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Motivation, Success and Frustration Sharing!



  • ShyCush6
    ShyCush6 Posts: 951 Member
    Well the page was down Friday so I was unable to post… So here is Friday’s message…

    Janetay: Sounds like you are having a great week! Hope the coaching sessions go great!! Good for you! Cross stitch is fun.. I started a blanket like that and lost my patience… Good for yo to stick with it! I need to go dig that out now that my kid is 15! LOL! Maybe I can finish it for my grandkids!

    Gem: Time to buy stock in tennis balls! =) Enjoy your lil sweetie while he is little! Can’t believe how fast puppies grow! He will be beautiful full grown!

    Jdelaroy: LOL! Celery is only good with peanut butter! =) but I totally agree… I need to find something very low cal if I am boredum snacking! Maybe if I do it with plain celery I will never snack again! We all have those days… Hope you are doing much better the rest of the week! Sorry to hear yo are not feeling good… Hope today is a better day!
    Rachel: I love all your activities!! Skating, pole dancing, you are so active! I just love it!! You will totally make the team as you have a great determination!! Love it!! Keep up the good work!! Sorry about the muffin! That sucks… Hope the day turned around!

    June: Great decision on the weights! You got this girl! You will be doing 20 in no time with that attitude!! =) Hope your throat feels better!

    Joy: YAY!! Great NSV!! No ice cream!! What a great idea!! I think I need to keep my chart in my pantry, so I can look at it every time I want to snack!! Might be a better place than my desk! =)
    Ohio: So glad you had great family time! Now to regroup and focus on you! Way to go! If you can have oreos and be under… take it with a grain of salt!! Go Indians!!!!

    Janetay: Hope Alistair is feeling better! =(

    Thank you all for the thoughts of my friend. Yesterday was her funeral. So I can say I didn’t accomplish much! Hard day for everyone. Today is our annual haunted house trip! Taking 6 teeneagers to the haunted house and then a tour around town “boo’ing” all their friends! It’s my favorite night of the year! All the giggles and laughter! It’s great!! I meant to get in a workout this morning but the snooze button got me… So maybe tonight before the haunted house… Maybe a walk with the puppy at least! Hope you all have a great weekend!!!
  • ShyCush6
    ShyCush6 Posts: 951 Member
    Jdelaroy: Sweet!! Way to go on the 3.6 lbs!! Good luck on the steps! You can do it!! Way to go with the Oreos!

    Rachel: Glad you had a great weekend!! Sounds awesome with some great workouts in there as well!! Love the horror stories! That’s funny!

    June: Hope you feel better! =( Way to go on the 3lbs!!

    Joy: Glad you had a great weekend with your friend! Sounds fun!! Sometimes weekends like that ate worth it!!

    Gem: Great attitude and start to the week! You got this!!

    So I was having problems posting Friday and then yesterday Lexi was home sick so I decided I would get my house cleaned… instead in doing laundry, I flooded my basement and hauled water out by the buckets…. About 80 gallons total! FUN! So I got a good workout in AND I mowed my lawn… I ate pretty good too, just that damn soda… Hope you all have a great week! My day today is much better!! And Lexi is back to school… not 100% but heading in the right direction!
  • rpmtnbkr
    rpmtnbkr Posts: 137 Member
    Always up for some more accountable friends. Finally starting to see some progress. Onward and upward.
  • melaniedscott
    melaniedscott Posts: 1,406 Member
    ShyCush6 wrote: »

    Jdelaroy: LOL! Celery is only good with peanut butter! =) but I totally agree… I need to find something very low cal if I am boredum snacking! Maybe if I do it with plain celery ...

    Hey! You forgot about almond butter, cream cheese and pimento cheese...

    You could probably go reduced fat cream cheese blended with some sriacha or chipotle peppers in adobo for some zing...if you like zing.
  • melaniedscott
    melaniedscott Posts: 1,406 Member
    Happy Monday!
    Jane, that blanket for Alistair looks so pretty. What a talent! I am so not crafty, it's a disaster when I try to craft! But I do like cooking and baking, so that is my forte!

    That sounds just like me. I decided to make a carry sack out of old jeans and the results are functional but pretty funny. I call it the half*kitten* bag. One side is dramatically longer than the other. And my rag rug project is a couple bags full of partially disassembled t-shirts.

    Cooking is faster. And tastes better.
  • janetay01
    janetay01 Posts: 1,299 Member
    @rpmtnbkr - welcome!

    Shy - so sorry to hear about the basement - what an unfortunate way to end up doing your washing! Glad that you got through the funeral ok and had some fun stuff to do the following day. Alistair fine and back at nursery thank heavens - to be honest, he wasn't sick, he had overdosed on grapes for his morning snack the day before and they have a very unfortunate effect on his tummy :smiley:. But the nursery don't (and I get it that they can't) distinguish between illness and grape pigginess so home he came. Full of beans for the two days and completely wore me out but lovely to have some unexpected time with him.

    Jen - congrats on the loss, you are making such good progress. My NSV for the week (slightly daft one) is that I finally got myself a proper bra fitting yesterday rather than scruffing round in poorly fitting nursing bras - when I stopped breastfeeding Alistair nearly a year ago! Also gave me a reality check looking in their full length mirrors - too many pudgy rolls that have moved in. So I'm setting a goal of inches rather than just weight loss - going to take some meaurements today, sort myself a workout programme that I can actually stick to and work on that to the end of the year.

    Joy - me too with the cooking and baking (and yes, possibly why we are both here!). I'm not as crafty as it may appear but this is working for me at the moment and it's good stress relief at the end of the day so I'm sticking with it. Sounds like you had a lovely weekend away - it's important to do the nice stuff like that.

    Chelsey - hope you are feeling better. Well done with the loss :)

    Rachel - what a great sounding weekend. It's a lovely time of year when it's not that warm but still nice and bright and sunny. I'm trusting the moldy muffin didn't get you then?!

    So, I'm in the third and last and my days off this week - husband is working stupid hours at work this week and we thought it would be safer to have me at home and available for anything Alistair related. So I've done some christmas shopping, cleared out the cupboard under the stairs (boring but so very necessary!) and this morning I'm going down the road to see a friend for coffee and a catch up. It's been so nice to have some time off to do my own thing - really enjoying it. On the less positive side, Alistair woke up at 4.30 this morning and despite my best efforts to get him back to bed, shouted and yelled until my husband brought him into bed with us at about 5.30. I was fully awake by this point but he cuddled up between us and went straight to sleep - snoring and kicking me every time he twitched - grrrr! So I feel like I've been awake for days!

    Anyway, have a nice day all :)

  • PhedraJD
    PhedraJD Posts: 1,392 Member
    @novten82 600 calories? That is amazing, I will have to tell my sister, she gave blood yesterday.

    @ShyCush6 Sounds like quite the busy day. The haunted house and booing with the girls sounds like a blast. My oldest is pretty anti-social so we don't get out and do a lot of things like that. The little ones are still too little for haunted houses. I am hoping to take my son to my oldest daughter's trick or treat event at school. My youngest has lost all Halloween fun stuff this week. It started last week with jelly all over her room and my room. She wasn't supposed to have that in her room at all. Then followed by arguing and temper tantrums every day since. It was so bad on Sunday she took all her clothes off, through herself on the kitchen floor screaming and kicking, later she threw silverware and water all over the kitchen. Monday I found crayon drawings all over the floor. Then she stole a biscuit after I told her she couldn't have another one. Followed by lying about said stolen biscuit. Yesterday was more temper tantrums. I am at my wits end with that girl. So no field trip at school, no pumpkin patch, and no trick or treating. Ugh. I really hate to do it, but clearly the grounding isn't working.
  • tamj73
    tamj73 Posts: 22 Member
    I would love to join your group! Ive been here a few times! Currently im about 12lbs from my goal but struggling lately with food boredom! I also like to have some beers on the weekends! which in turn make my food choices not so good! How do I add friends? Also do I just look for this post daily??
  • tamj73
    tamj73 Posts: 22 Member
    Oh I see this started last year!!! LOL
  • tamj73
    tamj73 Posts: 22 Member
    Im in a food rut! Any suggestions welcome! I ususally do a protien shake for breakfast and salad for lunch. Greek yogurt almonds yadda yadda......what do you eat??
  • Rachel0778
    Rachel0778 Posts: 1,701 Member
    @wishfuljune I hope you're feeling better today!

    @bluepoppies777 Your girls weekend sounds like so much fun! It sounds like it was definitely worth it

    @jdelaroy Congrats on your loss! My NSV is packing snacks for the conference yesterday instead of eating muffins/extra treat bars. It sounds like your daughter is giving you a run for your money! You're making me glad my "child" is four legged and can be kenneled when naughty lol.

    @rpmtnbkr Welcome!

    @tamj73 I've been a pintrest addict for awhile and use it to search out new healthy recipes. This week is pesto tortellini with roasted vegetables and slow cooker roast beef with caramelized brussel sprouts. I cook in advance on Sunday and eat what I make during the week. Every week I try to make at least 1 new recipe to mix it up

    @gemwolf110 Glad to hear your lungs are feeling better! Were you able to do the run?

    @melaniedscott Love the idea of chipotle in cream cheese, yum!

    @janetay01 Sorry to hear your freedom is coming to an end. Sounds like you were super productive! Luckily the moldy muffin was no match for me ;)

    @ShyCush6 Sorry to hear about your basement :( You get bonus points for being so positive about the flood!

  • Rachel0778
    Rachel0778 Posts: 1,701 Member
    So Monday ended up being a 12 hour day and yesterday was 14 hours. I'm exhausted, cranky, overwhelmed, and really sick of my coworkers. Thanks to my long days, I had 0 time to exercise so I also don't have my happy endorphins. Is it the weekend yet?
  • tamj73
    tamj73 Posts: 22 Member
    @Rachel0778 Sounds rough what do you do for a living? Im in radiology. Thanks for your response! I also love pintrest but hate to cook!! Ive been getting better slowly lol
  • wishfuljune
    wishfuljune Posts: 2,599 Member
    @bluepoppies777 - that sounds like a fantastic weekend! I always tell myself, if I go up a pound or so after I've had a great time with friends, family, etc., then it's fine. You have to still be able to enjoy yourself, and then hop right back on the wagon the next day! :) Don't be afraid of that scale.

    @jdelaroy - Congratulations on the loss! We CAN do this! My NSV would be refusing to grab the Halo Top Mint Chip in the fridge a few nights ago when I reaaaaaally wanted to. I just drank some water, told myself it was too late, and that it'll be there for me later.

    @ShyCush6 - Sorry to hear about your basement flooding! That's never fun, but at least you got that good workout in. :P How was the haunted house trip? That sounds like a lot of fun! Do you visit local houses that have local legends about hauntings?

    @rpmtnbkr - Welcome! :) Post often!

    @janetay01 - Personal time is so very necessary, so I'm glad to hear that you've made the best of it with all the tasks you've accomplished! Also, happy to hear that it was just grapes that made Alistair's tummy upset and nothing more serious. Hopefully he'll let you and your husband sleep later this week!

    @tamj73 - Welcome! Like @gemwolf110 said, just click the star and you'll get notifications whenever someone posts in the group! I love cooking, so I use Skinnytaste's website. She has a lot of simple recipes (slow-cooker recipes are the best because it takes almost no prep, and then in 6 hours you have a delicious meal), and they are all Weight Watcher friendly.

    @Rachel0778 - UGH! That sounds awful! At least it's Thursday, so the weekend is almost here for you!

    I am feeling a lot better, thank you everyone! DayQuil/NyQuil and Mucinex helped me, as did Blueberry tea and staying in bed all day on Sunday. :)
  • PhedraJD
    PhedraJD Posts: 1,392 Member
    @tamj73 Welcome and jump on it. This is an ongoing thread. Most of a post at least once a week, some of post 2-3 times a day, others just stop in once and awhile. We are here to help keep each other motivated, to share in the struggles, and to be accountable to ourselves on this long journey. Food wise, I usually eat oatmeal for breakfast, hard boiled eggs, lunches tuna, cottage cheese, leftover dinners, dinners I pretty much eat whatever. Last night we had cheesy garlic shrimp bake. Oh my gosh was it good. Check out the recipe section for some great ideas as well.

    @rachel0778 Hang in there, you can do it. Could you sneak out for lunch and just take a walk? It might help recenter you a little and give you a moment to breathe. I guarantee you will be more productive. Two more days, and then you can get some Gym/Relaxing time. Great job on the snacks for the conference! I am impressed.

    @wishfuljune I am so glad you are feeling better! Great NSV! I know how hard it is to say no to ice cream.

    I am proud of myself, I have been limiting myself to one Oreo a day. Last night I even told the Pumpkin Spice Twinkie no thank you. I took my son to a trick or treat thing last night, and only ate 1 piece of his candy. It was perfect, just enough to kill the candy craving and I didn't feel deprived.
    I am getting excited the Bf and I are checking out a gym that is about 2 miles from our house tonight. I haven't had a gym membership in over 8 years. I have stuck to this for 4 months and lost 35 pounds, I think I am pretty serious about becoming a healthier me. This gym even has child care. Which is included, along with unlimited guest passes if I get the premier membership. On their website it says it is $20 a month. I could afford that. Hopefully it isn't different at this gym. I hope everyone has a great day!
  • tamj73
    tamj73 Posts: 22 Member
    @wishfuljune thanks for the info! Ill search recipes there! Im making a thai curry butternut squash soup tonight should be easy and delicious! I actually cooked the squash last night. I put it in the crock pot on high for 4 hours. Its so much easier to cut that way!! Ill let ya know how it turns out. Hope everyone has a great day!
  • ngolden3320
    ngolden3320 Posts: 360 Member
    Holy *kitten* I will never catch up. sorry I have been MIA. I swear the universe is against me this year. So I got over my head cold, passed my kidney stone, felt good for 2, count them 2 days and then I got sick again. sinus infection and then bronchitis. WTF. This freaking cough is kicking my *kitten*. it is horrible at night. coughing and peeing, coughing and peeing I feel like a old lady. ugh.

    I hope all is going well with everyone. I will have to catch up this weekend . if there are any newbies, please feel free to add me. I am usually on here every day.
  • emmibarlo555
    emmibarlo555 Posts: 7 Member
    Hey I'm new here! The names Emily feel free to add me ^_^ this seems like a really supportive place so keep up the good work! I'm a vegetarian wondering if anyone has some awesome recipe suggestions? It would be very much appreciated thanks :smile:
  • Rachel0778
    Rachel0778 Posts: 1,701 Member
    Sorry it took me so long to check in (I've had more meetings than hours today). I'm so glad I'm out of the office tomorrow for an all day conference. It will be nice to have someone else take the presentation reins. T-1 day until weekend!

    @tamj73 I work in Financial Aid. Since the FAFSA opened up recently we're very busy this time of year!

    @jdelaroy How was the gym tour? Was it too good to be true or was it a perfect fit?

    @ngolden3320 Sorry to hear you're sick again, this has been a rough year for you!

    @emmibarlo555 Welcome! I usually use pintrest a lot for new ideas. Put in "easy vegetarian dinner" and a ton will come up

  • PhedraJD
    PhedraJD Posts: 1,392 Member
    @ngolden3320 Glad to see you back even if it is just for a brief moment. Damn colds! Feel better soon and take care of yourself. You might need to give yourself a time out for a few days.

    @emmibarlo555 Welcome to the group.

    @rachel0778 I liked it, they have a movie theater cardio room, a ton of equipment (2 sets or more of everything), A partial indoor track, Virtual classes on demand, daycare, one free physical trainer visit with sign up, a women's only weight lifting area, a couple of massage chairs. Down side no pool, hot tub or sauna. Going to see if I can check out another gym on Saturday.

    Last night I walked another 20000 steps, said no to the twinkies and only had one oreo. :) Otherwise pretty uneventful day.