You are not just "weak" or "lazy". Food can be an ADDICTION.



  • Puppybear1
    Puppybear1 Posts: 35 Member
    Sugar is a drug. And just like alcoholics, some people have genetic predispositions for addiction, ie - diabetics. I have been preaching this topic for a week and fending off the shade I get for comparing sugar to drugs, but it IS a drug, or food companies wouldn't put it in practically everything! Kudos to the Enlightened!
  • Therealobi1
    Therealobi1 Posts: 3,262 Member
    Sloth2016 wrote: »
    RoxieDawn wrote: »
    I think they should ban junk food to avoid temptation

    I guess they should ban alcohol and cigarettes and internet and gambling and sex and anything people could possibly overdo while we are at it.

    Exactly. out of sight out of mind

    So basically make everything illegal? Um that wouldn't be practical or wise.

    Maybe we should go the debate thread isn't there a really long thread called "should junk food be taxed"?

    Actually I forgot to add if we can't ban it we should heavily tax it. They are talking about sugar tax here

    I dunno. All the California sales tax in the world still didn't save me from overindulging in German cars. :p

    Banning them is the only solution. Society must do without them because I cannot control myself in a Mercedes Benz dealership.

    I mean, what other solution could there possibly be, right? ;)

    Yes let's ban the benz. my other half won't be happy though
  • kbmh611
    kbmh611 Posts: 110 Member
    kbmh611 wrote: »
    Thank you! This is what I've tried saying on here many times. I hate when some people on here say "there is no bad food," "food shouldn't be vilified," "you can eat what you want in moderation so nothing should be off limits." Yeah...maybe for some people, but not all. If moderation, self control, and heathy eating habits were practiced by everyone there wouldn't be sooo many people very heavily overweight and on here looking for help. Everyone can have their opinions about food, but what I'm opposed to is the people posting on these boards who say these things and say them so matter-of-factly like anyone would be uneducated and ridiculous to think otherwise. As a fat person, let me share with you my mindset about why I deem some foods as bad. There are many things that I could not stop myself from eating only one or two of to stay under my daily calories. And I don't just want "a taste." Because for me there is no such thing. So for my diet I will avoid them all together or only have them as a treat once in a blue moon or I'll find a substitute. I don't feel like I'm refusing myself anything...before you give me that blah, blah excuse about how my diet will fail if I ban foods yadda, yadda. My dieting has been working fairly well so far and I don't feel deprived. I'm down 27 pounds since 4th of July. And I'm feeling good about it. So when people ask questions about the nutritional value or calories of one food over the other be mindful that they might not have the self control you have and don't consider every food an option for their dieting success.

    Just because some people cant eat food in moderation doesn't make the food bad. I can't eat biscuits in moderation but the biscuit isn't bad it's delicious

    Sorry, but you're missing my point. I'm saying that the food is bad in my mind because I can't eat it regularly or have as many as I want because it would tank my diet. I was explaining the mindset that supports some people deeming certain foods as bad. I would wager that there are many overweight people that operate with that same mindset. Again, not saying everybody.

  • Verity1111
    Verity1111 Posts: 3,309 Member
    Puppybear1 wrote: »
    Sugar is a drug. And just like alcoholics, some people have genetic predispositions for addiction, ie - diabetics. I have been preaching this topic for a week and fending off the shade I get for comparing sugar to drugs, but it IS a drug, or food companies wouldn't put it in practically everything! Kudos to the Enlightened!

  • Verity1111
    Verity1111 Posts: 3,309 Member
    edited October 2016
    FYI, rat studies don't always transfer to humans.

    The current standing on the addictive nature of sugar as a substance is still up in the air as far as science is concerned. Right now, as it stands, research on humans doesn't shows that there's not enough evidence to call it addictive.

    Furthermore, a review of all the research shows that a lot of the thinking was leaning more towards people like your 700 pound friend having what could be an addiction to eating itself, and that type of addiction would be a behavioral issue like gambling or sex.

    It should also be noted that in that review, very few people would qualify for this diagnosis. I'd also think that if a person is truly addicted to eating itself, the type of food wouldn't really matter. Pizza, donuts, or lentil soup... food would be food to them. I doubt that true eating addicts would be as morbidly obese as those you see on TLC shows, but they would still eat uncontrollably of whatever food they could get their hands on.

    And no because my 700lb friend doesnt have an addiction to salad or hot dogs. Addiction to fast food or certain foods not to all food. Most people are not addicted to things they dont enjoy in some way.
  • Verity1111
    Verity1111 Posts: 3,309 Member
    nvmomketo wrote: »
    I agree, OP. Some people lack empathy and live in their own egocentric little bubble where they can't, or won't, put themselves out to help others.

    I have alcoholic friends. I don't drink in front of them or serve wine if they are over. I try to not make it harder for them.

    I have a son who is allergic to tree nuts. I don't add them to baking and expect him to skip it because I wanted nuts.

    My in-laws are vegetarians. I don't make them eat my omnivorous low carb diet when they come over.

    I'm a celiac. My sister in law doesn't put the stuffing in the turkey at thanksgiving so I can still has some. She also checks with me on ingredients and lets me bring some desserts.

    I think you've basically got it right. People who make it harder for others either don't care, are oblivious, or are self centered.

    Yes. It is about being selfish and wanting everyone to live like you and work like you. Well, they don't, period. Some people do not have the ability to say no when the addictive substance or food is right in front of them for the taking, so they say no beforehand and politely ask you to keep it away. It's not difficult to keep it to your damn self.
  • Therealobi1
    Therealobi1 Posts: 3,262 Member
    kbmh611 wrote: »
    kbmh611 wrote: »
    Thank you! This is what I've tried saying on here many times. I hate when some people on here say "there is no bad food," "food shouldn't be vilified," "you can eat what you want in moderation so nothing should be off limits." Yeah...maybe for some people, but not all. If moderation, self control, and heathy eating habits were practiced by everyone there wouldn't be sooo many people very heavily overweight and on here looking for help. Everyone can have their opinions about food, but what I'm opposed to is the people posting on these boards who say these things and say them so matter-of-factly like anyone would be uneducated and ridiculous to think otherwise. As a fat person, let me share with you my mindset about why I deem some foods as bad. There are many things that I could not stop myself from eating only one or two of to stay under my daily calories. And I don't just want "a taste." Because for me there is no such thing. So for my diet I will avoid them all together or only have them as a treat once in a blue moon or I'll find a substitute. I don't feel like I'm refusing myself anything...before you give me that blah, blah excuse about how my diet will fail if I ban foods yadda, yadda. My dieting has been working fairly well so far and I don't feel deprived. I'm down 27 pounds since 4th of July. And I'm feeling good about it. So when people ask questions about the nutritional value or calories of one food over the other be mindful that they might not have the self control you have and don't consider every food an option for their dieting success.

    Just because some people cant eat food in moderation doesn't make the food bad. I can't eat biscuits in moderation but the biscuit isn't bad it's delicious

    Sorry, but you're missing my point. I'm saying that the food is bad in my mind because I can't eat it regularly or have as many as I want because it would tank my diet. I was explaining the mindset that supports some people deeming certain foods as bad. I would wager that there are many overweight people that operate with that same mindset. Again, not saying everybody.

    Lots of people of all sizes share that oppinion, the problem is sharing that mindset and when someone eats the said bad food and then thinks they are doomed. You see such posts all the time which is I why I don't think labelling food like that is helpful
  • Therealobi1
    Therealobi1 Posts: 3,262 Member
    RoxieDawn wrote: »
    zyxst wrote: »
    As someone with a drug addiction, I'm in for the lulz.

    And, as someone who has years of experience with what actual drugs can do to people first hand, as well as on a personal level...
    I get ya.

    Pass that popcorn. <3

    Whoever has control of the kettle popper, please keep the kettle going and I need extra butter. <3:)

    I think it's quite inappropriate in this post to eat popcorn
  • kbmh611
    kbmh611 Posts: 110 Member
    kbmh611 wrote: »
    Thank you! This is what I've tried saying on here many times. I hate when some people on here say "there is no bad food," "food shouldn't be vilified," "you can eat what you want in moderation so nothing should be off limits." Yeah...maybe for some people, but not all. If moderation, self control, and heathy eating habits were practiced by everyone there wouldn't be sooo many people very heavily overweight and on here looking for help. Everyone can have their opinions about food, but what I'm opposed to is the people posting on these boards who say these things and say them so matter-of-factly like anyone would be uneducated and ridiculous to think otherwise. As a fat person, let me share with you my mindset about why I deem some foods as bad. There are many things that I could not stop myself from eating only one or two of to stay under my daily calories. And I don't just want "a taste." Because for me there is no such thing. So for my diet I will avoid them all together or only have them as a treat once in a blue moon or I'll find a substitute. I don't feel like I'm refusing myself anything...before you give me that blah, blah excuse about how my diet will fail if I ban foods yadda, yadda. My dieting has been working fairly well so far and I don't feel deprived. I'm down 27 pounds since 4th of July. And I'm feeling good about it. So when people ask questions about the nutritional value or calories of one food over the other be mindful that they might not have the self control you have and don't consider every food an option for their dieting success.

    Just because some people cant eat food in moderation doesn't make the food bad. I can't eat biscuits in moderation but the biscuit isn't bad it's delicious

    Exactly. I binge on certain foods so I don't have them in my house but it's not the food that is bad it is my psychological mindset towards that food. I can't have food I binged on while anorexic in my house but I have recovered enough that if I eat it in a controlled situation where I can't binge on it I'm ok. It just reminds me of those difficult days in recovery.

    If you keep the food out of your house so you don't binge wouldn't the food be a "bad" choice for you then? I feel like we are saying the same thing, I just don't need to defend food as if it would be hurting its feelings by calling it bad. There are foods I feel good about eating while on a diet and foods that I know would obliterate my success if I let it in the house. Yes a chocolate cake is not evil but for me it is so it's a no no for me. In my mind that's bad, if you choose to use another word that's fine, but it honestly sounds like we are describing the same thing.