October 2016 Biking Cycling Bicycling Challenge!



  • tcaley4
    tcaley4 Posts: 416 Member
    10/03 - 11.03 time: 0:41 avg speed: 15.9 mph
    10/04 - 15.10 time: 1:00 avg speed: 15.0 mph
    10/06 - 14.71 time: 0:57 avg speed: 15.2 mph
    10/08 - 32.06 time: 2:20 avg speed: 13.7 mph
    10/10 - 14.70 time: 0:52 avg speed: 16.8 mph
    10/11 - 14.91 time: 1:02 avg speed: 14.3 mph
    10/17 - 15.19 time: 0:58 avg speed: 15.6 mph

    October total: 117.70
    Goal for month: 300
    Year to date: 2,810.07

    Jan - 175.9
    Feb - 343.3
    Mar - 353.8
    Apr - 363.4
    May - 319.1
    Jun - 316.2
    July - 166.1
    Aug - 167.6
    Sep - 368.2
  • 35dollars
    35dollars Posts: 832 Member
    Tue 18 - 24.02 miles

    MTD 270.66 / 400, YTD 2250.57 / 2500

    No rain today, but a lot of headwind on the way home and bitterly cold in parts - not wildly enjoyable apart from the last couple of miles where pace & enthusiasm picked up.
  • Missnu13
    Missnu13 Posts: 65 Member
    3 Oct-23.5mi
    5 Oct-19mi
    12 Oct-23mi
    14 Oct-18mi
    17 Oct- 19 mi
    19 Oct -20 mi

  • tcaley4
    tcaley4 Posts: 416 Member
    Just a short ride yesterday. Didn't have much time for a ride before it got dark. Goal for the month looks to be in danger. Already the 17th of the month, and I'm less that half way to my goal.

    10/03 - 11.03 time: 0:41 avg speed: 15.9 mph
    10/04 - 15.10 time: 1:00 avg speed: 15.0 mph
    10/06 - 14.71 time: 0:57 avg speed: 15.2 mph
    10/08 - 32.06 time: 2:20 avg speed: 13.7 mph
    10/10 - 14.70 time: 0:52 avg speed: 16.8 mph
    10/11 - 14.91 time: 1:02 avg speed: 14.3 mph
    10/17 - 15.19 time: 0:58 avg speed: 15.6 mph
    10/17 - 07.91 time: 0:32 avg speed: 14.9 mph

    October total: 125.61
    Goal for month: 300
    Year to date: 2,817.98

    Jan - 175.9
    Feb - 343.3
    Mar - 353.8
    Apr - 363.4
    May - 319.1
    Jun - 316.2
    July - 166.1
    Aug - 167.6
    Sep - 368.2
  • narak_lol
    narak_lol Posts: 855 Member
    Ohhim wrote: »
    Marathon went well (3:04), but definitely kept me off the bike during the taper and recovery period.

    Finally got in my team hurl and whirl ride yesterday, but luckily the fastest guy skipped the ride as he was recovering from the Ironman World Championships in Kona, and the other Kona racer was still in recovery, so the pace was a much more manageable 25-28mph. Got in an easy ride with a neighbor this afternoon. Planning something longer tomorrow, then will get in my last 120 mile training ride Wednesday before starting my taper for Ironman Florida.

    25-28m/h is 40-45km/h that's a seriously fast AV! What distance have you lot covered? Just curious.

  • johnnylloyd0618
    johnnylloyd0618 Posts: 303 Member


    little behind schedule but still have time to make it up.
  • Ohhim
    Ohhim Posts: 1,142 Member
    Got in my last long pre-ironman 115 mile training ride today and definitely looking forward to the taper. Winds were favorable (light headwind coming out, awesome tailwind home) so averaged 20mph without too much trouble for the full ride (although I to got to wheelsuck for 20 miles). Just planning a few 50 miler mid-distance rides, a few 20-30 mile tempo rides with my team, and should be good to go for November 5th. Feeling like a 21mph average will be doable, but don't want to suffer too much on the run for my first full distance IM even though I'm a much stronger runner than cyclist.

    10/1 - 80 miles
    10/14 - 17 miles (team ride)
    10/15 - 40 miles (slow recovery w. some threshold intervals)
    10/16 - 69 miles
    10/19 - 115 miles

    Total: 312 miles
    Goal: 400 miles
    Remaining: 88 miles

    2016 Bike Race Schedule:
    Ironman 70.3 Florida - Apr 10 - 5:07:51 (21mph 56 mile time trial bike split)
    Ironman 70.3 Augusta - Sep 25 - 4:43:56 (22.3mph 56.5 mile time trial bike split)
    Ironman Florida - Nov 5
  • Sp8zmanSpiff
    Sp8zmanSpiff Posts: 57 Member
    10/13 - 21.2 miles, REB, 149.9 down, 250.1 to go
    10/13 - 4.1 Miles, Mountain bike around town, 154.0 down, 246.0 to go <- Forgot about this outing
    10/15 - 12.0 miles, REB, 166.0 down, 234.0 to go
    10/16 - 12.0 miles, REB, 178.0 down, 222.0 to go
    10/17 - 12.0 miles, REB, 190.0 down, 210.0 to go
    10/18 - 13.3 miles, The Loop (Road Bike), 203.3 down, 196.7 to go
    10/19 - 23.0 miles, Gyeserville Loop with oops, 226.3 down, 173.7 to go (oops means going the wrong way for a wee bit and then backtracking)

    Over halfway to 400 and the weekend weather is looking good for a longer ride on Saturday, Woot!
  • sakvani
    sakvani Posts: 37 Member
    October 5th 18 Miles -- Duration 1:04
    Oct 7th 10 Miles -- Duration 0:40
    Oct 9th 16 Miles -- Duration 1:01
    Oct 11th 18 Miles-- Duration 1:06
    Oct 12th 19 Miles--Duration 1:09
    Oct 13th 19 Miles--Duration 1:09
    Oct 14th 19 Miles--Duration 1:10
    Oct 15th 10Miles--Duration 0:35
    Oct 19th 8 Miles-- Duration 0:30
  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,407 Member
    I'm in for 200 miles in October

    10/02 - 15.00 miles
    10/03 - 15.00 miles
    10/05 - 15.00 miles
    10/09 - 15.00 miles
    10/10 - 15.00 miles...75.00 miles so far
    10/12 - 16.00 miles
    10/13 - 14.00 miles
    10/15 - 15.00 miles
    10/19 - 15.00 miles

  • wobblybots
    wobblybots Posts: 52 Member
    I'm back after a summer of injury. My back gave up on me and I've had various scans, injections, physio sessions and hours upon hours of stretching, pilates and gentle walking. I'm finally back on the bike but my efforts will be pretty humble this month. So far:

    01/10 - 20km
    08/10 - 45km
    15/10 - 85km
    18/10 - 23km
  • _nikkiwolf_
    _nikkiwolf_ Posts: 1,380 Member
    3.10.2016 14.3km commute
    5.10.2016 10.6km commute
    7.10.2016 18.1km commute (+a little detour on the way home)
    10.10.2016 11.6km commute
    11.10.2016 10.1km commute
    14.10.2016 5km to work, 20.2km evening ride
    18.10.2016 17.8km commute (+detour to supermarket)
    19.10.2016 11.6km commute
    119.7km of 200km October goal done

    Horrible rain on Monday, but Tue & Wed I wore the clip-in-shoes on the way to work (not on the way back - once I had some errands to run and didn't want to change shoes all the time, the second day I simply forgot). Only one near-fall when a car decided to pass on my left and then cut across directly in front of me to turn right - fortunately, panicky yanking instead of doing the proper ankle rotation also somehow worked to unclip. The rest of the trip I was so focussed on repeating "don't forget to unclip" under my breath, I kept forgetting to change gears; so the ride actually took longer and felt harder than in regular shoes...

    @wobblybots Wow, an 85km ride so quickly after returning? I wouldn't call that humble, that's pretty awesome.

    @gojaqs Nice group ride photo!

  • bocasdelbob
    bocasdelbob Posts: 134 Member
    A little bit late in October for me to be chiming in. I just got me a new Garmin GPS watch earlier this month so I got that new toy enthusiasm going on. I always wanted to have a GPS so I could measure or substantiate my climbing. I don't do distance like I used to because I have an increasing trepidation about being out in traffic. I think the statistics of that are kind of turning turning on me. So now my thing is to ride on a scrabbly dirt road on a big hill. I don't go very far. I go typically between 10 and 15 miles round trip. But if I do my 15 miler that is 2200 feet of climbing.
    My 10 miler is like 1600 feet climbing.
    And that dirt road has got some wildlife on it. I love that. Sometimes I go on that road and no motorist drives by me. Cars generally don't go there and trucks will usually only go like 15mph. Sometimes I go multiple days without seeing anyone.
    Anyway, my October challenge has been motivated by that Strava challenge to climb 9000m. I got a late start on it but currently am at about halfway or 4500m or so. So since there are only 10 days left, I got to climb 450m per day. That is 1485 ft per day. But realistically I can't climb every day. Well, we will see what happens. I will keep you posted. I guess you guys are interested in this sort of thing.

    Today is my recovery day. I will only do a 30min ride for 200 ft of climb.
    Yesterday I did the 15 miler for 2200 feet climbing.

  • _nikkiwolf_
    _nikkiwolf_ Posts: 1,380 Member
    3.10.2016 14.3km commute
    5.10.2016 10.6km commute
    7.10.2016 18.1km commute (+a little detour on the way home)
    10.10.2016 11.6km commute
    11.10.2016 10.1km commute
    14.10.2016 5km to work, 20.2km evening ride
    18.10.2016 17.8km commute (+detour to supermarket)
    19.10.2016 11.6km commute
    "one one nine point seven" km of 200km October goal done

    Horrible rain on Monday, but Tue & Wed I wore the clip-in-shoes on the way to work (not on the way back - once I had some errands to run and didn't want to change shoes all the time, the second day I simply forgot). Only one near-fall when a car decided to pass on my left and then cut across directly in front of me to turn right - fortunately, panicky yanking instead of doing the proper ankle rotation also somehow worked to unclip. The rest of the trip I was so focussed on repeating "don't forget to unclip" under my breath, I kept forgetting to change gears; so the ride actually took longer and felt harder than in regular shoes...

    @wobblybots Wow, an 85km ride so quickly after returning? I wouldn't call that humble, that's pretty awesome.

    @gojaqs Nice group ride photo :smile:

    @bocasdelbob That's a lot of climbing! I always complain about how hilly my ride to work is, but still I've only got ~7500m elevation gain (over 1134km distance) for the entire year so far.... Maybe I'll end up with 9000m too - but for the year, not per month :wink:

    (( reposting this because my original post didn't appear. Probably because I had written down the exact total distance, which started with One Hundred Nineteen . If I remember correctly from a discussion in the running challenge a few month back, posts with that number in actual digits automatically get flagged as spam... ))
  • tcaley4
    tcaley4 Posts: 416 Member
    Two days, two rides. Both of them cut short with flat tires. Which since it is getting dark so early now, pretty much kills the ride.

    10/03 - 11.03 time: 0:41 avg speed: 15.9 mph
    10/04 - 15.10 time: 1:00 avg speed: 15.0 mph
    10/06 - 14.71 time: 0:57 avg speed: 15.2 mph
    10/08 - 32.06 time: 2:20 avg speed: 13.7 mph
    10/10 - 14.70 time: 0:52 avg speed: 16.8 mph
    10/11 - 14.91 time: 1:02 avg speed: 14.3 mph
    10/17 - 15.19 time: 0:58 avg speed: 15.6 mph
    10/17 - 07.91 time: 0:32 avg speed: 14.9 mph
    10/18 - 07.91 time: 0:32 avg speed: 14.9 mph
    10/19 - 05.50 time: 0:22 avg speed: 14.7 mph

    October total: 131.11
    Goal for month: 300
    Year to date: 2,823.48

    Jan - 175.9
    Feb - 343.3
    Mar - 353.8
    Apr - 363.4
    May - 319.1
    Jun - 316.2
    July - 166.1
    Aug - 167.6
    Sep - 368.2
  • 35dollars
    35dollars Posts: 832 Member
    edited October 2016
    (( reposting this because my original post didn't appear. Probably because I had written down the exact total distance, which started with One Hundred Nineteen . If I remember correctly from a discussion in the running challenge a few month back, posts with that number in actual digits automatically get flagged as spam... ))

    Unfortunately, that is correct - as a result of the spam trap for various Korean sites on (that number).com, any post with (that number) in it will get flagged as Spam, though it should reappear after moderation.
  • Ohhim
    Ohhim Posts: 1,142 Member
    narak_lol wrote: »
    Ohhim wrote: »
    Marathon went well (3:04), but definitely kept me off the bike during the taper and recovery period.

    Finally got in my team hurl and whirl ride yesterday, but luckily the fastest guy skipped the ride as he was recovering from the Ironman World Championships in Kona, and the other Kona racer was still in recovery, so the pace was a much more manageable 25-28mph. Got in an easy ride with a neighbor this afternoon. Planning something longer tomorrow, then will get in my last 120 mile training ride Wednesday before starting my taper for Ironman Florida.

    25-28m/h is 40-45km/h that's a seriously fast AV! What distance have you lot covered? Just curious.

    That ride is just a quick 20 mile spin. We "race" for about 15 of it at those paces with a warmup/cooldown at the end. As much as I enjoy my longer rides, sometimes it takes some intense intervals to really build up your leg strength and speed.
  • 35dollars
    35dollars Posts: 832 Member
    Thu 20 - 27.51 miles

    MTD 298.17 / 400, YTD 2278.08 / 2500
  • sakvani
    sakvani Posts: 37 Member
    edited October 2016
    October 5th 18 Miles -- Duration 1:04
    Oct 7th 10 Miles -- Duration 0:40
    Oct 9th 16 Miles -- Duration 1:01
    Oct 11th 18 Miles-- Duration 1:06
    Oct 12th 19 Miles--Duration 1:09
    Oct 13th 19 Miles--Duration 1:09
    Oct 14th 19 Miles--Duration 1:10
    Oct 15th 10Miles--Duration 0:35
    Oct 19th 8 Miles-- Duration 0:30
    Oct 20th 20Miles--Duration 1:02
    Total 135Miles--Duration 8:37
  • 35dollars
    35dollars Posts: 832 Member
    Fri 21 - 23.81 miles

    MTD 321.98 / 400, YTD 2301.89 / 2500

    6 more days to get 79 miles - that looks nicely doable :smile: Revised year target is looking nicely in my sights as well