Moms/Support & Motivation/Weight Loss Group



  • quiltlovinlisa
    quiltlovinlisa Posts: 1,710 Member
    So many excellent ideas. <3 Thank you ladies for sharing them all.

  • melodyis4reals
    melodyis4reals Posts: 186 Member
    edited August 2016
    Hi everyone!

    My name is Melody and would love to join your group (:

    For some reason my entire post didn't post. My baby just feel asleep, so I will come back in a bit and write it again while I'm nursing.
  • akmomof7
    akmomof7 Posts: 162 Member
    Hi Melody! Welcome. Look forward to getting to know you.
  • melodyis4reals
    melodyis4reals Posts: 186 Member
    edited August 2016
    - How many kids do you have?
    Hi everyone, I'm a new mom at the ripe age of 38, lol. My babe is 7 weeks tomorrow.

    - How much weight did you gain and have you lost any of it?
    I gained 70 in my pregnancy, I have 40 to go. Before I got pregnant I had lost 30 lbs using MFP

    I want to log food daily, do 100 crunches a day, and take a 30 minute walk for the next two weeks.

    -What's keeping my from my goal?
    Hopefully nothing anymore. My midwife told me that I would be properly recovered in 1 more week. Now postpartum recovery cannot be an excuse anymore. I also need to balance my schedule when I get back to work.

    MFP is totally acting up. I wrote this out 3 times! Less banter and personality each time...sorry!
  • zduraj
    zduraj Posts: 15 Member
    Hi ! I have only 1. I gain a lot of weight, from 130 I went 201. Took me 1 year to go back 130. Now I gained again. My goal is 30 pounds to loose.
    I can't give up on eating dinner ( is my biggest meal)
  • mrslambert824
    mrslambert824 Posts: 22 Member
    - How many kids do you have? I have one little one that is 8 weeks old today!
    - How much weight did you gain and have you lost any of it? During the pregnancy I gained 64 lbs and have so far lost 30 of that.
    - What is your goal? I was trying to lose weight before I got pregnant and am hoping to lose about 60 more lbs to get to my goal weight.
    - What is keeping you from attaining that goal? I feel like I have plateaued and am not losing weight as fast as I would like. I'm still stuck wearing maternity clothes and it's doing a number on my self esteem. It is not easy to find time to work out and eat healthy with a newborn! How are you other mommas doing it??
  • RosslandMTBr
    RosslandMTBr Posts: 78 Member
    - How many kids do you have? I have one little one that is 8 weeks old today!
    - How much weight did you gain and have you lost any of it? During the pregnancy I gained 64 lbs and have so far lost 30 of that.
    - What is your goal? I was trying to lose weight before I got pregnant and am hoping to lose about 60 more lbs to get to my goal weight.
    - What is keeping you from attaining that goal? I feel like I have plateaued and am not losing weight as fast as I would like. I'm still stuck wearing maternity clothes and it's doing a number on my self esteem. It is not easy to find time to work out and eat healthy with a newborn! How are you other mommas doing it??

    Congratulations on your little one. It just takes time and patience to lose the pregnancy weight. You only had a baby 8 weeks ago and you already lost 30 lbs. You are doing awesome!!! My baby is 5 months old tomorrow and I remember thinking that it would take me forever to get out of my pregnancy clothes. But one day things just started fitting again and it took me totally by surprise. You can do this, just work out when you can and eat at a deficit and it will start to come together!

  • quiltlovinlisa
    quiltlovinlisa Posts: 1,710 Member
    Whew, overate yesterday but got my exercise in and my water drunk! Just one day doesn't throw my efforts away.
  • rmartin1437
    rmartin1437 Posts: 8 Member
    Hi All! I'm a mom of three children (6,5,3 years old) in my 30's struggling with getting rid of the 70 pounds I gained cumulatively with my three pregnancies.

    My main problem is lack of time, and lack of motivation. I need some accountability and support. Looking for people with similar struggles and goals to help support one another. Anyone interested in joining?

    STEP 1. Answer these questions:

    - How many kids do you have?
    - How much weight did you gain and have you lost any of it?
    - What is your goal?
    - What is keeping you from attaining that goal?

    STEP 2. Friend everyone who joins this group so we can hold each other accountable with our progress.

    STEP 3. Check in daily to participate in the daily challenge which will be posted here.

    Thanks for joining! I'm looking forward to meeting new friends!

    I'm a 5'8" 186 lb 29 year old.

    1.) I have 4 children. 11, 7, 7, and 5. My son and step-in are 3 months apart.
    2.) My normal weight was always 155-160, I went right back to normal within 6 months after each pregnancy. In 2014 I started gaining weight and as of 2016 I had hit my highest of 217 lbs. I started calorie counting and daily walking June 27th, 2016 and have lost a total of 21 lbs.
    3.) My goal is to get back to my normal range of 155. Long term goal is 145.
    4 ) I have dental problems. (I have no insurance and in NH there is no assistance for dental help, believe me I have looked for years) So because I can't chew anything hard or crunchy, a majority of my diet consists of fruit, Greek yogurt, peanut butter, and oatmeal. I'm hoping to find some new recipes or ideas that won't break the bank or my teeth.
    Looking forward to staying in touch with everyone. Feel free to add me!

  • alexanderislove
    alexanderislove Posts: 17 Member
    - How many kids do you have?: So far, just 1! I had him almost 5 weeks ago! <3
    - How much weight did you gain and have you lost any of it?: I gained 22lbs, and have lost 20 of it so far!
    - What is your goal?: I want/need to lose a bit over 100lbs. My fiancee and I plan to get married, no set date yet, but I'd love to lose quite a bit of weight before then. :)
    - What is keeping you from attaining that goal?: In general, I am not sure, maybe just pure laziness. I had lost quite a bit of weight in the past, but gained it back and more due to mental health issues. I am looking for any help whatsoever. I really need to get healthy I don't want to be out of breath, and feel like I'm dying when I am trying to play with my son. Anyone and everyone is welcome to add me!
  • tysen405
    tysen405 Posts: 2 Member
    Nice day here to get some extra walking with the kids after my morning run. Hopefully that will offset my midnight snack that totally derailed yesterday :0
  • RosslandMTBr
    RosslandMTBr Posts: 78 Member
    - How many kids do you have?: So far, just 1! I had him almost 5 weeks ago! <3
    - How much weight did you gain and have you lost any of it?: I gained 22lbs, and have lost 20 of it so far!
    - What is your goal?: I want/need to lose a bit over 100lbs. My fiancee and I plan to get married, no set date yet, but I'd love to lose quite a bit of weight before then. :)
    - What is keeping you from attaining that goal?: In general, I am not sure, maybe just pure laziness. I had lost quite a bit of weight in the past, but gained it back and more due to mental health issues. I am looking for any help whatsoever. I really need to get healthy I don't want to be out of breath, and feel like I'm dying when I am trying to play with my son. Anyone and everyone is welcome to add me!

    Congratulations on your wee one! Time goes by too fast. My youngest is 5 months now and I swear she was born yesterday.

  • kimpacheco22
    kimpacheco22 Posts: 86 Member
    @evilpoptart63 Welcome to the group!
  • kimpacheco22
    kimpacheco22 Posts: 86 Member
  • melodyis4reals
    melodyis4reals Posts: 186 Member
    Thanks @kimpacheco22
  • kimpacheco22
    kimpacheco22 Posts: 86 Member
    MONDAY CHALLENGE: Post a picture of one of your healthy meals.

    I had quinoa with steamed broccoli and garlic sautéed shrimp for lunch today.

  • Scorpio8402
    Scorpio8402 Posts: 554 Member
    - How many kids do you have? Two little girls. They are 15 months and 3.5 months.
    - How much weight did you gain and have you lost any of it? 40ish pounds by the end of my second pregnancy. Have lost 19 pounds so far.
    - What is your goal? My goal weight is 53 pounds left to go :)
    - What is keeping you from attaining that goal? Nothing! I know what I want and how I'll get there!!
  • kimpacheco22
    kimpacheco22 Posts: 86 Member
    @Scorpio8402 Welcome to the group! :)
  • kimpacheco22
    kimpacheco22 Posts: 86 Member
    How's everyone doing with their diet? What did you guys have for lunch today?
  • fit_healthy
    fit_healthy Posts: 89 Member
    Hi everyone

    I have 2 kids, 10 and 8.

    I gained and lost and gained. I have 10lbs left to be where I want to be.

    Life has thrown some hurdles my way, but I'm starting my journey again.