whats every1 have for breakfast

breakfasts what does every1have? today i had a big brkfst i had one poach egg 1toast w/little butter,steamed broc&cauli,grapes,coffee w/creamer&truvia&4 ozs of coke


  • Gallowmere1984
    Gallowmere1984 Posts: 6,626 Member
    Swai and either crab or shrimp lately.
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    This morning I had blackberries and some maple pecan overnight oats.
  • ccrdragon
    ccrdragon Posts: 3,370 Member
    Black coffee with truvia.
  • llbrixon
    llbrixon Posts: 964 Member
    I keep my breakfast very light so I can add the calories to a more calorie filling lunch, snack, and evening meal.

    My so called breakfast was hot tea, peeled grapefruit at 8:30, at noon, I had a 2 egg omelet with bacon, cheese and onion. Also cup of marinated 3 bean salad on the side. diet rite, and 1/4 c. baked beans because they are available and tastes so good.
  • crzycatlady1
    crzycatlady1 Posts: 1,930 Member
    Today I had a cinnamon roll slathered in frosting. Yesterday I had two packets of flavored instant oatmeal.
  • Queenmunchy
    Queenmunchy Posts: 3,380 Member
    2 eggs from a chicken farm we visited, fried in 2g kerrygold. 1/2 dark roast, 1/2 decaf 16oz coffee.
  • therencya
    therencya Posts: 1 Member
    Fresh juice ( apple, blueberries, cod liver oil, spirulina and wheat grass powder), 8 oz of egg whites and 4 turkey sausage links.
  • abitofbliss
    abitofbliss Posts: 198 Member
    Mon-Fri after fasted cardio I have:
    3 boiled eggs
    2 string cheese
    2-3 ounces of turkey sausage
    & 1/4 cup of bear naked honey almond
  • jennybearlv
    jennybearlv Posts: 1,519 Member
    I've been eating Greek yogurt mixed with peanut butter and blueberries with week.
  • TrishSeren
    TrishSeren Posts: 587 Member
    2 eggs scrambled and 2 slices of wholegrain toast
  • LaReinaDeCorazones
    LaReinaDeCorazones Posts: 274 Member
    I work nights, so I haven't had brekky yet...thinking about something a lil more cal heavy though, because it's my night off and I plan on going back to sleep in a few hours, so maybe only 2 meals today
  • littlechiaseed
    littlechiaseed Posts: 489 Member
    A shake, peanut butter or almond butter gf toast or quark + granola
  • EmilyElizabeth3
    EmilyElizabeth3 Posts: 17 Member
    I had a cup of honeydew and a breakfast wrap with grilled chicken, egg, and avocado. It's so good when it's dipped in salsa!
  • Willbenchforcupcakes
    Willbenchforcupcakes Posts: 4,955 Member
    Pancakes, eggs and bacon at least once a week.

    Protein pancakes. Peanut butter and banana wraps. Cereal. Occasionally donuts. Oatmeal. Red river cereal.

    Basically, whatever sounds good to me on any given day.
  • fitjourneymama
    fitjourneymama Posts: 19 Member
    I usually eat the same thing every morning pretty much 2 whole eggs scrambled with 1 cup of oats sprinkled with cinnamon and stevia, today i added 2 slices of turkey bacon to spruce things up a bit, sometimes ill add 2-3 egg whites in with my whole eggs