Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    Oberon21 wrote: »
    @skinnyjeanzbound it was an organized run, the Asbury Park 5k. Great tie-died tees. I did ok for barely running these days!

    I just realized I spelled Tie-Dyed wrong. Oops. :)
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    Monday check-in:

    Today marks 70 days straight of logging my food on MFP! I started trying to eat healthier at the end of May, after finishing up the leftovers of my birthday cake, but didn't get serious about tracking until a bit into June, when I signed up for MFP.

    I'm also very close to 45 lbs lost and inching closer to my next goal of weighing 220 lbs, which will put me in class 1 obesity instead of class 2. I'm 12.4 lbs away from that goal and I'm feeling more determined than ever to get there! I don't want to suffer health problems due to my excess weight and hopefully I'm still young enough at 31 to avoid as much of that as I can if I turn things around right now. Both my mom and dad are diabetic and have high blood pressure, and take a lot of medicine to manage those issues... I'm scared I will have the same problems if I don't work hard to break out of obesity.

    It's hard to believe that when I began trying to get healthier at the end of May my BMI was over 40 and I was morbidly obese, or obesity class 3. I feel so much healthier and more energetic already and I know it will only get better from here!

    Some NSVs already: Going from 3X sweat pants to 1X-XL, going from 3X-2X sweaters and shirts to 1X-XL, my old winter coat (size L) fits again and I can zip it all the way up, my bath towel can aaalmost fit around my whole body instead of having a huge gap (now there's only a slight gap at the widest part of my hips), feeling energized after exercise instead of completely exhausted and actually LOOKING FORWARD to exercise! :)

    This is amazing. You are doing great and have made HUGE progress in 70 days. Congratulations and I agree with @MermaidPrincessRach you are truly inspirational. I have no doubt you'll make your next goal.
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    edited August 2016
    Monday Check In: (I'm getting the hang of this).
    I am down 4 lbs from last week (recently gained so still overall up), on day 5 of no alcohol (still trying to kick this habit..), and have been walking a bit more. Failure is I still have not made it to the gym. So good and bad. Hopefully I'll make it today.

    Happy Monday everyone!
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    Monday Check-In
    I succeeded in my mini goal for this past week … even though the new scale is 1.8 pounds heavier than the old one, (which was used for all my weight reporting in last week), I start the week off this morning at my lowest weight of this year and have lost the ‘added weight’ of the new scale.

    Last week, on my Sunday Share of 8/7, I made a goal statement and need to check up on it …
    This week 8/7-8/13/16 ... I look forward to
    1 rest day - success
    3 days doing yard work - tried but failed; only 1 day
    2 days doing cardio & core exercises - did way more! - had 6 days of this
    1 day walking - did 2 days of this
    I totalled 232 active minutes this week ... that's about 3 3/4 hours.

    Thanks to the role-modelling @skinnyjeanzbound , I finally am confident enough to lay out a map of what I want to accomplish, fitness/health per your style ... with specifics!

    My fitness Goals for week of 8/15 - 8/21/16
    All activities need to be minimum of 10 continuous minutes to get counted
    Workouts - 3 sessions
    Walks - 7 sessions
    Dances - 3 sessions
    PT/Calisthenics - 3 sessions
    House & Grounds Maintenance - 7 sessions
    Keep the computer time to below 4 hours a day - every day!~

    Welcome to the new posters, and those coming back from wonderful vacations. Summer is winding down … as @Skinnyjeanz….is getting ready for the school year to start!

    @NewCaddy… Thanks for asking about my Friday Fitness confusion. Nothing dangerous in my plan, either calorie wise or exercise wise, at least in my thinking.

    One of the articles talked about ignoring the total calories and focusing strictly on the macros, and adjusting the carb/fat macros when weight loss is erratic or stalling. The other made some convincing arguments for neither eating nor burning enough calories to drop below your metabolic resting requirement (BMR), and I often drop below mine because I don’t eat back exercise calories and my calorie intake goal is close to what my BMR is.
  • dreawest
    dreawest Posts: 208 Member

    @drea-- I also write, but I trend more toward non-fiction essays or fictional short stories. I don't know if I could ever write a novel, but I have a few ideas for longer works made up of shorter articles or vignettes. Not really looking to get published, it's more of a hobby; though I did finally submit an article to Huffington Post this summer and got accepted to be a voice on their blog pages.

    Wow. Congratulations. That must have been really exciting. I'm like you, I like it as a hobby and will submit just in case but being published doesn't make me a writer, me sitting down and actually writing makes me a writer.
  • dreawest
    dreawest Posts: 208 Member
    Oberon21 wrote: »
    I love that you want to write. Maybe just set aside 20 minutes of your day every day to get started and go from there?

    They say the hardest part of the journey is the first step! Good luck.

    Thanks Oberon. I did really well for a while and then hit a snag in my story. By the time I sorted out the plot element I had lost both the flow and the habit. I keep saying I will sit down and write but it just hasn't quite happened. (I'm close though as I did reread what I have and admire the blank space last week so hopefully the mood will come.)
  • dreawest
    dreawest Posts: 208 Member
    @pinkstarberry… wow. What a great read. That is serious progress and all the NSVs help motivate me. I can't wait until I am down a few sizes. I sadly waited to do this until I was having pain in my knees due to my weight but I'm hoping to reverse it as I treated it like the wake up call it was and have been logging faithfully for the last 2 months.

    My Monday check-in was nice. I weight on Mondays and Fridays to track the ups and downs and see if I have more problems during the week or the weekend and after small dips today I was down 4.6lbs. Nice to see some pay off for all my good choices :smiley: That being said, and even though I know slow and steady is the way to go, I am impatient. I allowed myself to get so big that it will likely be 3 years before I'm at a healthy weight. Oh well. Take it slow.
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    dreawest wrote: »
    Oberon21 wrote: »
    I love that you want to write. Maybe just set aside 20 minutes of your day every day to get started and go from there?

    They say the hardest part of the journey is the first step! Good luck.

    Thanks Oberon. I did really well for a while and then hit a snag in my story. By the time I sorted out the plot element I had lost both the flow and the habit. I keep saying I will sit down and write but it just hasn't quite happened. (I'm close though as I did reread what I have and admire the blank space last week so hopefully the mood will come.)

    It sounds like you are getting close. I totally understand that. I have been trying to finish my dissertation for like 2 years, and wasting $ taking class after class that is supposed to get you through the process, and making very little progress. I finally feel like I am ready to make it happen and ... ta da... I am taking a 3 month hiatus. I really need to get myself organized and make progress over these 3 months so I can really get this going when I return from my LOA.
  • Manasayx
    Manasayx Posts: 4 Member
    Been working out and dieting for a week now, 86lbs to lose! :D
    Feel so much better already. Looking for some more fitness friends for support and inspiration!
    Feel free to add =)
  • NewCaddy
    NewCaddy Posts: 845 Member
    edited August 2016
    Nikion901 wrote: »
    Monday Check-In

    @NewCaddy… Thanks for asking about my Friday Fitness confusion. Nothing dangerous in my plan, either calorie wise or exercise wise, at least in my thinking.

    One of the articles talked about ignoring the total calories and focusing strictly on the macros, and adjusting the carb/fat macros when weight loss is erratic or stalling. The other made some convincing arguments for neither eating nor burning enough calories to drop below your metabolic resting requirement (BMR), and I often drop below mine because I don’t eat back exercise calories and my calorie intake goal is close to what my BMR is.

    Just my 2 cents from past experience (with that said, I haven't been successful as of late, but did pretty well when I first started). I did well without eating back my calories for a few weeks and then I think my body figured it out and stalled big time. I did eat back most of my exercise calories but not always and that seemed to help.

    As far as the macros.. I wasn't a big follower of that, just overall calories. I've been working with a nutrionist for the past several months as I prepare for WLS. I see a big difference when I at least meet my protein goal -- I have mine set for 30%. I know that after WLS, the protein is going to be my main goal every single day.
  • AngelinaM08
    AngelinaM08 Posts: 41 Member
    Hello everyone. I'm looking forward to starting this journey again and actually getting somewhere with it. I need to lose 100+ lbs. It's hard as hell with PCOS to go along with it. I nwwdmajor support and motivation. I don't have a best friend or workout buddy so, I lose interest quickly. :'(
  • dreawest
    dreawest Posts: 208 Member
    Hello everyone. I'm looking forward to starting this journey again and actually getting somewhere with it. I need to lose 100+ lbs. It's hard as hell with PCOS to go along with it. I nwwdmajor support and motivation. I don't have a best friend or workout buddy so, I lose interest quickly. :'(

    HI Angelina. Welcome. I just joined this group last week and restarted this journey 2 months ago. I have PCOS too but I'm hopeful that taking it slow and making good choices will get me there eventually. I hear you on the workout buddy thing. Last time I did this in isolation and quit. This time I have a friend at work logging with me and now my husband has joined for encouragement . (And to lose his extra 12lbs, slightly less than my 140lbs to get to a weight I can reevaluate at)
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    NewCaddy wrote: »

    Just my 2 cents from past experience (with that said, I haven't been successful as of late, but did pretty well when I first started). I did well without eating back my calories for a few weeks and then I think my body figured it out and stalled big time. I did eat back most of my exercise calories but not always and that seemed to help.

    As far as the macros.. I wasn't a big follower of that, just overall calories. I've been working with a nutrionist for the past several months as I prepare for WLS. I see a big difference when I at least meet my protein goal -- I have mine set for 30%. I know that after WLS, the protein is going to be my main goal every single day.

    Thanks Tracy. You would think that by now I would have it figured out what works best for myself, really. Last year (2015) I was in a stall the entire year and ended up with a 5 pound gain for the year. Really, I think some of my issues are 1) I was a yo-yo weight losser/weight gainer for many years and during those years when I was losing weight it was with unsafe levels of intake ... like less than 1000 calories. 2) Once I stopped trying to keep my weight down, I didn't modify my eating habits/issues and ended up with too much to have to lose. 3)my age. So I keep looking for the 'guru' who can guide me and quell my anxiety ...

    As for the macros, being a diabetic, I have to keep my eye on the kinds of carbs and also how many carbs I can safely have in a day of any sort and have found that 40-45 percent of my calories seems to work well to keep things moving, brain fed, energy up, glucose on the acceptable before/after meal level and A1c. Protein, I need to watch because any protein, but especially from meat is hard on my digestion and my kidneys. Many days I don't meet my protein goals even though I make sure to get some at each of my feeds. That only leaves fat ... and after years of going low fat, I'm finally able to breath a sigh of relief when I have some whole milk or 2% cheese, or a piece of dark meat chicken, or a burger patty.

    I just wish my weight didn't stall as much as it does. Maybe I do need to eat more on days that I work hard. :wink:
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    @NewCaddy ... also Tracy ... I have to commend you on your decision to go ahead with the WLS.

    My ob-gyn had recommended that for me back in 2003 when my weight high 250. I didn't want to do that because the few people I knew who did it were not happy with their results. Between then (2003) and when I joined MFP in 2012 I did Weight Watchers. Overeaters Anonymos, TOPS, Slimfst, NutriSystem, Atkins, The Zone, and about 6 other 'authorities' who wrote books on the perfect solution, and also a psychiatrist, psychoanalyst and a hynotist. . None of these actions brought results beyond what I've been able to get on my own here on MFP. I can lose about 30 pounds and then it wants to come back, and come back at more than I lost. It might take a couple of years, or a few months, but my body tries to get back to where it had been. So.... I am stressing becasue I am at a 40 pound loss and am afraid. Still, at 71 years of age, I think a WLS is not something that the doctor would do on me with my other, now, health issues.

    So ... hats off to your for taking that step while you are young enought to have it.
  • NewCaddy
    NewCaddy Posts: 845 Member
    edited August 2016
    Nikion901 wrote: »
    @NewCaddy ... also Tracy ... I have to commend you on your decision to go ahead with the WLS.

    My ob-gyn had recommended that for me back in 2003 when my weight high 250. I didn't want to do that because the few people I knew who did it were not happy with their results. Between then (2003) and when I joined MFP in 2012 I did Weight Watchers. Overeaters Anonymos, TOPS, Slimfst, NutriSystem, Atkins, The Zone, and about 6 other 'authorities' who wrote books on the perfect solution, and also a psychiatrist, psychoanalyst and a hynotist. . None of these actions brought results beyond what I've been able to get on my own here on MFP. I can lose about 30 pounds and then it wants to come back, and come back at more than I lost. It might take a couple of years, or a few months, but my body tries to get back to where it had been. So.... I am stressing becasue I am at a 40 pound loss and am afraid. Still, at 71 years of age, I think a WLS is not something that the doctor would do on me with my other, now, health issues.

    So ... hats off to your for taking that step while you are young enought to have it.

    Thank you. I've struggled with the decision but I've watched my mom's health deteriorate after years of being over weight (dialysis 3 days a week, can't hold her grandchildren leery alone play with them and uses a walker even at home) and with heart, diabetes and kidney failure in my family genes I finally decided to take the leap. I don't have any health issues right now. I wish I could have done it without surgery but I didn't. I also know this is not a magic bean. It's a tool that if used right will be helpful in regaining control of my weight and health.
  • cjbrummet
    cjbrummet Posts: 66 Member
    Monday check in

    I have already started to lose the weight that I gained over vacation. Already down 1lb since Friday. But I have yet to go work out. I have been working every night since I got back that I haven't had the energy to work out after I get off work. But I definitely plan to go Wednesday morning since I don't work that night.

    I have lost about 27 lbs so far and I noticed some changes in how my clothes fit but now others are noticing too. That is the right kind of positive reinforcement that I need to keep losing weight.

    @NewCaddy congrats on your success with your surgery. I have had three family members have great success with the surgery and look great. My only suggestion is to exercise to tone up the skin, take your vitamins and keep your protein intake high. I still think I might have the surgery but then I change my mind. So until I am ready to commit I will still keep trying to lose it the old fashioned way.

    @AngelinaM08 Welcome! I find chatting on here to be very beneficial to maintaining my diet log. It hasn't helped me get up and exercise. Like you I need a workout buddy. Not necessarily to exercise beside me but to make me show up to run or work out at the gym. Otherwise I find any excuse not to go. I work night shift and not consistent days of the week so scheduling with others is hard. I am thinking about leaving night shift in the ICU and changing to day shift in Cath Lab. That would give me a steady schedule and might make working out a routine that I can settle into. I might even find a work out buddy if I am on the same shift as the rest of the

    @Manasayx Welcome! Good luck on your journey!

    @Oberon21 That is impressive. The idea of doing a Dissertation quite frankly scares the crap out of me. It is not so much the writing but the defending part. Kudos to you for trying to achieve it.

    @dreawest slow and steady is the best way to do it. Someone once told me that if you lose just 1pound a week that amounts to over 50 pounds in a year and that is nothing to scoff at. Also the slower you lose it the better your skin has to not sag. It doesn't matter how long it takes you at least you are working at it.
  • wmander1
    wmander1 Posts: 53 Member
    I'm such an insomniac at this point of the summer when I supposed to report back to the classroom next week! Ugh! I'm glad that I can come here and feel like I can vent instead of sneaking some late night snack! Hope you all had a wonderful Monday! :)
  • trinati2001
    trinati2001 Posts: 262 Member
    Nikion901 wrote: »
    As for the macros, being a diabetic, I have to keep my eye on the kinds of carbs and also how many carbs I can safely have in a day of any sort and have found that 40-45 percent of my calories seems to work well to keep things moving, brain fed, energy up, glucose on the acceptable before/after meal level and A1c. Protein, I need to watch because any protein, but especially from meat is hard on my digestion and my kidneys. Many days I don't meet my protein goals even though I make sure to get some at each of my feeds. That only leaves fat ... and after years of going low fat, I'm finally able to breath a sigh of relief when I have some whole milk or 2% cheese, or a piece of dark meat chicken, or a burger patty.

    My mom also has a hard time getting protein in without adding too much fat. The thing she found was the small shrimp that they typically make shrimp cocktail out of. She buys them frozen and then rinses them out in cold water. They can be added to just about anything and they are a good source of protein with little to no fat.

    I really love my protein drink. But it has Splenda in it and my mom is trying to avoid all artificial sweeteners. Let me know if you are interested, it has 30g of protein and 160 calories and its 11oz so it fills you up!
  • Elizabeth2360
    Elizabeth2360 Posts: 181 Member
    Hello Everyone ,

    Wow that is awesome pinkstarberry !

    My scale only went down 2lbs in the scheme of what I weight not the number I was hoping for!

    I think I need to start looking at how much sodium is in my food!

    After work I had 2 meetings one after another so I wasn't able to get to the Y didn't make my water class! I am really missing it! Not just the exercise but it is therapeutic.

    Next week my days go back to long days for summer my hours are 8:30-3 but with start of school my hours go back up 8:30-6! My workout time has been after work I need to really get reorganize. Personally I wish I could stick to the shorter schedule but not sure if we are ready for me to cut my hours down the whole year.

    Anyway I half to get things done before bed. Wishing everyone a good night..
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    Tuesday's goals: my main goal is to get my butt to the gym. I am so fed up with this finding every excuse to skip it. I will focus on that today.