Support from significant other...



  • jkal1979
    jkal1979 Posts: 1,896 Member
    My fiancé is supportive. He asks me how my workouts are and we do a lot of active things when we spend time together or go on vacation.

    He still buys me treats on occasion but I don't see it as him sabotaging my efforts. It's just a habit for him and I know that he doesn't fully understand how much food plays a role in weight loss (he thinks losing weight is done by just working out). I just thank him and save it for later. I think sometimes we can be a little too hard on our significant others.
  • astroamy
    astroamy Posts: 977 Member
    My hubby is very supportive. He actually started before I did although had much less to lose. He didn't/doesn't track was just increasing exercise and trying not to eat junk. So when I started to track he lost weight faster because he would eat the same dinner as I did and there is less junk in the house. He also is less inclined to eat out and hates fast food so is a good influence that way. We share the cooking and both cook relatively healthy. He also loves me at whatever size, we just want to be healthy together.

    My only extremely minor complaint is that he doesn't want me to exercise after work more that twice a week, which is the only time I can swim. This is understandable since we have 2 kids, one special needs, who usually needs a lot of help with homework. So it is more of a problem with circumstances (why isnt the pool open earlier) rather than hubby. He has no problem with me exercising at other times.
  • ouryve
    ouryve Posts: 572 Member
    Mine joined in with me to get rid of his middle aged paunch.

    He's not quite got the hang of the fact that I only have about 2/3 of the calories to play with that he does, though! I've quietly shoved a few things that he's bought into the freezer!
  • ThatUserNameIsAllReadyTaken
    ouryve wrote: »
    Mine joined in with me to get rid of his middle aged paunch.

    He's not quite got the hang of the fact that I only have about 2/3 of the calories to play with that he does, though! I've quietly shoved a few things that he's bought into the freezer!

    I am NOT above hiding treats in a bag of frozen veggies. LOL!
  • amandaeve
    amandaeve Posts: 723 Member
    My SO has gained a LOT of weight since we moved in together. He protests if I turn down the ice cream/cookies/cake that he lovingly offers me every single night, and tells me that I am "crazy and insane" for wanting to exercise and that no one in their right mind would bike the way I do. In his own way he's telling me he's impressed with me, but I still hear it literally. On the flip side, he knows I love to be active and encourages me to get out there and go at it when I don't feel like it. He buys me bike gear and volunteers as a SAG wagon driver for a charity bike ride I do every year.
  • PuppyBelly
    PuppyBelly Posts: 3 Member
    My husband is an emotionless hole. Not in any way supportive or caring. Sad part is I have turned off my feelings in an effort not to let it bother me anymore.

    I know what you mean... mine is a bit like this and more. It gets me really down as where I live I don't have any close friends or family nearby.

    And it's easy to say leave but we have a dog and I will not leave the dog with him.

    Sorry for the downer. Those with supportive partners, you are both so very, very lucky.
  • louann_jude
    louann_jude Posts: 307 Member
    I am so sorry for all of those that doesn't have a supportive spouse/SO. When I met my SO I was 268 pounds and he thought I was beautiful and sexy. He saw me get to 300 with our second child and never complained on belittled me. When I complained he would say I got you pregnant so it's my fault jokingly.

    I have attempted several diets over the last five years. He has always been supportive even when I failed and never commented on it. This time around it has stuck and I have lost close to a hundred pounds so far. He again tells me I am beautiful and sexy. But what he is most pleased with is he says that he doesn't worry about my health as bad. I can walk up the stairs without getting out of breath. He tells me now that really worried him. But never said anything before.

    The hard part about my weight loss is he is skinny and at 47 can still wear the size he wore in high school. The man can eat. He will eat as much as a line backer at times and lose weight, huh. He is an extremely picky eater and I can only to get him to eat 'healthy' foods maybe once a week. He would live on burgers and sausage if I would fix it daily. In fact that was the only thing in his fridge when I moved in with him. He still eats fast food once a week it doesn't bother me most of the time. He always has junk and soda in the house. I just keep my alternatives to.
  • rebaisett
    rebaisett Posts: 62 Member
    Sara1791 wrote: »
    I am sorry, but this is like a ticking relationship timebomb.

    I don't need motivation from my wife, nor do I pressure my wife to come to the gym with me or lose weight or eat a diet.

    Most couples are at different wavelengths about fitness and diet and that's okay.

    It's kind of inconsiderate to push an agenda on your spouse.

    In fact, I enjoy my lone time at the gym. I will be distracted if Missus Cutaway is around. She will make me walk the treadmill next to her and chit chat the whole time while exercising. I need music to work out.

    Aren't you a bowl of sunshine? This thread isn't for you. Bye.

    I am sorry you feel that way. I know most if not all of us love and need that support from our significant other. It is vital to a relationship. I believe having a supportive partner helps to reach your goals faster. Just my opinion. :)
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,988 Member
    bethannien wrote: »
    My husband is pretty supportive. He does his best, for sure.

    First of all, he makes sure I know he loves me at any size. I've never felt pressured to lose the weight so he'll appreciate me.

    And he's been trying so hard not to feed into my bad habits (going out for late night snacks, whole pints of Ben and Jerrys, maple bars the size of my head every Saturday, etc). I know it's hard for him because he's 6'4" and he just naturally doesn't eat at a surplus, even when he's indulging in junk. But he also knows i have serious issues with binging so he keeps his junky snacks at work.

    I think the only issue we really have is that he doesn't like to share my time with the gym. So I kind of have no choice but to go at 11pm a few days a week. Today he was really crabby when I went for a work out before lunch. That's been the hardest part. I'd love to work out after dinner and get to bed at a reasonable hour but then he feels like he didn't see enough of me and he gets into really passive aggressive moods. It's part of why I fell off the wagon last time. I felt so guilty for prioritizing myself at his "expense" that I just stopped prioritizing myself. Now I'm just doing what I have to do to keep the peace and take care of myself.

    I'm a little concerned about having this same issue with my OH after I move in with him, which will be the end of October. Right now I see him Wed and Fri night, and on the weekends at various times, so I have plenty of time to fit in exercise on our off days. I think I'll establish a routine of going to the gym as soon as I move in so he doesn't get used to having me around every night.

  • 2011rocket3touring
    2011rocket3touring Posts: 1,346 Member
    PuppyBelly wrote: »
    ...And it's easy to say leave but we have a dog and I will not leave the dog with him...
    For this alone I love you.