First Dates: The Good, the Bad & the Ugly



  • Angela937
    Angela937 Posts: 514 Member
    arleban wrote: »
    Angela937 wrote: »
    The ugly: My date took me back to his place, and everything was going really well. Then he shoved himself down my throat and came, and I puked all over him.

    I was mortified! I kept apologizing and expected him to be mad, but he was just shocked then was like it's ok it happens. I haven't seen him since! everything going well do you mean this was at the end of something consensual?

    Yes, til he did that!
  • AskTracyAnnK28
    AskTracyAnnK28 Posts: 2,818 Member
    omg @melmelw03 ...what is it with PoF????!! I thought stuff like that only happened here in Jersey!
  • mdonsbach
    mdonsbach Posts: 102 Member
    It only took me like 10 mins to figure out what PoF is.
  • saragd012
    saragd012 Posts: 693 Member
    This one was bad for both parties: When I was in college I went a date with this guy who was the mascot for a baseball team, I was fresh out of a break-up and decided I could use a fun night, even if the guy seemed very young and not so much my type. (I'm not a jerk, I told him about the break-up, and that I dont generally date guys, but he still insisted) So he picks a local bar to meet at, it's a strange place and it becomes VERY obvious he has no idea what to order at a bar. I helped him order his drink, suggest we try the sports bar next door after our first drink (thinking a more relaxed bar would help) and he declines, because it turns out he lied about his age, he is only 19. He also evidently does not usually drink, and cannot hold his alcohol at all, when he went to the restroom these other guys (who had been listening the entire night) bought me a shot and wished me good luck.

    All in all I was still for some reason determined to still follow my plan of bad decision making, and invited him back to my place, only I was living with 2 guy friends at the time and they were on the couch when we got home. HE SAT ON THE COUCH WITH THEM FOR OVER AN HOUR. It was so uncomfortable, I was clearly trying to get him into my room, but by the time he went into my room I was completely over it, but now he wanted to spend the night. Being the proper adult that I was, I had my roommate bang on my bedroom door like a jealous boyfriend and scared him straight out the front door. No one got laid that night, but we laughed about that night for years after.
  • km8907
    km8907 Posts: 3,861 Member
    He showed up wearing a Dolphins jersey. All downhill from he left his trash on the seat after the movies. I hate that.
  • AskTracyAnnK28
    AskTracyAnnK28 Posts: 2,818 Member
    OMG - I saw Spaceballs when I was in high school. I'm dating myself here...
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    this is making me kind of glad my dating days were pre-internet...
  • AskTracyAnnK28
    AskTracyAnnK28 Posts: 2,818 Member
    I met this other guy from PoF a few years ago. We agreed to meet at a local mall (big big mall) for dinner and a movie. If I recall correctly we were meeting by the mall Ferris Wheel. Anyway - I get there and he shows up and he's really short and sweaty and there was something creepy about him.

    So we decide to go to this chain restaurant in the mall ...and there was an hour wait for a table so we get one of those beeper thingys they give you and decide to go over to Barnes & Noble and wait for our beeper thing to go off. So we each get a bottle of water (from a vending machine - I had to buy his because he had no cash on him). So we're sitting at a table and he says "it's very dark in here" and I'm like "ummm it's still day light and it's really bright in here..." and he was like "no - I mean all the blacks" And I'm like "what?" he's like "we're the only white people in here..." Like, really?

    So we go over to the restaurant and I'm already wanting to ditch him but decide that since it was a Saturday night and I had nothing to do that I'd try and see this date through to the bitter end.

    We get a table and order food and he continues to charm me with his racist comments, and how he lives with his parents (never married, no kids and he was 48 years old) and he was just awful. He tells me he doesn't drink so to annoy him I had 2 vodka cranberries :)

    I wanted to ditch him after I excused myself to the ladies room, but when I got out he was standing there, waiting for me :(

    He had already purchased the tickets to Iron Man 2 so I was kinda stuck for a few more hours. he kept trying to touch on my *kitten* and lower back. It was gross.

    So we go into the theater and he continues to try and grope me and I'm trying to be polite but still brushing him off. Finally he gets up and says "I can tell you don't like me so I'm leaving." and he gets up and leaves me there in the theater LMAO

    I wait a few minutes (maybe 15) because I was afraid of running into him - and then I left. By that time it was close to midnight and the parking lot of the mall was nearly empty, and to be honest I was a little creeped out by myself....but I get to my car, get home and then he texts me at around 1am and says "why didn't you like me?"
  • branflakes1980
    branflakes1980 Posts: 2,516 Member
    this is making me kind of glad my dating days were pre-internet...

    For real!! LOL
  • salembambi
    salembambi Posts: 5,588 Member
    this thread makes me even more reluctant to really put myself out there and date again

  • AskTracyAnnK28
    AskTracyAnnK28 Posts: 2,818 Member
    This is so bad. Are guys like Mr. Darcy unavailable nowadays or is that a non-existent breed?! :#

    My wife and I were watching Bridget Jones diary and she said that guy is someone every woman wants.

    I never got the Mr. Darcy love...and I've read Pride & Prejudice (ok & Zombies, but still...)

    Although Colin Firth...yeah I have big love for him!

  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Darcy from Pride and Prejudice? <vomit>

    It's a better story with zombies, you can spend at least part of the movie hoping some of the jerks will get killed, but in the end it's just as terrible as the original.
  • rps67
    rps67 Posts: 163 Member
    I'll add a story from my brief stint as a cougar.

    Before I met the current spouse, I had gotten divorced from my lovely ex, who cheated on me for 8 out of the 10 years we were married. He's on wife #6 now, just fyi. After we split, I dated around just to have fun. I was working 2 jobs so I didn't have the time to be in a relationship, but it was fun to meet different people. One night, I was out with 2 friends from work and we were going to play pool. We needed a 4th person so I told Sharon to pick someone and I'd go ask him to play. Sharon was single, but shy, so I thought I could find a guy to hook her up with. She finally pointed out this one guy, I asked him to play and he accepted.

    Over the course of a few games, I found out that he was 21. Sharon was late 20s, I think, and I was 38. It turned out that he liked me so he kept talking to me, etc. He asked me out so I suggested we grab coffee at the local bookstore the next day.

    The first bad sign was when we arrived at Barnes and Noble and he said he'd never been there. Then we went in to the Starbucks and I ordered coffee. He got a Dr. Pepper. That was the second bad sign to me.

    After we got our drinks, we walked around. He actually asked me for a tour. I admit, I used to spend a lot of time in book stores so I could give a tour but that's not really the kind of thing you do, is it? I tried so hard to find some topic we could talk about. I have a variety of interests, so I figured that surely, there had to be SOME common ground. All he really wanted to talk about was football.

    I was relieved when we went our separate ways.
  • arleban
    arleban Posts: 369 Member
    this is making me kind of glad my dating days were pre-internet...

    What? Decent guys are out there. I don't even send dick pics until the 3rd date. :p No, I've read and heard some horror stories about online dating from women. Yeesh.

    I've been told I'm a perfectly fine date from online dating. I just have a face made for radio...and a voice for newspaper.
  • arleban
    arleban Posts: 369 Member
    Angela937 wrote: »
    arleban wrote: »
    Angela937 wrote: »
    The ugly: My date took me back to his place, and everything was going really well. Then he shoved himself down my throat and came, and I puked all over him.

    I was mortified! I kept apologizing and expected him to be mad, but he was just shocked then was like it's ok it happens. I haven't seen him since! everything going well do you mean this was at the end of something consensual?

    Yes, til he did that!

    Oh good. Well, until that. :#
  • Intrinsicat
    Intrinsicat Posts: 473 Member
    For those who are lamenting there are no nice guys, I've been with one I found online seven years ago and he's great. I met him on Yahoo personals FWIW.

    Prior to that I DID have a couple of those PoF experiences. What is it with this PoF trend? The strangest won me a year subscription to geek2geek's personals site years ago! We opted to meet at the Newseum. Yes, a museum about news. When we went it was pretty obscure and boring, but it's come a long way if you're ever in DC.

    Anyway, I show up in shorts and a tank and he is dressed to go door to door as a Jehovah Witness (no offense to Jehovah Witnesses, just painting a picture). Additionally, he was wearing velcro elbow pads. Since he didn't explain them I didn't ask. It wouldn't have been so bad but he kept opening the velcro... in a quiet museum.... sccccrrrriiiitttcch. A security guard finally walked up to us asking "Man, I've GOT to know, what ARE those for?" Apparently it was tennis elbow but I had to wonder if it wasn't late night porn elbow. Juxtaposed to the velcro sounds, he also liked to quietly walk around exhibits and end up standing behind me. I jumped a couple times and he'd laugh saying his friends thought he should wear a bell sometimes.

    I think the worst thing, and guys reading this for tips from women, this is a good one. Don't ever laugh at your own jokes UNLESS everyone is laughing genuinely and / or hysterically. He made some comment about the mortality of my DD based on her name (a comment that offended me, surprise surprise) and guffawed so loud at his comic genius that everyone in the gift shop stopped and turned.

    At this point I decided he must be doing these things so I won't want to go out with him again, wrongo. He still wanted to get something to eat and suggested Subway, where he chugged his bag of chips like a drink. He wanted to do something else after that but I explained that my brother expected me back at a certain time on these first dates for safety reasons. (Lame excuse)

    Afterward, I was shocked to get an email asking for another date. I tried to think of the kindest way to say no and after all that I foolishly thought maybe the height difference would be not too hurtful - my issue, not his. But what I got in response was a five page dissertation on the fallacy of the hunter-gatherer logic of height preferences from women. Ugh. So I replied, there wasn't any chemistry and THAT was the valuable lesson from that date.