

  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    Something really fun happened to me yesterday. I am in Nebraska, and a friend who lives here arranged for me to look around the home that I lived in for my first 17 years. It is being renovated, and about 2/3 of the work has been done. It's so great to see the amount of love and care that the new owner is putting into the renovation. The kitchen is gorgeous with stamped tin backsplash and a lovely granite-topped island. They kept many of the wonderful built-ins that my parents had when they renovated back in 1959. Everything is light and airy and fresh. It made me very happy! Lots of wonderful memories of that "house that built me".

    My heart is light.

    Karen in Virginia
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Well we are ready to hit the road in the morning. Becca, I will be singing "on the road again" LOL

    For what ever reason, I started breaking out last night and tonight I have some kind of itchy rash type stuff in small patches pretty much from my left ankle to my thigh, some on the right side of my chest going under my arm and now getting some on the calf of my right leg and on my right wrist. I don't think its shingles, that I just had in December, its too wide spread and they don't hurt or look like blisters but it itches like the dickens.

    I'll send pics along the way and even if I don't post much know that I will be reading and keeping up with all of your shenanigans. I have some dumb bells and my kettle bell in the motor home. Planning on logging all food, that will be a challenge cuz I tend to get lazy with it while traveling.

    Pip, I know you will ace the ride, you guys be careful. Look forward to hearing all about it next week.

    Love you ladies and thanks for the good wishes for our trip.

    Janetr OKC
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Janetr - Have a fantastic time! I hope whatever the rash is, it goes away quickly. Maybe allergic reaction?


    Mary from Minnesota
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    fanncy0626 wrote: »
    Janetr - Have a fantastic time! I hope whatever the rash is, it goes away quickly. Maybe allergic reaction?


    Mary from Minnesota

    Thanks Mary, I'm looking forward to the trip. It must be a reaction to something, I've been trying to think of anything I've eaten or gotten into but nothing pops into my head right off the bat.

    Janetr OKC
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,651 Member
    Hi Gals,

    Joyce – What about just checking with a realtor (maybe one from your church?) Here you can not sell “as is” you can declare some problems and those can go as is, but if things are not up to certain code levels then that has to be repaired.. So depending on the laws in your area, it might be more to get it ready to sell than the remodel. I am smiling 2200 sq feet is kinda small?? What? I live in 1013 sq. feet and that is a large starter house in my area as everything is so expensive.

    Juanita – just comment occasionally and post your stuff… those of us who post to a lot of the comments are just over achievers.. LOL

    Re and Miriam – I like my decafe brown water thank you!

    Welcome all the newbies

    Jane – take care sending hugs

    KarenE – take care

    Now to page 15

    September Goals:
    2 fun things a week, Lizard saving, gardening in my own yard
    Log everyday to the best I can, over if need be.
    11,000 + steps everyday
    Work on water consumption -


    Kim from N. California
  • IremiaRe
    IremiaRe Posts: 801 Member
    Kim - need my Rocket Fuel to get lift off in the mornings... :D

    Becca - keep on prepping, Honey. It makes all the difference for when I do it... I am still eating those pre-packaged servings of my bean and ham salad. It is nice to know I don't have to "think" about lunch - it's just there and ready to eat.

    Night, Gals.... I will try to check in tomorrow.

    Thank HEAVEN my co-worker is back on Monday. Neither of our jobs is particularly taxing... unless you have to do both of them at once.

    Hugs for Everybody!

    Re in TX
  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    JanetR in OK - Maybe the earthquake is just Oklahoma waving you goodbye on your trip! Hope it's amazing... On the rash, when I have one that widespread, in that short a space of time, it's always a reaction to something on my clothing. Usually detergent or fabric softener. I have to use the perfume-free detergents, and there's one version of Bounce I'm not allergic to, as well. If cortisone doesn't work, then benadryl cream will, and sometimes it takes a combination of the two.

    tjmb - welcome!

    scallywag- 7 pounds over two months isn't a tragedy--it's only a bad thing if you let it discourage you into giving up. Start again where you are. Short-term goals. You can do this!

    Worked out yesterday, cardio, which is always my favorite. Today is core and weights. NOT my favorite. But, it makes me feel better, doesn't take nearly as long to cool down to the point where I can get in the shower, and is necessary. Right? Right.

    A school shooting in Alpine yesterday (that's where Corey and I went to meet Rori just a few weeks ago) absorbed most of the morning. These widespread little towns are very supportive of each other, and I was posting updates every fifteen minutes or so. Hit the national news yesterday morning. In the end, it ended up being a girl who took an automatic pistol to school, shot what they think is her rival in the back, and according to a couple witnesses, turned, threw up on the floor, and then shot herself. She was the only death. The girl who was shot is OK, the bullet hit her in the butt, actually, she's still in hospital. One law enforcement officer accidentally shot an FBI agent at the scene, we're hearing it isn't serious. Other than that, no injuries, but of course, shook the little town to its core, as well as shaking up Fort Stockton.

    To add to the stress, there were three bomb threats called in, one at the university in the same town, one at the medical center there, and another at a hotel not far away. It was a rough day in West Texas. However, on the lighter side, well... hard to explain, here's the link--the motel "bomb" call was not exactly about a bomb: https://www.facebook.com/Marathon-Motel-RV-Park-156624587688139/?hc_ref=NEWSFEED&fref=nf

    Love y'all,
    Lisa in West Texas
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,785 Member
    Morning sweetie's~
    I took a bath with epsom salts last night before bed, and WOW I slept like a rock....had weird dreams but slept well...I am having 2 cups of tea this morning, as I feel I need it.. and will be a long work day today.. hoping to hear from my DD about having Tal overnight tomorrow night..
    going to Michael's wake tonight.. it will be a doozy as he was well known in our small town.. and I haven't told Tom yet I am going to a celebration on Sunday... and then next weekend I will be away too..
  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,834 Member
    Good morning all! Happy Friday! Whew! TGIF! I made it through yesterday, and my crabby mood lifted, but the day was rainy and humid. The kids and I were inside all day (third day in a row, due to rain) and the kids were at each other's throats. Everything I tried to distract them or put them into a better mood resulted in fighting. Playdoh being thrown, yoga turned to angry wrestling matches, dancing became a contact sport...Today is a new day. And although it is still raining :s I am keeping fingers crossed for well rested kids. I went to bed early last night and got up at 4:30 and was out for my walk at 5:00. So I am feeling good and well rested!
    My brother and his wife are camping at Holland State Park which is about 10 miles from my house, so I will head over after work today to visit. They live a good hour/hour and a half east of me and due to our work schedules, we don't get together often. My sister in law works for the local Ojibwa tribe, so I am interested to get her opinion on the pipeline and the protests surrounding it.
    Pip-Good luck on your ride! Have to agree with the clean sheets! Nothing feels better than coming home/going to bed in clean sheets! Mmmmm!
    Can't remember who asked about ages of the ladies here. I would hope every one here holds their ages up like a banner! I will be turning 50 in November, but the other ladies on this site are so inspiring to me! I am one of those who wants to live over 100 and be able to still do many things on my own and under my own steam. REading about everyone's lives, skills, abilities, and goals is wonderful. Hurray for the older woman! IF only I could have had the confidence and strength that I have now, back when I was a teenager!
    Kiddos arriving! Have to go!
  • miriamwithcats
    miriamwithcats Posts: 1,120 Member
    Barbie, so sorry you have to have surgery. Hoping the results are fantastic. And yes, think about next spring when you will be in top form again!
  • frankiesgirl21
    frankiesgirl21 Posts: 235 Member
    Morning Ladies!

    Maryann- Good luck with your poodle puppy. Have fun!

    Kate- You just gave my excuses about exercising a kick in the pants. Thanks for the motivation!

    Kim in Ca- Used to have a dog that would do that too. Some dogs are ‘bread’ dogs…Felt so bad for you but had to smile. I still miss my Jango puppy….

    Scallywag- Love that moniker. You are down a net 23 pounds! That is awesome! We are not defined by our accomplishments but rather how we face adversity. Don’t let perfect be the evil of good. Today is a new day and we hope to be better than yesterday. Let’s keep plugging away!

    Katla- Glad to hear about DH.

    Barbie- So glad they can help your pain. I wish it could be easier. We will be happy if it means we get more time with you! <3

    Janetr- Had to get to bed before the end of the game but it was a good one. Listened to Espn radio on the way to work for the rest of the details. (DH and I are sports nuts…. Especially baseball and football). I hate to see summer go but love to see football arrive! Great start for your season! Sorry about the earthquakes….good grief! Hope the rash passes quickly…. SAFE JOURNEY!!

    Karen in Va- Glad Nebraska is turning out so well! It is really beautiful. DH and I have good friends there also.

    RE- It’s Friday… sitting here thinking I might need a second injection of Rocket fuel…. Think my cup this morning had a hole in it or something….LOL…

    Lisa- I saw the news on that shooting this morning. Truly a tragedy. I pray for all those affected.

    Looking forward to the weekend. DH is working so trying to decide what productive I can get into… Believe me there are lots of choices!!!

    Happy Friday!
    Tracey in still HOT PA!

    This looks better today... Might get the hang of Word yet....
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,083 Member
  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    Taking it easy this morning before we head to the ranch.
    Katla - Wonderful news about your hubby. Praying for continued progress.
    Barbie - sorry to hear you need surgery but I'm sure you are relieved it can be fixed. After my back surgery, the advice was for me to walk everyday. You got this girl!
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
  • jfrench555
    jfrench555 Posts: 4 Member
    Good morning everyone! I didn't ck in yesterday because I went to my 95 year old mom's to do her hair then got busy with prepping for DH's birthday. I logged my food from yesterday today and about fell out. We celebrated at Carabba's Restaurant and I got the usual Chicken Bryan (OMG)..anyway, the stats for that dish took me more than 2000 calories over my goal..and forget about the fat, sodium, etc. This weekend is our anniversary celebration and we will be In Williamburg all weekend...eating out. Pray for me girls, I need it ! At least we will be walking around all weekend.
    Thank you for all the "welcome" notes from y'all. My encouragement to stay on course this weekend will have to do with knowing I have to tell everyone how good, or bad, I was on my return Monday !

    Peace out. :)

    Live life as if you were sailing: Prepare for the Lulls and Enjoy the Puffs !

    Janice in Va. Beach
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    Happy Friday Morning! <3

    Barbie ~ So glad you will be able to get help with the pain.

    Kim ~ That is so funny about the pup eating your muffins. :)

    Katla ~ Glad your DH is feeling so much better. Just hope that whatever med he has discontinued will not cause harm.

    Becca ~ We all love your posts. I wish I had your musical talent. Have you thought of weighing/measuring your food so you can eat the same as what you cook for DH and son instead of having to cook two different meals. My biggest problem with food is when I make soup/casseroles and can't figure out how many servings to divide it into.

    Coffee ~ We blend caf/decaf Kirkland Columbian from Costco. It's not too strong and not too weak. My biggest thing about coffee is that it must be hot. I hate it when it gets luke warm and have to keep microwaving. Need to get an insulated mug. We got a 14 cup Cuisinart that keeps us in coffee all day with left overs. It has a charcoal filter that keeps the coffee from tasting bitter and a clean cycle.

    Needing to mop the kitchen, vacuum, and clean the baths. It will get done at some point....LOL

  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Stronglift Rest Day

    Kettlebell Swing
    Goblet squat-3X5X 40
    Russian kettle bell swing-3X 10 X 40, 10 X 10 X 40
    Week one day two of transitioning to the 40 pound kettle bell. I accidentally did 10 swings for the first three sets. You get into the habit and it's easy to forget. The Kettlebell is really heavy! It is fine when I have it in the swing motion but when I put it down it makes a loud thud!

    Walk 1,000 Miles Challenge
    5 miles

    I didn't sleep at all last night and I had to go with my husband to a meeting 2 1/2 hours away from home. I got out a bit at 4:15 and did my exercise so I would have it done. And I will take Shep on his walk when I get home.


    Mary from Minnesota
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,672 Member
    morning peeps!!! packing up, took a poop, shower n shave.... kirby loaded the bikes, i will take pics and show you guys whenever i can.. my last total is 1251 bucks!!!!! that IS AMAZING!! for me at least.... the first time i have collected more than kirby!! YEAYYYYYYY!!!! any of his donations (was supposed to get about $400 more) that don't make it in time, will go towards next year and the he will b $400 bucks ahead of me already ;0/... i can't win...

    we got his emergency bag that he is taking with him(mini backpack) just in case. so we are prepared.
    later peeps