) that I've lost, there will still be some of those days in my future. Weight loss is about taking things one day at a time.

    I hope that you continue on with this weight loss journey and know that there are a lot of people on this site that will continue to be happy WITH you with every tenth of a lb you lose, half of an inch you lose, and healthy decision that you make.

    Good luck!
  • Kaelinnn_102
    Kaelinnn_102 Posts: 50 Member
    Look at your picture! There's no better reason to not quit than that little girl in your arms. Open up your diary so people can see them and give some pointers. Get some more MFP friends because they are an amazing source of love and support. There are answers and reasons to all of this stuff. Don't just walk away. I was 408 and after a week was ready to quit and continue my unhealthy life, as short as it was gonna be. I'm down to 280 now with the thanks of mfp!!!!!

    --Off Topic--- BUT! WOW! ^ That's so awesome!!
  • red_hatorade
    red_hatorade Posts: 166
    I started out feeling bad for you and really understanding where you are coming from. But the bottom line is that you HAVE to change how you eat. The way I do it is if I don't have a package with nutritional information to log my food correctly, then I do not eat that food. These are the sacrifices we make. If you really, truly want this, you will begin to make big sacrifices to get what you want. I suggest you start out by making it your goal to eat healthier and make healthier choices, not to lose weight. By making a healthy lifestyle your goal, you will see quicker victories. Weight loss will be a result of changing your lifestyle so it may be easier to think of it in terms of eating better and exercising in order to gauge your successes.

    i was a huge bread and sweets addict. I thought I would die as I weened myself off them, but you know what? I don't even crave them anymore. It has only been two months into my diet. As others have said, 10 lbs in a month is spectacular weight loss. I only lost 5 in the first month, and I was ecstatic about that. Weight loss is going to take time.
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    I love how mostly veering has asked to se my diary but most have theirs private little hypocritical and how no one actually looks at the diary just maybe back through the weekend and never look at what is in there except the top line with grilled cheese sandwich. yes I had two grilled cheese sandwich so what im not eating them everyday and I don't eat processed food any more yes my sodium is high over the weekend Gatorade will do that to you. But if you feel better about yourself to write on here with out reading any other postings except the first one on the front page have fun

    Well, looks like you went ahead and made yours private, good for you then I suppose. I have to say, I did look through 3 weeks of your food diary before I posted previously that it appeared to me that you were eating a bunch of crap (I know your diary is now closed because I wanted to pull stuff from periods of time prior to this past weekend as examples of "eat this not that"). I did not say that arbitrarily. I made my normal statment about fruits, veggies, lean protiens, and healthy fats and to get rid of the processed foods because that's what I saw in there. I didn't see a lot of days over, but I did see a lot of exercise calories built up. I asked about how you are coming to those exercise calories, if you have a hrm (a question you didn't answer), because if you're using the system then you aren't getting calories that are accurate to you and if you're over estimating that can be a major issue in your ratio (and if your underestimating and trying to do a balancing act that can likewise impact your metabolism).
  • eeeekie
    eeeekie Posts: 1,011 Member
    I love how mostly veering has asked to se my diary but most have theirs private little hypocritical and how no one actually looks at the diary just maybe back through the weekend and never look at what is in there except the top line with grilled cheese sandwich. yes I had two grilled cheese sandwich so what im not eating them everyday and I don't eat processed food any more yes my sodium is high over the weekend Gatorade will do that to you. But if you feel better about yourself to write on here with out reading any other postings except the first one on the front page have fun

    Not the one asking/crying out for help. If I did I'd open my diary up to be criticized.
  • Leigh_mc
    Leigh_mc Posts: 46 Member
    I started reading this and feeling you should stay here, but then things get a little heated it see i dont know what to say to be honest just i have been struggling the whole way, my meals where never brilliant but they are not all that bad either and i can control the amount am eating in a day it is difficult but only if you are not giving everything thought and using the willpower we all have! you can am will loose weight you just need to get your mind around what your body is doing and be strong! take advice given to you it is not an insult to accept help that i have learnt, i have never been able to do this on my own and only since joining mfp hae i spoken out about it and it really is helping!
  • amoffatt
    amoffatt Posts: 674 Member
    I first want to say bad people who give negative comments, (coward, quitter, ect.:noway: ) that is not how one should encourage another, especially if they are wanting to throw in the towl. Maybe it is frustration yes, but negativity can also motivate a person to quit. I am one who wants results now, no waiting, and this leads to my own personal frustration, but what has kept me going is the POSITIVE feedback here at MFP, I ignore the negative ones.

    So, please dont give up for the sake of your health and family. Small changes will even help and the weight will start to come off, slower but it will. Smaller portions of food, less soda, if you dont think you are on a diet, it wont feel like one.

    Good luck! :smile:
  • Actavella
    Actavella Posts: 39 Member
    Rebel - I haven't gotten all the way through this thread yet - but it looks like you decided to stick it out - and I'm glad to see that! Pay attention to the positive encouraging posts and ignore all the hateful mean ones. Maybe some of them thought "tough love" would help, but many of them are just................ mean - a true reflection of their personality, I'm sure. Those people aren't the ones you want to surround yourself with anyway. Best of luck to you in your journey!

    For real! Some of these people have NO compassion! You can do it rebel! You WILL lose the weight and succeed. Take it one day at a time and one choice at a time. This is a life change!
  • sparrow747
    sparrow747 Posts: 87
    I haven't read through all of these posts - but if you need a reason to stay here, you've got 13+ pages of it! Look at all of these people who - like you - are fighting for their lives, their happiness, their health, their children! You've got a wealth of support and information at your fingertips.... and people who are begging you to take it! It does work, but just because it's hard work doesn't mean it's bad. Just because you see a gain, doesn't mean you fail! Stick with it.... you'll be amazed.
  • lloydrt
    lloydrt Posts: 1,121 Member
    Rebel, I had looked thru your diet yesterday and noticed that for the last few weeks, your sodium was high and that your food that you were consuming was mostly processed. I sent you a message so I could help, again, Im not a medical professional, but I know of tips and hints that really do help in losing weight

    I will message you again, but open your diary, I was working on a diet to help you, esp with less sodium intake. Were you upset and blocked your diary?

    I thought you needed help, of which I took 40 minutes making a diet plan , one similiar to mine that will help you. Please message me. I lost 142 lbs in 15 months and I think I can help you........You need help and we are here to help you..........Lloyd
  • Thriceshy
    Thriceshy Posts: 708 Member
    I love how mostly veering has asked to se my diary but most have theirs private little hypocritical and how no one actually looks at the diary just maybe back through the weekend and never look at what is in there except the top line with grilled cheese sandwich. yes I had two grilled cheese sandwich so what im not eating them everyday and I don't eat processed food any more yes my sodium is high over the weekend Gatorade will do that to you. But if you feel better about yourself to write on here with out reading any other postings except the first one on the front page have fun

    Not the one asking/crying out for help. If I did I'd open my diary up to be criticized.

    Bingo I'm done with this. I read back a lot further than just one weekend, and he's got a lot to learn about eating in a way that will facilitate weight loss. But he doesn't want to do that, it seems. He wants to fight, he wants to argue, he wants to defend and deny and insist that what he's doing and how he's doing it is right. But if that were the case, he wouldn't have posted his "I quit, MFP doesn't work!" post, would he? If what he was doing and how he's doing it was working for him, this thread never would have happened.

    Nobody here is perfect, certainly not me. But if my way of eating wasn't working for me the way the OP's isn't working for him, I'd be begging people to help me find a better, smarter, more effective way of eating. If HIS way of eating was WORKING for him, I wouldn't be offering criticism meant to be helpful--I'd be saying, "Hey, if it seems to be working for you, then keep it up!"

    All done. Hey, Rebel, I hope you figure this thing out. I hope you eventually come to the realization that defending a diet that YOU said isn't working for you is maybe not the most constructive use of your time or this site.

    I hope you succeed.
