Welcome to Debate Club! Please be aware that this is a space for respectful debate, and that your ideas will be challenged here. Please remember to critique the argument, not the author.

Provide Your Sources



  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    AnvilHead wrote: »
    ryry_ wrote: »
    newmeadow wrote: »
    ryry_ wrote: »
    I'm just here to feel superior to my peers.

    But do your peers review studies? Because apparently that's really important in these parts. Gotta hang with the right crowd.

    If by review, you mean 'uses google to find the first result with a title that confirms their beliefs', then yes

    You're my neighbor, aren't you?

    Even though this is the "Debate" forum, honestly I think we take all this w a a a a a y too seriously.

    ry and anvil, you'll remember HWSNBN and the insane thousands of pages we spent arguing with him over stuff. There were a couple people who made it their life mission to argue with him and that was just as nutty IMO. I mean he was so "out there" that no one (and by no one, I mean I didn't) really believed him after the 1,000th thread and yet it took up day after day, thread after thread.

    No. I'm not over it. :lol: FWP

    Oh Lawd....STAHP! You might conjure him up again by mentioning it!

    I'm a little worried since helloitsDan is back. Typing IPOARM may have been the nail in that coffin. I'm sure HWSNBN has his yahoosearch set to alert him. :(

    Whelp, time to party like it's 2011 I guess.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,121 Member
    AnvilHead wrote: »
    ryry_ wrote: »
    newmeadow wrote: »
    ryry_ wrote: »
    I'm just here to feel superior to my peers.

    But do your peers review studies? Because apparently that's really important in these parts. Gotta hang with the right crowd.

    If by review, you mean 'uses google to find the first result with a title that confirms their beliefs', then yes

    You're my neighbor, aren't you?

    Even though this is the "Debate" forum, honestly I think we take all this w a a a a a y too seriously.

    ry and anvil, you'll remember HWSNBN and the insane thousands of pages we spent arguing with him over stuff. There were a couple people who made it their life mission to argue with him and that was just as nutty IMO. I mean he was so "out there" that no one (and by no one, I mean I didn't) really believed him after the 1,000th thread and yet it took up day after day, thread after thread.

    No. I'm not over it. :lol: FWP

    Oh Lawd....STAHP! You might conjure him up again by mentioning it!

    I'm a little worried since helloitsDan is back. Typing IPOARM may have been the nail in that coffin. I'm sure HWSNBN has his yahoosearch set to alert him. :(

    Whelp, time to party like it's 2011 I guess.

    Bite your adorable tongue. :wink:
  • AnvilHead
    AnvilHead Posts: 18,344 Member
    AnvilHead wrote: »
    ryry_ wrote: »
    newmeadow wrote: »
    ryry_ wrote: »
    I'm just here to feel superior to my peers.

    But do your peers review studies? Because apparently that's really important in these parts. Gotta hang with the right crowd.

    If by review, you mean 'uses google to find the first result with a title that confirms their beliefs', then yes

    You're my neighbor, aren't you?

    Even though this is the "Debate" forum, honestly I think we take all this w a a a a a y too seriously.

    ry and anvil, you'll remember HWSNBN and the insane thousands of pages we spent arguing with him over stuff. There were a couple people who made it their life mission to argue with him and that was just as nutty IMO. I mean he was so "out there" that no one (and by no one, I mean I didn't) really believed him after the 1,000th thread and yet it took up day after day, thread after thread.

    No. I'm not over it. :lol: FWP

    Oh Lawd....STAHP! You might conjure him up again by mentioning it!

    I'm a little worried since helloitsDan is back. Typing IPOARM may have been the nail in that coffin. I'm sure HWSNBN has his yahoosearch set to alert him. :(

    Whelp, time to party like it's 2011 I guess.

    Wait, that's not how the song went!
  • ryry_
    ryry_ Posts: 4,966 Member
    AnvilHead wrote: »
    ryry_ wrote: »
    newmeadow wrote: »
    ryry_ wrote: »
    I'm just here to feel superior to my peers.

    But do your peers review studies? Because apparently that's really important in these parts. Gotta hang with the right crowd.

    If by review, you mean 'uses google to find the first result with a title that confirms their beliefs', then yes

    You're my neighbor, aren't you?

    Even though this is the "Debate" forum, honestly I think we take all this w a a a a a y too seriously.

    ry and anvil, you'll remember HWSNBN and the insane thousands of pages we spent arguing with him over stuff. There were a couple people who made it their life mission to argue with him and that was just as nutty IMO. I mean he was so "out there" that no one (and by no one, I mean I didn't) really believed him after the 1,000th thread and yet it took up day after day, thread after thread.

    No. I'm not over it. :lol: FWP

    Oh Lawd....STAHP! You might conjure him up again by mentioning it!

    I'm reddy for a challenge that will bring me out of retirement like the old gunslinger I am.
  • magicpickles
    magicpickles Posts: 286 Member
    I think one of the problems with providing your sources is, you don't always know where you got your information from. I have done a lot of reading on thousands of topics and have lots of snippets of information about a million things. I can feel like it is right, but not know the original source or place I found it. Is the solution to look for a new source to back up what you are saying or to just keep your mouth shut?

    Because sometimes peoples experiences or things they have read can be helpful. But I can see what you are saying with the whole flooding the world with nonsense.

    Although, something I find upsetting about the mfp forums is that its hard to find health information, like some people on here act like all calories are equal and I don't think thats true... maybe for weightloss, but not for health. Sometimes I want to know what things will benefit my health the most, and if some things are beneficial or just woo.
  • nutmegoreo
    nutmegoreo Posts: 15,532 Member
    I think one of the problems with providing your sources is, you don't always know where you got your information from. I have done a lot of reading on thousands of topics and have lots of snippets of information about a million things. I can feel like it is right, but not know the original source or place I found it. Is the solution to look for a new source to back up what you are saying or to just keep your mouth shut?

    Because sometimes peoples experiences or things they have read can be helpful. But I can see what you are saying with the whole flooding the world with nonsense.

    Although, something I find upsetting about the mfp forums is that its hard to find health information, like some people on here act like all calories are equal and I don't think thats true... maybe for weightloss, but not for health. Sometimes I want to know what things will benefit my health the most, and if some things are beneficial or just woo.

    This exemplifies the point though. There is a ton of information out there. Misinformation, and information that has been misconstrued to keep people confused. The more common of these is the media spin extrapolating studies beyond their actual findings and beyond what they can actually tell us. There are several resources that are better to use than others. Many websites look like they are legitimate, but when you look more closely, their bias shows. It is difficult to find good sources of data, but learning to question these things as you go along will help you in deciding.

    The people I know who say a calorie is a calorie for weight loss, will also agree that with regards to nutrition, it is more complicated than that. The problem is that individual foods are not better or worse than others. You need to look at the entire diet. I can have ice cream tonight, and that could be a good choice, depending on how the rest of my day went. Likewise, choosing between pizza and burgers (a more recent discussion). It will depend on what else you are consuming, if it fits your goals, and if it will satisfy you. A calorie is a calorie is the only thing that matters for weight loss alone. If you are looking at health, it is much more complex.
  • mommarnurse
    mommarnurse Posts: 515 Member
    Aaron_K123 wrote: »
    If we did that we would have higher standards than modern journalism does.

    & presidential debates
  • nutmegoreo
    nutmegoreo Posts: 15,532 Member
    Aaron_K123 wrote: »
    If we did that we would have higher standards than modern journalism does.

    & presidential debates

  • AnvilHead
    AnvilHead Posts: 18,344 Member
    ryry_ wrote: »
    AnvilHead wrote: »
    ryry_ wrote: »
    newmeadow wrote: »
    ryry_ wrote: »
    I'm just here to feel superior to my peers.

    But do your peers review studies? Because apparently that's really important in these parts. Gotta hang with the right crowd.

    If by review, you mean 'uses google to find the first result with a title that confirms their beliefs', then yes

    You're my neighbor, aren't you?

    Even though this is the "Debate" forum, honestly I think we take all this w a a a a a y too seriously.

    ry and anvil, you'll remember HWSNBN and the insane thousands of pages we spent arguing with him over stuff. There were a couple people who made it their life mission to argue with him and that was just as nutty IMO. I mean he was so "out there" that no one (and by no one, I mean I didn't) really believed him after the 1,000th thread and yet it took up day after day, thread after thread.

    No. I'm not over it. :lol: FWP

    Oh Lawd....STAHP! You might conjure him up again by mentioning it!

    I'm reddy for a challenge that will bring me out of retirement like the old gunslinger I am.

    Nicely played. That one may have been even worse than HWSNBN.
  • ryry_
    ryry_ Posts: 4,966 Member
    AnvilHead wrote: »
    ryry_ wrote: »
    AnvilHead wrote: »
    ryry_ wrote: »
    newmeadow wrote: »
    ryry_ wrote: »
    I'm just here to feel superior to my peers.

    But do your peers review studies? Because apparently that's really important in these parts. Gotta hang with the right crowd.

    If by review, you mean 'uses google to find the first result with a title that confirms their beliefs', then yes

    You're my neighbor, aren't you?

    Even though this is the "Debate" forum, honestly I think we take all this w a a a a a y too seriously.

    ry and anvil, you'll remember HWSNBN and the insane thousands of pages we spent arguing with him over stuff. There were a couple people who made it their life mission to argue with him and that was just as nutty IMO. I mean he was so "out there" that no one (and by no one, I mean I didn't) really believed him after the 1,000th thread and yet it took up day after day, thread after thread.

    No. I'm not over it. :lol: FWP

    Oh Lawd....STAHP! You might conjure him up again by mentioning it!

    I'm reddy for a challenge that will bring me out of retirement like the old gunslinger I am.

    Nicely played. That one may have been even worse than HWSNBN.

    Really? Who is that?
  • AnvilHead
    AnvilHead Posts: 18,344 Member
    ryry_ wrote: »
    AnvilHead wrote: »
    ryry_ wrote: »
    AnvilHead wrote: »
    ryry_ wrote: »
    newmeadow wrote: »
    ryry_ wrote: »
    I'm just here to feel superior to my peers.

    But do your peers review studies? Because apparently that's really important in these parts. Gotta hang with the right crowd.

    If by review, you mean 'uses google to find the first result with a title that confirms their beliefs', then yes

    You're my neighbor, aren't you?

    Even though this is the "Debate" forum, honestly I think we take all this w a a a a a y too seriously.

    ry and anvil, you'll remember HWSNBN and the insane thousands of pages we spent arguing with him over stuff. There were a couple people who made it their life mission to argue with him and that was just as nutty IMO. I mean he was so "out there" that no one (and by no one, I mean I didn't) really believed him after the 1,000th thread and yet it took up day after day, thread after thread.

    No. I'm not over it. :lol: FWP

    Oh Lawd....STAHP! You might conjure him up again by mentioning it!

    I'm reddy for a challenge that will bring me out of retirement like the old gunslinger I am.

    Nicely played. That one may have been even worse than HWSNBN.

    Really? Who is that?

    Think of 'pooh' and a number after it.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    Come on guys.. don't go down that crap hole.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,121 Member
    I was just making the point that when posters make wild claims, they can sometimes take those wild claims on a ride that most of us would be wise to step off. In regards to the OP, some posters with a tenuous grasp on reality will make up all kinds of stuff, and then try to link "sources" that aren't even sources, and then go on to argue forEVER. There is no reason to make this forum a source of anger or contention in life.

    Instead of getting all upset and arguing for eleventyseven pages - just step off the ride.

    With that said, I await my warning.

  • not_my_first_rodeo
    not_my_first_rodeo Posts: 311 Member
    laur357 wrote: »
    Critically evaluating information while you research is important, yet many people take everything they read at face value. Gathering haphazard lists of citations isn't enough, nor is picking and choosing to sway an argument. Teach yourself to evaluate literature and the websites you pull info from - this is an asset especially if you are researching outside of your field of study and don't have a firm grasp on the entirety of what is being presented. It's not foolproof, but it's a good way to help zone in on reputable resources.

    Tips for evaluating information resources:



    -Your friendly medical librarian :)

    *waves hello* I'm a medical librarian too :)

    Some other suggestions:
    • is my source trying to sell me something? (e.g. fee-based weight loss program)
    • is my source the actual study or an interpretation of the study published in a magazine, paper, online site?
    • is the actual study funded by a group or entity looking to bias results?

    If it's the second one, I suggest looking in the article for author names, affiliations, title of the journal, and then going over to PubMed Citation Matcher and trying to locate it. Or to Google Scholar if it's not indexed in PubMed.
  • Need2Exerc1se
    Need2Exerc1se Posts: 13,575 Member
    mph323 wrote: »
    jjpptt2 wrote: »
    FWIW, I read to learn, not so I can prove a point on some message board. I don't bookmark studies, articles, etc, so I rarely have sources at the ready if my thoughts don't fit all nice and tidy with what others think.

    That's really OK as long as you're not presenting your opinion as scientific fact. Most of the discussions on the message boards are informal - this is the debate forum so here you would be expected to back up what you say.

    "I read somewhere that" (copied from OP) is hardly presenting an opinion as scientific fact. It's not even really presenting an opinion. It's just sharing something you read.
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    edited November 2016
    I could understand "citing ones sources" if i was a member of an Academic forum full of scientists and teachers.. But I'm not and nor am i back at school :wink:

    Sure there are studies that prove and disprove just about everything, but just because a study says such and such is safe does not mean that it is safe for everyone and some people dont experience negative side effects when ingesting said substance, for example.

    I much prefer to read about peoples individual experiences and thoughts. Sure, there are some far out and just plain stupid advice and personal accounts posted here, but anyone with a modicum of common sense can pretty easily sift through the BS. We're all adults here, and we must all learn from personal experience as well as our mistakes.

    Just because a study says it's so, doesnt make it so for every individual on the planet.
  • not_my_first_rodeo
    not_my_first_rodeo Posts: 311 Member
    I could understand "citing ones sources" if i was a member of an Academic forum full of scientists and teachers.. But I'm not and nor am i am back at school :wink:

    Sure there are studies that prove and disprove just about everything, but just because a study says such and such is safe does not mean that it is safe for everyone and some people dont experience negative side effects when ingesting said substance, for example.

    I much prefer to read about peoples individual experiences and thoughts. Sure, there are some far out and just plain stupid advice and personal accounts posted here, but anyone with a modicum of common sense can pretty easily sift through the BS. We're all adults here, and we must all learn from personal experience as well as our mistakes.

    Just because a study says it's so, doesnt make it so for every individual on the planet.

    I think the point is that someone saying "I read this thing uh somewhere"and presenting that as scientific evidence is not necessarily valid.
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    I could understand "citing ones sources" if i was a member of an Academic forum full of scientists and teachers.. But I'm not and nor am i am back at school :wink:

    Sure there are studies that prove and disprove just about everything, but just because a study says such and such is safe does not mean that it is safe for everyone and some people dont experience negative side effects when ingesting said substance, for example.

    I much prefer to read about peoples individual experiences and thoughts. Sure, there are some far out and just plain stupid advice and personal accounts posted here, but anyone with a modicum of common sense can pretty easily sift through the BS. We're all adults here, and we must all learn from personal experience as well as our mistakes.

    Just because a study says it's so, doesnt make it so for every individual on the planet.

    I think the point is that someone saying "I read this thing uh somewhere"and presenting that as scientific evidence is not necessarily valid.

    I don't read many posts prefaced with "This scientific journal proves my theory". The majority are borne from peoples personal experiences and what they read on the google machine. Sure if someone says they came to their conclusion from reading a study, then ask where they read it and move on. Don't ridicule them for 10 pages and keep repeating "the onus is on you" blah blah blah
    I'm not anyone's Mother on here, and forcing them to prove to me they're not lying or they are making something up, like i used to do with my children comes across a tad obnoxious imo. The pièce de résistance is "I'm calling you out for the lurkers who may be reading this" as if it is their God given moral duty to educate the masses :huh: