

  • chrissygbulldog3
    chrissygbulldog3 Posts: 31 Member
    I am new to this forum. Chris from North Central Idaho. I am not new to MFPal and achieved great success in the past using this daily support. And I am definitely not new to dieting. I will be 65 in November and for the life of me don't understand why I can't overcome lifelong bad habits. I am newly committed. Maybe I just never heard about the nutrition/exercise diet before (haha).

    Resolutions: weigh, measure and log every bite, every day
    Not to quit, relapse, or make excuses
    Pray more, a lot more
    Keep moving, a little more each day
    Stop being obsessive about the political issues we are all facing
    Limit myself to 45 minutes of combined current news (radio, tv, print)
    Love hearing from people.

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,710 Member
    IremiaRe wrote: »
    pipcd34 wrote: »
    morning peeps - I Gotta nuther donation! don't know who it is again... it's signed iREne Smith.. is it you IremiaRe?? was the "Re" the hint??? if so, thanks so much!!!, if not, oopsieeeee

    Yes, Pip

    the RE was the hint.

    Ride, Pip, Ride!!


    THANKS GURL!!!!! MUAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,355 Member
    Hi all! On my phone so rather short. All went brilliantly. Animal hunt was a huge success. Ate all meals outside and it all went down well. I managed to get out to the dentist appointment and the moon ball I bought was a hit. Amazingly they went to bed with no problems, considering that they are sharing a room, which they don't do at home. Early night for us as they wake up early.
    Will post pics tomorrow.
    Love you ladies. <3
    Heather UK
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,355 Member
    PS It all helps that DDIL has a strict regime so they are sticking to a familiar schedule with all the same things. Familiar food etc. Same bath, TV and bedtime. Makes it much easier. <3
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Stronglift Break Week

    Kettlebell Swing
    GobletSquats- 3X5 x35
    Russian kettle bell swing-23X 10 X 35

    Walk 1,000 Miles Challenge
    3 miles

    My sister-in-law is going to be here for the remainder of the week and we have very early morning and late night activities planned. I am taking a week break from my strong lift weightlifting program and will be swinging my Kettlebell instead.


    Mary from Minnesota
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Barbie - If someone was going to needle aspiration of cysts on my thyroid; they’d HAVE to give me something to put me out enough (twilight sleep) so I would not flinch. I even hate going to the eye doctor because of them putting that blue circle on my eyeball. I don’t think I would ever be able to wear contacts. I remember trying on one, when in HS; at that time, they were ‘hard’ and not the filmy looking ones of today. Felt like an eyelash was in my eye.

    Kylia – Nice to be able to adopt that many dogs and have them running around. DH really did not want to get another dog after Shorty died; but, then we waited until after we had gone through the summer and vacation times. Then, I went to the Lee County Animal Shelter and found “Cracker” … she was approximately 4 months old and was a ‘stray’ that someone had either let out, or she had gotten out, turned up at a BBQ and they brought her to the shelter. She is one smart cookie! I think that someone had spent a lot of time with her because it was so easy to ‘crate’ train her, when she walked with you she stayed right at your heel, and going outside to potty. She is a ‘love’. They were going to have an ‘adoption day’ that next Saturday and she would not have lasted long, for sure. We keep her ‘broken coat’ clipped back to her undercoat. This last time they clipped her they really did not clip her as much as they had the first time. Before we go to DYS and DDnL#2’s house we will have her washed and clipped. I won’t let them clip her face; because she has the JRT face. She must be a mix with a Rat Terrier because she has the long legs of one. I’m not sure who or what she got her curled to the left tail from. If she could talk, she’d do it and never stop! She doesn’t bark much, which is nice; but, when DOS’s lab comes over she always dumps Tux’s dish over to eat the cat food. I don’t know what it is about ‘cat food’; but, every dog we’ve had has loved it. We’ll give them a little treat.

    Ilikegardens – We love living out on a dirt road; has the ambiance of ‘living out in the country’; although we are only 6 miles to the nearest town. But, don’t go in even ‘if’ we have forgotten something. We’re about 20 miles to one city; and 25 to another; so we don’t have to go too far to do any major shopping.

    Katla – The first OrthoMD I went to (a customer of my husband, who ‘worked me in’ wanted to take me to surgery the next day. When I ‘balked’ at that because I wasn’t sure I wanted to have surgery. 50% said ‘yes, best thing ever done’; 50% said, ‘no, only made it worse’. I went through painful PT and nothing helped; then when I wanted to ‘schedule’ surgery, he said I only had ‘bursitis and I’d have to just ‘live with it’. I was upset, because I could not paint or draw; could not lift my arm more than about 45° in any direction without it just ‘killing me to the point of tears’. I went to my GP; and sure enough it was frozen, so he made an appointment for the next day with a different OrthoMD. He took additional x-rays (I had gotten all my records from the first one) and it showed that I had torn my rotator cuff pretty badly. Did this by making a ladder that consisted of a step-stool, counter stool, and rolling desk chair to clean off the top of the freezer; when I went to back down, I totally missed the step stool. The guy working on my studio had just left to go into town. I was like the lady, calling out … “Help, I’ve fallen and can’t get up!” I could not put any weight on my shoulder at all. So I called my BF and told her I needed help. She could not get me up, so she called the EMT’s. They lifted me on a sheet that they had gotten under me … screaming the entire time.

    Second OrthoMD said that my shoulder was ‘definitely’ frozen and if I put it off any longer, even surgery might not help; so I made the appointment and they operated on me in the hospital (because my BP had been ‘spiking up and down’) and he wanted me to be in the hospital if it bottomed out or went sky-high. The next morning he came in and I told him that my shoulder did not hurt at all; and, I have full motion (without pain). While doing the surgery they took pictures as it went and he found a chip that had fallen off and was wedged between the ball socket and the edge of the shoulder socket. It was about 1/4th inch in diameter.

    The 2nd time … I had a seizure and hit my head on the rails and stiles of my deck with my head and shoulder. Knocked myself out completely and after waiting for an ambulance for 20 minutes, DH and DOS loaded me into the car and took me themselves. I got taken into the ER after the triage nurse saw that I was semi-conscious. He came to see me again, and we scheduled the 2nd repair surgery for the following Monday. That time I did it ‘in his office’s convenient care’. Both times, after surgery, I went through PT. The 2nd time I had to have the PT come to my house … I will NEVER do that again. Never knew what time they’d arrive and woman finally would call me and tell me she was ‘on her way’; but, she failed to tell me that she was just leaving Moultrie … easily 60 miles from where I lived. It was after 5:00pm and I would not let her come in; husband was home and we usually spend time together watching “The Five". They changed PTs; but, because she was heading the PT place up; she made the determination to cut me loose; before I had really finished. Thankfully, a 'nurse' came a couple of times and she gave me a lot of things to do and work with. Pulley and something much like silly putty to strengthen the muscles from my shoulder all the way down to my hand, also a ball I could roll my hand over ... out as far as I could reach.

    Lenora - Doesn't have the 'extra' "O" in it ... not Leonora
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Gained a lb; but, water % and muscle % had gone up; fat % had gone down. Nurse/MD said this was 'great' considering that I had been on vacation. <3
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,710 Member
  • IremiaRe
    IremiaRe Posts: 801 Member
    Hello, Alluring Angels!

    I got to drop my weight on my ticker today... got two days of the same reading on the big medical scale at the gym, so it's as official as it gets. 242 - a mere three pounds from dropping below 240... and I honestly can't remember the last time I weighed as little as that. If not when I was in college - then it was shortly after I married DH - maybe around 1990? It's been a LONG time, at any rate. Every pound is a new milestone, now - and it's kind of exciting.

    I am thinking I am going to have to break out the old wedding dress - just to see whether or not it fits. I am thinking it should, right now - but, I can't swear to that. I got married 27 yrs ago - so, remembering exactly what size I wore at my wedding is a little bit iffy... lol. Since a friend made the dress for me, there won't be any tag or anything to clue me in, either.

    I have always been overweight - I was no delicate flower in 1989 - so it will be interesting to see if I have turned back the clock that far in my goal toward being healthy - basically for the first time since I was a child.

    Of course, I will never be as young as I was back then... *sighs*


    Dang, we were cute.

    But, I would be happy with being as trim as I was... and trimmer still. Working on it!

    Thanks to all on the swimwear suggestions. I don't have whole lot of time for getting to the pool these days, anyway - but I may grab some sort of full cover swimwear for vacation purposes - if I ever take one where I might need to swim in public. Usually, I use my vacations to visit my folks in Tucson - so they just have to see my flabby arms and thighs... They have seen me in swimwear at 367 pounds and it didn't burn out they retinas, so, a little flabby skin is nothing.

    But for now - swimming is not my exercise of choice... You will find me every morning at Texas Family Fitness, chugging away on the elliptical machine, sweating from the knees... lol.

    I am sorry, you Marvelous Mavens, that I am unable to take the time to reply to each of you.... but the fact that I have managed to stay on top of the reading is kind of miraculous, right now.

    Hugs for everybody!

    Re in TX
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    edited August 2016
    MrsGLT wrote: »
    Hi ladies. Good day so far.
    Marcelynh, I'm north of you in the piney woods of east Texas and it is disgustingly hot and humid here too. I think I've opened my shades twice in the last two months.

    I have a question for anyone who is experienced with keeping the carbs low. I really think because of my age & the fact I'm so overweight that low carb is going to be my best option. It will also be a huge challenge because I'm a carb junkie. I love bread, pasta, rice, potatoes and yes, sugar. I never met a dessert I didn't like.
    But I've reached a place where I want healthy more than any of those things. I'm tired of joint pain and feeling tired all the time. I'm tired of requesting a table at a restaurant because I can't squeeze my big rear into a booth. I want to breath & tie my shoes at the same time.
    Any ideas and suggestions would be appreciated.

    Portion control is a key to success. You need to know how much you are eating. Many of us have food scales and they aren't horribly expensive. I got mine from Amazon and chose the one with the best customer satisfaction. I'm satisfied. I also have restaurant style dishers (serving scoops) to keep my portion sizes under control. I generally have a low carb diet because I feel best that way. I need to warn you that a likely outcome of eating low carb is having a higher than recommend fat number. All carbs are not created equal, and all fats are not created equal, either. Fats found in oily fish like salmon are very good for your health. Carbs that are high in refined sugar really should be avoided. I'd look for substitutions. Here are some examples: I use stevia to sweeten my coffee instead of sugar. Sweet potatoes have a better nutritional profile than russet potatoes so we have more sweet potatoes and fewer russet potatoes. Brown rice is dramatically better than white rice from a nutrition standpoint so we switched to brown rice. Changing to a healthier diet is a learning process. Meanwhile, count calories for every bite and swallow. Never give up on yourself.

    Katla in overcast NW Oregon
  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,816 Member
    edited August 2016
    Well another day. I only got about a hour sleep last evening as between DD problems and DGC problems I worried all night. I am working the 6-6 shift today and Joint Commission showed up today and so everyone is running around like they have their head cut off making sure everything is just right. I just tell my staff to do your job the way you are to do it and be polite. So going to be a long 3 days and of course I work each of them.
    Cheri--Glad you have arrived and bet you are busy getting settled in
    Janetr--Congrates on your great form and would be great to help with her classes.
    Joyce--Glad you both are feeling better. Sending hugs and prayers for your stress test tomorrow. I say let DD do all she wants to help. I feel it is her way of being helpful and needed.
    Katiebug--I love them and they look great on you.
    Heather--Those DGC are so cute. Just want to hug them.
    Mrs. GLT--Sending hugs and prayers. Some days are not easy. Important thing is never give up.
    Lenora--Thanks for sharing the 21 rules. They do make a lot of sense.
    Barbie--I am glad the MRI is done.
    Well I am only up to page 22 but have to get somethings done. Have a good evening.
    Blessings, Vicki GRAND ISLAND, NE
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,980 Member
    :) Watching the Olympics is keeping me away from the computer. I'm taking a break now to read but won't spend time responding. I did get to work out in the yard a bit today while talking to a friend on the phone....I love my blue tooth headphones that allow me to talk on the phone while doing something else with my hands. I most frequently use them to listen to music or audio books while walking the dogs.

    :) The weather here is so weird that I turn on a heater in the bathroom in the morning while I take my shower and in the afternoon, the house gets so warm that the air conditioner comes on. At night I sleep under a blanket.

    :)Katie, I love your new outfit with the leggings..it is very slimming

    :)NYKaren, I liked "Better Than Before" so much that I listened to it as an audio book after reading it and I subscribe to Gretchen Rubin's blog and her podcast where she frequently refers to things she's written about. I need lots of reminders.

    <3 Barbie from beautiful NW Washington
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,710 Member
    IremiaRe wrote: »
    Hello, Alluring Angels!

    I got to drop my weight on my ticker today... got two days of the same reading on the big medical scale at the gym, so it's as official as it gets. 242 - a mere three pounds from dropping below 240... and I honestly can't remember the last time I weighed as little as that. If not when I was in college - then it was shortly after I married DH - maybe around 1990? It's been a LONG time, at any rate. Every pound is a new milestone, now - and it's kind of exciting.

    I am thinking I am going to have to break out the old wedding dress - just to see whether or not it fits. I am thinking it should, right now - but, I can't swear to that. I got married 27 yrs ago - so, remembering exactly what size I wore at my wedding is a little bit iffy... lol. Since a friend made the dress for me, there won't be any tag or anything to clue me in, either.

    I have always been overweight - I was no delicate flower in 1989 - so it will be interesting to see if I have turned back the clock that far in my goal toward being healthy - basically for the first time since I was a child.

    Of course, I will never be as young as I was back then... *sighs*


    Dang, we were cute.

    But, I would be happy with being as trim as I was... and trimmer still. Working on it!

    Thanks to all on the swimwear suggestions. I don't have whole lot of time for getting to the pool these days, anyway - but I may grab some sort of full cover swimwear for vacation purposes - if I ever take one where I might need to swim in public. Usually, I use my vacations to visit my folks in Tucson - so they just have to see my flabby arms and thighs... They have seen me in swimwear at 367 pounds and it didn't burn out they retinas, so, a little flabby skin is nothing.

    But for now - swimming is not my exercise of choice... You will find me every morning at Texas Family Fitness, chugging away on the elliptical machine, sweating from the knees... lol.

    I am sorry, you Marvelous Mavens, that I am unable to take the time to reply to each of you.... but the fact that I have managed to stay on top of the reading is kind of miraculous, right now.

    Hugs for everybody!

    Re in TX

    hubba hubba - I mean u not him :0)
  • melaniemetoyer
    melaniemetoyer Posts: 50 Member
    Re in Texas-if you haven't already done so, or even if you did, go back and read(re-read) Lenora's post from Monday "21 Rules". VERY INSIGHTFUL! We will never be physically that young again BUT, we get the WISDOM that comes with age. Now, if I could have the youth WITH the wisdom....look out world.
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,886 Member
    Hello everyone: DD off to Seattle today doing the tourist thing with her best friend. Her birthday is Thursday and she has a gift certificate to Conundrum so my DS and DGD will join them there. They will be in a locked room and have one hour to use the clues to get out. DS and DGD have done this once before but were unable to get out in the time allowed. I am enjoying a quiet afternoon. Cloudy and wet outside so cannot do anything out there. Did kettlebell and rider exercises today. Working on portion sizes. I feel so much better when I do not eat so much even if it is healthy.

    Re - stats for yesterday for the 24-week challenge:
    SW = 213
    CW = 213
    total for week = +1
    total for all weeks = 0
    GW = 190
    pounds from goal = 23

    Sending healing angels to all who need them and congratulations to those with victories. Sue in WA

  • shamac35153
    shamac35153 Posts: 21 Member
    Hi. I'm new and would like to join this group. I'm Sharon live about 30 minutes north of Boston. I have lost about 7 pounds over the last 3 months but painfully to slow and frustrating. Need to stop giving myself excuses and start logging in food. Here's to day one
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    edited August 2016
    Hello Ladies,
    So its a day after the procedure from hell... Arrived in Portland at 11:30 am, with procedure to put new stent in at 1:45 pm. He came back to recovery room pretty promptly. I don't remember how long it was but I ate a sandwich, and went to his room and he was wheeled in. The doctor finally came by at about 4 pm, to discuss how it all went. In her words, "they were able to remove the old stent, and jam two new stents in." In the middle of the jamming process, the doctor stated that my husband "came up off the table" (because of the uncomfortable procedure, and he was in pain), so I would imagine they had to up the anesthesia. The doctor stated they had to really manipulate his abdomen to get the stents in. So on the way home, dear husband was dealing with the worst pain he has ever felt, (he said it was more intense then getting his liver transplant). He was nauseated and I was glad I had brought the hospital bags with the plastic rim. After his numerous bouts of nausea, his muscles shook so much. The after effects of nausea he stated. He had not eaten that day, so nothing substantial. Felt utterly helpless as I drove. If the damn doctor had manipulated my husband so much, then why in heaven's name didn't they give him pain meds?? So we arrived home and I tried to bring the pain down with Tylenol, but it wan't even touching the pain. Called the doctor on-call that was listed on our check-out paperwork. Pretty much told me to monitor and she would check back in a couple of hours. In a couple of hours, I decided to call 911 and get him to the hospital. Many of the EMT's remembered my husband pre-transplant, and they stated how healthy he looked, (even being in so much pain). Emergency room checked his pancreas numbers and bloodwork showed no pancreatitis, and his liver numbers looked good. So all this pain was because of the procedure. This procedure that has to be done every 3 months.... All I know is that he will NOT be in this kind of pain every procedure. I will demand they care for his pain management. He will not go thru another night of this, dealing with an emergency room visit after I drive him home. The emergency room gave us 4 oxycodone, to manage the pain levels last night, and I got a prescription for more. He has taken them pretty much every 5 hours, but really hates to get on a pain regiment. I tried to cry on the way to the ER but I was too worried to really let loose. So I yelled at my momma up in heaven to take away his pain. I yelled at God to make all this work out, even though I am not a religious person. My husband has worked too hard to lose it dealing with pain. Nothing like driving and crying to finally yell at yourself to "get it together!"
    So last night I was up pretty much every hour, keeping tabs, and giving him med's with a bite of a muffin (he had made that morning). Finally at 6 am he got up, and started the day like he always does. Even if night consisted of sleeping a couple of minutes every hour or so. He made tea for himself, and had a couple of bites of cereal, so I knew he was slowly getting thru this. I let him be, and slept until about 10 am. Even with all that sleep, I still awoke feeling so mentally drained, and beat up. I took teenager to the store, returned a bag of cans and plastic for a refund, (that I used to pay for the pain meds refill amazingly enough... only $2.50 for 16 pills!)

    Reevaluating my life after yesterday, I know that my need to be healthy stems from my need to care for my husband. To help him up the stairs, if need be. Maybe that isn't the right frame of mind to be in, and I know I need to lose weight for ME but presently my happiness is so intertwined with his happiness.


  • Marcelynh
    Marcelynh Posts: 974 Member

    Limit myself to 45 minutes of combined current news (radio, tv, print)
    Love hearing from people.

    Oh my, I need to make this resolution. It's downright addicting. I don't do the entertainment/game thing but news. I'm a news junkie. I often go cold turkey for a few weeks just to get my head back on straight.

    Marcelyn in Houston

  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    becca so sorry you and DH had to go through so much, it sounds like a huge ordeal but good to hear the morning was better. You are one tough cookie! Sending strength and hugs.

    Heather what a wonderful adventure the grands had with you both, the hunt sounded like fun