Started JM 30 Day Shred today, anyone else?



  • princess_in_power
    princess_in_power Posts: 234 Member
    Also, weighed myself first thing this morning and I have lost two pounds since day 1! Thanks Jillian. I will try to remember that when I am swearing at her:laugh:

    WOW I've gained 2 lbs AND 1.5" (all over)

    My body is apparently NOT impressed. ha ha
  • CRmom2
    CRmom2 Posts: 73
    Great to hear that everyone is doing so great!! Completed Day 5 today after mowing my very hilly yard for an hour and a half...think I am going to be one sore cookie in the AM!! Again I just felt the need to complete the workout today even though I probably didn't need to after the yard am I addicted! LOL I am really low in calorie consumtion but already a little over on carbs so I will need to find something to eat that is high in cals but not so high in carbs. Stretching longer is a leg saver that is for sure!
  • nelsonab
    nelsonab Posts: 34 Member
    Day 3, Level 1 done. I almost didn't do it, simply because I"ve been so sore today but I'm so glad I did. It seemed a little eaiser. Was able to do more of the cardio anyway. Legs weren't so weak afterwards. And thanks for the advice on the extra stetching. I did the additional quad stretches after it was over and I'm thinking it has already helped. I'm determined to do this for the 30 days and see the results.
  • sigsone
    sigsone Posts: 311 Member
    Level 1 Day 6 complete. feeling good and pushed even harder.:happy:
  • punk_mama
    punk_mama Posts: 93
    I think this is getting slightly better. This is the farthest I have gotten and I feel like I will finish the 30 days!! :happy:

    Ps don't look at the 2nd or 3rd levels it looks me.
    haha guess I will Be doing them in a few weeks!!
  • pepperedmoth
    pepperedmoth Posts: 37 Member
    So I finished Day 3 L1 today and now I have questions for y'all.

    1.) What size weights are you using? I only had canned tomatoes on Day 1, then I borrowed 2.5s for Day 2, then I went and bought myself some 5 s and used those today. Everyone else?

    2.) How far are you willing to modify moves for your own needs before you consider it cheating? My calves are super tight from running and really wan their rest days. Today they punished me during the jump rope by cramping HARD. I want to try and sub in other exercises (maybe from other levels?) on my dedicated 'rest the running muscles' days. Maybe the mountain climbers from Level 3? Does anyone else modify like this?
  • dustyhockeymom
    dustyhockeymom Posts: 537 Member
    Day 4 completed last night and I am feeling great today!! I did stretch for longer than she does in the video and my legs aren't sore at all today. With how late I did it last night (10:30 PM) I noticed I didn't have as much endurance as I had on other days and a few spots were a little rough to get through but I am so very proud of myself for getting through Day 4!! After not doing it on Saturday last night I just had to do was strange I felt like an addict were if I didn't get to do it I was going to lose my mind...LOL...use to be that way with cigarretes and all the junky just made me laugh last night. Happy to hear all of you have pushed through and kept going!! WE ROCK!! Plan on doing Day 5 today but probably won't be until the afternoon! Hope you all have a fabulous day!

    I know what you mean, I planned on taking today off because we have evening activities with my son, and then I got called into work early so I was at work at 3:00am. So after working a 12 hour day starting at 3, I figured no way, but I am sitting here on the couch half asleep trying to figure out if I can make myself do day 5. I know I shouldn't because I will be so tired, have bad form and get frustrated that I am not doing well. But part of me still wants to.
  • dustyhockeymom
    dustyhockeymom Posts: 537 Member
    Hopefully not too late to join you guys. I spontaneously decided Saturday afternoon I was going to take 20 minutes and start this. I've had the DVD for a couple of weeks, but I've been afraid to put it in. I got my 1 pound weights out and did it. Day 1 was ok felt like I kept up except the jumping jacks (they kill me). Sunday morning I got up and was a little sore, but after I did Day 2 in the afternoon my legs were so sore even to touch. Mainly my thighs. Today will be Day 3 for me. Doing it when I get home from work. I'm hoping to start doing mornings tomorrow. My SIL said she read that Jillian recommends two days off per week from working out. I thought this was suppose to go straight through the 30 days. For me, I'm afraid if I don't do it a day then I'll quit, so here's to seeing it through. Love your posts, glad to see everyone elses experience. BTW - I can barely walk today my thighs are so sore. My daughter told me I looked like a Momma robot.

    Jillian has said that she designed these so that you could do them everyday without taking a day off, but if you are very sore you should take a rest day.
  • dustyhockeymom
    dustyhockeymom Posts: 537 Member
    Day 3, Level 1 done. I almost didn't do it, simply because I"ve been so sore today but I'm so glad I did. It seemed a little eaiser. Was able to do more of the cardio anyway. Legs weren't so weak afterwards. And thanks for the advice on the extra stetching. I did the additional quad stretches after it was over and I'm thinking it has already helped. I'm determined to do this for the 30 days and see the results.

    Way to push through!
  • AussieGem
    AussieGem Posts: 96 Member
    Ok, I just joined this forum today and have been hearing a lot about the 30 Day Shred. Although a little relunctant due to all of the reviews stating that the workout will kick your butt, I will be getting the DVD this afternoon so beginning tomorrow... count me in!!

    Keep up the good work people!!!
  • princess_in_power
    princess_in_power Posts: 234 Member
    07/07/2011 D1L1
    07/08/2011 D2L1
    07/09/11 D3L1
    07/10/11 D4L1
    07/12/11 D5L1 TOM is thinking of visiting, so I missed yesterday (to exhausted & fatigued and found it very hard this morning)
    On a tiny up note, w/my 10lb kettle ball I was able to do all the side lunge w/raises! I also found out I prefer to spread as far as I can, it actually makes it easier
  • becka63
    becka63 Posts: 712 Member
    Did D5 today...yesterday I switched up from 2kg weights to 3kg ones...on most of the exercises!

    The ones I upped were:

    Squat and press (although on the 2nd time today I swapped back!)
    The back exercise one - dumb bell row?
    The chest fly

    I also did proper push ups (yeah!) and...despite my hatred and loathing...did all the anterior raises....well done on doing those with a 10lb kettlebell! That's amazing!

    I'm also finding that this time through, my HRM is only showing 210-220 kcals burned, whereas last time I did the shred, I was getting 250+ on L1! I guess (hope) that means I'm getting fitter!

    Keep up the good work people!
  • dustyhockeymom
    dustyhockeymom Posts: 537 Member
    Ok, I just joined this forum today and have been hearing a lot about the 30 Day Shred. Although a little relunctant due to all of the reviews stating that the workout will kick your butt, I will be getting the DVD this afternoon so beginning tomorrow... count me in!!

    Keep up the good work people!!!

    It does kick you butt, but I really feel it works. Good luck and feel free to join us.
  • dustyhockeymom
    dustyhockeymom Posts: 537 Member
    Did D5 today...yesterday I switched up from 2kg weights to 3kg ones...on most of the exercises!

    The ones I upped were:

    Squat and press (although on the 2nd time today I swapped back!)
    The back exercise one - dumb bell row?
    The chest fly

    I also did proper push ups (yeah!) and...despite my hatred and loathing...did all the anterior raises....well done on doing those with a 10lb kettlebell! That's amazing!

    I'm also finding that this time through, my HRM is only showing 210-220 kcals burned, whereas last time I did the shred, I was getting 250+ on L1! I guess (hope) that means I'm getting fitter!

    Keep up the good work people!

    Way to go! I could use a little heavier weights for a few too, but I don't have them so I will have to stick with 2 pounds for now. My burn is about the same as yours. I know it would be a little higher if I pushed it through the movements a little more. I am going to try to do regular pushups tomorrow. Thanks for the inspiration.
  • dustyhockeymom
    dustyhockeymom Posts: 537 Member
    I did day 5L1 this morning. After taking yesterday off, today was a little harder. I still really struggle with the cardio in the first circuit. It's not the jumping jacks but the jump rope. It always is the hardest move for me.

    Tomorrow I am going to try doing at least some of the pushups on my toes, and keep working on my form for the side lunges. As someone else said, I do find it easier if I spread my legs as wide as possible.

    Great job everyone!
  • BioQueen
    BioQueen Posts: 694 Member
    Woah man, today was day 2 for me on L1... and I am wiped haha! I have to go ride two horses later today and I hope I can get myself on let alone ride! I'm really excited to have started though, I am a college student and I am home for the summer working only half days, so I have no excuse not to be able to fit it in! Normally I try to run 4 days a week, but I think I am going to have to wait to do both the Shred and the running until my body accepts what JM is doing to it haha. My body is toast.

    Question - how long did it take you before you weren't super sore every day?

    P.S. - Squats and upward presses + side lunges and anterior raises make me a cry a little each time lol
  • CRmom2
    CRmom2 Posts: 73
    Woah man, today was day 2 for me on L1... and I am wiped haha! I have to go ride two horses later today and I hope I can get myself on let alone ride! I'm really excited to have started though, I am a college student and I am home for the summer working only half days, so I have no excuse not to be able to fit it in! Normally I try to run 4 days a week, but I think I am going to have to wait to do both the Shred and the running until my body accepts what JM is doing to it haha. My body is toast.

    Question - how long did it take you before you weren't super sore every day?

    P.S. - Squats and upward presses + side lunges and anterior raises make me a cry a little each time lol

    Be sure to stretch longer at the end than they do in the video it will help tons!
  • nelsonab
    nelsonab Posts: 34 Member
    Day 4, Level 1 Complete. It's getting a litte easier, but still brutal.
  • CRmom2
    CRmom2 Posts: 73
    Sad to say that I did not do day 6 knees were killing me from yesterday. I did do some cardio though on the treadmill for about 15 min with about 5 mins of some good stretching afterwards so I don't feel like a total lazy on the shred train tomorrow though! How did everyone elses day go? Did you get another day of Jillian under your belt?
  • hannahyareli
    hannahyareli Posts: 7 Member
    i completed day 6 of level 1. today was so bad, though i
    had entertainment from my two young nieces so
    it went by pretty fast and didn't feel any pain. they are counting down to
    the next level. :)
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