Motivation, Success and Frustration Sharing!



  • bluepoppies777
    bluepoppies777 Posts: 438 Member
    Good morning and happy Monday!
    Those pics are so cute, and funny! Won't sit still so the pics are fuzzy. :) Love those puppy kisses and excitement, but yup, a lot of work cleaning up after the accidents and stuff. She'll get it, especially with two older dogs to help train her. Makes me want a pup so bad!!

    My weekend was good, but I weighed this am and I'm up a lb! Going in the WRONG DIRECTION, people!!! I did really well, hit my goal of at least an hour a day of movement - wasn't going hard, some of it was vaccuuming and stuff like that. But I did do the gym and walking too. I didn't even overeat at that anniversary party, just had a tea and a really pretty specialty cookie with some grapes and cheese. (that was a good NSV for me!).
    I think where I went wrong was I didn't track this weekend, and eye balled my portions... and a whole bottle of wine jumped down my throat on Saturday night!! LOL! So I'm back to measuring and inputting everyone into my phone. I just have to keep focussed and be diligent, otherwise it creeps away on me when I'm not paying attention!

    Gem, June and Jen! We are going to do this - lose those lbs by Dec 31!! We just have to measure, input everything, and keep our exercise up. I do notice that when I track everything in my phone during the day, and then do not snack after dinner, that is when I have the best success.

    I think I'll try to plan out some meals this week too - that soup sounds really good. It's a lot easier when dinners are planned to stay on track!

    Hope everyone has a great Monday!! :)
  • ShyCush6
    ShyCush6 Posts: 951 Member
    Gem: OMG! He is adorable!!!!! All your fur babies are!! How sweet!! Makes me want another puppy!! My hubby would kill me! =) Hope you are feeling better!

    Jdelaroy: Sounds like you had a rough Friday! Hopefully your weekend made up for it!

    June: Hope your free training session went great! And if it will save you some money and you are proud of what you have planned… stick with it! ;) Nothing wrong with that!! Glad you liked the trainer… go with yor gut and do what is necessary for you… If 1200 makes you binge… you know your body better than he does!

    Rachel: Sounds like Thanksgiving will be crazy! It will be nice to see family at least! =)

    Welcome Red Wolf! Post often!

    Joy: That’s cute!! I have friends that do that with a bobble head! =) I love those cute lil houses too!! =) I don’t know if I could ever get the stuff in my life down to that size but I’d love to try it! Way to get your goal for the weekend in!! Great NSV! That damn wine! LOL!! Love it!

    Donna: Losing weight is tough… hopefully you will start to enjoy the little victories and not missing the drunkiness… ;) Trust me I like my beer too! But you will start to love the way you look and feel… it will come!

    So Thursday, I was busy running with volleyball… Hubby got home late from work as well so by the time we all got home and I fixed both of them something to eat.. I missed the elliptcal time. =( Friday had a bad day. A good friend of ours passed away Thursday evening. Very unexpected. So I snuck out of work early to go hang with a bunch of friends. Then I had my monthly craft night after that… I didn’t eat too bad all day but I didn’t workout either. Saturday I was busy at a volleyball tournament, last games of the season and then headed to the Wisconsin Badger game that evening… Had a few too many beers! Sunday was a lazy day.. went and had dinner with our friend who’s wife died and some other friends. Kind of a bummer of a day. So I’m working lots of hours this week to make up for my day off for the funeral Thursday. Hopefully I will squeeze in some workouts though!! =) Power of positive thoughts! Working on my steps today! And lots of water!!
  • ngolden3320
    ngolden3320 Posts: 360 Member
    Afternoon everyone. I somehow made it. Not sure if I passed the kidney stone (never am). But I no longer hurt. Still have stuffy/runny nose (never could quite figure out how it can b stuffy and runny at same time) but am feeling better. Going to gym tonight after I get home and start dinner. Hope I don't suck it up to bad after not being there in a while.

    Joy I'm in for 10 lbs gone by 12/31.

    Shy. Loved the stick Lexi at the beach. Great idea.

    Gem. OMG r u kidding me could puppy b any cuter.

    Any newbies feel free to add me. I am back w a vengeance so fat can kiss my *kitten* good bye
  • ngolden3320
    ngolden3320 Posts: 360 Member
    Look at that face. She is so cute.
  • PhedraJD
    PhedraJD Posts: 1,392 Member
    @wishfuljune It will be cool to have a personal trainer for awhile. Just don't let him set all your goals. He should be listening to what you want to accomplish. 1200 seems a little low if you are doing all that other physical activity. Did you ask him about this?

    @gemwolf110 So adorable! I bet you can lose that 17 pounds.

    @shycush6 you are always crazy busy, I do not know how you hold it all together. I bet you will get some exercise in there somewhere, you are pretty determined to do this.

    @ngolden3320 So glad you are starting to feel better. I have a lingering cold. I mostly feel okay, but anytime I lie on my back or do anything physical I start coughing like crazy. Otherwise I feel pretty good. So, I really hope you got rid of it. I bet you can have 10 pounds gone by the end of the year. I love it, everyone telling the fat to bite em.

    I did my weekly weigh in this morning, and no weight loss. No weight gain either, so I guess I am doing okay. Yesterday for the 45 day challenge I am doing we had to run 5-100 meter dashes. My BF agreed to do them together. We walked to the local school by us, and figured out what a 100 meters was. The great part, my BF was worried I wouldn't be able to do them. I kept telling him "I can, and I will do them. I might die, but I'm going to do it." Sure enough I did them. Slow as all *kitten*, but I did them. I was only winded for a few moments after each one, and was fine when I finished. The BF, on the other hand, was the one dying. He went home and basically laid on the couch the rest of the night, and was super sore this morning. He likes to give me a hard time about my daily walk at lunch isn't exercise. I think he failed to believe me when I tell him I walk as fast as I can, and have even started running for a short (10-20 seconds) once or twice a week. I am calling this a kick butt NSV. Not only did I do it, but I recovered so much better than the BF.

    Now, I just have to get that fat moving away. I am thinking it might be time to get a food scale..
  • Rachel0778
    Rachel0778 Posts: 1,701 Member
    edited October 2016
    @jdelaroy Good job maintaining and having a great NSV! You showed him ;)

    @gemwolf110 She looks so snuggly and cute!

    @ngolden3320 Glad you're feeling better! Great job getting right back at it and going to the gym!

    @ShyCush6 So sorry to hear about your loss :( I hope you're able to carve out some time for you this week

    @bluepoppies777 That bottle of wine gets me every time too ;) It sounds like you're getting right back on track so that pound will be gone in no time!

    @donnamt2016 Sorry to hear your body confidence is lagging. I find it's hard to take care of a body that I don't like so I can see why those old habits of escapism are starting to look appealing. I hope you're able to access some resources to build up that self love!

    @wishfuljune It sounds like your personal trainer is an excellent example of someone who is great in their field (physical training), but who is pretending to be an expert in a field he does not have a degree or extensive training in. It sounds like you have a good plan, ignore him and keep doing you! 1200 calories is not sustainable or recommended for lasting weight loss, especially if it makes you feel deprived. As far as books go, I usually go towards historical fiction or historical romance. Currently reading the Maiden Lane series, it's pretty good!

    Glad to see that the thread is getting busy again! It looks like we are all getting a plan in place before the upcoming holidays (how are they already here?!). I was hoping to be 20 pounds down by my one year, but it looks like I'm going to need to push that goal back. I have no desire to go more aggressively on my weight loss and I've been feeling pretty good lately on my choices. I guess it'll come when it comes.
  • redwolfpack04
    redwolfpack04 Posts: 2 Member
    Hey Everyone!

    Thanks for the warm reception. I am trying to get on this regularly but its hard to keep motivated. Hence why i joined this thread. So far I have been good on keeping my food journal up to date and keep track of all my calories. I have not weighed myself in several days so I am hoping I see a really good number of pounds lost when I do tomorrow morning.

    I do read all of your stories and I must say that it is inspiring to see everyone cheering everyone else on. We all have bad days but we all have good days too. I will try and reply and comment everyday but with Three kids under 10 and a wife that has been under the weather lately it will be hard.

    I hope everyone has a Good Tuesday!
  • lessismoreohio
    lessismoreohio Posts: 910 Member
    Hello everyone. My name is Doug, and I would love to be part of a motivation group and to make new friends.

    I've lost 50 pounds total (25 pounds on MFP), and I need to lose another 50 pounds. I do strength training at the gym 2x to 3x week and this has been good for me. I'm getting stronger and my clothes are fitting better, but I can't seem to drop the weight.

    Ultimately, I'd like to get back under 200 pounds. I'm working to re-commit to the process and to get back on track with my weight loss.
  • wishfuljune
    wishfuljune Posts: 2,601 Member
    @gemwolf110 - she is so fluffy and cute! all these photos just make me want to get a puppy!

    @donnamt2016 - sounds like you are making great progress though! welcome to the group!

    @bluepoppies777 - Yes, let's do it! Did you have any success with meal planning for this week?

    @ShyCush6 - I am so sorry to hear about your friend's unexpected passing! At least you are staying positive. That's sometimes one of the hardest things to do after a death, especially when you're trying to lose weight too. Take care of yourself!

    @ngolden3320 - Glad to hear that you've passed the kidney stone and are back in the gym. That's great motivation!

    @jdelaroy - congrats on the NSV!! Even if the scale didn't move, maybe you've been losing inches?

    @rachel0778 - You keep doing what you're doing, and you'll reach your goal when you can! :)

    I have my first personal training session on Thursday, so I think I'm going to address the 1200 calories then. I have a feeling he said it because I do have 30 more pounds to go before I hit my doctor's goal for me (and another 20 pounds to go with what the trainer suggested).
  • ktc1968
    ktc1968 Posts: 24 Member
    Hi Everyone! My name is Karen and like some of you I have dropped out for a bit. I am really having a hard time staying motived with my daily exercise routines as well as my evening eating. It appears that I am never satisfied with what I eat and even though I am full I still want to eat, this insane :s . I also have another problem and that is I like to eat in bed. I am in desperate need of support, with all of this and everything else in life I am becoming more depressed which make this even harder.
  • novten82
    novten82 Posts: 24 Member
    Hi All,
    I just stumbled upon your group and am super excited to join. I haven't read all the posts, even the recent ones, but Ill get there.
  • ShyCush6
    ShyCush6 Posts: 951 Member
    Nicole: Hope the gym went well and you are feeling better!

    Gem: Could he be any cuter!? So jealous!!! They all look like a fun handful!! =)

    Rachel: Way to be positive and fell good about yourself. You are doing amazing things for you and for your body…

    Jdelaroy: Way to go on the dashes!!! You rock! Love it!

    Wolf: Hope the wife gets better soon! Keep journaling and hopefully you have time to squeeze in how great the scale looks in the morning!

    Doug: Welcome!! Hopefully you can post often!

    June: Good luck at the trainer… you will do great no matter what you choose!

    Karen: Welcome! Please stay with us… very motivating and fun group!

    Welcome Novten82!

    I need to wake up! Had a bad day again yesterday and on the verge of it today… Hopefully I will get off work and make it all up! These 10 hour days are killing me then with drive time on top of it! Ugh! I have managed to stay away from soda… NSV.. usually a tough thing for me when I work long days! =) I think I am boredom eating or depression eating or a little of both! Got to sink that ship sooner rather than later!

  • novten82
    novten82 Posts: 24 Member
    ktc1968 wrote: »
    Hi Everyone! My name is Karen and like some of you I have dropped out for a bit. I am really having a hard time staying motived with my daily exercise routines as well as my evening eating. It appears that I am never satisfied with what I eat and even though I am full I still want to eat, this insane :s . I also have another problem and that is I like to eat in bed. I am in desperate need of support, with all of this and everything else in life I am becoming more depressed which make this even harder.

    KTC- I made a rule. NO food upstairs (where my bedroom is) you could make no food in the bedroom a rule. It has helped me.

    Also, when I want to eat, I ask myself are you bored, thirsty or hungry. If I'm truly hungry I will have something small. I am on a HUGE Sugar Free Jello kick right now...10 calories for a 4oz container.

  • novten82
    novten82 Posts: 24 Member
    Please excuse my lack of text speak, but what is NSV? Thanks.
  • janetay01
    janetay01 Posts: 1,299 Member
    @novten82 - welcome! And NSV is non scale victory - something that shows your weight loss/healthy living progress without being purely a number on the scale!

    Shy - hang in there girl, you've had a tough week with the death of your friend. Focus on the small stuff like you said - the water, the steps and then reset yourself after the funeral tomorrow. Thinking of you.

    @ktc1968 - welcome to the thread. Agree with @novten82 - try to create a 'no food in bed' rule. I've done it for different reasons - I'm a messy eater and toast crumbs in your sheets are really not cool! Regarding the evening eating, what do you do in the evenings? I find that if I'm occupied and my hands are busy I'm far less likely to snack. I'm currently cross stitching a blanket for my little boy which is fun and relaxing - and keeps me far too occupied and focussed to want to eat. Just a thought - do you have something similar that you can do?

    @wishfuljune - good luck with the personal trainer. I do think 1200 would be too low with the workouts that you are doing - even at my tiny height and without adding in exercise, most calorie counters are giving me over 1400 calories to play with. I'm with you if you create a spreadsheet - I'm on a concerted push to the end of the year and could do with the accountability that would come with that.

    @lessismoreohio - welcome! Sounds like you are doing well and the fact that clothes are fitting better is a real win, even if the numbers are taking time to drop. Do you take measurements as well?

    @redwolfpack04 - welcome! Sounds like you are doing a lot of things right. And managing three kids under 10 - my admiration climbs. I sometimes struggle to organise life enough with my 22 month old!!! Life does get in the way but come back when you can to catch up and comment - and hope your wife gets better soon!

    Rachel - I think I've certainly recommitted this week after a frankly pretty flaky few months for me. I'm no where close to where I wanted to be but I'm making better choices so I'm happy for now. If I can stir myself to exercise again - no motivation whatsoever right now - then that would be good. But you are right, it will come when it comes and as long as we are making informed choices and are happy with our own progress then that is the important thing in my view. So glad you are getting your house back together again. Good books - what are you reading at the moment? I'm in need of something to get my teeth into as the cold weather approaches.

    Jen - great NSV - way to show the BF where you are at with all of this :). Thanks for the group info - I will go in and put myself on the waiting list.

    @gemwolf110 - gorgeous pics :smile:

    Joy - yep, focus is key for me. I do eyeball and I don't do it very well so back to measuring for me. Absolutely agree on the meal planning - we now plan all our meals a week in advance and then do one shop. So we know exactly what the plan is and it stops the (for me) terrible tendency to buy everything in the shop because I'm shopping for supper on the way back from work and I'm hungry. This is why when my husband pops to the shop when hungry we end up with apple pie and the like - and I have no willpower to say no to a slice.

    @donnamt2016 - welcome and stick with it! You will come to the point where you like the way you look and feel - and it feels so much better than the feeling after the alcohol. Look after yourself - you are worth it!

    Wow - well that was a catch up and a half - great to see the thread busy again. Working today from home - going to finish a bit early and get a session in on the cross trainer to get myself moving again. Not much else to report - although I did officially deliver my first coaching session yesterday as part of the qualification that I'm doing! Think it went allright but need to get the feedback from the person being coached to be sure! It's great to feel like I'm learning a practical skill that I can use in the future. Also looking into whether designing my own cross stitch charts is someething that I could do/might be fun to do. So many things, so little time! Have a good day all :)
  • PhedraJD
    PhedraJD Posts: 1,392 Member
    @redwolfpack04 , @lessismoreohio , @ktc1968, @novten82 Welcome and jump on it. We like to share are ups, downs, goals and just about anything else.

    @ShyCush6 No pop is a great NSV!!!! I am sure tired/bored/depression eating will get to you. You can do this, or maybe try to replace the eating with something with negative calories? Like celery?

    @novten82 I love Jello! I wish I could eat them. My doctor has told me to stay away from sugar substitutes. They aren't good for my liver. :(

    @janetay01 We need to see updates on the blanket! How far have you gotten. I am so glad to hear you are going to join the group it is such a blast. You will get your groove again. Sometimes our body just needs a break. We also do the meals a week at a time. It is great for the shopping and knowing what you are going to cook. Not having a plan led to a lot of fast food for us.

    @rachel0778 Being happy with where you are, the course you on is probably the best NSV out there. Good job getting there.

    @gemwolf110 I will have to look into a foam roller. They are two different things. The Amazing Race is on MFP and open to all. The 45 day challenge is done through the Denver Broncos. They do a lot of coinciding, so it is like double dipping.
  • PhedraJD
    PhedraJD Posts: 1,392 Member
    I hate when it cuts off your post.

    Yesterday was a lousy food day for me. I ate everything in sight. I had the munchies, craving something but didn't know what going on. I came in at 750 calories over. Holy smokes, that is the worst I have done since starting this. The funny thing is I really don't feel like it was a bad thing. I almost think my body needed it. Maybe I am just deluding myself. Must be my fats way of fighting the eviction notice I gave it. LOL
  • Rachel0778
    Rachel0778 Posts: 1,701 Member
    @jdelaroy I've noticed with my body that if I eat extended periods of time at a caloric deficit, sometimes my body needs a day (or a week) on a maintenance break. It sounds like maybe your body was telling you something similar. Fat definitely fights the eviction notice big time!

    @gemwolf110 Sounds like the pups are definitely keeping you busy!

    @janetay01 I'm reading the Maiden Lane series right now (historical romance). I usually read a lot of historical romance, historical fiction, and world literature. It makes it feel like I get to travel the world (even when I don't have the funds!) Congrats on your first appointment!!!

    @novten82 Welcome! NSV= Non-Scale Victory :)

    @ShyCush6 10 hours is brutal! Is there an end in sight to all that overtime?

    @ktc1968 Welcome Karen! Sorry to hear you're having a rough time. Have you ever talked to a nutritionist or therapist about your struggles with food/satiety? I met with one awhile back and it was one of the best decisions I ever made

    @wishfuljune Glad to hear you're able to address it with your trainer, let us know how it goes!

    @lessismoreohio Welcome!!

    @redwolfpack04 Great job keeping on plan! It sounds like you have a lot of things you are juggling. I'm glad you're able to take care of yourself amidst it all!

    I think I'm finally starting to get the hang of this whole skating thing. I still run into walls but I'm falling less lol. Good thing I have 7.5 more weeks before I have to take the test to make the team! I'm also looking forward to my pole dancing class tonight, I'm starting to get really bummed I only have 2 left before the session is over. I might have to see if I can fit a second session into my schedule/budget!

    I hope everyone else is having a great Wednesday!
  • wishfuljune
    wishfuljune Posts: 2,601 Member
    edited October 2016
    Happy Wednesday everyone!

    @ShyCush6 - That's a great NSV to not drink any soda! :) Sometimes it's the little things that make all the difference.

    @janetay01 - I would love to see this blanket you are cross-stitching! I have my knitting needles, but I am pretty basic (scarves for days). Do you look up patterns online to guide you on your cross-stitching journey? Sounds like you're acknowledging what you need to do to be successful, and you will get there! I am probably going to make a public spreadsheet and share it here and with my MFP friends if they want to track their success that way. Will work on that this weekend. :)

    @gemwolf110 - Food scales are the best! When my boyfriend and I prep food, we weigh everything (even the garlic cloves and spices, lol), and then we will weigh what we prepared at the end and divide it by how many servings we want out of it. I've learned that even the best food websites (Skinnytaste is my jam), my calories are sometimes significantly more than what she says her meals are! It could be that a "medium sized vegetable" or "1 cup of chopped vegetables" is a lot different than hers. Food scales really help!

    @jdelaroy - Sometimes, your body needs extra calories. Were you munching because you were hungry, thirsty, or bored? I try and drink at least 8 oz of water if I think I'm hungry, just to see if it's thirst. And if I'm bored, I'll get up and walk around, or try and busy myself with another project instead of going to the vending machine at work, or grabbing food at home.

    Yesterday, I tried to deadlift 22.5lb plates on the olympic bar and managed to do 3 before I felt my back curving. I was frustrated because I did 20lb plates last week, and when I tried 20lb plates, I could barely do 5 reps. I ended up doing 3 sets of 10 reps at 15lb plates and could feel it in my back, but I was really beating myself up about it. My boyfriend was like, "Chelsey -- you're the one who is always telling me that sometimes you need to go down in weight in order to get the form right. You've got this." And he's right. I am making progress, and that's what matters. Maybe instead of stepping up to 20lb plates again, I'll try 17.5lb plates and see if I can do 3 sets of 10 of that without giving up my form.
  • novten82
    novten82 Posts: 24 Member
    @jdelaroy Can you do Stevia? I am thinking about making my own jello using gelatin, Kool-Aid flavor packets (no sugar) and then adding Stevia. I bought some stevia drops that I am going to try. The other option I have seen is to use gelatin and fruit juice. I would do half fruit juice and half water so the calories are less. Also the company that makes the stevia drops makes a water additive (like crystal lite) that may be an option to try too.