

  • frankiesgirl21
    frankiesgirl21 Posts: 235 Member
    Good Afternoon Lovelies!

    I got a really nice long 11 hour sleep last night. I do so love Satudays when that rotten alarm doesn't go off at 5AM!! Sat in bed and watched the news while DH got ready for work. I turned on TWC and saw that awful flooding in La. As I mentioned earlier DM took my DN to New Orleans for a vacation before he returns to college in Tn. So I called to check on them. They are having a good time despite the rain. Today is Red Hat Day and she said Bourbon Street is crawling with men in Red hats and dresses and they are enjoying it much. They haven't gotten to go on the Paddle boat or the airboat to see the alligators yet because of the rain. I do hope they get them in. DH and I had taken Mom there last fall after my DN's wedding in Tn. (They are brother and sister). Mom immediately decided it was a great place to spend time with DGS. We got cut off twice so weather I guess. Interestingly, as soon as I called her it began to rain here. Like so many of you we are positively sweltering here I so central pa. Unfortunately, the bulk of rain is to stay north and west of us so we are greatful if we even get a 10 minute passin shower. It is very hit and and mostly miss. It can get quite dark and start to blow and then nada. Goes north. Which is fine in the dead of winter when it means snow!

    The towel bar in the bathroom has been loose for sometime and I bumped it the other morning an it crasehed to the floor . Heavy metal on tile at five thirty in the morning. DH works til midnight or so so needless to say it scared they daylights out hi as our bed is against that wall. It was fixed by the time I got home yesterday. Lol!

    RE- Hope the AC is fixed quickly and doesn't cost an arm and leg. So far this month it has been the DW and the ipad but neither was costly. Crossing my fingers against the proverbial #3.

    Kylia- what part of Ohio are you in? My DB is in Grove City.

    Time to go find something productive to do. It is up to 95 so errands don't look appealing. Thinking laundry dishes light house work an dinner out. A nice salad?

    Sending cool thoughts to all!

    Tracey B) In PA
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    lillian I am with you, any diet that says ditch the coffee is a non starter :#

    Anne I like your new hairstyle, probably will take a little getting used to styling it but it is very becoming o:)

    Super duper heatwave here, no hanging out in the garden or back porch for me. I took a 2 hour nap on the couch in the luxurious a.c. I think I will be perfectly happy with a non productive day.

  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,148 Member
    Stronglifts Workout B
    Squats-1X5X 55/65/75/85, 5X5X 95
    OHP- 1 X5X 45/50/55/60 5X5X 55
    DL- 1X5X145

    Kettlebell Swing
    Russian kettle bell swing- 20 X 10 X 35

    Walk 1,000 Miles Challenge
    5 miles

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,120 Member
  • Marcelynh
    Marcelynh Posts: 974 Member
    Getting ready for more massive rains here in Houston. Not good seeing as I have huge drainage problems on my street. Nothing flooding but other types of issues that create messes and are washing out my driveway culverts. Spent the morning out with my husband shooting the ditch with a laser. We didn't have a transit so he couldn't survey it but the laser level worked and we got the slope figured out and know what we need to do to get the water flowing again. We've had so much rain this year it's caused problems all over the area. Now to either rent a small backhoe or find someone to do it for us. Either way we have to find someone to haul the dirt away. We have 25 years of sand build-up in the ditch and need to get rid of it. BUT can't do it before a big rain or it will just cause more problems. I think we'll wait until the end of hurricane season and do it then and hopefully the sod will take root before any big spring rains come.

    Celebrated a grand-daughter's 3rd birthday yesterday and today is one of my daughter's 35th. She said she was filling out any form she could that required demographic information because it was the last year she could check the 29-34 yr. box. lol Seriously this is crazy birthday season. Here's the lineup for birthdays from June to Sept. :
    June 10 - grandson
    July 17 - granddaughter
    July 21 - daughter
    July 23 - granddaughter
    Aug 5 - husband
    Aug 12 - granddaughter
    Aug 13 - daughter
    Aug 21 - me
    Sept 5 - grandson
    Sept 9 - son-in-law
    Sept 13 - grandson
    Sept 17 - grandson

    I guess this is what you get for having four kids and 11 grandkids. The next baby is due in Feb. and we only have one birthday in Feb. I told her to hold out until March since we don't have any March birthdays but she looked at me with daggers....

    Back to the yard with the level.... one more benchmark to shoot.

    Marcelyn in Houston
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,962 Member
    :) When I started using Isagenix as a weight loss program in 2009, they suggested no caffeine on cleanse days once a week. Since my coffee drinking had included too much flavored, sweetened creamer, I decided to stop drinking coffee for at least the month I tried the program. I detoxed myself by drinking a little less each day for two weeks until I was drinking no coffee at all. The first benefit I noticed was that I could walk the dogs in the morning for much longer because I didn't spend time with coffee rituals and I didn't have to pee so soon after going out. Now, seven years later, I haven't gone back to drinking coffee. I drink only water.

    :)Anne, I love your hairstyle.

    :'(Re, I am sorry to hear about your air-conditioning....I hope you can find a solution soon.

    :) It is very warm here this week---up to about 80 degrees during the day which is very hot for us in the NW. Walking the dogs early is automatic for me, but I rushed to do a bit of yard work before 8 AM when it started to get too warm for me. I'll be spending a lot of time watching the Olympics today while doing easy indoor chores and riding the exercise bike.

    :) I get up at the same time every day so I can be out for the second round of dog walking with two women in my neighborhood who walk a dog at the same time every day. Brandy really likes them and I don't want to disappoint her.

    :) The referral to the neurosurgeon following my MRI is progressing. My doctor sent the referral on Wednesday afternoon and on Friday I got a call from the neurosurgeon's office to ask some questions to get the process moving.

    81824br5uyrfrsr.gifBarbie from beautiful sunny NW Washington t113030.gif

    “The secret of contentment is knowing how to enjoy what you have, and to be able to lose all desire for things beyond your reach."-- Yutang Lin
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,300 Member
    edited August 2016
    I got an extra 5 swings in while the laptop was booting up, so 15x10x18. That's after 540 cals on the machines. :D Then I wrote about the ice cream van when I was a child.

    Just watched a very interesting documentary film called Finding Vivian Maier. About a nanny who was a secret photographer. Amazing! Anyone who looks after children or who loves photographs should watch it. :o

    The guinea fowl was ACE! Yummo! I put carrots, potatoes for DH, and an onion under it with water. Well seasoned and herbed. Then I put large chunks of cauliflower on the rack with za'atar. Roasted until done. Wow! We shared a bottle of Merlot.

    Loads of cold cuts for tomorrow as I only served the breast.

    Going to watch Chef tonight.

    Lots of love, Heather UK xxxxxxx
  • Charleen2
    Charleen2 Posts: 223 Member
    edited August 2016
    Lillian - I totally agree with you, there is no start to the day before the first cup of coffee. Now that DD is in her 20's she has learned not to try and have any conversation with me before the first cup is down. Any diet that calls for that morning cup of heaven to be ditched isn't a diet, its pure evil with a side of death wish for the unwary. :D

    Anne - love the new do! I've been so lost as to what to do with my hair. I've given up and have been letting it grow out until inspiration strikes. It's baby fine, not thick and can no longer take a chemical bath (dyeing or perm) without breaking off and generally looking like I used a mixer to comb it. I'm also lazy, I want the cut to do the job of it looking good without spending hours each day in front of the mirror to achieve the 'natural but beautiful' look.

    I'll be glad when I finally finish staining the back deck. I've been working on it off and on (at weather permits) for a couple of weeks now. I can see the finish line but it won't be easy. The deck is off my living room and I have a walk out basement, so technically the deck is a second story deck. I am able to get most of the wood stained by doing weird contortions around each piece of wood from the deck itself. But not all of it. So today the ladder came out and I started the lower deck wood staining that can only be reached from the ladder. Did I mention I am afraid of heights? The tricky part comes when I get to the backside as the yard slopes away from the deck and I will have to get creative with the ladder to keep it stable. Oh well, what else is a 64 yr old widow to do with her day to have fun?

    Charleen in Colorado (A couple of cool days before the 90's return. I'm working as fast as I can) p0109.gif
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Anne, I agree with everyone else on your hair. If you haven't had it like this ever or in awhile It will take a while to get used to is. You see yourself in the mirror and ask who that is. My hair is super short and I sometimes get my brush caught in in when I am drying it. My husband wishes i would let my hair grow out but I wouldn't be able to tolerate the growing out phase.

    Our TV is on the Olympics pretty much all the time also. Right now it's golf at the Olympics. Swimming isn't my favorite just like track and field isn't. I know there are many other stations I can search out. I see trampoline was yesterday and i missed that and I would imagine rythmic gymnastics will be on soon. I may be in a world all by myself in this but our NBC prime time and day time coverage has seemed to be 'The Michael Phelps show'. There are so many other events going on I don't see why it's all about him. I know he has done fantastically well but I just wish it wouldn't be all about him. OK, off my soap box.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    Hey ladies!
    My neighbor is driving me crazy.... I must be getting really picky in my old age, because every tenant we have had in the apartment that shares the bedroom, bathroom and living room walls has had one issue or another with me. The woes of apartment living I suppose. When we moved here, it was the couple who had to have the TV on for "white noise"... Then it was a nice couple that I liked and gave my extra spinach to. No issues with them though. Next was the lesbian couple that were always doing it, and finally its now the guy that plays his electric piano all the time. He plays fairly well, but when he combines his stuff with a beat its like listening to oil and water mix, (if you could hear them trying to mix). Maybe that is why I have never thought of rhythms when I write the songs in my head that I play. He is young, and I do like some of the stuff he comes up with though, especially when he plays jazzy like. The other night when it was rhythm-chaos, my husband actually banged on the wall in the living room. It was 11PM so, way past "the quiet time". I am hesitant to intervene because it could escalate into situations really quickly. Sometimes it's easier to just pick and choose your battles. It's two guys, (not gay), and I have chatted with the one, because he had a truck that was on it's last leg, and he had to tinker with the engine every morning, then coax it to turn over. I had made peanut butter cookies and I gave them a container full. A welcome to the area thing. So presently I am on good graces with them. I can also relate to the fact that he NEEDS to play, as a relaxation thing. Sometimes you are just trying to figure out a phrase in a song, and you play it over and over until you can hear what comes next. I get that. So don't fix what ain't broke Becca... lol.

    Yesterday I did my Deep Water water aerobics class. I listened to my knees and did what I wanted and when I felt a tweek I didn't to it.. It was fun, and next week I plan on doing the class Mon-Wed and Fri so it shall be a great week for me already!

    Today is a lean cuisine lunch and a bean soup dinner. Easy peasy. I will start the soup at about 2 pm so it shall be done by dinner.

    Everyone have a great weekend. No fretting about losing or gaining, just appreciating what we can do at this very moment!

    (((Group Hugs)))
  • Elizabeth2360
    Elizabeth2360 Posts: 181 Member
    Hello Ladies,

    This will represent Friday and today! After dinner yesterday I sat down in my comfy chair and fell asleep and woke up 1:15.AM Saturday ! Yikes!

    I have been really tired lately! Still working out but just dragging !

    Today has started out positively great! Housework caught up! There was a HS band group holding a car wash so got the car clean ..
    Went to Home Depot pick up a few items!

    We are working on becoming a Certified Family Home for our daughter! Working hard to get our house ready for the inspection.

    Going to start some prep work later so I can get lunches & dinners ready for the coming week!

    Later tonight my DH and I are making our yearly visit to our local
    Movie Drive in We try to go once a year! My DH is very excited about both of these movies me not so much! But it will be ok..

    @Heather and @ Carol, lately I have heard a lot of about pressure cooking! I have never done it but my mom use to way back in the day! I am curious about it! Let know if you like it Heather ?

    @Becca I hope your DH is doing better
    @Lisa -- I really like this thread cause it is a safe place to be yourself ! Glad you are here!

    Well I better get the rest of my stuff done daylight is burning!

    From Caldwell, Idaho

  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    Blew the calories today! Went to a great sea food restaurant with two forever friends and would have done great except I had a cup of seafood bisque and some fried hush puppies. Followed with grilled shrimp, scallops, a bit of a baked potato, and a bit of cold slaw. When I put the calories in, it was an awful revelation. Good thing is that we only go there every 3 or 4 months. And, it was fun getting together with them.

    Took them to see progress on the rental house. We have put in new carpet and painted the entire inside, but, it still reeks of cigarettes. I am at my wits end. Does anyone know a remedy for this? I think I read that you can rent an ozone generator that may get rid of the smell, but, don't know it if will.


  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,148 Member
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,630 Member
    stats for the day:
    jog- 40.29min, 136ahr,154mhr, 10.0ap, .5incl for 1/2mi, 1.0 incl for 1.5mi, 5.7-8.0sp, 4mi = 391c
    inside track- skip/sidestep/scissors- 16min, 152mhr, 119ahr, 1/4mi = 137c
    other- bosu ball, 8#ball toss, machines- 104ahr, 152mhr, 2sets 15, 3 diff machines. = 93c
    total cal 621
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    carol I went to a site called quick and dirty.com (sounds horrible I know) that listed, of course vinegar and baking soda. If the ceiling hasn't been painted that could be part of the problem as well. Did you get rid of all the fabric and upholstery? Cause that really holds onto odors as well. Good luck there is nothing I hate more tha. That stale old smell.
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,300 Member
    edited August 2016
    Becca - Oh my word! I could not stand that noise for a second. !!!!!!!!! We moved out of London because of noise from neighbours. We used to stamp on the floor if we could hear their music.

    Just watched the film CHEF. Really enjoyed it. Have any of you seen it? The Cuban food didn't look very slimming though! I now know what a Texan bbq is. :D

    I'm not watching any Olympics, except for the highlights on the news. I like to know when someone's won , but that's it. Partly because I'm not interested in sport as such and partly because I don't like suspense. I like to know the result before I watch it. :laugh: There are a few people I am interested in as personalities and I like a good news story, but I cannot stand anxiety. :ohwell: DH watches his cricket and football online with the sound off. <3

    Warming up over here. Love Heather UK

  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    carol yikes the name of the site I suggested is quick and dirty tips.com. Oops be careful out there!! NYKAREN
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,300 Member
    Just been looking at the news of the flooding in Louisiana and the South. Hope all of you down that way are ok. My ex husband and family are vacationing in that region to listen to the music. :ohwell:
    Sending best wishes, Heather UK