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August (2016) Running Challenge



  • greenolivetree
    greenolivetree Posts: 1,282 Member
    Text from non-running friend *huge eye roll*ilmkcyltl0oj.jpg
  • 5512bf
    5512bf Posts: 389 Member
    8/1 - 2.23 - HS XC Practice
    8/2 - 6.0 - Easy
    8/2 - 4.15 - Easy
    8/3 - 15.03 - Easy
    8/4 - 6.0 - Recovery

    Total 33.41 of 285 miles

    Nice easy recovery run. Legs felt pretty good once I got about half mile in and got fully woke up. Tomorrow is another middle distance run of 11 miles.

    @kristinegift I warned you guys if someone bragged about running in 60 degree weather I'd strangle them. I guess since you ran in 59 degree weather you get a pass. I haven't seen a morning less than mid 70's for at least 3 weeks. I'm hopeful that all this suffering will pay off in October.

    @MNLittleFinn how do you know you are too fast? Are you wearing a HR monitor? If your easy runs have been landing in the 9:40's it's not inconceivable that 9:00 flat would be a good tempo pace.
  • karllundy
    karllundy Posts: 1,490 Member
    8/1 - Intended to run 4, but oversleeping and a thunderstorm kept it from happening :-(
    8/2 - Bodypump class, followed by Abs/Core class. I may be too uncoordinated for this ab stuff...I feel like a bull in a china shop for sure.
    8/3 - 4.11 miles. Cool but foggy/sticky. Felt like running through a shower.
    8/4 - 5 miles on treadmill (Trek class). The Y was so humid, kinda felt like I was outside anyway.


    @greenolivetree - Amen! Total eye roll!
    @Orphia - beautiful morning! Love the hat!
    @Stoshew71 - I am glad that your myriad posts don't fence us in.
  • MaVieEntiere
    MaVieEntiere Posts: 135 Member
    ChelzFit wrote: »
    Aug.3-3.5 miles at 11 min. pace....I'm so slow!

    I'd take that if I could run 3.5 miles! Last night running TWO (not even sequentially) was so hard!
  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    karllundy wrote: »
    @Stoshew71 - I am glad that your myriad posts don't fence us in.

  • MaVieEntiere
    MaVieEntiere Posts: 135 Member
    edited August 2016


    1 Aout - 0
    2 Aout - 2
    3 Aout - 2

    = 4 miles (Target: 32)
  • MaVieEntiere
    MaVieEntiere Posts: 135 Member
    @skippygirlsmom - Sadly, we're moving about 90 miles from the old house to the new and are still doing it this way. We debated the moving truck idea, but decided this was more practical because we have to build fences and chicken coops before we can get the animals all moved--which means I'd be going back and forth anyway. Gary is staying at the new house throughout the week and working on fences in the evenings. I'm helping on the nights that I'm there and on the weekend. Hoping to be totally out of the old house next week. Only have to finish one dog fence and build a chicken coop to make that happen (we aren't taking existing coops with us because they're heavy and awkward to move, plus we have a better design plan in mind).

    At least my work is in between the two houses, so I'm able to do the shuffling pretty easily!

    @greenolivetree - I'm with you on the snow days thing. I grew up in northern Missouri, which is far enough north that snow is a pretty regular thing and people could handle it. My first snow in Oklahoma was a rude awakening. For one, the state does not keep well stocked on the necessary supplies to clear the roads, and they tend to be more reactive than proactive, so roads tend to be in horrible shape by the time they get out to tend to them. Plus there's the fact that the snow plows ALWAYS take giant chunks out the of road surface while plowing...

    And on to the regular drivers...you constantly see people out romping down on the gas and brakes and causing themselves to wreck. Or cutting people off like they normally do, not taking into account the increased stopping distance. Seriously, snow/ice driving is not that hard! Leave lots of space between you and others and do everything gradually.

    Last year, I made the mistake of driving my husband's Pontiac G8 GT to work on a day when it was supposed to be cold but clear. It ended up snowing and I had to make the 40 mile drive home in that car (rear wheel drive, 450HP). It honestly would have been fine, if it weren't for people constantly pulling out in front of me, not realizing that I was going slow and leaving a 1/4 mile between me and the next car because I was driving on a solid sheet of ice and couldn't stop. Oh, and the whole having to shift into neutral at every stop light so that I didn't slide sideways into the intersection (car power overpowering the brakes due to ice). But I STILL made it home safe. LOL.

    @ceciliaslater tell me you get tons of awesome fresh eggs.

    Also my husband and I are living in Haiti where he's lived his entire life. When we move to the US it could potentially be to MA so stories like this terrify me! I'm so worried about him driving on US highways (the fastest you can go on these awful roads is 45-55mph) let alone in wet weather...
  • MNLittleFinn
    MNLittleFinn Posts: 4,271 Member
    @5512bf I'm kind of a McMillan Junkie, I use the paces from his calculator for training. That said, Average HR, (including wU/CD) was 161, with a max of 172. So, I may not have been too fast...but it was outside of the zone I was aiming for.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    edited August 2016
    Text from non-running friend *huge eye roll*

    Oh them dang non runners!

    This person's sounds like they want to be a runner but is looking for excuses :wink:
  • AdrianChr92
    AdrianChr92 Posts: 567 Member
    I was in vacation. At the beach. I ran at said beach.Now I must check in

    Also got a few pounds fatter :)


    August 1 - 6.6 km - V.Easy/7:00
    August 2 - 7.4 km - Reps/4:00
    August 3 - 7.6 km - V.Easy/6:50
    August 4 - 6.4 km - Easy/6:15



    03/04: Bucharest 10k and Family run 48:28
    16/04: Color Run Bucharest
    17/04: Forest Run 5k 22:05
    04/06: Happy Run 5k 21:57
    22/07: Bucharest After9Cross 9.5k 49:03
    28/08: Fox Trail Half Marathon (10k)
    18/09: Baneasa Trail Run (10k)
    09/10: Bucharest International Marathon (Half Debut)

  • TattooedDolphinGirl78
    TattooedDolphinGirl78 Posts: 5,214 Member
    Today's run was HOT, HOT, HOT, like soup, ugh... but I still performed better than the previous two runs, so I'll take it. :smile:

    Happy Thursday!


    1/8: REST
    2/8: 5.30 km + 20 mins yoga
    3/8: 5.38 km + 20 mins yoga
    4/8: 5.39 km + 20 mins yoga

    Current PR : 5K in 35:06 / 10K in 1:17:??


    6/8: Colour Vibe 5K
    24/9: Obstacle Course “Coureur des bois”
    20/10-01/11 : Zombies Run! App 2016 Fall Virtual Run
  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    Date Miles today - Miles for August
    8/1 9 miles - 9
    8/1 4.5 miles - 13.5 << Daily Double
    8/2 9 miles - 22.5
    8/2 4 miles - 26.5 << Daily Double
    8/3 5 miles - 31.5
    8/4 9 miles - 40.5


    Upcoming races:
    UAH 8K - 3/6 <<< 34:33 3 in AG
    Oak Barrel HM - 4/2 <<<< 1:38:00 3 in AG
    Bridge Street HM - 4/10 <<< 1:36:33 3 in AG
    PEO-AVN Team Day 5K - 5/4 <<< 19:10 (2.9 mi) 1 in AG 5 OA
    Cotton Row Run 10K - 5/30 << 44:57 PR
    Firecracker Chase 10.2 miler 6/25 << 1:20:22 1 in AG & 15 OA
    Rocket City Marathon - 12/10

  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    edited August 2016
    How many people feel like this? (some times)

  • mbaker566
    mbaker566 Posts: 11,233 Member
    1-stung by a bee yesterday. was told i shouldn't run today :(
    2-leg was doing well but woke up in pain this morning and a little swelling, putting run off till tomorrow just in case.
    3-1.66 mi and an 1hr of foam rolling class.
    4-nothing yet


  • zmcgrandles
    zmcgrandles Posts: 78 Member
    08/02 3.4 miles
    08/03 2.5 miles Learnt my lesson of listening to my body now the hip is rather painful so a few unplanned days off in my future hoping its only a few days with stretches.

  • TattooedDolphinGirl78
    TattooedDolphinGirl78 Posts: 5,214 Member
    @zmcgrandles Hope your hip feels better soon.
  • DayLi77
    DayLi77 Posts: 655 Member
    shanaber wrote: »
    Elise4270 wrote: »
    @shanaber Yes I am. That's why I teased Stan :blush:

    I think most runners are nerds. A great percentage of them seem to be, at least!

    Are you a nerd too?

    I am too - most definitely!

    For sure!
  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member
    edited August 2016
    8/1 - 6 miles
    8/2 - 6 miles
    8/3 - rest day
    8/4 - 6 miles

    18 out of 110 miles


    @juliet3455 ha ha she did have her running stuff in the car. Even through "official" XC practice doesn't start until Monday she stayed at school to do speed work on the track by herself. Coach called me "hey is that my Skippy I see out on the track", yep it probably is, his reply "I love that girl". I think this time being with my mom was different than her usual visits, my mom isn't in good health and in the past months has declined fast. Skip spent a lot of time helping her and not as much time playing as she has in the past.
    @respectthekitty good luck to your son in middle school. I used to tell Skip, if you can survive middle school you can survive anything!
    @kristinegift 59F did you wear a jacket???? I was thrilled to see 70 this morning.
    @chelzfit 11 min mile is not slow :smile: I think if everyone here wrote their average pace for their runs you would see a lot more 10+ min mile paces then you would see folks who run 9 and under min miles. This time of year (summer here) I'm easily a 11 - 11:20 pace for 5 - 9 miles. A mile is mile is a mile whether it takes you 5 minutes or 15 minutes to get there.
    @tattooeddolphingirl78 I get startled that your picture keeps changing, love it!
    @shoshew71 I had a lady come up to me and Skip's Coach at the middle school the other day and tell us that running ruined her knees and that she wanted to know what he does to take care of the kids knees. She went on and on. Now Skip's Coach is the sweetest guy, he is very patient, doesn't get upset very even. When she walked away he said "are you kidding me?". I hate when people tell me running is going to ruin me.