
  • Marcelynh
    Marcelynh Posts: 974 Member
    Sooooo....... Here's the rest of the story.

    I was supposed to have surgery tomorrow for my torn rotator cuff. Instead I am getting the results of a CT scan. About ten days ago I went in for pre-surgery tests and my chest x-ray came back with "shadows". Well my mind went a thousand places it shouldn't. I had to postpone the surgery and get a CT scan with contrast done. Had that done on Friday. It is just kind of crazy. I am at almost 0% risk of lung cancer but my mind went there right away. Having a parent die of cancer kind of gets to you I think. Anyway, if I read the internet it tells me that I likely have a small benign "growth" but I'll find out for sure tomorrow I imagine, or at least get some direction to someone who can tell me something. Right now I'm flying blind and it's not a good thing. I will admit I felt better after getting the CT scan. The 10 days waiting after being told nothing more than "shadows" over the phone.

    Hopefully it will be a "check back in six months" and surgery will progress as planned.

    in Houston
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Marcelyn: Prayers for a good CT scan and a situation that you can manage. :heart:
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,474 Member
    Did an hour of Kathy Kaehler's Get Fit DVD. The plan for tomorrow is to do another segment of the Tone Trouble Zones DVD (why do I do that? You don't get fit in 10 minutes), hold my plank, then take the extremepump class.

    Made a key lime cake to send to Pete for his birthday. OK, he's not exactly my pick, but he's Denise's pick and I need to respect that. I figure I'll freeze the cake and ice it next weekend then send it to him. Finished stringing the popcorn then made a birthday cake for the hubby of the gal whose house we have mahjongg at on Mondays. His birthday is Fri but I'll take it there tomorrow night

    Kate in UK - have a great trip! Great pics.

    DJ - I saw a little water leaking out of the toilet downstairs about a day or two ago. Vince fixed it tonight. You know why? That bathroom is downstairs and he uses it when he's downstairs watching TV. It not working means that he has to come ALL THE WAY upstairs to go to the bathroom. So it got fixed asap.

    katla - I'm glad FIL didn't see 9/11. He had top security clearance -- never knew all that he did do. I know that he did work for the military (he designed the runway lights originally for the military but now are used for commercial flights that guide the airplane onto the runway.) It would have totally killed him to see it. I remember when he and MIL took a tour, at one point he had to have the plane take a different course because he couldn't fly over a certain point.

    Judi from VT - welcome!

    Lenora - you can find mini-trampolines! Like I said, I just got mine at Play it Again Sports (a chain store). I don't know about one where you can lower one of the legs. I've honestly never tried that with mine. I THINK there are different settings for the legs, but I'm not sure. As for the popcorn -- when I had my first Christmas tree many many moons ago I was so broke that I couldn't afford to buy garland. So I got a 49cent (that's what it was back then) bag of popcorn and strung that for the tree. After it was up, I thought it looked so neat that I've been stringing popcorn ever since. Actually, Jessica took some of my leftover strung popcorn last year and used it on her tree. So I did string a little bit more this year. But after today, I declare it DONE for this year.

    Marcelyn - sending lots and lots of good thoughts for you as you go thru this

    Michele in NC
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,133 Member
    :):oMarcelyn, I'm am sending hugs to you....waiting for test results is so stressful...I am wishing you a good outcome and ways to walk through the stress that are healthy and nurturing.

    <3 Barbie
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,063 Member
  • KylieAddison
    KylieAddison Posts: 6 Member
    edited September 2016
    I'm bit new. Well let's say newly active. I bought a boutique at the end of January and within about 4 months dropped 40 pounds. Then I got stuck. So I finally wised up and logged back into MFP. I know in my bones there is only one way to do this. I have to account for every bite and set goals. So I am back at it and have dropped another 12. Looking forward to getting on with this.

    Was so angry at myself for not losing more weight before the onset of fall as I love fall fashion and now can't really enjoy it. My bad lol. What a bummer sitting in a store full of lovely clothes and still being stuck in the plus-size section. Sooo winter fashion?

    Okay September Goals. Just starting right?

    Get bookkeeping up to date so it doesn't wear on me.
    Track my food ever day. EVERY day.
    Reward myself for small victories. No. Not with food. lol
    Drop my sodium and potassium intake.
    Turn the boutique to fall without killing myself in the process.
  • Joyce – I really think we have some sort of 9/11 everyday; just not all in one place. A lot of it isn’t known about because it affects one section of the country and not widely reported on unless it occurs in a big city or involves a lot of death and destruction. Such as, who would have known that an earthquake and aftershocks had occurred in OK and surrounding area, if it had not been posted here. But, we are a lot different in a lot of ways because of 9/11, some of it not that good either.

    Bad thing is that a lot of our memorials get spray painted or destroyed by people. Like that rock that was sitting on top of a very narrow neck (in Oregon) … somebody decided it was a ‘danger’. Well, it wasn’t a ‘danger’ to anybody who could respect the fence and signs put up. ISSI seems pretty hell bent to destroy a lot of antiquities … so far, they have not destroyed The Great Pyramids … maybe because they are ‘grave sites’ and they are afraid to do so.

    Maryann in UK – Eating back calories is certainly ‘ok’ for special occasions or when you are ‘on vacation’. But, still important to try to track CI/CO. Just to see what you might have done that put you over you CI. I know I ‘blew’ it week-before-last when we were ‘on vacation’. Only gained back 3lbs, so that still meant that I stayed under 160lbs. But, disappointed because I was getting so close to my goal. I’m finding that it seems to be ‘harder’ to lose those last few pounds and get to ‘normal’ BMI.

    Kim from N. California – Definitely ‘better’ people!

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon – Carpe Diem!

    Cheri – Murder Mysteries are my ‘favorite’ genre of books, and I am also a bookworm for the ‘rest of my life’. Only started reading for pleasure a year ago, this past June. Now I always have a book that I am reading.

    Marcelyn in Houston – I feel for you, sweetie, with the CT Scans. Nothing worse than the waiting. Both my older sisters are survivors of breast cancer. Mother had ovarian cancer; and I am pretty sure before it was all over (prior to her death) she also developed breast cancer since it had spread to her brain. My GYN used to tell me that only 1:4 women developed breast cancer. I’m beginning to think – that in my family I am the 1:4 that won’t (or hasn't) get(gotten) it. I pray about it – hard – when I do my monthly breast exams. If I feel something and my DH can ‘also’ feel it … I call and will be seen within one day. Depending on what time of day I call. Waiting just lets your mind run wild. {{{{{hugs}}}}} and prayers for you and for a 'good report'.

  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    edited September 2016
    KJLaMore wrote: »
    Just hopped on to see what everyone was up to and I have to comment on the "book" discussion. I have been a "reader" or rather a "devourer" of books since I was very small. An early reader at four with the Dick and Jane books, then on to the Little House books. There was a time in my life where I wasn't reading for me, though, that was when my own children were small and when I began my in home daycare business. I had a "dry spell" and wasn't reading any thing for me for about 10 years. Then the movie Braveheart kicked it all off again, because I wondered how much of that movie was true. So off to the library I went and got two books on William Wallace. One was written by an Englishman and painted Wallace as a brigand. The other was written by a Scot and had him as a patriot and hero. That began my love and interest in historical non-fiction and how history is going to be different depending on the perspective of where you were at (physically/emotionally) during any specific event. But I do read EVERYTHING I can get my hands on when I have time to spare.
    I have to add; when I found out my daughter was pregnant (almost a month ago) I was very happy for her and us, but there were no tears of joy or anything. It didn't actually hit home until I was thinking last weekend, that I need to rebuild my home library for my grandchild. Even though I bought books/book series for my kids; they took them with them when they moved out. As I worked on cleaning I began to make a mental list of books I HAVE to have in the collection; and I started crying. LOL! How silly! I couldn't get that reaction from just knowing my own grandchild was going to exist; but once I start dreaming about introducing books to her/him...crying a river.

    KJ. The first book I read that peaked my interest in reading historical fiction and non-fiction was one my dad recommended when I was in 7th grade All Quiet on the Western Front. It isn't exactly what you are talking about but it rocked my world when I realized the perspective from which it was written (my dad let me figure it out for myself).

    I share your love of books (as I am sure others here do) and it freaked out my H.S. English and Spanish teachers who were co-teaching a class and asked us to write down "the most important thing in my life". Other kids wrote down their family or parents or boyfriend or best friend or dog...and I wrote down "the ability to read" LOL!!! They looked at me like a was a bug under a dissecting scope.

    pipcd34 wrote: »
    Is there a Karen hatch in here????? I got another donation!!!!! I am beyond overwhelmed!

    Your welcome, Pip!. It couldn't go for a more worthwhile cause! You rock...

    Karen from Virginia at Denver International Airport
  • frankiesgirl21
    frankiesgirl21 Posts: 235 Member
    Hi Kylie! What kind of boutique? That word always sounds so yummy!

    Kj- Cheri and Kim- a 'bookie' here too all my life. Insisted on learning to read at 3 or 4 because big brother could. Much of the evenings in our home involved everyone with their nose buried in a book to be passed to the next person. DH bought me kindle (to date my most cherished gift of all time) a few years ago after I took 4 books to the beach on vacation and ran out of anything to read. Heaven to me is sun sand and a good book. My great grandmother was a teacher and a reader and we were read to from infancy and her home was an endless free library for us until she passed when I was 25. My cousins and I would swap trade and recommend all our lives. Historical is my one of my favorites both fiction and non fiction... I took a hiatus from books for awhile because I am an addict and nothing else happened in my life if there was a book to read! But I now use it more as a reward relaxation device.

    Michele- you brought back one more of the memories I have of that awful day.... DF is a pilot (Captain) for United Airlines. Living in Florida at the time. Jammed phone lines, not knowing, waiting and worrying about him and his wife all day. Finally got a call late that night that he had been on lay over here in pa and had gone to play golf with a couple other of our friends when he was red alerted back home. 2 pilots lost were friends of his... Irony was my DSS moving to NYC on 9/11/05. His Dad had to take a deep breath that day.
    And about that baking.... Key lime cake? I think I am dying.....sounds Devine!

    Lenora- trampolines? I would surely break my neck! :o

    Maecelyn- Hugs! Positive thoughts...... <3

    Michele- is your Vince related to my Frankie? :p
  • NO_Excuses_515
    NO_Excuses_515 Posts: 220 Member
    Today is a day of mixed emotions for me. It is my 23rd anniversary and I am happy to celebrate my marriage to one pretty terrific guy. But, I was in New York on 9/11/2001 and I lost a co-worker when the towers came crashing down on top of the Marriott where he was staying. My heart aches for all those who lost loved ones that day 15 years ago. And I worry about our world and all the terrorist activities that seem unending.

    Scallywag -I felt like I was reading my own post. I was down 30 pounds and have gained back 7 pounds since July. I’ve been good with my exercising but can’t seem to get on track with my eating. Keep coming back here and we can motivate each other.

    Barbie – Happy that you have answer. Will say lots of prayers that your surgery is successful and your recovery is quick.

    Janet – Just watched a piece on 60 minutes and thought of you. It was about all the earthquakes in Oklahoma. According to the piece, they are caused by oil companies pumping waste water back into the earth and not by the fracking. But, I assume someone else could argue that it is the fracking and someone else would argue that it is neither. Praying for some resolution for Oklahoma.

    Thinking of you all even if I don’t have time to post daily.
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    frankiesgirl, my brother used to be in the Navy. He was a lifer and worked on a nuclear submarine. She is slowly able to relate what all she and her two young children on that day, the extreme security on the bse. Well it was very tight just trying to get back to the base so that she could get his 'sea ready' bag ready and also to get her and the boys packed up so they could move in with friends who lived off base. They did not want to be living on a Navy base during that extreme terrorist attack. It took hours to get into their home, the military police backed all 3 of them up against a brick wall and gave them a pat search. her youngest son still talks about those mean police. Sometimes we forget about the sacrifice of the spouse and children. I thank my brother John and his wife Debbie for what all they did for 20 years so that I can have the rights I have.

    I have felt fairly good today, at least I haven't felt like I am going through a stress test every time I sand up like i did yesterday. Tonight I know I will be able to lie down without feeling and hearing my heart pound through my chest wall. I have only one of my blood pressure pill this morning and done just OK with that but I wanted to gain some strength by not feeling so fainty all day. Tonight I will take my normal 2 pills but not the new one she added Friday. I read a little on it, of course you don't know how recent and current the info is that you find on the internet. But what I read was this medicine needs to start out at a 10mg dose and gradually go up to desired dose. She started me out on 50 mg twice a day. So I am going to bed paying for the fact I only took one B/P pill this morning. I have a headache and into the back of my neck. So it will take a while for me to relax.

    Night nite, Joyce in lovely Indiana where ACs aren't needed.
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,695 Member
    Hi Gals,

    Cheri – I totally agree, the age of the girl was for me unrealistic, and then the “bits” from every other story under the sun … not my cup of tea, but I love the stretch that reading for a book club does for me.

    KJ – I went to a baby shower for the Grandma, and we each brought a book we loved as a child.. about 15 of us and no duplicate books…

    Marcelyn – what a scary “rest of the story” and as Barbie knows too well, waiting is tough… sending hugs and good thoughts..

    September Goals:
    2 fun things a week, Lizard saving, gardening in my own yard
    Log everyday to the best I can, over if need be.
    11,000 + steps everyday
    Work on water consumption -


    Kim from N. California
  • KylieAddison
    KylieAddison Posts: 6 Member
    Hi Frankiesgirl. It's an upscale resale fashion boutique for women. LOVE your post. Such fun.
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    This is my left leg, right leg and both arms look about the same, some on my back and chest. Jack insisting on taking me to doctor in the morning.

    Janetr okcufrqqw2rm8qr.jpeg
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    Janetr Have you started new meds or had an infection recently? Glad you are going to doctor.
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Janetr Have you started new meds or had an infection recently? Glad you are going to doctor.

    No nothing new. I have felt like I have been fighting a sinus infection for seversl weeks.

    Janetr okc
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,996 Member
    Janetr~ that does not look good.. please keep us informed on what you find out it is.
    well this morning it is down right chilly out this morning.. Tom had fans in windows every door open .. 56 degrees..
    Tom bought me an anniversary present lol, a small wet dry vacume for the car's ..our anniversary is on the 20th it will be 19 yrs.. asked him if maybe we can plan on going on a cruise next year for our anniversary.. said we will see.
  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    Marcelyn: hoping for the best.

    JanetR: same for you, glad you're going to the doctor as well.

    On 9/11: I think our country lost something that day, myself. A piece of our collective soul--the part of us that believed we were safe here on this side of the world, invulnerable to attack. I mourn that loss, and even more so on the anniversaries, when it's all over TV and I can't ignore it. Watching one of the retrospectives, to me, would be like watching a video of the days around my mother's death, that happened just two years prior. Unbearable. Unthinkable. Maybe it's just me.

    Today's the DH's first day on the new job--and he gets to sleep an hour later, as the commute is about ten minutes. I'm trying to get my op/ed column written, and couldn't string two thoughts in a row together this weekend, so am about to tackle it now. Hope everyone has a lovely week.

    Lisa in West Texas
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    To all those waiting for medical answers/procedures-healing thoughts <3

    Embracing the approaching fall, as it is my favorite season. Taking in the cooler temps and the soon to be vibrant colors of the northeast u.s. Nothing quite like it!
    Focusing on harvest of awesome fruits and veggies in a healthy way. LOVE. the beautiful state of NY (insert falling leaves emoji here)
  • Lagopus
    Lagopus Posts: 1,016 Member
    I haven't had time even to read in the past week - much less respond - so I'll just jump right in. Forgive me any glaring omissions of things I should have said.

    Geez, what did I write last time I wrote? Thanks for all your concern and all the well-wishes but I'm absolutely not badly off! Stressed, but mainly positive stress. As you know, I was a bit worried about losing another of my main clients. A couple weeks ago, I was contacted by an old client who I'd promised myself never to work for again because he's a total PITA. But since I was feeling worried about my income, I said okay to a commission. So what happens? Within 24 hours I had three more people contact me with work to do! It never rains but it pours.

    Katla - (I think it was Katla) ages ago I promised you a recipe so here goes:

    No knead sourdough bread

    5-6 T sourdough starter
    100 g lukewarm water
    120 g flour

    Mix and place in warm spot overnight. By morning the sourdough should have grown to 4-8 times its original volume and be fluffy and bubbly like a good chocolate mousse.

    5 g fresh yeast (suspended in a bit of the water)
    200 g cold water
    300 g flour
    8-12 g salt

    Stir until well combined. Cover and let sit in that warm spot.

    45 minutes later:
    Wet your hand, grasp the edge of dough and pull gently. Repeat all the way around the inside of the bowl. Cover again and let sit.

    45 minutes later:

    45 minutes later:

    60 minutes later:
    Gently scrape the dough onto a floured surface. Scoop dough together from the sides to form a nice loaf. It's important to be gentle and handle the dough as little as possible so the small and medium-sized air bubbles don't break. Really big bubbles can be popped. Place on baking sheet, cover and let rise in that warm place.

    60 minutes later:
    Bake in oven preheated to 475 F (250 C).
    After 15 minutes, open oven door and wave a towel to remove excess steam.
    Continue baking, checking every 5 minutes to make sure the bread isn't burning. If it starts to look too dark, reduce temperature to 425 F (225 C). Total baking time usually 25 minutes.

    Let cool uncovered on a rack for optimal crustiness.

    This recipe only makes one loaf, but considering the role this glorious, crusty, sourdough bread has played in my weight journey, that's just as well.

    Heather - I know you have a no-knead bread. Is it anything like this?

    /Penny, busy at the North Pole