H20~ Keeping the Pounds Falling Off

Hi girls! Here it is...We will keep our group together for as long as we can. I really love the and support you bring. Some of you have really done well and others, like me, have struggled.

One thing we all have in common is that we want to stay together!

Pink will do the spreadsheet again for those that want to use it. We can challenge each other or just continue to work on the goals we have set for ourselves.

If you find something that is working for you, share it!

Let's hear some of those goals, then we can be each other's cheerleaders to help us attain them.

Hope to hear from everyone! Have a wonderful weekend. It is gonna be a hot one in the Midwest.

I wanted to restart the happies sharing...it really seemed to help us remember the good in our life when we don't always see it!



  • bjshooter
    bjshooter Posts: 1,174 Member
    :flowerforyou: Thank you for taking the time to start this thread Linda.

    Do we have an end date? Or is this ongoing?

    I am determined to walk 150 miles, complete my last 3 weeks of EA active, do a full round of the 30 day shred and complete six week six pack before september :D

    I would like to lose 7 -9lb as my loss is rather slow these days. At least 3 inches off the waist also.

    My happies today are

    Migraine going away, seriously happy, it was not good.
    My weightloss actually moving again
    Ad the packet of ice gems I shouldnt of just eaten :D

    We can do this ladies :drinker:
  • Nikstergirl
    Nikstergirl Posts: 1,549 Member
    Yay for our awesome group! My goal is 150 miles by Labor Day and hopefully another 8 pounds. The pounds might be harder as I'm getting close to my goal (which I may change to 130) but I'm going to try! The past two challenges I've lost 10 pounds each, but I did put on two pounds last week on vacation... not that I'm worried or anything!

    I like the happies too... I'll do a couple now.... 1) it's Friday!!!! 2) it's summer!!!! 3) it's payday (for hubby)!!!!

    Have a great day!
  • JeninBelgium
    JeninBelgium Posts: 804 Member
    Ok- I know that I fell off the Radar before, but I will try again to stay around this time; I have stopped walking - or at least great distances, though I still try to get a walk in everyday and am now starting level 2 of Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred - I amy just be back on level 1 tomorrow! :blushing:
    we'll see.....

    Happy thoughts 1) it's Friday 2) my friend Jean's grand daughter was born safe and healthy on July 4 (i know if Jean was still alive he would be tickled by that as he so loved his american friends) and 3) I have a lovely blackbird singing away outside my office window :-)
  • cazzincali
    cazzincali Posts: 337 Member
    Thank you, Linda!! My goal is to lose 10# by Labor Day. We'll see!!

    Off to work now!
  • CrystalS
    CrystalS Posts: 184 Member
    Thank you for starting the new thread, Linda. :happy:

    When I get home I would really like to start p90x again. I would also really like to do C25K, too. I'll be thinking about what I'm going to do and let everyone know.

    I would really like to lose SOMEthing during this challenge. :blushing: I need a kick start, but I'm sure that can't happen until I get back home.

    My happies for today:
    1. We're all healthy
    2. I HAVE lost some weight, for which I am very thankful.
    3. It is wonderful being with our family.

    Have a great weekend, Ladies!! Keep up the good work!!!!!! :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • Alegria79
    Alegria79 Posts: 133 Member
    Thanks for getting our new thread back up and running Linda!

    bjshooter - you've got some great goals and I can't wait to hear how they go during the next 10 weeks or so. We were planning this challenge to go to Labour Day (excuse my Canadian spelling), which is September 5th. So that will take us into the beginning of fall (hence the "falling off").

    Nikster - it's so great that you're getting close to your goal! Keep sharing your running stories and keep us runners-in-training motivated :smile:

    JeninBelgium - I'm glad you're back! We haven't heard from you in a while. I haven't tried the 30DS, but I've heard awesome things, so I hope that goes well. Keep us updated!

    Cazz - you can totally do it! Between the slave driver, us, and your own motivation, you'll rock your goal!

    Crystal - come and do the C25K with me! I'm on week 5 but I love having people to talk to about it. I've always HATED running, and I am much chagrined to admit that I enjoy getting up at 6am to run before it gets too hot. I feel like a traitor to myself :smile:

    My happies:

    1. The two pounds I was "up" for the past week or two have turned out to be muscle! I got measured and checked for body fat composition, and despite being up 2 pounds, my % body fat is down a bit. Yay! So I'd like to lose more, but clearly the running and weight training is doing SOMETHING.

    2. The weather has been AMAZING and I'm so happy about it. We have sun and 27-32 degrees everyday (80-90 degrees F) and I love it. This is my kind of weather.

    3. The outdoor pools have opened and I can't wait to go and swim laps outdoors next week. I'm going to get back into swimming (slowly) to balance out my running workouts.

    4. My husband has lost 40 pounds in the past 6 months after being inspired by my MFP success. I'm really happy for him and proud of him. (and just a teenie, tiny bit envious of how much easier it is for guys)

    Have a great Friday everyone!

  • bjshooter
    bjshooter Posts: 1,174 Member
    Ha I learn all sorts in this group. I know what fall is, its Autumn to us. And in England we would spell it Labour as well :D
  • Alegria79
    Alegria79 Posts: 133 Member
    Hi bjshooter - I didn't know you were in England and I think it's so great that we have people in our group from all over the world!

    Sorry if you thought I was being obvious (or rude) with the name explanation, but I didn't know if you'd seen that post on the last thread. I like the word autumn much more than fall, but I've found it's not commonly used in my current town. I'm a geographer and I'm actually teaching a section on the geography of language right now and I love looking at the differences in word usage between different English speaking areas. So anyway, sorry if my post came across wrong - it wasn't meant to!
  • bjshooter
    bjshooter Posts: 1,174 Member
    Hi bjshooter - I didn't know you were in England and I think it's so great that we have people in our group from all over the world!

    Sorry if you thought I was being obvious (or rude) with the name explanation, but I didn't know if you'd seen that post on the last thread. I like the word autumn much more than fall, but I've found it's not commonly used in my current town. I'm a geographer and I'm actually teaching a section on the geography of language right now and I love looking at the differences in word usage between different English speaking areas. So anyway, sorry if my post came across wrong - it wasn't meant to!

    No not at all, I genuinely think its great. I now know why you have thanks giving and what is eaten other than it being something that is occaisionally talked about in films and all kinds of things. I have heard of lots of these holidays and traditions, but never given them much thought until I have been on here and met people actually celebrating :D
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    Sneaking on in.....LOL Exploding the pounds meant we were supposed to increase the volume right???? LOL Terrible. I'm going to weigh in on Sunday for my start for this challenge......TERRIBLE!!! LOL I'm sure it's going to be around 10lbs higher than my last weigh in......

    Missed you guys though
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    Ha I learn all sorts in this group. I know what fall is, its Autumn to us. And in England we would spell it Labour as well :D

    So do we.....It's Autumn and Labour....I'm Canadian :)
  • nursee67
    nursee67 Posts: 503
    So glad to see everyone back! Pam and Jen, we missed you. Now...where the heck is April?

    Pam I definitely know about the gaining...I am going to weigh in myself on Monday and start from there. I am geting back on the bike and walking my butt off...literally!

    I have a goal of 10 lbs of weight loss...I figure that is not too over the top for me. I know I can do it...and I am going to. You ladies inspire me...if you can, so can I!

    Some happies...
    Reuniting with a stepsister I haven't seen in 20 years...cannot wait!
    A beautiful weekend is upon us...getting out to enjoy it...after work of course!
    Being back in the game with my favorite MFP girls!

  • cazzincali
    cazzincali Posts: 337 Member
    :BJ: I used to live in a village just outside Leicester. When I moved to England, I thought - no big deal. They speak English, I speak English... wow... I was in for a HUGE shock!! I learned (because I was told numerous times) that I didn't speak "English" at all. :laugh: I was told "Americans speak a bastardized version of our language"! New words, meanings, greetings... :ohwell: My little one learned to speak over there and came home with one of the worst accents ever! (Personally, I prefer the scouser accent! Have trouble with the brum and don't understand the geordie at all!!) That Leicester accent is well... just weird! :happy: My daughter started in year 7 there and hated being popular due to being American AND from California! The kids always asked her how big her pool was, how often she went surfing, etc. She hated explaining that she didn't like the sand and her pool was "average size" but that she obviously doesn't have one anymore!! (She also learned a whole new way to spell her words!) I, on the other hand, was not at all popular with my workmates OR my patients! We moved there right after 9/11... and Americans were less popular then ever. After a few months of apologizing for even BEING American... I gave up the fight and started saying I was Canadian!! :laugh: At least I didn't have to listen to them berate me anymore... afterall, I didn't CHOOSE to start a war, I didn't drag England into it... Politics are politics.

    Having said that, I LOVED living there!! Loved the weather and learned how to cook Indian food with the best of them! (I used to gather recipes from my patients!) I still miss Trebor's mints, Crunchie bars, Flake bars, Brown sauce, Angel delight, weetabix and 9:30 tea breaks!! :sad: What is it about 9:30 anyway??? I swear the world could stop and no one would notice 'til 10am!!!!

    I would move back in a heartbeat. I think at heart, I'm an Anglophile! :laugh:

    "chairs"! (an in joke... that's how CHEERS sounded to us transplanted Americans!)

    Oh! What I DON'T miss: washing machine in my kitchen and hanging clothes out to dry!
  • Nikstergirl
    Nikstergirl Posts: 1,549 Member
    Hello again ladies!!! Just stopping in to say hi tonight. So glad it's Friday! I have my long run tomorrow which I'm hoping to get up early for before it gets hot. I ended up finally getting a hydration belt to use on those runs that are an hour or more which I will test drive tomorrow! Hopefully it will live up to my expectations!!!!

    Hope all your weekend wishes come true!!! I'll be running.. and eating all those extra yummy calories!!!!
  • Alegria79
    Alegria79 Posts: 133 Member
    Hello again ladies!!! Just stopping in to say hi tonight. So glad it's Friday! I have my long run tomorrow which I'm hoping to get up early for before it gets hot. I ended up finally getting a hydration belt to use on those runs that are an hour or more which I will test drive tomorrow! Hopefully it will live up to my expectations!!!!

    Hope all your weekend wishes come true!!! I'll be running.. and eating all those extra yummy calories!!!!

    It's really funny that you say that because I got one of those belts too! I just wanted a basic belt for my water bottle, but the silly thing kept falling out (3 times in 4 minutes) and I ended up carrying it. So I took it back and got a belt with two smaller bottles. I'm going to try it out on my next run. I hope it's better!
  • Nikstergirl
    Nikstergirl Posts: 1,549 Member
    Hello again ladies!!! Just stopping in to say hi tonight. So glad it's Friday! I have my long run tomorrow which I'm hoping to get up early for before it gets hot. I ended up finally getting a hydration belt to use on those runs that are an hour or more which I will test drive tomorrow! Hopefully it will live up to my expectations!!!!

    Hope all your weekend wishes come true!!! I'll be running.. and eating all those extra yummy calories!!!!

    It's really funny that you say that because I got one of those belts too! I just wanted a basic belt for my water bottle, but the silly thing kept falling out (3 times in 4 minutes) and I ended up carrying it. So I took it back and got a belt with two smaller bottles. I'm going to try it out on my next run. I hope it's better!

    I went to my local specialty store after the big box sports store didn't have a thing! They had many styles and encouraged you to try them on and actually take the bottles in and out and make sure they worked for you. I tried on four styles and a couple sizes and ended up with one that has four bottles. I am doing this half marathon thing and think I may need four eventually. Probably not for my eight mile run tomorrow (although I'll fill them up) but for a 13.1 mile run I know I'll need it! Plus it has a back pocket and a small front pocket for some energy beans. I even picked up some of the beans to try out tomorrow!!!! Planning to rehydrate and energize starting at mile 4... we'll see how it goes!
  • nursee67
    nursee67 Posts: 503
    Good luck on your runs girls!
  • pink_and_shiny
    pink_and_shiny Posts: 1,036 Member
    Firstly, I love us!! <3 Linda, thank you for starting the new thread.

    I've barely shown a loss from the last challenge, and I'm being generous saying I had a loss. Whatever. I'm going to keep my 150 mile challenge going since I'm (still) training for the half marathon in January. I still haven't signed up...I don't know why I'm dragging my feet but something is holding me back!

    My happies - 1) it is FRIDAY!, 2) my hubby watched a documentary called "Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead" and it has inspired him to eat healthy and is determined to get us both to be healthier, 3) in the completely evil happy category...I saw pics of my sister's recent trip to London and for the first time I feel prettier/more attractive than her. :ohwell:

    BJ - I'm glad the scale is finally moving for you! Were the doctors ever able to figure out what was making you sick? And what are ice gems?

    Nikster - at this point, you're probably going to show more differences in your measurements than on the scale. You're taking your measurements, right? If not, you definitely should start! I hope that hydration belt works out for you. And look at you getting all decked out with energy snacks and water - run Forest, run!

    Jen - I'm glad you're still keeping up on your walking. You'll get back into your distances before you know it. Are you still swimming?

    Cazz - 10 by Labor Day, you can do eet! And seriously, just go to the Angels v. Mariners game tomorrow! Free Dierks Bentley concert after the game. I loved reading about your experiences in the UK, so sad that you had to tell them you came from Candada rather than the US.

    CrystalS - for a kick start, take a look at the "Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead" website and read up on the Reboot. It is REALLY interesting. If you have Netflix you absolutely MUST watch the film, it is so interesting and captivating and inspirational.

    Alegria - YAY for the up being a GOOD up! Wow on your husband's weight loss! it isn't fair how easy guys can lose weight. Oh and here's the link for the shop that I ordered my iPhone armband from...http://www.etsy.com/shop/sewposhdesigns?section_id=7583518

    fitterpam - Hi again! Glad to see you back in here.

    Here's the link to the new spreadsheet! http://bit.ly/q0qMPs
    I don't plan on keeping up the website we had, I don't think it actually helps us with anything.
  • Nikstergirl
    Nikstergirl Posts: 1,549 Member
    Wow, what a difference hydration and fuel make on a long run!!! Yeeeoowwwzzzaaahhh!!!! I didn't feel like I was going to die by mile 7 like I usually did! Made the 8 mile mark and still had a little water left which was nice to sip on during the cool down walk back to the house. I ended up eating one packet of sport beans, starting at mile 4 and then at mile 6 and 7. What a difference!!! I totally felt like Forrest today, so thanks for that, Pink!! LOL!

    I'm really bad about taking my measurements actually. I did them a couple years ago before I really got busy with getting fit and if I compared to that I'd be talking a whole different person... I'm down so many sizes from then! Really I know why I gained last week (beer, ice cream, chips... ) and I know what I need to do to lose them again, so I'm not worried. Can't wait to weigh in this week! A personal best for me this week is I have exercised the last 7 days straight!!! Between running, walking, lifting and biking, I've burned over 4000 calories in 7 days and I'm so proud of myself! Ok, that sounds horrible to say, but I am. I'm proud. And I get to brag and not feel bad about it because I think you guys would agree that's pretty awesome! I usually take Monday's off (at least) because of work, but since it was a holiday... I had a nice long walk that day!

    Ok, I'll stop rattling on... you guys are so inspiring and I'm glad we're keeping this group! Hopefully everyone else will come back too!!! If you're reading this, we miss you!!!! Keep moving, girls... we got this!
  • Nikstergirl
    Nikstergirl Posts: 1,549 Member
    Pink, help! The link to the spreadsheet works, but I can't get my name in there! It won't let me do anything!! What's up??? I suck at this stuff...