How big of an age gap do you have between you and your S.O.?



  • pressica
    pressica Posts: 361
    :smile: Hey all...I just wanted to check back and thank you all for your input. It was a very interesting read for me. I appreciate it. I decided to continue dating him. We have been dating a month now, and things are going pretty well. Maybe a bit funny at times because not only do we have an age difference, but also a culture difference since he is from Tunisia. He is so great! We'll just see what happens. :heart: Jess
  • grrrgirl
    grrrgirl Posts: 38 Member
    My fiance is 19 yrs older then me. :) I'm 26 he's turning 45 this week :tongue:
  • synchkat
    synchkat Posts: 37,368 Member
    My first husband was 8 years older than me, doesn't seem like a lot but we would notice the gap. Now when I see him he looks really old and all his friends that I keep in touch with just seem at completely different places in their lives than I am

    So speaking from experience it can be tough.
  • ariesfireangel
    ariesfireangel Posts: 30 Member
    My soon to be ex husband was only an hour younger then me. We were both born the same day, same month, same year, with only 1 hour difference between us.
    Which I used to think meant something special. But guess not lol
    I don't think age gaps are gross. I just think it's harder to connect with people some times when there is a big age gap cause it's hard to find things you have in common cause you had entire generational difference in experiences
  • Karb_Kween
    Karb_Kween Posts: 2,681 Member
    22 years age difference here

    He's older
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,708 Member
    10 years older than my SO.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

  • dragon_girl26
    dragon_girl26 Posts: 2,187 Member
    edited September 2016
    I have dated two men who were 10 and 13 years older than me, respectively, and also dated two other men who were 10 years younger than me. I guess you could say.the age gap doesn't bother me. As long as you're happy, who cares?
  • Shana67
    Shana67 Posts: 680 Member
    My husband is 10 years younger than I am, and it is perfect. He's a bit of an old man, and I'm fairly young for my age. I think once you are an adult, the age differences become less pronounced.
  • Haught2015
    Haught2015 Posts: 90 Member
    My husband is 6 years older than me. It does not matter about the age as long as you both are happy and on the same page.
    Best of luck
  • sceleratis
    sceleratis Posts: 89 Member
    4 years here. I'm 32 and he's 36.
  • TheRoadDog
    TheRoadDog Posts: 11,788 Member
    8 Years difference. Seems to be working out. Celebrating 25th Anniversary next year.

    I think the formula for dating someone younger = 1/2 your own age + 7. (As long as you are both adults)
  • ValerieMartini2Olives
    The person I've been dating is 41 and I'm 32
  • saragd012
    saragd012 Posts: 693 Member
    I am 8 years younger than my s.o. In general I was only ever interested in people 5-10 years older than myself, over 10 years seemed a bit much, but realistically had I met someone I clicked with that was 12 years difference I probably wouldn't have actually minded at all. I think it's really just a matter of where you are in life. I bought my 1st house (on my own) at 23, owned my own car outright, and worked 45+ hours a week, so I had very little interest in the "typical" partier 23 year old. I am unbelievably happy in my relationship, but had I met them at my age there is no way I would have agreed to date them.
  • patrickblo13
    patrickblo13 Posts: 831 Member
    My wife is 37 and I am 33. I tell her all of the time she is a cradle robber

    I notice a lot of women with older men but not the other way around. Are men intimidated by being with an older woman?
  • JustMissTracy
    JustMissTracy Posts: 6,338 Member
    My mate is 4 years older than I am :)
  • dizzzigrl
    dizzzigrl Posts: 196 Member
    I am 11 years older than my husband. Yes, I'm a cougar :laugh:

    YAY! Thank GOD there is another one of us posting on here ;-)

    I am about to turn 35 and my boyfriend of 2 years just turned 22. I have always dated within 3-5 years up or down. I really never got into the whole "significantly OLDER" than me thing.... just not for me. I once dated a guy that was 42 when I was 24, just not MY thing. But to each her own.

    I met my BF at the gym in spin class. We were friends first (read my Blog "Confessions of a Cougar in Training" if you want -- it's archived for this month) and HE pursued me. I wore size 18 jeans from Lane Bryant on our first date and we BOTH got carded trying to see an R rated movie. Now my size 10 jeans from Old Navy are quite baggy!

    Yes, we have a big age difference but I've never been treated better in my whole dating career. We now have a townhouse together and live with our 2 rambunctious dogs, our sweet "baby girls". He's in his second year of law school and is getting ME in the best financial shape of my life. He's so good to me!

    Age is only important if that's what you chose to focus on.

    Good luck to you!

    I almost dressed up as a cougar last year because my boyfriend and I had just started dating. He's 10 years younger than me. He's super mature for his age though and I am a little immature so we kind of meet in the middle. The only thing that freaks me out a little is before me, he was seeing someone who was 23 ish.... so I am 20 years older than his last gf! Haha.

  • PowerMan40
    PowerMan40 Posts: 766 Member
    age doesn't really matter, its all bout personality, and maturity.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    My husband is 4 days younger. I liked dating older men. But have found I really enjoy someone closer in age.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    I'm about 5 months older than my wife
  • Treece68
    Treece68 Posts: 780 Member
    I am 33 my boyfriend (of 13 years) is 48 just today. We met when I was 20 and he 34