Skinny Christmas Challege Week 1 Weigh-in (Closed Group)



  • 69mustang
    69mustang Posts: 185
    Congrats proudmomoftwo!! Great job!
  • tlcAK
    tlcAK Posts: 671 Member
    Congrats proudmomoftwo

    What's are challenge :) I'm going to finish this weeks...last weeks was sooo hard!
  • Lou05
    Lou05 Posts: 66 Member
    Congrats proudmomoftwo
  • 2rnzalf.png


    This weeks challenge winner is proudmomoftwo with a 4lb loss!!! great job doll!

    *lildevil had a seven pound loss but since i don't have the two weigh-ins before it for you I don't know if you lost it all in the past week or the past three so im sorry, but i can't count that as a win =/

    Anyway im excited for a new challenge ( as always!) & if you see any missing information in your row & want me to update it please let me know. keep working hard dolls, skinny christmas!! xoxo

    WOW!! I won...?!
    YAY ME! ( ok that deserves a cheerleader kick AND a butt wiggle)
    I guess that means I have to pick a challenge. Hm....

    Mostly I do Tae Bo videos, walking, biking, and volleyball.
    It is hard for me to get in enough strength type moves.
    Sooo, on that note my challenge this week is for everyone to ADD TO YOUR USUAL WORKOUT ROUTINE -- 2 sets of 25 ab.crunches ( I do mine over a fitness ball but you do what you can with what you have )
    AND 2 sets of 15 forward kicks (at least waist high) and then down into a squat.
    Wait! I am not done yet. Make sure to get in at least your 8 glasses of water this week...
    AND if you aren't already pushing yourself to burn 3500 calories in a week - this is your chance.
    I am set at 4000 cals burned / week and I keep going over so I will up mine to 4500 this week.

    Come on !! No grumbling...YOU CAN DO IT!!!

    Keep on...keepin' on.
  • tlcAK
    tlcAK Posts: 671 Member


    This weeks challenge winner is proudmomoftwo with a 4lb loss!!! great job doll!

    *lildevil had a seven pound loss but since i don't have the two weigh-ins before it for you I don't know if you lost it all in the past week or the past three so im sorry, but i can't count that as a win =/

    Anyway im excited for a new challenge ( as always!) & if you see any missing information in your row & want me to update it please let me know. keep working hard dolls, skinny christmas!! xoxo

    WOW!! I won...?!
    YAY ME! ( ok that deserves a cheerleader kick AND a butt wiggle)
    I guess that means I have to pick a challenge. Hm....

    Mostly I do Tae Bo videos, walking, biking, and volleyball.
    It is hard for me to get in enough strength type moves.
    Sooo, on that note my challenge this week is for everyone to ADD TO YOUR USUAL WORKOUT ROUTINE -- 2 sets of 25 ab.crunches ( I do mine over a fitness ball but you do what you can with what you have )
    AND 2 sets of 15 forward kicks (at least waist high) and then down into a squat.
    Wait! I am not done yet. Make sure to get in at least your 8 glasses of water this week...
    AND if you aren't already pushing yourself to burn 3500 calories in a week - this is your chance.
    I am set at 4000 cals burned / week and I keep going over so I will up mine to 4500 this week.

    Come on !! No grumbling...YOU CAN DO IT!!!

    Keep on...keepin' on.

    HOLY CRAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    I am going to try my hardest...I really really am!
  • still havent figured out how to get the whole thing to show ugh but im still missing goal weights from proudmomoftwo & jambs5

    Oh sorry - thought I already shared that.
    My goal weight is 155

    Thanks for doing all you do !!
  • liveskinnyxo
    liveskinnyxo Posts: 259 Member
    wow that is one kick *kitten* challenge, im not gonna lie i hate crunches but ive been trying to force myself to do them cause i want ABSSSS! we can do this dolls! woohoo!!

    congrats again proudmomoftwo & you're goal weight is updated (:
  • I know - I hate crunches as well BUT I will share a NSV with you.
    I took my measurements today ( its been 3 wks ) and I lost in all areas.
    Half an inch in some and all the way up to 2 inches in other areas!!!

    I was astounded and
    The crunches and the kicks and squats WORK as does the 3500+ cal LET'S GET TO IT!!!
    Make sure to get in that water too - its important and I don't know about where you all live but it is HOT HOT HOT here.

    Keep on...keepin' on...
  • 69mustang
    69mustang Posts: 185
    Monday- 383 cals burned, squats/kicks, crunches and 8 glasses of water done!

    Can't wait to take my measurements at the end of the week, I haven't taken them for about a month.
  • fabi8081
    fabi8081 Posts: 232 Member
    I must admit that I was starting to slide over into the dark side again, not feeling like I can do this, etc, especially after not having great weigh ins and not keeping up at all with the challenges.... BUT

    I felt so guilty knowing that all of you are out there doing your best so have decided to kick my *kitten* back into gear and start taking this seriously, so thanks for the accountability, you are really helping loafers like me:)

    YEAH!! You got this!! You can do it.

    Yeh....Keep it up. Don't give up now. I saw this quote that said "this time next year, you'll wish you started today." That is your today. You'll look amazing next time this yr.
  • GoneWithTheWhinge
    GoneWithTheWhinge Posts: 168 Member
    My latest weigh in is 164.9

    Not expecting a good week this week - have been ill, it was my daughters birthday over the weekend so we were out loads and I've skipped 3 gym sessions plus its that dread TOM. Bleurrrrgh.

    Well done to all our losers. Its cold cold cold here so for me its harder to get the water in, I have however been really restricting my diet Coke habit which is step in the right direction! I've started New Rules of Lifting for Women today and cutting down on my cardio as I think I was doing too much. See if this makes a difference to my measurements even if my weight doesn't change!
  • MelL1205
    MelL1205 Posts: 1,200 Member
    wow... challenge x3.

    well, i'll admit right now I can't get to 3500. Two surgeries within the past 18 months, and it's been 6 since the last one. I'm exercising, but on a good week I can only get to 1500. I'm building up slowly. So, I'll adjust... my goal is 1500 because it's more reasonable for me.

    and yesterday i failed with water. only 4 cups! first time i've messed that up in quite a few weeks.

    and it's TOM. so I feel like death, naturally. blahhhhhhhhhhh
  • I did the Advanced Tae Bo workout ( 50 min ) today and it really pushes me.
    PHEW! Thought I was going to DIE!
    I made it - yay me.

    Goal : 4500

    Mon. 573 cals burned doing 30 min Basic Tae Bo & dancing AND 2 sets of 25 ab. crunches over ball, 2 sets of 15 front kicks into squats. I got in 9 glasses of water.
    Tues. 798 cals burned doing 50 min . Tae Bo workout AND 2 sets of 25 ab. crunches over ball, 2 sets of front kicks into squats. I am on my 6th glass of water so I am doing well there.
    WEIGH - IN =

    Goal 4500 this week

    Left to go = 3129

    I can do this !!!
  • bbahmer377
    bbahmer377 Posts: 36 Member
    So yeah, I totally went MIA and I think i was pretty much kicked out of this challenge. I had alot of unexpected things happen in the past three weeks including my grandma passing away so I haven't been on here :( I really want to get back on track now that things have died down a little.

    Some one let me know if I can get back in or if I'm out for good :'(
  • liveskinnyxo
    liveskinnyxo Posts: 259 Member
    So yeah, I totally went MIA and I think i was pretty much kicked out of this challenge. I had alot of unexpected things happen in the past three weeks including my grandma passing away so I haven't been on here :( I really want to get back on track now that things have died down a little.

    Some one let me know if I can get back in or if I'm out for good :'(

    i removed you from the spreadsheet, but if you send me your starting & goal weight i'll put you back. sorry to hear youve been having a rough time. stay strong xoxo
  • 69mustang
    69mustang Posts: 185
    Monday- 383 cals burned, squats/kicks, crunches and 8 glasses of water done!
    Tuesday- 602 cals urned, squats/kicks, crunches and 8 glasses of water done :)
    total cals burned = 985
  • fabi8081
    fabi8081 Posts: 232 Member
    So yeah, I totally went MIA and I think i was pretty much kicked out of this challenge. I had alot of unexpected things happen in the past three weeks including my grandma passing away so I haven't been on here :( I really want to get back on track now that things have died down a little.

    Some one let me know if I can get back in or if I'm out for good :'(

    Sorry about your tough time. I hope things start getting better for you. Welcome back. Good job on the fresh start attitude. Thats an excellent way to start. Good Luck.
  • corinemh
    corinemh Posts: 22
    Wow that is an awesome challenge. I haven' t been losing any weight the past few weeks so I think this will help.
  • rachrach66
    rachrach66 Posts: 271 Member
    Kick *kitten* challenge. I will add the kicks and crunches in. I got so close to 3500 last week but need to rest. I will go for it this week no pain no gain!! :explode:
  • fabi8081
    fabi8081 Posts: 232 Member
    Ok so I know that our weigh in is not until Sunday. But I am one of those freaks that weigh everyday. Same time, clothes and all that.
    I got on the scale and bammm I saw it. Stepped of the scale in disbelief and tried again. Yep still there. Stepped off the scale, stepped back on yep still there. I have finallly made it to onderland. This chick is finally in the one hundreds again!!! Never to return to the land of 200's!!!! I am sooo excited I feel like I'm going to explode from the inside out.
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