

  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,135 Member
    Barbie- you are Queen of Walking! Amazing amount of miles for the month of June!


    Mary from Minnesota
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,587 Member
    . thanks for all the thanks ! :0)
  • AAMFitPal
    AAMFitPal Posts: 8 Member
    Katia: thanks for that link. Made for some great reading and gives me the motivation to start some weight training program. I really like your goal of having fun every day.

    Larisa: I have heard about Ketosis for migraine control, that was one of my first reasons for trying it. How long did it take for it to help your migraines, and how many (or what ratio) of carbs helps you achieve this?

    Re in TX: Congratulations on your healthy choices. Thanks for the hello. I keep looking at what was different before, and what is going on now. I don’t know that I ate a lot (but sometimes I did), rather that I could eat anything. But, I always stopped when I was full. I’m only 5’ 0” and I carry most of my weight in my face and stomach. I thought it was a crisis when I went from 101 to 105 (boy those were the days). Now at 155, I am uncomfortable, moving is difficult, it is hard to get up from the floor, and I just want to be back to normal so badly. Although, I don’t know what normal will be at my age. I seriously doubt I’ll ever be 100 or 105 again. I think I’d be happy at 110, even though that used to seem big. But, I don’t even know if that is realistic. I read this and wonder if it sounds dumb - I know other people have more challenges than I do.

    Meg: my little dog was very ill for a long time, and if you’d like to talk about medicine strategies, I’d be glad to help. He had a horrible bout of ITP, and was on 10 meds when he left the hospital. He is okay now, but he is 16, so feeling the effects of age.

    Barbie: thank you for making this special page for us.

    Janet: how do you like Whole 30? I am still off grains, sugar, and soy. I think that has helped with my migraines. I also avoid any additives, but I do have stevia. I have limited dairy. (Well, except for eating out twice - then I had probably all of the above.)

    Michele: thanks for the welcome! Can you say a little more about the Pilates DVD? Is it good for people with big stomachs / weak abs? I find that I am unable to do most DVDs.

    Pip: WOW, that is impressive!

    Karen: hello, I’m new too. I think if I keep up with this it will help me achieve my goals.

    Becca: I like your goals of appreciating the world and making peace with your past. Oh, and also hug more and frown less.

    Everyone: Thank you for sharing your stories, and thanks for being here!

    August Goals:

    Track food and exercise everyday
    Visit message board everyday

    Do PT exercises daily (physical therapy)
    Go to gym at least 5 days per week
    Strength training at least 2 days per week

    Drink 2L water everyday (2 bottles)

    Get to bed before midnight everyday

    Meditate at least 8 mins everyday

    Try to be patient about weight loss. (I have a tendency to not see loss, and just give up.)

    April in Livermore

  • miakoda40
    miakoda40 Posts: 467 Member

    I was reading the last bit of our July thread and blithely commented away there. Then I realized I needed to comment here.
    miakoda40 wrote: »
    Re - Wonderful pictures showing the progress you have made! You are smart to take a reminder every now and then of where you are in the process.

    Katie - you look great!

    Heather - I love you family pictures. You all look like you are having a blast.

    Kim from N. California - I love those cages to protect your plants. They look like they would be fairly easy to make. PVC pipes or metal?

    NYKaren -
    klanders30 wrote: »
    I was thinking of writing some little notes for her to find among her things like little inspirational sayings, pictures or chocolates or $$$ so she can feel supported. Lately she has retreated to her room, not going out with friends
    I think she is as nervous as I am!!! Just wants this new phase of her life to begin.

    What a lovely idea. I think I would have enjoyed this very much if my mom had done something similar when I went off to college.

    jpsgirl - Thanks for the hydrageas. They are lovely.

    Charleen in Colorado - those quilts are gorgeous!
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,759 Member
    Hello Ladies!

    July was a bust, but I'm determined to do better in August.

    NY Karen ... We will be taking two cars to Nashville as we're leaving one with our son and he has three guitar cases to take with him ... Along with everything else. Son is not really comfortable with interstate driving around major cities yet so I'll drive one and hubby will drive the other. Coming home though, husband and I will be together. I'm not keen on son having a car at school, but I know that he needs away time from the school and our friends are just 20 minutes away... So I have acquiesced on this issue. Count on me to offer whatever support I can!

    I would like to think that we've done a good job raising our son but I'm not so sure. He has a good heart and he's solid in his faith, but his migraine and anxiety history have meant we've babied him ... Allowed him more slack than we should have. He's not put in a full semester of school in 3 years, requiring home bound instruction. College is going to be a huge adjustment for all of us. On a positive note, though, I've seen him make a lot of progress these past few weeks managing his own life ... So we shall see!

    He leaves in 11 days ...

    Pip ... Yay you on the cycling stats!

    Have a great day ladies!

    Beth near Buffalo

  • IremiaRe
    IremiaRe Posts: 801 Member
    Hello, Chatty Chicks!

    I suck at this 24 week challenge thing… LOL. I am still enjoying my reign as the Puffy Princess and the stupid scale is going the wrong way! I swear, next week I am taking a diuretic… I hope y’all have had better luck….

    Here are my evil stats for this week:

    GOAL WEIGHT: 220

    Still busy at work and at home – nothing like some of you… but busier than I like. I put some lentils in the crockpot this morning – a total experiment – but we will see how it comes out. It is a meat-laden, rich dish – so hopefully, DH will like it. If he does, then I won’t have to cook, at all, tomorrow… That’s what I’M talking about.

    Love my crockpot. I LOVE going home to dinner all ready to dish up. It makes my evening ever so much more pleasant.

    Still hitting the gym every day – Today I added a few minutes on the stationary bike to my day. My knees told me I need to do that every day for a bit… no wonder I can’t do squats if my knees revolt on the stationary bike! It was just sad.

    But, I continue to work on the infamous Plank… I have taken to doing what I can “Flanks” or Faux Planks. I am doing them from the knee – because my core strength is non-existent. It’s hard to believe, after doing so many abdominal crunches on the little machine – but, the Flanks are quite taxing on my flabby body. I am holding them for about a minute – and doing a handful of them with a minute in between. I figure someday, I might be able to hold a real plank for more than 15 seconds.


    Joyce – Sending a hug for you and Charlie.

    Heather – I am sure the fish won’t mind if the pattern isn’t exactly the same on the top and the leg… lol. Great that you can swim without fear of Lobsteritis.

    Elizabeth – Welcome. Exercise is a wonderful thing… it will help more than anything. And do tell us about pickleball…

    Mary – When you are done cleaning your place, can you come visit me? Lol. Enjoy your company.

    Sandflower – Hello.

    Lisa/W.TX – Those enchiladas sound delicious.

    Allie – not having to cook… ahhh. My dream. Lol. Enjoy whatever moments of rest that you can.

    Michele – *waves* Hello.

    Karen/BC – Good luck with the exercise!

    Carol – School will be starting here, too. Good luck with the 2 lbs… you can do it!

    Barbie – Half the time, I am just going to BED at 3:45 lol – ok, not really – but normally stay up until pretty late – 1 or 2am. I am a night owl. One assumes that you profile pic is of Brandy and Sasha? They are sweet.

    NDDavis – Hello. For those of us who don’t know – could you elaborate on what a 5:2 diet is? Just curious.

    Karen/VA – So glad I can give you a smile. I figure none of us can smile too often.

    Melanie – If you are using the Recipe calculator, it will be easier… that way you can add all the ingredients and get a calorie count on the whole dish – then determine what a portion is and eat that amount. Things like spaghetti, or anything where you throw several things together, are easier to log… and once you enter the recipe, you can adjust and use it over and over, as needed. I always click on the “Add Recipe Manually” link… then you just enter the recipe and click “match ingredients.” You have to check each ingredient to be sure that the system pulled the right thing, and the right quantity. I usually have to replace a bunch of items – but then, the recipe is logged and I can use it over and over.

    Janeanne – Welcome! Enjoy that vacation and then come home and get back on track.

    Margaret – Portions and listening to your body… sounds like you have it all on track for this month…

    Betty – relaxation is an important part of life… enjoy those books and save up some calories for that Margarita.

    Carrie/SC – you have some great goals. I feel you on the scale. I am not loving it, this morning… but, since I know I have been doing the right things, and logging everything, I also know the scale is a Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire… so, stay strong, Sister!

    Katla – Home is good.

    Becca – That’s a very handsome boy in the center of your profile pic… do we know him? *winks*

    Spikeyhair/Kate – Mary is our resident Kettlebell Goddess – I know she can provide you with some insight.

    Pip – Whoot! First Place Female – I think you need that tattooed on your butt! :D You go, Girl!

    Renee – Progress, not perfection… that is a great plan.

    Mia – Thank you. I need those pictures… For whatever reason, I still have a hard time seeing the changes in the mirror. We are a chatty bunch, are we not? I am going to try and check in twice a day – just to keep from getting way behind, again.

    NYKaren – I like your Savor goals! Maybe I will add a couple of those for myself.

    April – Whether it be five pounds, or fifty, the challenge is still the same. We all fight the good fight, and as I said, it must be even harder for you, being new to it. Stop in here, often. We have women of all shapes and sizes – all battling together. And consider this… if you can get your body strong enough to carry those extra pounds – you will be all the stronger when they are gone. You can do this…

    Beth – Your DS will start out with a social advantage… having that car will make him popular… lol. Since a lot of college is about socialization… this is a good thing.


    Well, Ladies – Back to the old grind. Work, eat Greek yogurt, work some more… lol.

    Hope y’all are having a wonderful day!

    Hugs for everybody!

    Re in TX
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    Good wishes to all of you who have sons and daughters leaving for college. When I started college 3 hrs away from home, I think I cried the first 3 months as I knew no one at all and was very shy. My roommate was older and from a foreign country. Being a country girl from a very small community where everything centered around the church made it even more difficult. But, after a while I did make friends with a group of girls who all still see each other several times a year. This was 50 yrs ago.

    Pip ~ Congrats on the miles you put in for a very worthy cause.

    Barbie ~ I think I will have to do some reading on meditating.


  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,943 Member
    Wow, Beth, I know it's going to be hard driving away from Nashville. I'm praying for the best.

    Alice, welcome. Did I remember the name correctly from July? The on-line math teacher? I am a retired high school math teacher myself. I gave it 38 years. I still do some selective subbing. The kids call me the "smart sub" because I can help them with their math. Bless their hearts.

    Charlene, you are one talented woman. My mother quilts, and hers are pretty. Don't tell her I said so, but yours are even more amazing. Mama likes to do big squares of embroidery, piece them together with a machine, and then hand quilt. She's working on a baby quilt right now. It has little boys with fishing poles. She will use material with fish all over it in shades of blue and green for the back. My niece is doing a fishing/coastal themed nursery. She lives in New Orleans.

    Walked three miles with Dave, then went to the gym. We did an arm routine, 9 exercises, 3 sets of 15 each using very light weights, then did a walking DVD for another 3 miles. Then I went to my parents house and picked 4 5-gallon buckets of peaches and a small grocery bag of figs with my dad. Then Mama gave me another bowl of figs that she had already picked. I gave 3 buckets of peaches to a friend from church whose family has a tree farm. She's going to make pickled peaches to sell in their store. I'm going to make strawberry fig preserves and freeze my peaches. But right now - I'm resting!

  • SindiMc
    SindiMc Posts: 5 Member
    Wow this is a great group. I'm new to MFP and have some new goals in my life that I am working through. You can add me as a friend and read about my journey. I've been on a bit of a roll losing about 15 lbs over the past 6 months, which doesn't seem like a lot but every lb is a struggle. I've upped my activity, walking more and maybe this group will help to keep me on track.
    Goals for August
    • Keep focused and interested in being successful
    • Log in every day, be honest with myself
    • Join other groups until I find what works for me
    • Help others in their journey, it's a lifestyle change, not a diet
    • Don't get lazy, walk daily and increase 5 minutes more per week. Currently at 20 minutes.

    Keep writing and I'll keep reading and asking questions.
  • miakoda40
    miakoda40 Posts: 467 Member
    Larisa in Seattle - Sonja is beautiful. Love her grain. You're awful daggoned cute your self.
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    beth Sometimes I feel like you do, that we sheltered DD too much and the big wide world is going to be a shock :#
    I am trying to remind myself that they are supposed to be challenged and fail and pick themselves up and learn from it. Your DS is going to learn how to handle the work and the migraines, I remember you mentioned he is understanding his triggers better, right?

    finally a break in the heat and humidity. I made myself reach out and make lunch plans with a work colleague and a retired colleague, I had procrastinated about reaching out. Reading "better than before" is having impact on how I understand my behaviors. Fascinating read!
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,587 Member
    iremiaRe - lmao !! tatoo my butt!!! I am gonna get a tattoo on the inside part of my calf area but that will be after I do this 2nd marathon in November. I already have the design in my head
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,066 Member
    Yeah Pip!
  • Charleen2
    Charleen2 Posts: 223 Member
    edited August 2016
    Pip - congrats and those are some killer stats! I tried last Fall to re-learn to ride a bike. I did sorta ride, but didn't enjoy it at all. I am considering donating both of the shiny almost new bikes sitting in the basement to a charity that will gift them to childern for Christmas. There is joy to be had riding a bike, but I guess I was meant for other things.

    Thank you all for the kind compliments regarding my quilts. For those who asked, no I do not hand quilt, I don't have enough years left to finish even one that way, I totally suck at hand quilting. I assemble the pieces by machine, then take the finished top to a local shop that rents time to quilters on their long arm machines and I finish them up that way. The baby quilt got pink champane bubbles and the big sister quilt got owls all over it with a heart as the body of the owl.

    For any quilt that I think I am likely to 'show' I have found a wonderfully talented lady in California that will custom quilt them anyway I want. Usually I brainstorm with her as to what would look best, reach an agreement and off she goes. This is her home business and she has a long list of clients to keep her busy. The years she has put into doing this is something I could not begin to match. It's a different skill set and I am still learning how to long arm quilt.

    For those who are wondering why I don't just buy a long arm machine, I mention 2 things. 1) they take up a lot of space - they need a space at least 20 x 20 ft. I don't have such a place in my home. 2) They are expensive, along the lines of between $25,000 - $45,000 new and with the features I would need to do a decent job. I just can't see spending that kind of money and then there is maintanence and all the extra goodies that need to be bought with the set up.

    I believe it's cheaper to rent time on a long arm machine (the shop gets to keep it up and running) and when the time comes for that special quilt to be sent off to a professional long arm quilter, she is the best skilled person to execute the agreed upon design perfectly.

    I do not sell my quilts, ever. I do however give them away. I'm funny like that. :)

    For those who have children running around, I strongly recommend a beautiful book called 'The Quiltmaker's Gift' by Jeff Brumbeau and it is beautifully illistrated by Gail de Marcken. It won Book of the Year several years back and it is one that will be read and looked at over and over again.

    Charleen in Colorado (What! We just passed a fabric store and didn't stop!!)
  • Elizabeth2360
    Elizabeth2360 Posts: 181 Member
    Happy Monday everyone!

    Good day so far! A little tired at the beginning but it was pleasant! I am on my way to the Y now.

    @Fancy0626. Pickleball from what I have heard is a cross between table tennis , badminton from what i have observed it looks like fun and something at my size I could do! I will let you know more as i learn more!

    My food is going ok! I have been really hungry all day! So i need to look at that more !

    After the Y going home spend time with my family!

    It is good to be trying again!

    Have a good day
  • Charleen2
    Charleen2 Posts: 223 Member
    Goals (and wishes) for the month of August:

    1) Be faithful and log everything - I only cheat myself by cheating on logging.
    2) Continue to exercise every day - the reports don't lie, the more I move the less I weigh.
    3) Be kind to myself when (not if) I fall off the wagon. No one is perfect, dust myself off and get going again.
    4) Weigh myself once a week. Hate to do it, but I am a big girl and there are worse things in life than stepping on the scale.
    5) Make time to enjoy the little things in life, for they are truly the most important things. <3

    Charleen in Colorado (They tell me it will cool down soon, sure hope it's really soon!)
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,738 Member
    Evening ladies-
    Here I am home.with the boys... Long but productive day today.. I like staying busy and today was it..
    Working 7:30- 6 tomorrow but come home at noon to let the boys out..
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,587 Member
    thanks a lot barbiecat I'm glad I reached my goal and exceeded it, but I'm glad it's done :0)

    everyone's congrats from this group means a lot.
  • jpsgirl96
    jpsgirl96 Posts: 9 Member
    Leigh here. Out to dinner, feeling a tiny bit resentful that I'm drinking iced tea and ordering one of the calorie specified menu items (already plenty caloric - some unspecified items are a day or two of calories). I don't normally mind but 60th birthday vacation starts in a couple of days and I'd rather be eating at home. Oh well -family life. End of whine.
    Got a 30 minute walk in at lunch, am well under target for the day, so I should it be cranky!