November No Cheat Challenge



  • calomeni85
    calomeni85 Posts: 35 Member
    I feel like I'm always starting over. So here I go again. I'm in! Hey all!
  • DoreenAdair1
    DoreenAdair1 Posts: 2 Member
    edited November 2016
    I am in for November. How do I join
  • Lipstick_n_lunges
    Lipstick_n_lunges Posts: 1,201 Member
    calomeni85 wrote: »
    I feel like I'm always starting over. So here I go again. I'm in! Hey all!
    Set a small goal, set yours to get 3 workouts in a week for November
  • Lipstick_n_lunges
    Lipstick_n_lunges Posts: 1,201 Member
    I am in for November. How do I join

    Set personal goals for November, or use mine and post in here your struggles and success so we can support you!
  • mmmpizza2016
    mmmpizza2016 Posts: 4 Member
    edited November 2016
    Hi everyone I'd love to join too!! I'd love to get the nerve to run outside and run consistently. And stay around 1500 calories. Except for my birthday. All bets are off that day :)
  • I think another goal I will make myself in order to be more accountable is to make a post every day. I keep meaning to journal etc and then never do.
  • ktfranke
    ktfranke Posts: 217 Member
    Today is the day everybody! Crush it!!!
  • Lipstick_n_lunges
    Lipstick_n_lunges Posts: 1,201 Member
    Hi everyone I'd love to join too!! I'd love to get the nerve to run outside and run consistently. And stay around 1500 calories. Except for my birthday. All bets are off that day :)

    Yahoo!!! Birthday cake is always a must!
  • Lipstick_n_lunges
    Lipstick_n_lunges Posts: 1,201 Member
    I think another goal I will make myself in order to be more accountable is to make a post every day. I keep meaning to journal etc and then never do.

    I'll be looking for you!
  • Lipstick_n_lunges
    Lipstick_n_lunges Posts: 1,201 Member
    ktfranke wrote: »
    Today is the day everybody! Crush it!!!

    Already got my 90 minutes of gymtherapy in
  • sllm1
    sllm1 Posts: 2,130 Member
    This is perfect. I have been maintaining for two months (unintentionally), because I go over here and there. I have only five pounds left to lose, and I'd love to actually finish the job before I maintain.

    I will hit my calorie goals each day this month, with a maintenance day on Thanksgiving.

    I will get in four workouts per week.
  • jbowens78
    jbowens78 Posts: 4 Member
    I'm in! :) Track food, workout at least 4x per week. 2 cheat days at Tgiving (thanks for that great idea!)
  • strongkater
    strongkater Posts: 53 Member
    calomeni85 wrote: »
    I feel like I'm always starting over. So here I go again. I'm in! Hey all!

    You haven't failed unless you quit trying!!!! We got this.
  • strongkater
    strongkater Posts: 53 Member
    Lunch! Wasa crackers, 1 tbs blue cheese dip, tomato, cucumber, salt and pepper! Yum! (Sometimes I sub goat cheese for the dip and avocado for the cucumber )
  • littlebritttfit
    littlebritttfit Posts: 72 Member
    how's everyone doing today!? i'm just checkin in... so far, so good! i don't think i previously stated, so i want to now... my goals are to continue to workout 5-6 days a week and maintain a lowcarb diet. ALSO, i want to pack my own lunch every single work day this month! i very rarely eat out anyways... maybe 2-3 times a month... but, it's so hard for me to stick to my diet when i eat out... i always end up cheating at least a little. and since this is no cheat november... it just cannot happen! lastly, my daily step goal is set to 12k on my fitbit... i want to EXCEED that every day! that's all for now. :) i hope everyone is having a beautiful first of november!
  • mmmpizza2016
    mmmpizza2016 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi everyone! First day nearly over here hope everyone is doing well :)

    So I've been good with food (~1600). I went out for a walk this evening thinking 'it's dark, no one will notice me'... but there was a group of teens hanging around laughing everytime I went past (have to do a loop of the village so 4 times round=5km).

    I didn't manage to run but I did do the 5k walk so I think I'll focus on the diet. I know I know I'm a wuss!!!

  • jules159
    jules159 Posts: 567 Member
    I'm in!! I just want to continue to eat in the way I have (with the exception of the little things I snack on and never track!!). So no cheating means NO CHEATING. If I eat it, I track it. Also to keep running 3 days a week, Zumba 2 days a week and weights 3 days a week. Also to get all of my water in every day!!
  • candiinprogress
    candiinprogress Posts: 7,883 Member
    My first day is going well :)
  • Lipstick_n_lunges
    Lipstick_n_lunges Posts: 1,201 Member
    sllm1 wrote: »
    This is perfect. I have been maintaining for two months (unintentionally), because I go over here and there. I have only five pounds left to lose, and I'd love to actually finish the job before I maintain.

    I will hit my calorie goals each day this month, with a maintenance day on Thanksgiving.

    I will get in four workouts per week.

    Awesome!!! Welcome to the team!