Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    edited August 2016

    Yes @GOINSTD12 , I have a couple of friends who live in Texas. One is originally from Missouri and the other from my neck of the woods here in Western New York State. My son and his family live in southwest Missouri and it gets really hot there also. I think our weather has changed a lot from how it was 50, or even 30 years ago. When my son was a little boy I used to be able to count on putting the Thanksgiving turkey in the oven and taking him outside to play in the snow with me, now we get spurts of unseasonable weather throughout the year. We are supposed to get what is warm for around her later on this week ... 90 degrees during the day for a few days. :)
  • wadwrich
    wadwrich Posts: 42 Member
    I had a bad weekend. Ate whatever I wanted. Put a couple pounds back on. I'm back on track though. 55 lbs lost. currently 259. I think I will hit my goal of 250 by Sept. 9th.
  • pinkstarberry
    pinkstarberry Posts: 79 Member
    edited August 2016
    Tuesday goals: My goal is still to fit into my old sweaters and size 12-14 stretchy jeans by Christmas, so that I actually have some cute clothes to wear when I go home to visit family for the holidays. Since I know weight loss itself can only happen so fast, I'm gonna start strength training to hopefully achieve a slimmer silhouette at certain weight point than in the past, since before I often had the skinny-fat body with little muscle tone. I'm hoping 4 solid months of strength training before Christmas will really show some improvement, and I plan on starting tomorrow!

    I decided to give myself a rest day today since I'm a bit nervous about starting at the gym tomorrow, and for the past week I walked 7 days in a row. I'm still feeling a small itch to do -something- though, so I might just go on the exercise bike for a little bit. Haha

    Also I splurged a little and ordered myself a really cute present for 40 lbs lost - I'm still at 35 right now, however. Not going to let myself open it til I reach that 40 lb mark, so hopefully that motivates me extra hard to stay on track! :)
  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
    Nikion901 wrote: »
    @pinkstarberry me either! It went so quickly. Really the whole summer did.
    Hey "Toots' .... I can tell summer is in it's senior moments. .... very hot days, but cool nights about my part ... and more evidence of seasonal allergies picking up with rhinitis symptoms. I've had to start using my inhaler again.

    I have just terrible allergies, so I also end up miserable during certain seasons, including summer. Luckily I don't have much incidences of asthma anymore. I used to when I was a kid and young adult.
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    Nikion901 wrote: »
    @pinkstarberry me either! It went so quickly. Really the whole summer did.
    Hey "Toots' .... I can tell summer is in it's senior moments. .... very hot days, but cool nights about my part ... and more evidence of seasonal allergies picking up with rhinitis symptoms. I've had to start using my inhaler again.

    I have just terrible allergies, so I also end up miserable during certain seasons, including summer. Luckily I don't have much incidences of asthma anymore. I used to when I was a kid and young adult.

    Glad your's was 'outgrown'.
    August is my most difficult month to get through without a flare-up or lung illnesses.
  • RachaelPooh
    RachaelPooh Posts: 5,988 Member
    Hi everyone! I am new to this dicussion. My name is Rachael. I am 35, live in Tampa FL, married 13 years with no kids, and I want to lose about 150Lbs. Can anyone relate?
  • JoenDeb1958
    JoenDeb1958 Posts: 229 Member
    Hi everyone! I am new to this dicussion. My name is Rachael. I am 35, live in Tampa FL, married 13 years with no kids, and I want to lose about 150Lbs. Can anyone relate?

    Me older married same amount of time, I weigh in at 319 was 353 in March. I would love the add.
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    edited August 2016
    Hi everyone! I am new to this dicussion. My name is Rachael. I am 35, live in Tampa FL, married 13 years with no kids, and I want to lose about 150Lbs. Can anyone relate?
    Me older married same amount of time, I weigh in at 319 was 353 in March. I would love the add.

    Hey, I'm old than @MermaidPrincessRach by more than 2x and I'm guessing older than @JoenDeb1958 by a goodly amount as well ... and while I no longer have 150 lbs to lose, I was close to there when I started to lose weight seriously. Over the years before then, I lost and regained countless times and feel, now, like I am an oldd-hand at weight loss and nutrition. Yet, here I am, still learning every day about this business for getting fit. I hope you find the support you are seeking, 'mermaid'. I don't 'do friends' on MFP, but am always happy to chat via the threads and MFP messages.

    So, today is "Tuesday Goals" ... and I wanted to share the ones I've committed to on the two challenges I'm currently participating in; and also to thump myself on the back for sticking with the challenge that I've been in since June 27th.

    First my goals ... This is actually for the month of August, not for just this week.
    1 - Calorie goals ... to stay within my range of allowed calories (which is a broad range between -400 to -600 calories (deficit) from my maintenance intake, on a daily basis.

    2 - Fitness goal 1 ... Yard/landscape manual labor for at least 30 minutes on 3 days this week
    3 - Fitness goal 2 ... Exercise for 100 minutes this week from any other form of exercise(s)

    Truthfully, I had a typo when I made my goal pledge and had only intended to commit to a total of 150 instead of 190 minutes, but ah, well .... a slip of the typing finger means I still gotta do it.

    No, I don't/haven't eat(en) back activity calories thus far and don't really plan to do so unless I am extremely hungry or weak after especially streneous or lengthy activity. I'm a firm believer that a light day here and there won't hurt anything in the long run, plus I am used to long periods of fasting/low intake because we did that throughout my years when my parents were alive.

    Now I get to thump myself on the back ... please keep bearing with this long long long post!

    That challenge group I mentioned ... as of my last weigh-in on Thursday, I was at 2.78% loss from my starting weight and my goal is to lose 5.7% ... so I am halfway there !!!! Yippii :) The challenge runs for another 7 weeks.

    (edited to correct typing errors)
  • JoenDeb1958
    JoenDeb1958 Posts: 229 Member
    Nikon you rock.
    I applaud for achieving your goal. I hope to one day be like u an old hand at weight loss.
    For now let me Pat u on your back for such an awesome job then and now with your challenge that u have almost completed.
  • trinati2001
    trinati2001 Posts: 262 Member
    Nikion901 wrote: »
    Omg this is driving me crazy!!!! Does anyone get the fosset ad that pop up and takes over your whole screen?? Today it is on my journal and if I scroll down or up it keeps popping up and I have to close the whole page. I had popped up three times just to write this message!!!!!!!

    That's one reason why I buy the Premium membership. I use MFP every day, so it is worth it.

    Well it seems like that faucet ad has stopped. Is anyone else still getting it? I contacted MFP because it was making the app unusable. Their customer service guys are really nice.

    Anyways I just reached a big milestone. 25 lbs lost!! This is about how much I lost the first time with weight watchers. So I looked up my BMI to see what would just overweight look like. And realized once again why I make small goals. I only only half way through the obese category. To get down to belong over weight I would half to lose another 30 lbs. it's seems like too much to even think about.... So my next 5 lb goal is set for 210lbs and that's all I'm working towards. I feel it's like the saying "how do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time" well how do you lose 100lbs? 5lb goals at a time.
  • RachaelPooh
    RachaelPooh Posts: 5,988 Member
    Trinati2001, that is AWESOME! 25 pounds is a great accomplishment! I hope you are proud of yourself. Dont worry about how much further you have to go. You will get there! You have come this far. Just keep going! I am rooting for you!
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    @trinati2001 got this!
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    Nikion901 wrote: »
    Omg this is driving me crazy!!!! Does anyone get the fosset ad that pop up and takes over your whole screen?? Today it is on my journal and if I scroll down or up it keeps popping up and I have to close the whole page. I had popped up three times just to write this message!!!!!!!

    That's one reason why I buy the Premium membership. I use MFP every day, so it is worth it.

    Well it seems like that faucet ad has stopped. Is anyone else still getting it? I contacted MFP because it was making the app unusable. Their customer service guys are really nice.

    Anyways I just reached a big milestone. 25 lbs lost!! This is about how much I lost the first time with weight watchers. So I looked up my BMI to see what would just overweight look like. And realized once again why I make small goals. I only only half way through the obese category. To get down to belong over weight I would half to lose another 30 lbs. it's seems like too much to even think about.... So my next 5 lb goal is set for 210lbs and that's all I'm working towards. I feel it's like the saying "how do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time" well how do you lose 100lbs? 5lb goals at a time.

    Exactly! You have this. Just keep setting small goals and going. You'll get there!

    I was down nearly 30, gained close to 10 over the last few months, and am now trying again to get back down. I have kind of lost all motivation. But I found the original loss was all tied to just focusing on small, incremental goals and celebrating those successes. Its the best way to do it (IMHO).
  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
    Nikion901 wrote: »
    Nikion901 wrote: »
    @pinkstarberry me either! It went so quickly. Really the whole summer did.
    Hey "Toots' .... I can tell summer is in it's senior moments. .... very hot days, but cool nights about my part ... and more evidence of seasonal allergies picking up with rhinitis symptoms. I've had to start using my inhaler again.

    I have just terrible allergies, so I also end up miserable during certain seasons, including summer. Luckily I don't have much incidences of asthma anymore. I used to when I was a kid and young adult.

    Glad your's was 'outgrown'.
    August is my most difficult month to get through without a flare-up or lung illnesses.

    The worst around here is the spring. It's really very windy here in New Mexico and it's especially windy when the seasons change. The absolute windiest time of year is spring, so it's like you can't even go outside. :o
  • trinati2001
    trinati2001 Posts: 262 Member
    @MermaidPrincessRach @Nikion901. @Nikion901 thank you guys for the encouragement!!
  • trinati2001
    trinati2001 Posts: 262 Member
    I can't quite remember...but I think I remember people talking about how they write blogs here on MFP. am I remembering that correctly?? If so are there any that people enjoy reading?
  • Elizabeth2360
    Elizabeth2360 Posts: 181 Member
    Hello not sure if anyone uses this group/ page anymore? But if so we're are you? I am lizm79 but some reason my old email can't retrieve mail or get onto my old my fitness pal page! I am now Elizabeth2360 so I still love to support you and be connected on this journey we are all on towards good health!
  • wmander1
    wmander1 Posts: 53 Member
    edited August 2016
    Hi all, I've introduced myself here before but I've always fallen off the wagon! On June 3rd I was in a terrible car accident in which it is only by God's grace that I'm still on this earth! Clearly I have a greater purpose to serve here & im truly ready for this difficult journey to a healthy life. Over the past couple months I've been mostly immobile and taking supplements to bulk my diet. This has led me to be at my highest ever weight & I'm looking for friends to keep me accountable and to build health focused relationships! Feel free to reach out & add me and to share any helpful experiences! <3
  • badnoodle
    badnoodle Posts: 216 Member
    Checking back in after a very satisfying vacation back home to see family and friends. Everyone was really excited to see me, and were really proud of my progress. It also felt really good to eat roughly at maintenance. 1200 calories was really becoming a grind, and it was amazing how much difference an additional 650 made.

    One thing I did that was really smart was to take a bunch of Special K Protein single-serve cereal cups with me. They only cost $1, didn't need refrigeration, and had as much protein as my usual breakfast of greek yogurt. They're high enough calorie that I wouldn't want them everybday, but hard to beat for traveling. So many motel breakfasts are sugary or greasy - free isn't worth it. But they all had milk!

    But vacation is over and now I'm home and need to get back in the swing of good eating habits. I'd actually really missed vegetables that weren't fried or salted to hell and back. And I cane home to discover that my partner had harvested nearly 10lbs of my wish for the week is that I get them canned before they go bad.
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    I can't quite remember...but I think I remember people talking about how they write blogs here on MFP. am I remembering that correctly?? If so are there any that people enjoy reading?

    There are two types of Blogs on here ...
    ! - Those written by MFP contributers via the "Hello Healthy" BLOG ... I read a lot of these. You access it from the main toolbar. IF you set it up, it can also post to your social media timeline in FaceBook
    2 - MFP members, like you and me, can write blogs from our own My Home page ... it is found under the lower toolbar as "My Blog". When gp to there, you have "Tools" to add posts, and to set up Preferences. The preferences you set up will either allow your blog posts to be viewed by 'everyone' 'MFP members only', 'my friends only', or 'only me'.

    When someone has their blog open to other posters, and you find one you want to follow, you can 'Subscribe' ... I think, because I haven't actually subscribed to a MFP posters blog.

    When you are on your "My Home' page, you will see quick links to both the recent 'HelloHealthy" blogs and also "Popular Blog Posts". The popular blog posts are written by MFP members.

    When you are on the Message Boards page, the lower task bar has a link to 'Blogs" ... these are MRP member blogs.

    Hope this helps you get around and discover if you like reading blogs. Perhaps you might even start Blogging yourself. I do, except I keep mine private because I use it as a Weight Loss Journey Diary. :)