Kick off 8 lbs Sep25-Oct 23



  • energyseeker
    energyseeker Posts: 875 Member
    Winnie45 glad you didn't derail. Let's stay on this train to meet our goals. Marislet- hope you feel better soon. I need to get some healthy snacks in my house so when I'm hungry I don't over do it like I did tonight. If I would of had a handful of nuts or even an orange to snack on I may not have ate so much of the meal.
  • Winnie45
    Winnie45 Posts: 63 Member
    Thanks Energyseeker! I feel very good. I did a little jog this morning before my walk.

    I've had an idea to challenge myself within this challenge. I am not currently exercising. So, today I will do one exercise, the plank. Tomorrow I will take off then Friday I'll do the plank and one more exercise. If I keep that up, I can end up with 10 or so exercises by the end of this challenge. I'm expecting to skip Sundays no matter how they fall on the every other day schedule. It seems doable for me.
    Hopefully, at the end of this challenge I'll be inspired by a little weight loss, better eating habits, and the start of a healthy exercise routine.
  • Beverly_212
    Beverly_212 Posts: 23 Member
    edited September 2016
    I would love to join.
    CW- 176

    Sept 28 176
    Oct 2
    Oct 9
    Oct 16
    Oct 23
  • energyseeker
    energyseeker Posts: 875 Member
    asil_k: thanks for posting. I googled the Eating well 7 day menu plan... read through some of the menu plans and going to pick up some of the suggestions on my grocery list.
    Winnie45: love your challenge within the challenge idea! Keep me posted as I may use your plan as motivation for myself to add a little exercise. When I get home from being on my feet 8 or more hours a day at work , the couch gets way too comfortable. I have eaten well today, no pop- but I did have a pretty bad headache this a.m , not sure if it is caffeine withdrawal or the sits ups I did on the exercise ball last night or sinus problem. Anyway extra strength Tylenol and a sinus decongestant took care of it. Just got home, relaxing as 11 month old grandson coming over soon to spend the night. Taking care of him is exercise in itself as he is trying to walk and explores everything! Grandma will be worn out by tomorrow afternoon when he returns home, but will love every minute of it :smile:
  • junodog1
    junodog1 Posts: 4,792 Member
    Late but I'm joining. Need a kick in the *kitten*

    Sept 28 219.6
    Oct 2
    Oct 9
    Oct 16
    Oct 23
  • cgm117
    cgm117 Posts: 147 Member
    Sep 25:124.5
    Oct 02:
    Oct 09:
    Oct 16:
    Oct 23:
  • yoilnits
    yoilnits Posts: 10 Member
    edited September 2016
    I'm in
    Sep 25: 166.6
    Oct 02:
    Oct 09:
    Oct 16:
    Oct 23:
  • 30lbslightergoal
    30lbslightergoal Posts: 59 Member
    Day 3 and I am so anxious to step on the scale but I won't ;) I feel really good and as I am sure we all know, positive thinking plays a huge role in the success of this weight loss battle :) Thank you for creating this challenge!
  • smchic2012
    smchic2012 Posts: 21 Member
    It's a few days in but can I still join this?
  • energyseeker
    energyseeker Posts: 875 Member
    Totally agree that positive thinking is so important. I think I will post positive notes around the house, on the fridge, in my car, bathroom mirror etc.
  • momzie2016
    momzie2016 Posts: 192 Member
    smchic2012 wrote: »
    It's a few days in but can I still join this?

    Yes ofcourse!
  • momzie2016
    momzie2016 Posts: 192 Member
    Hey guys ! Some of you are making amazing changes! Keep the conversations going because it helps others as well.

  • kellylbailey2014
    Hi everyone
    Just a little update on breakfast
  • Scribble_girl_
    Scribble_girl_ Posts: 4 Member
    I've been drinking stacks of water and keeping up my diet Instagram - if anyone wants to follow it please do, my user is 'MyPlateInPictures' and you'll see everything I eat every day! We can do this guys :)
  • energyseeker
    energyseeker Posts: 875 Member
    kellybailey, your breakfast looks awesome. I was lucky to get a couple eggs fried with olive oil spray while watching a very active toddler. For lunch just some skinless chicken. Did have a diet coke for a 'treat', I was up a few times last night with the little one, up by 5 and he didn't want to nap. Daughter just picked him up. After a nap I need to get some fruits and vegies in me, probably in smoothie form.
  • kellylbailey2014
    Your doing great, keep it up
  • currentlysane
    currentlysane Posts: 17 Member
    I'd love to hear what you are all doing to meet your goals.
    I ate better than usual again today. Greek yogurt for breakfast, no soda and more water intake, low fat string cheese, cup of low fat soup and salad for lunch. For supper I made chopped skinless chicken with rice, peas, onions and added some seasonings. Failed on portion control however for supper. I should have waited until 5 to eat as well but once it was made my will power to wait failed me. I don't have kids home to wait for. My next goal will be to measure my serving sizes. I bought some real fruit mango popsicles 50 cal each for a dessert later tonight while watching the Voice. Plan is to do sit ups on my exercise ball while watching as well. 6500 steps on fit bit so far today.

    My goals are to stay within my calories with pre-planning/prepping meals and tracking food for the 4 weeks. Also, to exercise at least 6 times a week.
    I've dabbled in healthy eating and exercise for about 3 weeks but I'm ready to get serious and kick it into gear! Hope you're still making your goals too. :smiley:
  • energyseeker
    energyseeker Posts: 875 Member
    Sticking with healthier food options- THIS instead of THAT kind of thinking. 12 hour work day today, not much time to eat. Yogurt, fruit, eggs, skinless chicken seem to be my go to foods this week. Avoiding carbs. Need to fit in more vegies. Energy level much better than last week, but I'll be ready for sleep very early tonight. I work the weekend yet, then 8 days off , yay me! Hoping to do daily walks in state parks and trails next week if weather cooperates.
  • lynalyei
    lynalyei Posts: 22 Member
    Sticking with healthier food options- THIS instead of THAT kind of thinking. 12 hour work day today, not much time to eat. Yogurt, fruit, eggs, skinless chicken seem to be my go to foods this week. Avoiding carbs. Need to fit in more vegies. Energy level much better than last week, but I'll be ready for sleep very early tonight. I work the weekend yet, then 8 days off , yay me! Hoping to do daily walks in state parks and trails next week if weather cooperates.

    i think you are inspiring with all your schedule.i got really lost this week with work and kids and dont do well.
    i am still maintaining my weight and havent really lost these past days .
    hopefully i pick up myself soon
  • mari_moulin
    mari_moulin Posts: 3,717 Member
    Weigh-in dates
    Sep 24: 285.3
    Oct 01:281.9
    Oct 08:
    Oct 15:
    Oct 22: