October (2016) Running Challenge



  • lissadecker
    lissadecker Posts: 220 Member
    Now, the downside of trail running is being the 1st one on the trails in the morning. I did a test run the week prior to that race and I got there early since it was July in Texas. I have never gotten so many spider webs to the face. BLECH!! There were times where I was running through the woods with my arms doing a constant karate chop motion, and I still somehow was continuing to get spider webs to the face!! Then I started to worry that a spider may still be attached to those spider webs and was riding along.

    Oh yeah! I am also in Texas and run on the greenbelts in our neighborhood in the morning and get an occasional spider web to the face. Since it is a greenbelt trail, it is fairly wide so, fortunately, there aren't too many and often you can see them before you hit them...but boy, when you do hit one it is enough to make you noodle around like a dancing hippie!
  • lissadecker
    lissadecker Posts: 220 Member
    October goal: 50 miles
    10/1: 1.75 miles
    10/2: 3.15 miles
    10/3: 2.25 miles
    10/4: 2 miles
    10/5: 2 miles
    Today: Rest Day

    Total/October: 11.15 miles
  • TattooedDolphinGirl78
    TattooedDolphinGirl78 Posts: 5,214 Member
    @vandinem You and me both re: lack of love for the treadmill and falling in the dark.
    @BeeerRunner LOVE the spiderweb pic! :lol:


    1/10: 5.09 km (running and squatting in a cornfield scaring people in my PT job for Halloween season)
    2/10: REST
    3/10: 5.02 km (1/3 interval, 2/3 steady treadmill run) + 20 mins yoga + strength exercises (arms and core)
    4/10: 5.01 km (steady treadmill run) + 20 mins yoga
    5/10: 5.16 km (minimal progression run) + 20 mins yoga + strength exercises (shoulders and core)
    6/10: 5.03 km (interval treadmill run) + 20 mins yoga + strength exercises (chest)

    Current PR: 5K in 32:50 / 10K in 1:12:07 / 20K in 2:45:11


    20/10-01/11: Zombies Run! App 2016 Fall Virtual Run
  • 7lenny7
    7lenny7 Posts: 3,493 Member
    I went on a bike ride last night! It was only 3 miles though, and it was slow, so I really can't count it as exercise. Kody got a nice tempo run in though. I was so, so tempted to make it a run for me too so I quickly ate supper as soon as I got home to take away the temptation. I just need to hold off two more days. I can't believe I actually considered waiting two weeks. Saturday's run will be short, just 4 miles.
    Last night I said what do you really want to do when you grow up, she said what do you want me to do I want to make you proud. I just started to cry and told her I'm proud of her everyday and no matter what she does I'll be proud. She said great because I want to be a stripper, I said great just be the best stripper you can be Mama wants a home at the beach. She is so funny.

    OMG that is so dang funny!!! Both her comment and your response! I would have loved to have seen that convo!

  • MobyCarp
    MobyCarp Posts: 2,927 Member
    Checking in. Another day of not being able to run. Some excruciatingly slow progress. I can do one legged calf raises with 20 lbs. of weight now (~9 kilo), where 10 lbs. used to be pretty challenging on the left side. I can do Turkish get-ups with a 30 lb. (~13.6 kilo) kettlebell. I can do push-ups, and pull-ups. But I still can't run. Another PT appointment tomorrow.

    It won't be forever, it will just feel like it is.
  • TattooedDolphinGirl78
    TattooedDolphinGirl78 Posts: 5,214 Member
    @skippygirlsmom To be a fly on the wall during that conversation would have been priceless!!!
  • TattooedDolphinGirl78
    TattooedDolphinGirl78 Posts: 5,214 Member
    MobyCarp wrote: »
    Checking in. Another day of not being able to run. Some excruciatingly slow progress. I can do one legged calf raises with 20 lbs. of weight now (~9 kilo), where 10 lbs. used to be pretty challenging on the left side. I can do Turkish get-ups with a 30 lb. (~13.6 kilo) kettlebell. I can do push-ups, and pull-ups. But I still can't run. Another PT appointment tomorrow.

    It won't be forever, it will just feel like it is.

    It looks like you're progressing in the right direction, that's something! :smile: You'll be back at it soon!
  • 5512bf
    5512bf Posts: 389 Member
    10/1 - 2.08 Easy
    10/4 - 4.0 Easy Track AM
    10/4 - 2.04 XC Indian Run PM
    10/5 - 7.18 Easy W/ 2 @ MP
    10/6 - 5.13 Easy

    Total 20.43 of 140 Miles

    Today was another easy recovery style run, Pace gravitated close to goal MP on miles 4 & 5 and the hip felt good. I was really tight when I woke up but some easy stretching and getting kids up and around this morning got things loosened up. Got another easy 5 tomorrow I'll have to be really mindful of keeping slow then a Saturday morning shakeout run. Hopeful I'm over the hump on the whole hip scare a couple weeks ago. I'm going to set this month's goal at a conservative 140 miles. If all goes well with the marathon I'll have over 50, and 3 full weeks to get back into some easy base maintenance running of 35-45 miles a week.
  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    7lenny7 wrote: »
    Don't get bogged down in trying to find the perfect "plan" for training. Once you know a few basics concepts you can create your own, even for your first HM. I had a friend create my HM plan but I soon surpassed the mileage and came up with my own plan for the last 75% of the training. When it came to my full marathon, I created my own plan from the beginning. Now that I have an ultra coming up, I'm creating that plan.

    I say I'm creating my own plan, but I am using concepts I learned from others, so I can't say I did it all by myself.

    The concepts I incorporate:
    • Build up your total weekly mileage by 10 to 15 % week maximum
    • Build up your long run by no more than a half mile at a time until you get to 5 miles, no more than one miles until you get to 10 miles, then no more than 2 miles after that.
    • Your long run should be no more than 30% of your total weekly volume (I often violate this one)
    • Every 3rd or 4th week, cut back your weekly miles by 25% to 33%, and cut back your long run the same amount. If you have the time you can do this ever other week. If you're feeling especially drained, go ahead and cut back that week.
    • Rest is every bit as important as running.
    • Start with 3 days a week running if you're new. Work your way up to 4 and then 5 days per week. When you add a day of running, make sure your weekly total isn't increasing too much. That may mean, for example, that when adding a 2 mile run on Tuesday, make Wednesday and Friday's run a half mile shorter each.
    • Add a week or or two to the plan where you do not increase or decrease. These are the weeks I'll drop from the plan if I get injured and need to recover, if work gets super crazy, or if i get sick.
    • I start creating my first week based on what I'm currently running. Then I plan my peak week and create the ramp up between those two points. If I can't create the ramp up and stay within the guidelines above, then I don't have enough time for a proper training plan. Let's say the race is an HM, 2 weekends before that will be my longest training run and it will end my peak training week. I create the taper going forward, then create the buildup from my peak week backward to the current week.
    • My schedule can vary quite a bit week to week but I try to build a "template". For instance, for my ultra plan I have

      Mondays - Rest/strength train/crosstrain
      Tuesdays - Speedwork (including easy warm up and cool down miles)
      Wednesdays - Easy run
      Thursdays - Hills (including easy warm up and cool down miles)
      Friday - Rest/strength train/crosstrain
      Saturday - Easy Run
      Sunday - Long Run (eventually building up to race pace finishes for a large portion of the miles)

    • I'll swap Saturday & Sunday depending on my schedule. The rest of the days may swap around from time to time as well. If I have to drop a session, oh well. The key is to never have hard runs back to back. I'd never do hillwork the day after speedwork.
    • If you're new to running (year or less) I'd skip the speedwork and hillwork and just work on building a base with easy, conversational runs. For my first HM and full, that was 95% of what I did. Without a solid base, I feel there is too much risk of injury with speedwork.

    There are an infinite number of ways to get to where you want to go. Understanding the key concepts allows you to create the approach that works best for you, your schedule, and your goals. It might be intimidating doing it for the first time but I'm sure many of us here who have gone through it would be happy to help.

    ^^^^^^This is awesome stuff. Great one to save or print out.
  • MNLittleFinn
    MNLittleFinn Posts: 4,271 Member
    Anyone have the new Garmin HR Run? My Garmin soft strap HRM is annoying the heck out of me, and I'm thinking about switching to a different HRM.
  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    Damn ticker still not working properly...another 5.5km this morning.
    16.5km total 53.5 to go

    Do not type in the url= and [/url ] stuff

    Just type in:

    ^^^^ all that without the periods between the brackets
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    LOL! @skippygirlsmom ! I love Skip!
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    Anyone have the new Garmin HR Run? My Garmin soft strap HRM is annoying the heck out of me, and I'm thinking about switching to a different HRM.

    I have the run strap. I like it fine. It definitely more comfortable than the old one. My husband won't wear one. But it may remind him of a bra strap. It seems more reliable than the older one or maybe the 620 is better than the 70 about dropping out.

    Will the Run HR work with your current device? It collects vertical oscillation and another metric I can't remember this early. Mo' data!
  • BeeerRunner
    BeeerRunner Posts: 728 Member
    mmteixeira wrote: »
    @juliet3455 @BeeerRunner What trail shoes do you run in? I have done a couple of demo trail runs with the local Fleet Feet to sample different shoes - we have run in the Altra Lone Peaks and Saucony peregrine 6's. I much preferred the Saucony Peregrines of those two - I have also seen the Salomon Speedcross 3's on sale right now and I am also a Hoka fan so the Challengers sound interesting (I missed that demo night :( ) - so I'm looking for suggestions for a good trail shoe for technical and non-technical trails - something multi-purpose...

    @mmteixeira I have the Brooks Cascadia 11's. I like the way they feel on the trails...I don't feel the rocks like I do with my regular running shoes, they have a good grip, and I haven't fallen yet, even though I am very clutzy. However, I should have gotten them a 1/2 size bigger. My feet are wide in the toes as it is, and they start getting a bit too tight around 10 miles. They are good for shorter distances though. I won a gift card to a running store at my 1st 5K, and that was the only trail shoe they had for women. They just opened an REI near me, so I think I'll check them out next time. I'm not currently doing any long distances on trails since I'm getting ready for my 1st marathon in February, but after that, I'll be shopping around.

    My current road running shoes are Sauconys, and I like that they are wide in the toe box. I'd be interested in seeing what they have in a trail shoe but I'm interested in checking out Salomons and others as well. The trails I run are technical with lots of rocks so I'd be looking for shoes that can handle that kind of terrain.
  • cchonka
    cchonka Posts: 36 Member
    edited October 2016
    I'm in it for 100!!

  • TGTiger
    TGTiger Posts: 265 Member
    Up to 7 for the month
  • greenolivetree
    greenolivetree Posts: 1,282 Member
    Ay-yi-yi! Second Wednesday night in a row I went to sleep without my fitbit on! Missed my morning silent alarms and couldn't drag myself up when the real alarm went off. I would've been so rushed anyway. Tomorrow is a new week and I will run! (My running weeks always start on Friday, don't question my logic!)

    @BeeerRunner I have not trail ran since my last episode in May I think it was? I karate chopped and cursed my way through literally nonstop spiderwebs every 2 feet for a mile and then found another place to run :( I've been scared to go back although I know I've been there so many times and only ONCE was the place full of spider webs. I'm just traumatized.

    @skippygirlsmom Too funny about Skip being a stripper! You are handling this all very well :) I got engaged at 17 and planned a small wedding and my parents were basically pretty cool and kept their heads on and I eventually called it off. They must've sighed a HUMONGOUS sigh of relief but I've always wondered how they handled that.... :-D Parenting is tough!
  • BetterMike
    BetterMike Posts: 131 Member
    10/3 - 13.27 miles
    10/6 - 2 miles

    15 of 50 done. ( At least I think it was goal of 50. I should probably know if it's a goal and all :smiley: )
  • MNLittleFinn
    MNLittleFinn Posts: 4,271 Member
    Aw Shucks. I just look, and Garmin doesn't list my forerunner as compatible with the HRM-RUN....this is annoying, guess I'll be sticking with my old, uncomfortable one.