Losing 30 pounds by December



  • nbintliff
    nbintliff Posts: 22 Member
    nbintliff wrote: »
    SW: 245
    CW: 237.2
    GW: 180

    Lost exactly 1lb this week. Less than I wanted but hope I can lose 2.3lbs this week because my diet bet ends next Saturday!

    Sw 145
    Cw 134.6
    Gw 180

    I didn't hit my diet bet goal but I was on point for my diet. Worked out 4x this week.
  • laurenlea16
    laurenlea16 Posts: 4 Member
    I weigh almost exactly what you weigh but I'm a little taller. I would like to lose 30lbs be December and! Add me!
  • runwmeNC
    runwmeNC Posts: 612 Member
    May I join in? After dropping 50lbs 2 years ago, I've been allowing my weight to slowly creep back up on me. Ugh, calories are such sneeky things!) When I hit 249.8, I decided that I was at my own personal precipice and would endeavor not to ever cross the 250 threshold.
    If you're doing the 30lb by end of year challenge, feel free to add me. I'm not good at logging what I eat, however, let us enjoy sharing laughs and support for one another as we face this challenge.

    My goal is 30 lbs by December 31
    6'2 height
    SW 249.8
    CW 242.2
    GW 219.8 ( this isn't my ultimate goal, just target by the end of year)
  • aldonsa
    aldonsa Posts: 15 Member
    edited October 2016
    I know I'm late to post but I did weight my self yesterday. I lost 1lbs and I'm now at 15 lbs (I'm at 159) lost now. I'm so happy, still have a long ways to go but trying to stay strong. We can do this!! Stay strong and stay positive everyone!!
  • Amara411
    Amara411 Posts: 54 Member
    I've been stuck in the early 160s for a long time now and can't seem to go under so my weight for this week :
    161.4 which is more than I was last week
  • tuffgirl19
    tuffgirl19 Posts: 771 Member
    Anybody want to do the October Walking Challenge? I joined today. My goal is 263,500 steps this month, 8500 steps per day!
  • aldonsa
    aldonsa Posts: 15 Member
    Amara411 wrote: »
    I've been stuck in the early 160s for a long time now and can't seem to go under so my weight for this week :
    161.4 which is more than I was last week
    I think we all get to a weight and get stuck there for a while, at last time was me last time I tried to loose weight. So I gave up, also last time I didn't have friends in MFP and that has help me tremendously!! Plz don't give up! We can ALL do this! Stay positive! I walk like crazy, and I haven't been working out in the mornings, so I've been putting in music while I cook or clean around the house. That way I won't sleep on a workout for he day. Plz don't give up, you have come a long way.

  • autumnanjel
    autumnanjel Posts: 21 Member
    So I started following a ketogenic diet on Saturday and things are going much better. Back in 2008 I lost 80 lbs on the Atkins diet. I guess my body hates carbs. The scale is finally moving in the right direction.
  • nbintliff
    nbintliff Posts: 22 Member
    So I started following a ketogenic diet on Saturday and things are going much better. Back in 2008 I lost 80 lbs on the Atkins diet. I guess my body hates carbs. The scale is finally moving in the right direction.

    I don't follow ketogenic, but low carb/moderate protein and fat. My body loves to hold on to carbs too!
  • tuffgirl19
    tuffgirl19 Posts: 771 Member
    I lost 1 lb today at weigh in, 5 lbs down now! I ate below my calories, for in 8 glasses of water and enjoyed my salad tonight- blackberries, strawberries, chicken breast and blush vinaigrette. Will do better on my steps tomorrow!
  • ErikaChavez26
    ErikaChavez26 Posts: 2 Member
    Hello Everyone!
    I'm trying to lose 30 pounds by my 30th birthday in January so far 4 down. Exercising 6 days a week and on that 1200 calories a day! Feel free to add me:)
  • rodeothedog
    rodeothedog Posts: 45 Member
    I weigh in on weds. Started at 209
    Week 1 lost 8 lbs
    Week 2 lost 1.8
    Week 3 lost 1.6 or 1.8
    Week 4 lost 5.2
    Total 16 pounds

    I want to lose 25 pds before dec7th. Disney trip
  • tuffgirl19
    tuffgirl19 Posts: 771 Member
    I had a great day today! I got 13,270 steps in today and day 2 at the gym I joined yesterday. I went shopping for workout clothes and went down a size. Under in calories and I felt great overall! I hope weigh in goes well tomorrow ;)
  • aldonsa
    aldonsa Posts: 15 Member
    tuffgirl19 wrote: »
    I had a great day today! I got 13,270 steps in today and day 2 at the gym I joined yesterday. I went shopping for workout clothes and went down a size. Under in calories and I felt great overall! I hope weigh in goes well tomorrow ;)

    Nice job! Keep it up
  • Akrunr49
    Akrunr49 Posts: 21 Member

    Akrunr49 wrote: »

    Friday weigh in! I was thinking my weight had stalled because I haven't dropped any this really the last few days however the weight I'd been looking at is 176. So I did get my two pound weight loss. Two days ago I was 175.2, but it probably doesn't count because I hadn't been drinking enough water. I fit a few workouts in earlier this week but my 7 week old has had some horrible sleep patterns here lately. I will hopefully fit a few more in the coming week. I need to keep my water up as well. I have also been pretty consistent with calorie counting and my macros are averaging out well too. Next week's goal is 174. :smile:

    SW : 218
    9/16: 180
    9/23: 178
    9/30: 176 CW
    GW: 150

    26 pounds left of my 68 pregnancy gain.

    This week I upped my calories for a few days as I had seemingly stalled out but i made good choices. I didn't hit my two pound mark but I'm at 174.4! I had a 1.6 pound weight loss which is good enough for me! Even had a pumpkin spice latte yesterday too!

    SW : 218
    9/16: 180
    9/23: 178
    9/30: 176
    10/7: 174.4 CW hit my first mini goal of 175! Next big goal is 165
    GW: 150 pre pregnancy weight.

    Next week's goal is 172.4 :) good luck everybody!
  • autumnanjel
    autumnanjel Posts: 21 Member
    187.8! Finally made it past the 5 lb mark. Started at 194.4 on September 8th. Off to a slow startup, but things seem to be picking up.
  • autumnanjel
    autumnanjel Posts: 21 Member
    Hoping to be 184 by next Friday. Hopefully things keep going this way!
  • Blondieee00
    Blondieee00 Posts: 29 Member
    I'm trying to lose 15-20 by then too!! I have to wait a week to see how much I need to lose though since my actual weight is masked by lots of water... When i figure out how much I really weigh I would love to join you! It might only be 10-15... have to wait and see... just dropped 5 lbs in water at the gym in one go... ugh.
  • nbintliff
    nbintliff Posts: 22 Member
    Lost 2lbs this week! Only made it to the gym three times but was under my calorie goal every day!

    Sw: 245
    Cw: 232.4
    Gw: 180
  • tuffgirl19
    tuffgirl19 Posts: 771 Member
    I weighed in today and no change, still an even 5lbs down. I had too much sodium today and not enough water, aiming for 10 glasses tomorrow!! Any tips girls in the water department? Have a great night and long weekend!