

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,677 Member
    nite peep - o - la's

    i'm glad too skuehn48
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    Mary Used up one of your nine lives. Your catlike reflexes saved your butt. I am so glad...your tale brought a little tear to my eye. Scared all of us!

    Newbies Welcome! These gals are welcoming, and your contributions will be valued.

    Karen in Virginia
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Oh Mary,so glad you saw that shadow and ran.

    Went grocery shopping with Charlie. The whole time I was saying to myself 'Lord give me mercy and help me through this'. We didn't have a whole lot on our list but I was out of apples and almost out of carrots. Unfortunately we also needed duct tape. You know Charlie has to fix the broken handle on the stove. But at Walmart hardware is on the opposite end of the store. With his Parkinson's his gait is slow. He can walk faster if needed but his normal gait is s l o w. Now that I am on the mend, I do not want to walk slow. But I don't want to make him feel bad so I walk slow. Plus he likes to visit the bakery to get something sweet. I tried to get him to buy bananas but we wandered the bakery for about 20 minutes all the time I am knowing that those fudge iced or cream cheese iced ot german chocolate iced brownies are sitting right there just for the taking. Lord give me strength! He did find something he wanted and I asked him how many calories. He said it wasn't there so I looked and it was 580 calories for this one thing! I m glad he put it down. He keeps saying he doesn't want to go over 200 but 199 is pushing it. So we had to find the duct tape and then found all sorts of things on the way to and back to the grocery section. We ended up paying $120 when we went to get cottage cheese, apples and carrots. We came out with a file cabinet, new broom and dust pan, pizza, 4 burritos and huge hoagie western sandwich, I don't know how many cans of ravioli and 4 cans of bean with bacon soup. He can never find the Walmart brand and they were well stocked so he stocked up. All the time while we are going s l o w.

    Had my yearly check up with the neurologist today. Last year she didn't like it when I had stopped my MS medicine on my own because of the cost. We couldn't handle his ulcerative colitis medicine both. My disease was stable, his was not. The MRI I had this year was the same as it was in 1997 even with me off of my medicine. So she says that I am one of those rare people who have a benign form of MS and can be off of the MS medicine safely. So she said that even though it was risky to do what I did, it did prove that I don't need it.

    Pip, speaking of MS, do you have any idea how much money your whole group raised?

    Joyce, with a bunch of junk food in my house in Indiana
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,973 Member
    edited September 2016
    :)<3Mary I'm so glad you are safe
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,677 Member
    Goal $1,780,000.00
    Achieved: $1,417,630.22

    The donating end at the end of October I think. Kirby is holding some of the donations that he got after the ride and will put them towards next years ride.
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Maryann in UK: Good news for Toby the Springer! Yay!!! :bigsmile:

    blumenstockbj: I type my answers into a word document and can answer several posts, use my spell checker, double check for mistakes, and then copy and paste it into the thread. I recommend it. :smiley:

    Leonora: Thanks for the reminder about the blood pressure cuffs. DH has one and used it for a long time. I haven't seen him use it lately. :flowerforyou:

    Heather: I'm sorry to hear about your sons' problems. The torn hamstring is painful and a frustration, but there is a healing process that will eventually do the job. The depression is more difficult. I'll keep both of your guys in my good thoughts. :heart:

    Mary: I'm so glad you were able to outrun the falling tree. Your woods seem beautiful but dangerous. (((HUGS)))

    Re in TX: Congratulations on good progress with your weight! Nine pounds lost is impressive! You are clearly doing something right. :flowerforyou:

    Becca: You will be missed. I look forward to your return in a couple of weeks. :smiley:

    I had a medical check up today and everything looks good. So did DH. I am very pleased with this new doctor. We've been going to her for a few months now, and she's articulate, responsive, and good at explaining things.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    Tibetan proverb: "The secret to living well and long is: Eat half, walk double, laugh triple and love without measure..."
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Thanks for the well wishes! Rori I think the Universe might be telling me to take up running! Or, don't take life for granted!


    Mary from Minnesota
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    fanncy0626 wrote: »
    Thanks for the well wishes! Rori I think the Universe might be telling me to take up running! Or, don't take life for granted!


    Mary from Minnesota

    Mary, what a frightening experience. I am so glad you were not injured. I was just thinking if that happened to me, I'd be in trouble. I'd better work a little harder. (((Hugs)))

    Janetr okc
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Long story short, went to the doctor (very thorough guy) went to hospital for blood work, back to doctor. No infection, no liver problem, everything looked great. Two tests won't be back for 3-5 days, have to go back next Tuesday. He suspected a virus (same kind that causes shingles HSV). Put me on anti viral med, oral steroid, steroid ointment, antihistamine, etc. Six prescriptions in all. I'm definitely praying for speedy improvement. I'm COVERED again and pretty miserable.

    We did go visit Mama S (Jack's Mom) for a while this evening.

    Janetr okc <3<3<3
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,653 Member
    janetr - glad the dr was thorough and that you can hang at the place you are for a few days.... I'm sorry you are so miserable, but hopefully some of the meds will kick in and make it better...

    Rebecca – I guess everybody has their opinions about what numbers you should get in the way of calories to maintain or to lose weight. Because I had nearly 60lbs to lose, my MD ‘ordered’ me into a Medical Weight Loss program; which meant my caloric intake a day is 960; a lot lower than the maintenance range of 1100 – 1300 for maintaining my weight. I drink protein shakes and eat a protein bar; and, then substitute a meal (for 3 meals and 1 snack). The first 2 weeks, I was very ‘hungry’, then I got used to it. Now I probably eat more ‘normal’ foods; and, I exercise daily; well, most of the time. I was getting in pool but it has been getting a little too cool, especially after nearly 2" of rain last night. I agree with Linda/IA that 1200 calories per day, is a good start on maintaining your weight. I’m sure there are a lot of women out there that disagree with me. Best thing to do is to check with your MD and find out how many calories you need to be eating in order to lose weight. Especially, since you have had an injury that would prevent you from exercising.

    You need to eat a high protein diet for helping with building muscle; and, you also have to remember that muscle weighs more than fat; so don’t get too upset if you gain weight at first, if you are losing the fat. In that regard, measuring your inches is probably a better way to realize if you are losing or gaining. If you see that your clothes are getting looser, you are on your way to losing weight and getting back to your goal weight. I had been told for years that a range for me to be in, was between 1100 – 1300 calories a day; but, with the medications I have to take; this just was not ‘working’ for me. Different people gain/lose/maintain weight doing different things and eating different things. I would suggest that you buy a good food scale and a good set of measuring cups and spoons, then track everything that crosses your lips, even the licks of the spoon or small tastes while cooking. If you go to the FOOD section, you can pre-track your days, if you know what you might be eating for the day; instead of waiting until you eat all day and find that you are over whatever ##### you (and your MD) decide is right for you, with your lack of ability to exercise, in order to ‘safely’ lose weight. Most, if not all, of the medications I have to take have the ‘side effect’ of ‘weight gain’. At first putting on 1 or 1.5lbs a month did not concern me until one of my MDs said, 'well, that means that you are putting on 12 to 18lbs of weight every year'. I had been doing this for several years, so when I reached 199lbs, I decided that ‘come HELL or high water’ I was going to take off the ‘extra’ 60lbs. I am so near to my goal I can ‘taste’ it; but, those last pesky pounds seem to be the hardest to lose. But, I am hanging in there. Come often, post often, and tell us something about yourself, family, children/grandchildren, hobbies and/or goals.

    Kate UK – I think that my ‘goal’ for ‘normal’ BMI for my height and age is 25; so I am 2 points away. Between 10 – 15lbs as far as I can tell. I hope to have, at least, lost that 3lbs that I found while visiting DYS, DDnL#2, and DGD#4 for 10 days and not worrying about counting calories. I’ve been drinking a lot of water since we got home. I think one day this week I drank 19.25 cups of water. Stayed in a 'counting steps' on my walk to the bathroom; but, MD can’t tell me that I am not drinking enough water. LOL! We’ll have one more vacation before the school year starts. Have a wonderful holiday and enjoy your food, just keep things in perspective. I usually cut whatever I am served, in half, and take home the other half for a meal the next day (or put it in the freezer) for later on. When I cook spaghetti for us; I mix in the extra noodles into the sauce and put in little boat dishes and put them in the freezer. Usually makes 4 servings. I enjoy myself while on vacation and I don’t say, ‘oh, no I can’t have that, I’m on a ‘diet’. This is not a ‘diet’ we are on, it is a ‘lifestyle change for the rest of our lives’. If we can get our spouses and family to go along with it, it makes it a lot easier. Since my DH eats his ‘big’ meal during the middle of the day, I try to do the same at home. Neither of us eat a lot at supper, and we usually have a cup or two of coffee early in the evening. My protein bar is my 'snack' with it. It is strange that I cannot eat one at any other time of the day. If I want something (or as some say, ‘crave’ something) I will eat a little and then adjust somewhere else. My biggest downfall is ‘cheese’. Whoop, Whoop … my DH calls me his ‘rat’.

    Tracey in PA – Even the ‘traveling wall’ is humbling; and it is a 3rd or 4th of the size of the original.

    Heather – I understand your worry about your DS leaving his job (because he suffers from depression). Sometimes you just have to ‘lay them in God’s hands’ and trust they will be ‘ok’. I learned the ‘hardest’ way possible tonight that I do not have ‘any’ control over what a ‘family’ member thinks of me. It ended badly. Very badly. And what was worse is that it occurred in front of my DGDs. When I cannot be ‘comfortable’ in my OWN home; then it is time to do something about it. I am quite tired of the title of ‘fire-breathing, smoke puffing dragon of a M-n-L’. She isn't going to change; therefore, I cannot or will not be viewed any differently. She has brought this all on herself. She has probably made the rest of the evening pure hell for those who stayed behind and ate BBQ with us. Son especially probably got the brunt of it.

    It is hard to say ‘this, too, shall pass’ when I know it never will. I had printed out an email that she sent; and, boy would I have ‘loved’ to be able to find it. They can work on whatever is going on between them without putting me ‘in the middle’. But, it has been a very ‘divisive’ issue in the family. What started the entire thing was my DH asking DMGD ‘if she had kicked #4 to the curb’ and she ‘huffed’ and then DDnL#1 let loose and basically ‘cussed us both out’ for a lot of things that ‘really’ - after 16+ years of marriage to my DOS, should have long since, been forgotten and put to rest. I cannot help that she still holds on to the resentment of not letting DOS be the one to introduce us, as he had asked that she do. That should have ‘been his sign’ … ‘nuff said’.

    NYKAREN – I don’t know if they have “Cracker Barrel” restaurants up there; but, they always have candies that I remember getting as a child. But, it usually expensive.

    Mary from Minnesota – Grateful that God was with you and you did not suffer any serious injury. I remember about 3 years ago, I was waiting for traffic to clear to make a left-hand turn; I got behind a woman and heard a huge ‘crack’ and suddenly the 1/2 of the trunk of a large (dead) live oak tree fell on her car, right where the windshield touches the hood. One of the branches fell between her car and mine; but no damage. I got out of my car carefully and went as close as I could and called out ‘are you ok’? Police and ambulance have been called'. She started screaming, ‘get me out of her’ Oh Lord, please help me' and there was nothing I could do other than try to calm her down! A man who had been sitting on his porch can running over to try to jerk the car door on the passenger side ‘open’ and I yelled that there were ‘live wires’ down; and just then he turns and starts running and screaming … RUN! BEES! I knew that there was a beehive in the hollow part, so I stood there not moving, because they will chase whatever they deem to be the source of the disturbance of their hive. They were inside the car, covered me, since I had on a bright pink top; and I stood there pulling them off my shirt a few at a time. I had my cellphone in my hand and called the police to tell them they also needed to find a bee keeper who could smoke them out of the car. They ended up putting a helmet on her covered by a towel and used a fire tank, like the red ones you see in places, that you turn over so the foam will come out until the could get a bee keeper there. I sat there and watched this entire situation and thought, “There, but for the grace of God, go I.” If I had not had to wait for traffic to clear … I shudder to think of where I might have been when it came down. The Police, Sheriff, State Trooper, EMTs, Fire Department, Utility Co., bee keeper, local newspaper, and the news truck … all there within 5 minutes. Her children heard about the tree falling; but, did not realize that their mother was in the car, until they cut a few branches off the car. One of her daughters became hysterical! She had just gotten off one job; and was on her way to the first day of a new 2nd job. I think about that a lot and praise God that she was not injured worse, or killed. It could have been really bad.

    Three feet away … I can imagine that your heart is still beating fast! That would be ‘scary’. This lady was trapped in her car; but, except for a few small cuts and abrasions, she was ‘ok’. The city made the people cut down the dead tree (still half of it standing) down the next day.

    There is so much that we take for granted; and, sometimes we get a warning. Makes you think about being nicer to others. Calm down and breathe! Take a nice relaxing shower or get in a nice bubble bath and relax!

    “Does that mean we will have 6 more weeks of summer; since you saw your shadow?”

    Re – Maybe there is a listing for ‘mending fences’. At the moment the fence (invisible) is down at our house; but, I am not the one to start then mending … “Tomorrow is another day.” (I think Scarlett said that right after Rhett said so aptly “Frankly my dear, I don’t give a damn!”


  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,331 Member
    edited September 2016
    Mary- In the UK, in 2009, 39 people died from falling objects. (I just looked it up) I think it is a real tribute to your health and fitness that you had the quick reactions to see the hazard and sprint out of its way quickly. Many people would just have turned round to look as the tree fell on them! :o

    I haven't heard back from my son yet. I have no information about what is going on. He is the one who just adopted the two retired greyhounds and we all thought he was improving. He has been with this company all his life and even worked part time as a teenager. He has risen to a good position as a product designer. They have been brilliant about his depression, paying for treatment etc. I am worried, of course. He has a mortgage etc. He suffers terribly from anxiety, as well as depression. I suspect he may have Aspergers, though that hasn't been mentioned by any practioner, as far as I know. He lives quite a way away.

    I heard at the party that my ex's wife, whom I like, is going to live in Glasgow part time to take on a high powered job in the Art Department of the university. She is a conservator. In a couple of years when their children are at the right age for exams etc, they might all move up to Scotland. Weird, but exciting! One great thing is that Scotland has free university tuition for residents. :o:D A big adventure for them all. She is going to buy an apartment in Glasgow for now.
    We are going to rent their house in the South West of France next spring for a week or so. They rent it from a friend, but don't use it much now the kids are teenagers. They hate it as it's in the depths of the countryside. :laugh:

    Talking about "moving" - while we were eating in the restaurant, DH, all by himself, brought up the subject of moving to Hove to be with the grandchildren. He said he could see something was on my mind and he wasn't opposed to it - maybe it's time for a change. !!!!! Oh my word! He was a tiny bit upset that I hadn't talked to him about it, though I had spoken to DDIL and even DS. Whoops! :embarassed:
    We will have to think very carefully about it - don't want to be a burden on DS and DDIL, though she has, very positively, talked to me about it. We need to do it for us. A new and exciting phase of our lives.
    As you know from my avatar I love cities, but DH is a country lover, so I thought I would never get him out of our village. But he said he thinks he may have exhausted it's possibilities. Our main worry is for him to be able to continue going to his beloved cricket with his lovely friend. Not impossible, but he is not getting any younger. Might have to spend the odd night at the hotel at the ground.
    So, I am not getting excited, but it could be a happening thing. :DLots to think about.

    DH has cricket today, but the weather is very grey looking. :/ I have yoga and my friend will be bringing me home. I have invited her for a quick lunch, but don't know if she will stay for that.

    Love to all. Heather UK
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,788 Member
    Morning all~
    think I caught up on reading.. today is my long day of work.. will have to see what I can bring to work for lunch and snacks.. that is healthy :open_mouth:
    as I told you today is our 19 anniversary.. and that is when he still loved me .. I think he cares for me,is devoted to me,but he has lost all desire.. think it is low testosterone , but he won't take care of any of that..
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    heather exciting idea to contemplate moving closer to the grandkids. Big decision <3

    Becca eventhough you aren't reading this..have a good break away from the digital and we will keep your place warm and cozy for you B)

    I had to laugh about your Walmart trip Joyce. I can't grocery shop with DH for the same reason--2 things on the list and sidetracked by the bakery :#

    Cranking out the work, using my new habits to stay focused, hitting the gym, I am rolling along, not earth shaking but gradual improvement or status quo with weight--I'll take it o:)
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,788 Member
    I am on my second cup of tea and ready for work, taking the boys for a quick walk and then off I go..
    Lisa~ for right now it is just a comfortable exsintance,(sp) we still do the same things we did ,just no close physical contact anymore, I get a smooch in the morning, and I will ask for hugs,and get them most of the time..
    so we shall see how it all progresses..
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,677 Member
  • frankiesgirl21
    frankiesgirl21 Posts: 235 Member
    Good Morning Chickies!

    Lisa- Sorry to hear about your evening. :( Hope you feel better quickly!

    Re- Good to hear from you. Sorry about the bad news with the AC again.

    Becca- Echoing the sentiment 'You will be missed. Hope all is well!"

    Lenora- What a tale! Bees Trees and Power lines.....Good Grief what an experience!

    Janet- Praying they fix you up for good this time you poor Dear!!!!

    Things are going well here. I must say, I have gotten so focused on my walking and moving, I am surprised how quickly time is flying by! So I read for a couple minutes, throw in a quick post and then do it again later when I can.
    Who ever thought I would make exercise MY first priority?! Oh the times, they are a-changing!! LOL :p

    Have a good day all, catch up later!

    Tracey in PA