Fit For Future Families - July 2011



  • ElizabethRN59
    ElizabethRN59 Posts: 168 Member
    Welcome Mindy! I'm sorry for your loss... This is a great place for support and friends to help motivate you. =)

    Welcome Jessica!! This is an amazing place for support and motivation!

    @ ashley: thanks for the input! it seems like the more we talk about it, the more comfortable we are becoming with it all... Excited to finally get started with some treatment though at this point...

    @sdavisneill: I will for sure keep you posted on the "process"! I have no problem sharing... If my journey can help one person understand a little of what they are about to go through, its worth it all! Thats why we have chose to do the trial- b/c the results could impact decisions with med's used i the future with other women...

    @godblessourhome: good luck with the testing! wishing the wait goes fast for you... Baby dust! =)

    @Jalara: congrats on the loss! way to go!!!! And i am for sure game for the sharing pic's idea!! :happy:

    @ ashley and Jalara: robatussin?!?

    AFM: DH and i spoke with the MD yesterday and are officially in the trial! WAiting to get more info as the when we can start... (MD told us probably in august!!!) So in the mean time, we are trying to "BD" in the mean time to and pray we get lucky :tongue: In the mean time, more weight loss and i will keep you all posted as we started the trial... =)
  • abeare
    abeare Posts: 504 Member
    Phshhnet, that book does sound interesting, although I don’t actually have PCOS I’ve been following a low GI/GL diet anyway. I chose to do this because I quickly realized after logging my foods regularly that sugar and mostly carbs were my weekness (love my bread!). I didn’t know about the protein and fiber thing, although I’ve been trying to up those for other reasons its good to hear that what I’m trying to do (as Pam said, some things we know to do but our cravings get the best of us).
    Best of luck with the morning workouts!

    Godblessourhome, the 2WW sucks! All you can do is take it a day at a time, and as hard as this is to do, but try to relax. I usually take this time to pay attention to what I’m eating and working out, this way I still feel like I’m working towards something even though the thing I want most is completely out of my hands. Good luck and fingers are crossed for you!

    Jalara, WTG on the weight loss! Oh and I love your idea about the pictures, when I get a chance tonight I’ll try to find a picture of my goal weight (me not all that many years ago) and the picture that stopped me in my tracks giving me no choice but to realize just how much weight I gained.

    Pam, it’s normal to crave at this point, just try to remember that its not forever, but that your weight loss will be! Stay strong, history shows us that you’re capable of this!

    Elizabeth, the IUI really isn’t scary at all, I know all of us would love for this to happen naturally, but sometimes our bodies just need a little encouragement. If ever you need a frame of reference for the procedures you’re about to embark upon or just need encouragement, we’re all here!
    Oh and the Robitussin thing confused me too the first time I heard it mentioned. Here’s a link to an article, but you can basically google Robitussin/fertility and have tons show up.

    AFM, last night wasn’t a good night, I was so tired and overwhelmed with all the stuff that needed to get done (finish unpacking, laundry from trip, groceries, make lunches and supper, etc…) that I just had a PB&J sandwich and went to bed early. Sadly it wasn’t enough because I didn’t want to get up and out of bed this morning! Hopefully my workout class today will energize me.
  • sdavisneill
    sdavisneill Posts: 115 Member
    Jalara, great idea about the pics! I particularly like the one about our inspirations. I'll start looking tonight too.
    Phshhnet, great job with starting the before work workouts! I just can't get that motivated early in the day!
    Elizabeth, fingers crossed for you! Starting in August would be awesome!
    Ashley, thanks for the link about Robitussin. I had the same question!

    Happy Tuesday Everyone!!!
  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,599 Member
    Good morning!
    So today I took the bus downtown to apply for my passport, and then I walked the 11 kms home! In the rain, no less! I'msore already but super proud of myself!

    I'm glad you like the ideas :)
  • ElizabethRN59
    ElizabethRN59 Posts: 168 Member
    @abeare: thanks for the robatussin info! i had never heard of that before! and thanks for the input! I am so glad to have found this board and so many new friends! the support is so beneficial!
  • abeare
    abeare Posts: 504 Member
    Good morning!
    So today I took the bus downtown to apply for my passport, and then I walked the 11 kms home! In the rain, no less! I'msore already but super proud of myself!

    I'm glad you like the ideas :)

  • abeare
    abeare Posts: 504 Member
    Going with the theme of pictures, here's an actress that has the same pear shape as i do and would LOVE to be her size:


    Alexis Bledel is 5'5 110lbs and has mesurements of 32-22-35

    I wish!
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,064 Member
    So clinic called and we're officially starting the process as of August 2. Blah....I know, I know...I should be happy it's finally starting, but I know it's going to be a cycle and a half before we implant.....I'm set to start AF within about the next week or two. I think it'll be too late to work with that cycle, which mean we're waiting until end of August for C1 and end of Sept for C2 and then until mid-October for implantation!!!! GRRRR I want to cry :( Seriously. They told me May should be a good starting time, and now I'm looking at October. I pushed off flying to spend time with my Gran in England because I was hoping to be pregnant :( At this point, we've planned the rest of vacation around our 10th anniversary. I would have totally taken that week 2 weeks ago and applied it to end of July had I known.

    I'm so discouraged.

    BTW, do like the idea of inspirational ppl...will have to think about it. I don't usually compare, etc. so it'll take me some time....
  • jessimacar
    jessimacar Posts: 291
    Hello! I've been on this site for a while, but recently my fiance and I have decided to start trying for a baby. I would love to be part of this group and discussion!

    A little about me:
    My name is Jessica. I'll be 23 in August. I am only in my second month of trying, and only 5 or so days before menstruation, so I'll be finding out soon if I'm gonna be a mommy. I don't feel it though, I've always assumed I'd have a gut feeling about it once I was pregnant.. Anyway, I've lost 40lbs so far, and weigh 175.9 at the moment. I'm 5'3" so I'm very close to crossing that imaginary line between obese and overweight :) Hopefully that helps. I am currently unemployed, but my amazing fiance makes enough to support us until I find something or until after baby comes, whichever comes first.

    I haven't read all the posts yet, but I'm looking forward to getting to know other future parents who are going through similar journeys and can relate and pass on their best advice :)
  • BronzeLady
    BronzeLady Posts: 13
    Mindy - So sorry for your loss! I hope this board is very supportive for you.

    Jessica - Hope your dreams come true soon, baby and weight loss!

    fitterpam - So cool, you start soon. I know it sucks to have to wait so long. I guess maybe you can look at it as more time to get in even better shape between now and then? I don't know, it's the 'silver lining' thing, but if it were me I'd still be disappointed about the waiting, too, so I totally get that part of it.

    Jalara - glad you got that great exercise in.

    AFMyself - I started P90X last night. Cannot believe how HUNGRY it makes you. I've been trying to keep up on the water intake and everything with it and making sure I get all those food groups the meal plan says you have to have. The only great thing is that I'm so busy trying to get in all the food it says you should get I literally don't have any wiggle room left for junk food.

    And btw, I got on an unreliable scale a few days ago, lol! Even though it is always 'over' I was 'under' what I usually am on it and so I suspect I've lost a pound or two since my last weigh-in. If that's the case, I've busted through this weeks long plateau finally. I'll find up tomorrow morning when I go over to my SIL's house and weigh myself at her house. (I can't keep a scale in my house, it leads to bad things for me.)
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,064 Member
    Here`s my photo. It`s not so much because I want to look like her, but watching her show always makes me want to get up and get active......she has some great action scenes in Covert Affairs

    Piper Perabo: 5 foot 7 inches (32-24-34)
  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,599 Member
    Pam - great choice! I love her (and her name, and Covert Affairs).

    Bronze - good luck with P90X! You are one brave woman! I'm so scared of that stuff - I can't even tough out 30 Day Shred. And I know what you mean about the scale - I'm on mine 2 - 3 times per day!
  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,599 Member
    abeare - I'm a big fan of Gilmore Girls and I adore her!

    So overall I love Holly Marie Combs. She's 5ft2 (I'm 5ft1) and she has a realistic body and dresses much the same way I do. I'm a huge Charmed fan and every time I watch one of the DVDs I sit back and think 'Wow, she's a totally realistic woman.'

    Unfortunately, it took me awhile to find pics of her that weren't altered - being that Charmed was the hot-girl show for quite a number of years all of the pics are pretty retouched.

    hmc6.jpghmc5.jpghmc4.jpghmc3.jpghmc2.jpg [img][/img Also, when I need extra inspiration - I'm a huge fan of Princess Kate![/img]
  • sdavisneill
    sdavisneill Posts: 115 Member
    My main thing that inspires me is gorgeous women with curves. I've always thought that Sherilyn Fenn (from the 90s show Twin Peaks) is just so striking and has always been one of my favorite actresses. I also think Jennifer Love Hewitt knows how to work her curves.


    I also want to be a little more in shape so I can rock 50s pin-up/rock-a-billy style fashions. Think legendary pin-up Bettie Page or Mad Men actress Christina Hendricks:


    And Jalara, I totally agree with you about Holly Marie Combs being a real woman! Not only is she beautiful and a great actress, but I believe she was a key writer and producer on that show as well. A woman with smarts is always sexy!!

    This is so fun!!
  • pixieofdoom
    pixieofdoom Posts: 356 Member
    hey all. I am having technical issues at the moment so not able to be around much. Just wanted you all to know that I'm thinking of you

  • abeare
    abeare Posts: 504 Member
    Jalara, I love that you picked her! She is the same size (height & all) that I was when I was at my best weight (of course at the time I thought I could loose a few pounds). I’ve also been told I looked like her, but I think it’s just because of our size and that I have long straight brown hair. Oh, and I’m a huge GG fan too, can you tell!
  • Hi, I would love to join this group. I am 31 years old, my husband and I are actively TTC our first baby. This is cycle #4. I am also trying to lose approximately 30 lbs. I'm excited to get healthy. I'm very happy I found this group, and am looking forward to chatting with you ladies!
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,064 Member
    Steph - great choice....She really does know how to rock those curves, doesn't she?

    Pixie - hope the technical issues get fixed soon :)

    Midge & Jessi - Welcome!!!!

    AFM: I'm in 2WW hell!!! This is ridiculous!!! The chances of it happening like this for us is much less than 0%, it's about a 1 in 800,000 chance, but my stupid brain is telling me that it still is possible.....With my inlaws in town we didn't have a lot of BDing going on (I'm deathly paranoid that they could hear...made my hubs jump up and down on the bed and sat in their room to see if I could hear anything....LOL) at the right time....So here I am CD32 getting all tense that this "could" be the time....Hubs has his 6 month follow up after surgery last fall tomorrow. Not to mention the nausea I've had every day for the last 4 days (pretty sure I've had low blood sugar at those points)......If I am I'll be thrilled, but I am not holding out hope (actually that's exactly what I'm doing even though this is technically cycle #150 or something for us......
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,064 Member
    I was just checking up on some old faces (not OLD,but get what I mean)....wanted to make sure I hadn't missed any news. Has anyone seen Kim around???? Maybe she's dancing her heart out!!! :)
  • ElizabethRN59
    ElizabethRN59 Posts: 168 Member
    Welcome midge and jessica!! Baby dust being sent your way!

    I am still trying to find my inspirational person... but as soon as i do, i will def. post some pics!

    BTW- LOVE LOVE LOVED gilmore girls!
    and i agree about holly marie combs... def a real woman!!
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