


  • jms88
    jms88 Posts: 49
    Ahh, fun!

    A Fact about me that always catches people by surprise is that I'm a huge Comic Book nerd. I've been reading Marvel comics since I was 6 years old, and I know way more about the X-Men 616 Universe (Wolverine's history in particular) than most people (men or women) I've met. I used to be the creator and owner of a comprehensive online database about Wolverine, called Wrathoftherunt.com, and was featured in Wizard Magazine for several years as a Subject Matter Expert.

    Nice! I dated an *uber* geek for two years. The kind that has way too many multi-sided dice? Yeah, like that. Well, in an effort to find common ground with him (he was practically allergic to the outdoors and sweating), I learned how to paint pewter figurines, play Diablo, and caught up with the Wheel of Time fantasy book series.
  • kathyhull
    kathyhull Posts: 327 Member
    My mom made me take ballet when I was younger. I'm actually pretty good at it.

    When I was a child, my ballet teacher politely asked my mother to please remove me from the class and not bring me back because I was such a klutz! And now Zumba is one of my favorite things - HAH!
  • Windress
    Windress Posts: 22
    Ahh, fun!

    A Fact about me that always catches people by surprise is that I'm a huge Comic Book nerd. I've been reading Marvel comics since I was 6 years old, and I know way more about the X-Men 616 Universe (Wolverine's history in particular) than most people (men or women) I've met. I used to be the creator and owner of a comprehensive online database about Wolverine, called Wrathoftherunt.com, and was featured in Wizard Magazine for several years as a Subject Matter Expert.

    Nice! I dated an *uber* geek for two years. The kind that has way too many multi-sided dice? Yeah, like that. Well, in an effort to find common ground with him (he was practically allergic to the outdoors and sweating), I learned how to paint pewter figurines, play Diablo, and caught up with the Wheel of Time fantasy book series.

    High Five to a Fellow Robert Jordan reader!!
  • _beachgirl_
    _beachgirl_ Posts: 3,865 Member
    that I carry a picture of my mom in my wallet!

    a big, brown man that loves mom? how is it that you're single! :wink:
  • aliciadjackson
    aliciadjackson Posts: 480 Member
    I was supposed to be born brain dead or in a vegetative state.. the doctors tried to convince my mom to abort me.. clearly she didn't and they were wrong.. I was born perfectly healthy.
  • sunkisses
    sunkisses Posts: 2,365 Member
    I've never had a mani-pedi in my life. Ever. It's only surprising because I'm not THAT much of a tom-boy, and I'm 33!!
  • LoveleeB
    LoveleeB Posts: 560 Member
    I had Meningitis when I was 6... lost hearing in my left ear for about a week but it ended up coming back completely.
  • JEK717
    JEK717 Posts: 1,497
    I love rap music and i talk like i am black...or so many of my friends have said.

    I can write with both hands.

    I have a ton of scars.

    Not girly in any way.
  • anu_6986
    anu_6986 Posts: 702 Member
    I can watch a video game when someone else is playing it...
    i am from south India, and I talk Hindi really well(which is spoken mostly in Northern India). No one ever thinks I am from South India unless I tell them, or speak in one of the Southern Indian languages(which I know two of).
    I can read 4 languages and write 3.
  • juscallmeb
    juscallmeb Posts: 369 Member
    I wanted to be a ballerina ever since I was litte, took dance classes since the age of 3...- still want to be a ballerina (maybe next lifetime) :)
    I absolutely love taking pictures...
    I'm actually a computer geek which I am proud of
    I hate soda
    I wanted to be a podiatrist when I was younger. LOL that didn't happen.

    i'm sure there is more.. but that's it for now..
    great topic :)
  • TinaRodina
    TinaRodina Posts: 110 Member
    I've never had a mani-pedi in my life. Ever. It's only surprising because I'm not THAT much of a tom-boy, and I'm 33!!

    I never have either
  • TinaRodina
    TinaRodina Posts: 110 Member
    A lot of people are shocked that I can't have caffeine
    I'm partially lactose intolerant
    And I have texture issues

    So you could say I'm a picky eater
  • lustyrusty
    lustyrusty Posts: 46
    When i was a kid I once told the Prime Minister of GB that he was boring...

    And I broke a press cordon to take a photo of Olivia Newton John

    And I can read the tarot!
  • sunkisses
    sunkisses Posts: 2,365 Member
    I'm not an introvert or anti-social, but I prefer to be left alone most of the time. I enjoy my own company.
  • juscallmeb
    juscallmeb Posts: 369 Member
    I love my alone time. :) I enjoy my company too!

    I don't have much self confidence and i've always had a bad self image of myself.
    BEERRUNNER Posts: 3,049 Member
    I have a dislike for ghettoness................even though I grew up in the hood!
  • kapeluza
    kapeluza Posts: 3,434 Member
    I played basketball for 6 years in middle/highschool and I am only 5'0".
  • mytwobabies
    mytwobabies Posts: 113 Member
    I hate sliced loaf bread. HATE IT. Even more so I hate soggy bread, just talking about it makes me gag to the point I will throw up.
    I am terrified when I am alone, day or night.
    I love swing dancing and am good at it.
    I strongly beleive all other drivers are terrible, they scare me. My own driving is fine. lol
    BEERRUNNER Posts: 3,049 Member
    I Love Blind Melon!!!
  • sunkisses
    sunkisses Posts: 2,365 Member
    I compost. This is unexpected for most people because a) I'm not the a-typical person who you'd think composts and b) I live in a townhouse in the suburbs. I don't even have a yard, just a cement courtyard. So I...pretty much make my own dirt.