Survey NOT a Debate - Exercise Calories



  • godroxmysox
    godroxmysox Posts: 1,491 Member
    i only eat them back if i am hungry
    i have been consistantly losing
  • yanicka
    yanicka Posts: 1,004 Member
    Yes I do

    Yes I am. I am so close to goal that things move very slowly but since I bump my calories to 1350 instead of 1200 plus most of my exercice calories, the weight is going down again. And I am only 5' tall.
  • MsKeelah919
    MsKeelah919 Posts: 332 Member
  • Elle408
    Elle408 Posts: 500 Member
    1. Yes.... not usually all of them unless I feel like I need them.
    2. Yes. Reached goal and maintaining steady... still eating them back! (avg. about 1600 - 2100 cals a day)
  • laneybird
    laneybird Posts: 532 Member
    1. No (sometimes I do use some, but maybe a couple times a week)
    2. Yes (I've consistantly lost in the past 8 weeks since starting (27.6lbs and counting...))
  • ritzvin
    ritzvin Posts: 2,860 Member
    1. No-ish. When I get back from an evening hike, it's usually 9/10:00, so I generally don't eat more (or at least not much more) than if I was at home (especially since there's the temptation to boredom snack if I was home). Depends how hungry I am. I also don't like to eat a lot before going to bed. My setting for net calories assumes 400 cal. of exercise (set it to 900 instead of 1300) anyway, so I normally don't have a lot of extra calories to work with on the weekdays. On weekends I'm exposed to more junk food (at places away from home during meals), so I probably do eat a lot of them back (though I don't make a point to - I'd rather take the bonus calorie deficit if not hungry or tempted).
    2. I've lost a few pounds (was previously at 156 and very slowly climbing). Down to 152.
  • CARNAT22
    CARNAT22 Posts: 764 Member
    Yes I eat back and yes I lose weight pretty much consistently.
  • taso42_DELETED
    taso42_DELETED Posts: 3,394 Member
    Does anybody want to do an analysis and see if there's any correlation between how people answered and where their ticker is?
  • anthony438
    anthony438 Posts: 578 Member
    Does anybody want to do an analysis and see if there's any correlation between how people answered and where their ticker is?

    That sounds like work.

    I avoid work.
  • nikkit321
    nikkit321 Posts: 1,485 Member
    I was eating my exercise calories and lost nothing for over a month.

    This week I decided to try a slight zigzag to see what happens: eat straight calories M-F, and on the weekends eat exercise calories.
  • taso42_DELETED
    taso42_DELETED Posts: 3,394 Member
    Does anybody want to do an analysis and see if there's any correlation between how people answered and where their ticker is?

    That sounds like work.

    I avoid work.

    Me too.. which is why I think someone other than myself ought to do it. :wink:
  • Tayla08
    Tayla08 Posts: 94
    Nope I normally don't eat them back, periodically I will... I lose weight consistantly as long as long as I follow my 1220 calorie goal, if I binge on day, it takes me a week to get back to my current weight.
  • KyleB65
    KyleB65 Posts: 1,196 Member
    No, I am not eating back my calories
    yes, I am loosing weight (roughly the 2 lbs a week that I want to lose
  • Yes, when I am still hungry
    Yes, I am losing, slowly but I am losing.
  • MichelleF81
    MichelleF81 Posts: 98 Member
    Yes, I eat back most of my exercise calories. Yes, I'm losing weight each week.
  • willimh
    willimh Posts: 227 Member
    Sometimes I eat them. I always plateau and stay there. Just joined WW again and Im losing again.
  • JThomas61
    JThomas61 Posts: 892
    No, I never eat back my exercise calories.
    I have stalled on a plateau for three weeks haven't gone up and haven't gone down
  • louiseei
    louiseei Posts: 254 Member
    Yes I eat them and a bit over sometimes,
    Yes I'm losing (even though I'm actually on maintenance cals now)
  • Legs_McGee
    Legs_McGee Posts: 845 Member
    Yes, I eat my exercise calories back
    I was losing consistently - I lost 18 pounds in two months. Now I'm in maintenance mode. I still eat my exercise calories and I've maintained my weight loss for 3 months.
  • Yes, I eat them all back. I love food.