True Confessions - Don't Judge



  • Timshel_
    Timshel_ Posts: 22,834 Member
    I confess that I am using this app/site not to get healthy but because I want to be hot enough to find myself attractive. When I look in the mirror I think I am beautiful and I love my body but I don't feel attracted to myself as much anymore. I tell myself that is a good reason because at least I am doing it for myself. :/

    We all have some of that.
    I feel ya.

    FWIW, looking good in the profile pic.
  • Grammytryingtogetfit
    I confess I drink beer every night, and it fits in my goals:)
  • RavenLibra
    RavenLibra Posts: 1,737 Member
    I believe it is okay to be selfish, to want more for yourself, to want more OF yourself, that it is okay to check yourself out in any reflective surface you find as you walk, wander, stroll... YOU are only going to find someone worth it IF you think YOU are worth it... YOU will only DO what you need to do to get you where you want to be IF you think that reflection is worth all the sweat, anger, angst, frustration... BUT the caveat is and always will be... be careful about what you ask for because there is always going to be a trade off... Here's an example...

    what woman here would love to be dating a fireman? fitness level off the charts, brave, strong, the trade off? shift work... how many days will you be living without him, how many calls a day will you be worried about him? ... and how many years before an insidious disease finishes him from all the toxicity he is exposed to every time he heads to work?

    Carpe Diem... IF you don't start today if you have NOT started yet? what are you waiting for? Are Ya'll aware that the earth was just missed (cosmically speaking) by another asteroid? when is too late too late? our lives are such fleeting and fragile constructs... it is simply amazing that people drop in here to express to complete strangers things they dare not share with the people they love... when by the very nature of love should we NOT trust those we love with those deep dark feelings above what a stranger might think?

    Sometimes we get lost in ourselves, and end up wondering what the people we love think about us.. instead of simply finding that person... taking their hand looking them in the eye and asking...or telling... or just reconnecting. So...

    I confess that for everyone here I wish they would spend an hour today... thinking about someone they love... and WHY... then draft an email, or a real letter to that person... your husband, your wife, your mom, dad, sister, brother, children... put it in an envelope and seal it... address it to you and tuck it away...

    Love is NOT something we wait to receive... it is something we try to give every day... do that... and the person you see in that reflection will never feel lonely...and will never feel guilty about being just a little selfish.

  • salembambi
    salembambi Posts: 5,585 Member
    I confess that all I've eaten so far today is a bunch of chocolate covered almonds...
  • OhMyGodAreAllUsernamesTaken
    Timshel_ wrote: »
    I confess that I am using this app/site not to get healthy but because I want to be hot enough to find myself attractive. When I look in the mirror I think I am beautiful and I love my body but I don't feel attracted to myself as much anymore. I tell myself that is a good reason because at least I am doing it for myself. :/

    We all have some of that.
    I feel ya.

    FWIW, looking good in the profile pic.
    Thanks :)
  • cee134
    cee134 Posts: 33,711 Member
  • synchkat
    synchkat Posts: 37,368 Member
    J_Surita3 wrote: »
    RavenLibra wrote: »
    I believe it is okay to be selfish, to want more for yourself, to want more OF yourself, that it is okay to check yourself out in any reflective surface you find as you walk, wander, stroll... YOU are only going to find someone worth it IF you think YOU are worth it... YOU will only DO what you need to do to get you where you want to be IF you think that reflection is worth all the sweat, anger, angst, frustration... BUT the caveat is and always will be... be careful about what you ask for because there is always going to be a trade off... Here's an example...

    what woman here would love to be dating a fireman? fitness level off the charts, brave, strong, the trade off? shift work... how many days will you be living without him, how many calls a day will you be worried about him? ... and how many years before an insidious disease finishes him from all the toxicity he is exposed to every time he heads to work?

    Carpe Diem... IF you don't start today if you have NOT started yet? what are you waiting for? Are Ya'll aware that the earth was just missed (cosmically speaking) by another asteroid? when is too late too late? our lives are such fleeting and fragile constructs... it is simply amazing that people drop in here to express to complete strangers things they dare not share with the people they love... when by the very nature of love should we NOT trust those we love with those deep dark feelings above what a stranger might think?

    Sometimes we get lost in ourselves, and end up wondering what the people we love think about us.. instead of simply finding that person... taking their hand looking them in the eye and asking...or telling... or just reconnecting. So...

    I confess that for everyone here I wish they would spend an hour today... thinking about someone they love... and WHY... then draft an email, or a real letter to that person... your husband, your wife, your mom, dad, sister, brother, children... put it in an envelope and seal it... address it to you and tuck it away...

    Love is NOT something we wait to receive... it is something we try to give every day... do that... and the person you see in that reflection will never feel lonely...and will never feel guilty about being just a little selfish.

    I confess this is way too long. I just can't. Cliff notes?

    I was going to confess I don't read ping posts cause they make my eyes cross

    I will confess I like Halloween because people in our neighbourhood use it as an excuse to drink
  • synchkat
    synchkat Posts: 37,368 Member
    I'm eating tortilla chips. I'm not hungry and they're making me feel kinda barfy but I'm eating them cause I want pizza
  • macmicky
    macmicky Posts: 92 Member
    I confess on every driving test I was over the limit
  • vilenski193
    vilenski193 Posts: 49 Member
    I confess to reading all your confessions and it making me feel better about myself !!
  • vilenski193
    vilenski193 Posts: 49 Member
    I guess I should also confess I'm eating a bag of chips while I'm reading it ;)
  • RunHardBeStrong
    RunHardBeStrong Posts: 33,069 Member
    I confess I don't want this to sound like a boo hoo woe is me confession because we all go through hard times. But I'm feeling not too good about myself and where I am in life so I confess I'm giving up for a little while. Im going to eat the candy and I'm still gonna work out but I'm giving up having any goals. Because I can't help but think "what for". This will pass but it is my confession for now.

    Hugs my friend, we all have these moments. It shall pass!
  • DeficitDuchess
    DeficitDuchess Posts: 3,099 Member
    edited November 2016
    I confess I don't want this to sound like a boo hoo woe is me confession because we all go through hard times. But I'm feeling not too good about myself and where I am in life so I confess I'm giving up for a little while. Im going to eat the candy and I'm still gonna work out but I'm giving up having any goals. Because I can't help but think "what for". This will pass but it is my confession for now.

    ((((((((((HUGS))))))))))! I confess that I do want this to sound like a boo hoo woe is me confession because we all go through hard times & we all have a necessity, as social beings; to vent. You're a glorious woman, whom always tries to help other's; with their difficulties here but it's also okay for you, to deal with your own hardships here as well! <3
  • cee134
    cee134 Posts: 33,711 Member
    I confess I don't want this to sound like a boo hoo woe is me confession because we all go through hard times. But I'm feeling not too good about myself and where I am in life so I confess I'm giving up for a little while. Im going to eat the candy and I'm still gonna work out but I'm giving up having any goals. Because I can't help but think "what for". This will pass but it is my confession for now.

    I often feel like this. It's discipline (for bettering myself and not ending up with health problems I can avoid if I work at it) and my super awesome martial arts skills that get me through these days/weeks/months. :)

  • mikaylaellendysart
    i confess that i am struggling from bullimia