
  • ScotsLass78
    ScotsLass78 Posts: 248 Member
    Scotslass- I had forgotten to wish you Happy Anniversary! Mine is next month. It will be 8 years even though we have been together for 16 and I have known him for 28. What can I say? He was a slow learner! LOL!

    Thank you! And happy anniversary for next month :)
    jtkatch wrote: »
    Sept 9: 134.0 (a fart) LOL


  • noahlukielove
    noahlukielove Posts: 69 Member
    9/11 134.5
    9/12 134

    Have a good night everyone and a great day tomorrow.
  • tcay584
    tcay584 Posts: 55 Member
    dtmwed wrote: »
    tcay584 wrote: »
    Today's weight - 96.8kg (213.6lbs).
    I'm eating out tonight so hopefully I can stick to something without too much salt!

    Trying to stay under sodium max when eating out is almost impossible for me, I pretty much have to go with a salad, and even then be careful with what meats are in it and the dressings.

    I started bringing my salad dressing in a little tuperware container when we go out to eat. Drove my husband nuts at first, but now he just finds it amusing. I use Bolthouse yogurt dressings and that'll save me almost 200 calories over restaurant blue cheese dressings. I keep it in the orange 21 day fix cup so I know my portion. I am always ready for the sodium bloat for the day or two after eating out. I have resigned myself to it, even though it annoys the ever loving jinkies out of me.

    Oh I need to do this! Are you on the 21 day fix plan? I wondered about it, but I've been doing well on this so why pay for something else right? I was just curious if you felt it is helping a lot and worth it.

    I tried the 21 day fix and it didn't fix me, LOL! It seems like a premise that can work, but I find this much easier!
  • Hello!!

    Frankiesgirl21- I'll definitely start working on logging in before hand. I could be eating more but by the time I realize it (now) I feel like it's getting too late to eat haha so that should definitely help me. Thanks :)

    Michael_jordan7- I hope you stay motivated and push through this bump. It happens to all of us but we just have o decide to keep moving forward. You've been a great inspiration and have brought us all here so keep it up! You got this. :)

    9/12- 133.2

    Hoping to finally see 132 tomorrow. I drank more water today, went on a longer run, and stayed within my calorie goal. Moving forward just one day at a time.

    Sweet dreams y'all. :)
  • ScotsLass78
    ScotsLass78 Posts: 248 Member
    09/09 - 95.0kg (-0.9kg from yesterday)
    10/09 - 96.0kg (+1.0kg from yesterday)
    11/09 - 97.8kg (+1.8kg from yesterday) WHAT?!
    12/09 - 96.8kg (-1.0kg from yesterday)
    13/09 - 96.2kg (-0.6kg from yesterday)

  • michael_jordan7
    michael_jordan7 Posts: 176 Member
    September 13 - 228.5 lbs. (-1) Good to see the number go down today, hope it motivates me to eat well today, let's have a great day!
  • ScotsLass78
    ScotsLass78 Posts: 248 Member
    @michael_jordan7 - glad to hear it! Hope you have a great day :)
  • jtkatch
    jtkatch Posts: 186 Member
    September 13 ,2016

    Sept 5: 133.6
    Sept 6: 135 (+1.4) holy moly
    Sepr 7: 134.2 (glad it went down!)
    Sept 8: 134.2 (no change)hmmmmmn
    Sept 9: 134.0 (a fart) LOL
    Sept 10: 135 ( HOW?? I didn't eat 3500 cal EXTRA yesterday!!....must be water??) ugggg it's hard to stay motivated!

    Sept 11: 132.2 (lmaof! Definitely water ! )
    Sept 12: 133.0 (hmmmmm)
    Sept 13: 133.2 ( bad bad day yesterday! Scale not so bad though but MUsT get back on track today!!)
  • moorem93
    moorem93 Posts: 25 Member


    9/13 -140.2
  • frankiesgirl21
    frankiesgirl21 Posts: 235 Member

    Michael-Yea! Have great day today!!!

    Actually same to all!! :D
  • jonni82014
    jonni82014 Posts: 1,534 Member
    Success at last. - 1.6#. Trusting this is a true weight. I "zipped the lip" meaning that I ate planned foods (strict). Heading out to YogaMed (structural Yoga) tonight. Feels good to move.
  • sllm1
    sllm1 Posts: 2,130 Member
    edited September 2016
    sllm1 wrote: »
    Been bouncing around between (literally) 145.2 and 144.1 for several days. When I eat too much and don't drink enough - 145.2. When I do the right thing - 144.1.

    I'm ready to see a 143, so I'm going to string together some days of being more strict. I'm tired of maintaining at this point and need to finish the job.


    Here's to hanging onto it!
  • frankiesgirl21
    frankiesgirl21 Posts: 235 Member
    Slim- Yea! That's what I'm talking about! Whoo Whoo! Let's roll!
  • Howdy!!

    9/13- 132.8 :) it about time. I pre logged today since I'm working a 12 hr shift so hopefully I can get a lot of walking in here. We have free weights here at my work so I'm going to sneak in a little arm workout ;p I think this group is really working. Y'all inspire me. Stay healthy my friends ✌
  • frankiesgirl21
    frankiesgirl21 Posts: 235 Member

    9/13- 132.8 :) it about time. I pre logged today since I'm working a 12 hr shift so hopefully I can get a lot of walking in here. We have free weights here at my work so I'm going to sneak in a little arm workout ;p I think this group is really working. Y'all inspire me. Stay healthy my friends ✌

    Oh wow, Christine, Awesome! Free weights at work? How jealous am I?
  • donmhill
    donmhill Posts: 71 Member

    12/9 - 172.4lbs
    13/9 - 172 lbs (yay)
    14/9 -
    15/9 -
    16/9 -
    17/9 -
    18/9 -
    19/9 -
  • noahlukielove
    noahlukielove Posts: 69 Member
    9/11 134.5
    9/12 134
    9/13 133

    I know I'm just losing water weight from a sodium heavy weekend but it feels good nonetheless! Have a good evening all.
  • @frankiesgirl21

    I had totally forgotten that I had even planned to workout with those weights until I read your response! As soon as I read it I ran over there and did a little workout haha thank you for the reminder! I hope you've had a nice day :)
  • donmhill
    donmhill Posts: 71 Member

    12/9 - 172.4lbs
    13/9 - 172 lbs (yay)
    14/9 - 171.2 lbs (yay!)
    15/9 -
    16/9 -
    17/9 -
    18/9 -
    19/9 -
  • ScotsLass78
    ScotsLass78 Posts: 248 Member
    09/09 - 95.0kg (-0.9kg from yesterday)
    10/09 - 96.0kg (+1.0kg from yesterday)
    11/09 - 97.8kg (+1.8kg from yesterday) WHAT?!
    12/09 - 96.8kg (-1.0kg from yesterday)
    13/09 - 96.2kg (-0.6kg from yesterday)
    14/09 - 95.7kg (-0.5kg from yesterday)

    Glad to see it's going back in the right direction...weekends are totally messing up my numbers!