Has seeing your weight loss results make you become more arrogant? Or confident?



  • divcara
    divcara Posts: 357 Member
    edited October 2016
    I think becoming more "fit" has given me more confidence. Now if someone asks me to go for a bike ride, try out a new class with them, go for a long walk, do a 5k race, I can say yes to invites without being worried that I won't be able to keep up. I'm not going to win anything or be the best one, but I feel good knowing that I can hold my own enough to participate, and say yes to any social invite, and feel like I am "living." I don't hold back on life anymore because of the way my body looks, or because I hate everything I own to wear and how it looks on me, or because I am so out of shape that I physically can't do it. I can go on a last minute trip at a moment's notice without feeling like I have to lose "10 pounds first" or say yes to going to the beach because I can put on a bathing suit and feel good. All things I had stopped doing.

    But despite how much weight I have lost or stronger I have become, I think there is still that little part of me that will always feel like my stomach isn't perfectly flat, that I am not the fastest runner, or that I still feel like and look like an amateur in the weight room. I feel good about where I am at, and I'm proud of the work I have put in to get there, but I think I'm always looking toward the next goal or where or what I'm not. I also surround myself with people who are better than me, to push me, motivate me, and always have that rabbit to chase. So it really does help me get better, but sometimes it leaves me feeling like I'm always the worst one. But overall, I know I have done it for me and it's about my own progression, and I do feel a lot more confident.
  • DebSozo
    DebSozo Posts: 2,578 Member
    I like the way my body feels after losing weight and afterward from doing some recomp. I can see muscles in my legs when I walk up stairs, can see them in my arms when I pick things up, back and shoulders look nicer with tank tops, and I walk more confidently.
  • DEBOO7
    DEBOO7 Posts: 239 Member
    Neither.... I'm just me, but a smaller version :smiley:
  • kenyainez
    kenyainez Posts: 222 Member
    It makes me more confident, more sure of myself, and further affirms that I can do what I set my mind to and accomplish the goals I set forth. Then from there, I think to myself "Wow, what else can I do?"
  • elisa123gal
    elisa123gal Posts: 4,300 Member

    To speak to this... I have not lost all my weight yet.. but I tire of the whining and weakness of some of the posts in the forums.. and I look at people eating globs of fattening bad food and I too judge. Now where is that coming from i dunno.
    jrulo16 wrote: »
    I have zero patience for fatlogic now.

    Yep, in spite of my own many years of denial about my weight, I'm appallingly judgmental about others' excuses now that I'm almost at goal.
  • GottaBurnEmAll
    GottaBurnEmAll Posts: 7,722 Member
    jrulo16 wrote: »
    I have zero patience for fatlogic now.

    This. But I am more centered and patient with the people in my life.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,982 Member
    I wouldn't say I'm confident or arrogant about my weight loss. If anything I'm more insecure now. I felt fine before but decided I could be healthier and now that I've lost some weight I've dropped 6 inches and 3 pants sizes. None of my clothes fit anymore. They're all super loose and baggy. I still have a bit more to lose so I'm waiting on buying new clothes. I feel like I look ridiculous in my baggy clothes..

    You don't need a whole new wardrobe right now but I think you should get a few things that fit. I know I would certainly look ridiculous if I wore clothes two sizes, let alone three sizes, too big. If cost is an issue there is Walmart, thrift stores, craigslist, freecycle, etc. People in my freecycle group, including me, give away clothes.
  • Sara1791
    Sara1791 Posts: 760 Member
    I've always been a grump, but now I get away with it more.
  • red99ryder
    red99ryder Posts: 399 Member
    Not sure i can answer this question myself , hard to see my own changes .. i do know when i see results it helps me to do good with my eating and when i dont see results its like why bother ,, but i know eat the numbers and they will work , most time when they dont i know why .

    good luck
  • Therealobi1
    Therealobi1 Posts: 3,261 Member
    edited October 2016
    Same personality
    Type of clothes i wear has changed. Not going for baggy anymore. Also have more dresses and skirts than I used to
  • Therealobi1
    Therealobi1 Posts: 3,261 Member
    Bearbo27 wrote: »
    To speak to this... I have not lost all my weight yet.. but I tire of the whining and weakness of some of the posts in the forums.. and I look at people eating globs of fattening bad food and I too judge. Now where is that coming from i dunno.
    jrulo16 wrote: »
    I have zero patience for fatlogic now.

    Yep, in spite of my own many years of denial about my weight, I'm appallingly judgmental about others' excuses now that I'm almost at goal.

    Just curious why it matters what foods people eat. I am now down 41 lbs and I fit in sweets when I can. As long as I can fit it in my goal, I eat it. I just eat 18 m&m's now instead of 18 servings ;)

    I think the whole idea of there being "bad" foods is what makes people fail.

    I agree with this
    Also am not studying what people are eating same way I don't expect people to watch me .
  • Aaron_K123
    Aaron_K123 Posts: 7,122 Member
    edited October 2016
    dhimaan wrote: »
    I am more confident. People think I am arrogant. I can't really control that.

    Yeah I'd echo this. If anything as I got leaner and more specifically stronger I tended to carry myself more upright (better posture) which made me stand taller and just generally look more confident. When I was overweight I tended to have worse posture, was a bit hunch and just appeared meeker.

    That said I think I managed to be arrogant regardless of how overweight I was :-)
  • kazminchu
    kazminchu Posts: 250 Member
    Oddly enough, a bit of both. I find myself judging people with crappy excuses for not losing weight (my co-worker is constantly whining about not losing despite "eating healthily, I only had one kebab and a few slices of pizza and and and")
    But on the other hand, I am also cripplingly aware of my own flaws, more so than when I was fat. I never realised I was fat so like another poster said, I thought I was hot sh1t, now I've lost weight I feel like I look even worse sometimes.
    Basically a lose/lose situation. I'm an *kitten* who hates herself as well. :D
  • trigden1991
    trigden1991 Posts: 4,658 Member
    Being honest; yes & yes. Why shouldn't you be proud of what you have achieved by doing things that others don't have the willpower to do.
  • amusedmonkey
    amusedmonkey Posts: 10,330 Member
    Neither. I didn't lack in that department when I was at a high weight. The only reason I lost weight was because of health issues. If anything, it has made me slightly less self confident. For some reason, I started noticing things about my body that I never paid attention to, as if dieting caused me to pull out this magnifying glass that has always been hidden.
  • newheavensearth
    newheavensearth Posts: 870 Member
    I haven't changed, but the fact that I get noticed more and care for my appearance better has people accusing me of being vain.

    I am usually the person who doesn't speak until spoken to. That's how I was raised. So now when someone compliments me on something appearance related and it opens the door to conversation, this shy violet will speak.

    Also I've spent a lot of time in other people's shadow and hiding behind the extra weight, so now when I get really done up is like "Whoa" and I get accused of stealing the spotlight. I like getting dressy. It's more fun now!
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    edited October 2016
    Not really. I'm still fat at heart though... still love food, still likely to eat too much of baked goods (I probably gained two pounds from them in the last 10 days). Actually kinda jealous of the people who eat what they want and don't care about the consequences.

    I'm not more confident because I'm still not happy with my body and I have some loose skin (and a large waist) so you're still likely to see that pouch/a bit of a muffin top when I wear clothes (pants either give me a muffin top or fall off, basically).

    I think that the two things that changed the most for me now are that I'm pickier about what I eat (and annoying about it, if you ask my husband, but I won't spend calories on something mediocre or that I don't really want) and that I get cabin fever if I have to sit somewhere for more than a couple hours without doing anything... let's say that my idea of a good time now is more going for a hike than hanging out and playing games, which also makes it annoying for my family (although obviously it really depends on the company).

    So I suppose that in that sense, I can be arrogant to some people... but it's really about me and not about them, you know?