To All Who Go Over Calorie Net More Than Desired...



  • Aliena
    Aliena Posts: 13
    Friday evening here and I have just completed my diary for today. I had 6 green days and 1 red in the last week.

    The red day was a planned treat and I had some exercise calories from previous days so really over the whole week I was under so I'm quite happy with that.
  • hbaish
    hbaish Posts: 3
    Hi , just finished logging all my food in for today - and delighted to report 7 green days
  • adnama36
    adnama36 Posts: 32 Member
    I've got 5 green days and 2 red. One red day was July 4th, and neither red day was over by much (less than 50 calories over each), so I'm pretty happy with that!
  • ladybug2020
    ladybug2020 Posts: 83 Member
    glad everyone is doing well. Unfortunately I only had 1 green day. Week long vacation starts tomorrow but really hoping to do better.
  • ai965
    ai965 Posts: 118
    Haven't quite finished up Friday yet, but today is defiantly a red day. After starting with a binge, then eating too much for dinner, I'm just calling this my "off" day this month (and there won't be anymore, I hope) 6 green days/1 red day this week. I'll do much better next week.
  • ai965
    ai965 Posts: 118
    glad everyone is doing well. Unfortunately I only had 1 green day. Week long vacation starts tomorrow but really hoping to do better.

    That's okay! 1 green day is better than none. What you can try to do, if this is a huge challenge to go for perfection, is strive to have a steady weekly green day increase throughout the month. More attainable, and more manageable goals are the first steps to success! Hope this works next week!
  • kitinboots
    kitinboots Posts: 589 Member
    I was all green until Friday. I went out and allowed myself two drinks, then I got given more and ended up raiding the cupboards when I got in. Luckily I didn't have anything too bad, but I still went over by about 1000. Oh dear. And now I have the hangover to go with it.
  • coolsmartygirl
    coolsmartygirl Posts: 299 Member
    As of today, two red days and five green days.
  • leighkent
    leighkent Posts: 195 Member
    OH DEAR, how well you have all done. I am the biggest failure on board then !!!

    It is now Monday. So, I will go back to Friday - my partner had all of last week off which resulted in beer, chips, burgers, chicken nuggets, desserts, chocolate, crisps, pizza, more burgers and I can say that I have been in the RED and over by at least 1000 - 3000 calories EVERY DAY !!!!! I am sorry for the letting the board down and I can now shame myself that I have put on approximately 11lbs in the last month !!!!

    Why do I always seem to do terribly worse when I actually aim to do something?? So, I also know that I am in the red for Sat and Sun of last week, so, I think I need to set myself a more realistic challenge of 5 days per week in the green (starting from today) !!!

    So, well done all of you !!! I hang my head in shame xxx
  • fibrogirl
    fibrogirl Posts: 170 Member
    OH DEAR, how well you have all done. I am the biggest failure on board then !!!

    It is now Monday. So, I will go back to Friday - my partner had all of last week off which resulted in beer, chips, burgers, chicken nuggets, desserts, chocolate, crisps, pizza, more burgers and I can say that I have been in the RED and over by at least 1000 - 3000 calories EVERY DAY !!!!! I am sorry for the letting the board down and I can now shame myself that I have put on approximately 11lbs in the last month !!!!

    Why do I always seem to do terribly worse when I actually aim to do something?? So, I also know that I am in the red for Sat and Sun of last week, so, I think I need to set myself a more realistic challenge of 5 days per week in the green (starting from today) !!!

    So, well done all of you !!! I hang my head in shame xxx

    You are definately not the biggest failure on the board. I haven't been recording for a few days and eating everything in site, haven't weighed yet that will be tomorrows shocker!! But I have given myself a good talking to and back to logging everything from today. So just wipe that slate clean and put it all behind you and get back to it from today! Good luck :glasses:
  • Felesina1
    Felesina1 Posts: 142
    Just remember, we are our worst critics! While you may feel like a failure, nothing was ever accomplished without trying for something!
  • CaroseH
    CaroseH Posts: 72
    My favorite quote that I think about when I'm feeling like a failure or like I can't just get going because I'm afraid to fail:

    "Nothing ventured, nothing gained!!! "(and what a perfect pun for us in this situation! :)
  • leighkent
    leighkent Posts: 195 Member
    I shall check-in now for the week as I know the outcome for tonight !!!

    So, as I already said on Monday, Sat and Sun of last week were WELL over !!!

    Mon, Tue, Wed and Thur this week I have had green numbers. I have 1,106 calories left for today, but we are getting Dominos Pizza and I am going to have a few beers so I know that I will be over today.

    So, This week would be; RED: Sat, Sun, GREEN, Mon, Tue, Wed, Thur, RED: Fri.

    FINGERS CROSSED I only have another 1 red day over the weekend instead of 2.

    I hope everyone else is doing well - I look forward to the updates, I am pleased I have not failed as miserably as last week !!! xx
  • Aliena
    Aliena Posts: 13
    Not a brilliant week, I think 3 red and the rest green but I admit a couple of days I stopped logging my food because it was so bad! Been ill though so I actually think I have done ok to manage as well as I have.
  • Justkeepswimmin
    Justkeepswimmin Posts: 777 Member
    Welll I think I've been doing this since I joined (although my diary would not indicate so since when I found out I'm 15 lbs lighter than I guessed I was it changed my calorie allotment...and my goals for allllllll the previous days...I was working off of false numbers at the time)

    I've been working off the accurate goal since Sunday Great fit for a group for me thanks guys :)

    So if we're reporting in for the week technically I had 1 red day ( lSat) before my calorie goal got changed on me :)

    Worried about going red Sunday - hubbys birthday and going out for free bday food alllday....trying to plan choices now.
  • I am in on this challenge. I am on my day 6 completed, 30 day shred. I am super hungry and I am eating all my calories. Tomorrow is my first day of starting this challenge!
  • coolsmartygirl
    coolsmartygirl Posts: 299 Member
    So pretty much all red since Tuesday, wednesday was my anniversary and understand I got unhappy news, and friday was one of my favorite bars closing, only -8 yesterday. Working harder today and the next week!
  • CaroseH
    CaroseH Posts: 72
    Checking in for this past week, I only had one red day over, the rest were green!!!! :) I've been trying so hard lately, and it's been really rewarding because I've been seeing some movement on the scale (in the RIGHT direction), which I haven't seen for about two months now.

    Nice job on being so close to goal yesterday coolsmartygirl! Good luck next week!
  • leighkent
    leighkent Posts: 195 Member
    Argh, I have failed my 5 out of 7 green days already this week !!!
    GRRRRRRR - I blame it on the beer !!!

    Where has everyone else gone who joined this group ????
  • ai965
    ai965 Posts: 118
    Due to unexpected plans, I am completely off-track on checking in. Sorry this challenge isn't working out for everyone-maybe too much too soon. But, if anyone still wants to continue, feel free to use the forum for whatever you like (support, tips, and the like). I am no longer the leader, so if anyone wants to take over, they can. Otherwise, farewell to you all. I wish you luck-wherever you are in your weight loss journey.
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